Go Out With A Bang! (12 page)

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Authors: Gary Weston

Tags: #terrorists thrillers action thrillers special forces, #terrorists plots, #terrorists attack

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Chapter 35

thousand people had left the stadium having enjoyed a good game. A
few did scratch their heads at the number of fire appliances and
ambulances outside; decided it must be some kind of training
exercise and left for home. Hancock and his men, relying on the
message from Ferret being accurate, did a thorough check of the
stadium, declaring an hour later there were no

At the
Darlington factory, Tiffin gave relieved owners similar news. 'The
only explosives have already been set off. Some damage, nothing

'I think
we've aged ten years,' said David Davenport.

Davenport said, 'Will you be able to catch them?'

'We have
our Scene of Crime Team inside now. They'll find the electronic
trigger and maybe also something we can use. If there's the
slightest trace of evidence remaining we'll be making the most of

Davenport smiled for the first time in twenty four hours. 'If I had
any money, I'd make a safe bet you'll find nothing.'

Carter was leading his team out of the factory. He was carrying
three small plastic bags.

Andersen said.

'Useless. We'll go through the motions, but we got

you,' said Davenport. 'I'd better go lock up the factory. We
wouldn't want anyone breaking in now, would we?'

sighed and shook his head. 'Nope. I guess not.'


Chapter 36


Chief,' said Andersen. 'No explosives at the stadium, anywhere. A
small charge was used at the factory and damaged a window. Just to
make us think the stadium was rigged. Clever.'

clues to their whereabouts I suppose?'

shrugged. 'Not unless Sandra or Ferret decide to turn up and
enlighten us. Any guesses what they're up to?'

that makes sense. But one thing bothers me. If Sandra and Ferret
know where the gang is, why haven't they turned them

'Sandra's not police.'

'No. But
Ferret is. Those two are up to something.'

said, 'Oh, yeah. I'm just glad they're on our side.'

* * *

Sefton hugged Poppy. 'They're hero's. Both of them.'

cracked the case,' said Poppy. 'So why isn't Fred home?'

sipped his beer, wondering the same thing. 'The only thing I can
think is that this isn't their main case. They solved it because
they could. It isn't what they're really working on.'

said, 'What could be bigger than that?'

'I've no
idea,' said Bernie. 'They are safe for the time being. Let's hang
on to that.'


Chapter 37

was stretched out on the bed in one of the mansion's guest rooms.
Built at the end of the Victorian era, ceilings were high, and
embellished with ornate plasterwork in a floral design. The walls
had been wallpapered in a silver grey which blended sympathetically
with the room. This had been and was still a much loved family
home. She wondered briefly how Steve's and Frank's parents would
view the latest venture of their offspring. Not favourably, she

standing at the foot of the bed, said, 'Tell me you don't trust

'I don't
trust them. There. Feel better?'

'Not a
whole lot. I just want to go home. I should at least send Poppy an

We talked about that. You more than anyone knows we need to stay
out of cyberspace. For the time being at least. That was pretty
reckless, by the way, what you put on that scoreboard.'

couldn't resist it. It's a pretty remote chance of us being traced
by me doing that or even sending a one off email to Poppy. Even I'd
struggle to do that.'

'This is
too big for even remote chances. I've been on this case for over
four months. I've been to five other countries, narrowing things
down. We need to focus and if we have even the slightest worry
about our family, we won't be able to do that. It won't be for much
longer, Fred. We have a lot to do tomorrow. Go to

going. You don't think those blokes will kill me in the

grinned. 'Hopefully not.'

I still think you are putting a lot of faith in a bunch of men with
criminal tendencies.'

aren't natural criminals. This was their one and only job. They had
an idea and we went and scuppered it for them. Not only that, they
know they can't get out the country. I think that once we explain
what this is all about, they'll actually want to help

see. We're going to need all the help we can get. Steve's the one
the others will follow. If he's on side, the others will be,

pouted. 'Didn't you see the way he looked at me? He's just a man. I
can control him. Besides.'


'I think
he's cute. Goodnight, Ferret.'

Chapter 38

add good cook to your list of abilities.'

Telford smiled and flipped the eggs. 'I'm nothing flash. You're up

said, 'I was hoping for a quiet chat with you before the others get


'Like a
log. Nice place.'

family inheritance. Mine and Frank's parents. They left no money,
just this house. They died when the train they were on ploughed
into a caravan on a crossings. That was a couple of years ago. I
live here permanently. To the others it's a place for holiday
weekends, family functions, a place for the boys, or even the girls
to let their hair down. I suspect you know all that.'

'Most of
it. Why didn't you sell the place?'

considered it. Its been in the family for four generations. That
and the state of the economy doesn't make it a good time to sell. I
must admit, it's perfect for me. Three acres surrounded by farms. I
have heaps of outbuildings for my helicopter and the crop spraying
gear I use. It would be a nightmare to find somewhere as
convenient. When Camila died, I sold up and put the money into my
business. Sandra. Being crooks isn't our full time job. We all have
families. Careers. This was a one off caper, all about security for
us and our kids. Well. Not my Kids. I never had any.'

were happily married, though.'

died four years ago. I've been a lonely bachelor ever since. The
odd girlfriend. Nothing serious.'

'I see.
Who came up with the idea of the crime?'

chuckled as he set two plates on the kitchen table. 'Blokes. What
can I say? We were here to have a weekend away from the women.
Barbecues, beer and the world cup on the television. Not sure who
came up with it first. My nephew Hank, I think. He watches too many
action films on television.'

watch it.'

not missing much. There'd been some botched up armoured car robbery
on the news. Complete idiots. The plan, if you could call it that,
was destined to fail. A guard died for nothing. We said how we
would have done the job. As you pointed out, we all have skills to
bring to the table. All except guns. None of us have anything to do
with those. The ones we did use we controlled carefully so we
wouldn't hurt anyone. We never fired them if anyone was too close.
Frank with his explosives was a fairly obvious choice. One thing
led to another, and the rest as they say, is history.'

almost feel apologetic about stopping you. Almost.'

'Are you
a cop?'

exactly. I'm freelance. Let's just say I love my country and will
do all I can to protect it.'

pushed his plate away. 'My family and I are no threat to our

'I know
that. We were almost tempted to let you just get on with it. But
you were putting certain friends of ours in potentially dangerous
situations. You were three seconds off killing four of them.
Couldn't let you keep doing that.'

looked embarrassed. 'We had no idea anyone had gone inside the
building. We thought it was empty.'

good men almost lost their lives. I'd have no hesitation in taking
all of you out had you done that.'

sorry, Sandra. It was sheer bloody luck we didn't kill them. No
more, I promise.'

glared at him. 'I wouldn't let you. Maybe this is a way for you all
to atone for your actions. Balance the ledger. We saw you all had
talents and ability. We can make use of that.'

nodded. He studied Sandra's face. He liked what he saw. 'For our

That and your freedom. Mark my words. Anything happens to us, you
will go down.'

I'm not going to hurt you. I think you are looking to me to
persuade the others to help you. Would that be correct?'

listen to you.'

got up and poured fresh coffee from the percolator. 'I need to be
convinced. We'll have a proper meeting; you tell us what you have
in mind. If I think we should be involved, I'll put my weight
behind your proposal.'

sipped her coffee thoughtfully. 'That's fair and reasonable. I look
forward to it. I'll go and drag Ferret out of bed.'


Chapter 39

hours later, the meeting was convened. The sumptuous lounge was the
informal venue. The brothers sat side by side on one of the
settees. Sandra would never have picked them for brothers. Steve,
although the eldest by three years, didn't look his age. His hair
was a thatch of dark blond waves. His blue eyes had a sparkle to
them, and he looked as if her were always smiling.

his stockier brother, had almost black hair sprinkled with grey,
which was thinning in places. Perhaps it had been his suspicions of
the unexpected guests that gave his face a serious expression, his
brown eyes staring coldly them, his thin lips turned down in a
scowl. Sandra could tell he was going to be hard work. Steve kicked
the meeting off.

'Okay. I
promised Sandra and her partner a fair hearing. I have no idea what
this is all about, so we'll just listen and talk it over. Sandra.
The floor is yours.'

you, Steve. I realise Ferret and I have the advantage over all of
you. We know quite a lot about all of you; you know very little
about the two of us. Sorry. It has to stay that way.'

Andrews didn't like that. 'All a bit one sided, isn't

To operate, I have to fly under the radar. Anonymity has kept me
alive for many years. I hope to serve my country for a few years

said Hank, still unsure.

said Sandra. 'For over four months, I've been to many places. A
contact gave me word of something very big going down. I needed the
help of a specialist expert. This is where Ferret comes into the

said, 'Is that really your name? Ferret?'

smiled. 'It'll have to do.'

said, 'I think we should cut to the chase. Sandra?'

'Thanks. On the coffee table
there is a notepad. On that pad I wrote a name.
is what we are up against.

picked up the pad and whistled. 'But this joker is dead. Hell.
There was even a film made about it.' He showed the name to the
others and there was a collective sharp intake of

'One of his several decoys
very much alive. He's used the fact that the West thought
he was dead so he could plot against us. Now he's

said, 'I won't insult you by asking if you are sure. But come on,
Sandra. The CIA will be on his case. Can't they handle

are of the opinion they already did. Of course I have passed on my
information to a contact in the CIA. It didn't go down too well.
They are still sure he is dead. Ferret?'

did do a brief check into it. In the meantime, he has been planning
his revenge. This involves like minded people in four other
countries. We know their target.'

asked, 'Which is?'

said, 'Turn the page on the pad.'

turned the page, looked at it, then Sandra. He showed the

said, 'That's his target?'

'Yes. I
don't have to spell it out. If you are the men I think you are,
you'll help us. If not, say so now, Ferret and I will just go and
do what we can between us.'

'This is
huge, Sandra,' said Steve.

'I don't
do small,' said Sandra.'

threw the pad on the table. 'Right, you lot. This is where I stand
on this. Sandra has made it abundantly clear how close we came to
killing people. Thank God we didn't because I couldn't have lived
with myself if we had. This is a way for us to put things right, so
I'm in.' He looked at the others. 'This could be interesting. Okay.
are we all in?'

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