29 However, the answer to some of these questions may constitute scientific evidence for the input of an external intelligence – a matter that I pursue in some detail in God’s Undertaker , see e.g. p. 11.
40 See, for instance, Robin Collins’ contribution in Bernard Carr (ed.), Universe or Multiverse? , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, chapter 26.
41 For an accessible account of the relationship of this statement to the “Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy” see Phil Dowe, Galileo, Darwin and Hawking , Grand Rapids, Wm B. Eerdmans, 2005, pp. 160ff.
96 Op. cit. p. 154. The reader interested in pursuing (the considerable) philosophical and scientific debate on the status of the laws of nature is encouraged to look at the relevant sections of McGrath’s work.