Gods (2 page)

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Authors: Ednah Walters

BOOK: Gods
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The snowflakes on top of Hel’s Hall glistened like diamonds in the afternoon light. For three weeks, the weather had been colder than usual; then the sun had burst from behind the clouds yesterday just as Celestia had come out of her trance. I didn’t call her my star for nothing.

I came in sharply without worrying about sliding or spraying snow when I landed. My clothes shrunk and adjusted with the shift from dragon to human, my boots snapping into place before I stepped on the snow. I hated it when I shifted too late and ended up with snow inside my boots.

“I wish I was a shifter like you.”

I hadn’t noticed Einmyria standing by the small door near my old changing room. Her white pants and coat blended with the snow. “Why?”

“So I can leave the hall whenever I want. There’s nothing to do here.” She pouted. I ruffled her hair, and she swatted my hand away. “Don’t do that! I’m not a child.”

“Then stop whining like one.” She might have just turned seventeen, but she acted like a brat. I continued toward my quarters. I didn’t need the changing room anymore. Maera had recreated pants and shirts similar to the warrior suit my grandfather had sent me before I rescued Einmyria. They were all black and gold, and very versatile. “Go hang out with Trudy.”

“She doesn’t like me. Every time I try to talk to her, she looks right through me. I tried to tell Dad about her, but he said Trudy is the goddess’ handmaiden. What’s so important about that? Her father ferries evil souls to their torture chambers, and her mother is just a maid.”

“Trudy is a powerful Seeress, and one of the three who will announce the exact moment of Ragnarok.”

Einmyria rolled her eyes. “So?”

“So that’s important to everyone, including Mom.” She clammed up. “And what did Mom say?” I asked, opening a portal to the rotunda.

“I didn’t ask,” she whispered, glancing at the guards.

I’ve noticed she avoided being alone with Mother. “You can’t still be afraid of her, Einmyria.”

“Anne Marie,” she corrected.

“It’s been three weeks. Sit down and talk to her.” She was lucky Mother hadn’t tried to throw her in the dungeon to toughen her up. “Get to know her.”

“She just stares at me as though waiting for me to say or do something stupid. Can I come with you when you go to see Celestia?”

I stopped outside my door. “No. Mother said you should stay put. Go to the gym.”

“The reapers stare. Please, can’t I come with you? This place is like a prison.”

I sighed. “I’ll talk to Mother, but I can’t promise anything.”

“Thank you.” She reached up and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Ask her at breakfast.” She skipped away while I stared after her. She needed to find something to do. The whining was driving me crazy. Father had mentioned getting her a tutor. She knew nothing about other realms or the gods.

I disappeared inside the room and peeled off the vest and shirt from my clammy skin and pulled off my boots. I might like the convenience of the clothes, but they were basically sweat clothes when indoors, unlike my original suit that adjusted with the temperature. But I kept it for special occasions. I looked at my watch. I was running late.

I hit the showers.

There was a brief knock on my bathroom door a few minutes later. The door opened a fraction and Einmyria yelled, “Aren’t you done yet?”

“No! Shut the damn door.” What in Hel’s Mist was wrong with her? The shower had no covering and she could have seen me naked.

“Hurry up. Do you want me to pick out your clothes?”

“No. I can pick my own damn clothes. Get out!” She had never entered my quarters before, except to visit Celestia. This new habit of waltzing into my quarters uninvited started after I took Celestia home. Now I had to lock my damn door in my own home.

When I left the bathroom, Einmyria was gone. I changed and headed to my parents’ dining room. It was now the family room where we ate and had annoying little meetings. The others were already seated.

“Morning.” I planted a kiss on Mother’s cheek and received a pat in return. “Looking lovely this morning, Mom.”


I lowered my head to whisper to Einmyria, “You enter my quarters again without my permission, and I’ll lock you in the dungeons.”

“What’s the problem?” Mother asked.

“Nothing,” I said, squeezing Father’s shoulder before taking my seat.

“He hates me,” Einmyria said. “He just threatened to lock me in the dungeons.” Mother didn’t comment, her expression unreadable. Father chuckled.

“He would never do that.” Father reached out and gripped her hand. The two had clicked from the first day and were inseparable. “And he doesn’t hate you. Eirik worked very hard to find you and bring you home. You and I will go over the plans for the pool after this. We should have everything ready by the end of the week.”

“Thanks, Litr.” The Dwarf had placed a plate piled high with waffles, eggs, and bacon in front of me. “What pool?”

“Dad is building me a swimming pool.”

I frowned. “Where?”

“In the east wing guest quarters,” Father said. “We are modifying the furthest rooms.”

“That’s nice. Celestia is scared of water. I could teach her how to swim whenever she’s here. Help her get over her fear.”

“See? I told you it was a wonderful idea and you shot it down.” Was she talking to me? This was the first time I was hearing about the pool. “Excuse me, Dwarf,” she called and smiled at Litr. “May I have more eggs and bacon, please?” Litr went to serve her.

“His name is Litr,” I corrected her. “L. I. T. R.”

“You see how mean he is?” Einmyria said.

I ignored her and finished my breakfast. She and Father discussed what else to add around the pool, while Mother ate and listened without participating. I couldn’t tell whether she approved or not. She’d been quiet and withdrawn the last couple of weeks, sitting by Celestia whenever she could.

I got up. “Are you coming with me, Anne Marie?”

“It’s Einmyria, silly. And no, I’m not going anywhere. There’s so much to do today. I’m shadowing Dad.”

Half the time she didn’t make sense. She was so weird, saying one thing, and then pretending she hadn’t.

“Walk with me, Eirik.” Mom got up and took my arm. Her eyes met Father’s. “I’ll see you later,
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. Einmyria, find me when you are done with your pool plans.” She didn’t speak until we were in the rotunda. “How is she doing?”

I knew she meant Celestia. “Well. She woke up like she hadn’t been in a coma for weeks. Maera’s nasty green herbal concoction actually worked.”

She slapped my arm. “Don’t make fun of Maera’s herbs. It was the only thing that calmed my stomach when I was pregnant with you. Bring her home for a visit. I have gotten used to talking to her.”

“Why? Because she didn’t talk back?”

She chuckled. “Possibly.”

Her chuckles had become so rare lately it was nice to hear it. “I’ll tell her you miss her.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. I just want to talk.”

“You have Einmyria if you want someone to talk to.”

“I do, don’t I? Why can’t she be more like you? You have fire. Stamina. You have the best of your father and me in you. She is…” Mother sighed. “Now, back to business. When are you meeting with the Norns? You keep changing your mind and they are not happy.”

“There was no way I was meeting with them while Celestia was lost in the astral plane. Now, I want a week or two to teach her about runes. Tell them we’ll have two meetings. The first one here and the second one in Nornsgard.”

Mother’s eyes narrowed, the runes on her face whipping fast. I’ve come to associate that with agitation. “Nornsgard? Why?”

“They are powerful because everything about them is shrouded in mystery. No one knows anything about them except the fact that they control destinies and recycle babies’ souls. What if they are like the Wizard of Oz.”

“Who is this wizard?”

I grinned. “Fictional character and a fraud. I need to learn about them, Mother, and knowing the location of their hall is a good place to start. The Witches in
know about them and what they do, so they are exposed and vulnerable over there, but that’s not enough. How do they control destinies? I want to know everything.” I kissed her temple. “Stop worrying. I got this.”

She shook her head, a smile tugging the corners of her lips. “Your cockiness will be the death of me.”

“Yeah, right. You know you love me just the way I am.” I hugged her. She lifted one of her hands hesitantly and patted my back. It was the closest thing to a hug she’d ever given me, so that was progress. “I hope you are giving Einmyria a chance to know you.”

“She is weak and whiny,” Mother snapped.

I leaned back and peered at her. “She’s in a strange land, and just discovered a family she never knew she had. Go easy on her.”

“What are you saying? I can’t throw her in the dungeon?” she asked with a poker face. I laughed.

“Good one.” She frowned. “That was a joke, right?”

“No, I’m serious. It might stop her whining. Just because she doesn’t do it in my presence doesn’t mean I don’t know about it.”

“Be nice. And no dungeons while I’m gone.”

“Bring Celestia home, Eirik. She and I need to talk.”

Warning bells went off in my head. “About?”

“What do you think? I’m concerned about her and want to know how she’s doing. She’s an interesting girl, very entertaining. Do you know she stuck her tongue out at me once? And she and Trudy have the funniest arguments. I eavesdrop on them sometimes.”

“You spy on them?”

“Call it whatever you like. I would not have allowed her to stay here if I hadn’t done that. Bring her home to visit. Now what?” Her focus had shifted to something behind me. “I knew they’d stop ignoring each other one of these days and talk about the past, but not with their fists. Idiots.”

I turned and followed her gaze. Two figures seemed intent on killing each other by the gates. I adjusted my sight, shifting to dragon vision. I recognized Echo right away. “What past?”

“They are both Druids. One runs hot and the other cold, but deep down they are the same. Dedicated. Spiritual. Bubbling with emotions. Take care of them.”

Mother had them pegged. Rhys was the calm one while Echo was the hothead.
“What?” I whipped around to see my mother heading back into the hallway leading to our quarters. “Did you just ask me to take care of them?”

“Yes, Eirik. Make them sit down and talk things over. I’m finally at peace, and I don’t need two of my people at each other’s throats.” Then she was gone.

Great! I was supposed to be going to see Celestia, not stopping two Druids from killing each other. Daiku and Ranger were on my tail when I left the hall. Using hyper speed, I headed to where Rhys and Echo were pounding each other. Instead of stopping them, I let them duke it out and get it out of their system.

I stood on the side and watched. Not bad, they had interesting techniques. Both had their strengths and weaknesses, but they were furious, snarling and grunting with each hit. It was a good thing they were in Helheim. On Earth, they’d be leaving dents and cracks on the ice and ground.

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