Going for Gold (An Olympic Medal Romance Book 1) (5 page)

Read Going for Gold (An Olympic Medal Romance Book 1) Online

Authors: L.V. Lewis

Tags: #Friends to Lovers, #Sports Romance, #Gold Medal, #New Adult, #Olympics, #Pole-Vaulting, #Multicultural Romance

BOOK: Going for Gold (An Olympic Medal Romance Book 1)
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What she had on was considered modest compared to what some girls wore to baile funk. She had moments where she felt beautiful like anyone else, but she was so unsure of how she would come off dressed up in an outfit she wasn’t used to wearing.

Her pacing habit was back in full force as she waited. Sitting still was never a virtue of hers, and her mother had told her so. It may not have been calming to those around her, but it kept her from feeling like she’d go mad when she had to wait for something or someone.

She was cursing herself for even listening to Louisa when she saw Gunnar. The sun was beginning to set past the building, and the golden glow that highlighted him made him seem like some foreign deity come to steal her off in the night. A loose, buttoned-up shirt hung around him and opened at the top, showing off part of his tanned chest. His khaki pants only added to his tall height, even with him being a few feet away from her.

The heat in his eyes as he approached made her go still. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking, even though she knew him better than anyone, but he seemed to like what she had on.

Gunnar’s eyes traveled over her repeatedly. “Damn, you’re gorgeous,” he said, a slow smile forming to make him even more radiant.

“Thank you.” She brushed her hands down her dress, clearing wrinkles that weren’t there.

His finger lifted her chin up so she had to meet those eyes that made her feel so small and unsure of herself.

“I mean it,” he said. “You’re absolutely beautiful. Don’t ever forget it.” He leaned into her and captured her lips with his.

The first time he’d kissed her, he had taken her by complete surprise. This she saw coming and still wanted it more than anything else.

His lips were soft and warm, and she leaned against him so she could get closer. Her hands landed on his firm chest and explored the strong muscles that rested under her fingers.

A groan left him and the sound vibrated through her body. She didn’t mistake the need that pooled in her center and left an ache that only he could fill.

Mia never wanted him to stop kissing her. The way he filled her with so much want and raw passion was new to her. She’d been with a boy when she was in high school before she even knew who Gunnar was, but that experience was nothing compared to what she felt with Gunnar in that moment.

Her eyes were still closed when he pulled away. His hands rested on her waist, and she was grateful for the support, because she wasn’t sure if she could stand well on her own.

“So where are you stealing me off to tonight?” he asked.

When she opened her eyes, she caught the sparkle that glowed in the twilight. His kiss had instilled her with confidence, and she felt sexy being around him.

“Are you sure you can handle experiencing some real Brazilian culture?” she teased. Her fingers played over his arms. There were no soft parts of his body, and she found herself wondering how hard everything else on him felt.

“Is that a challenge, Mia? Because you should know I always win.” The tone in his voice held hidden promises that he could deliver on.

“I don’t doubt it, but where we’re going may not be the type of fun you’re used to.” She liked how it felt to be the one in control, testing him just enough to see how he would react. He didn’t disappoint.

“I’m up for anything you want to throw at me. Besides, I have a sexy local to guide me.” He brushed the back of his hand against her cheek.

She surprised him this time by pulling him down for another kiss, holding him by his open collar. When she was around him, she didn’t feel like herself, but she decided to let her emotions guide her. Tonight was all about living, and Rio was full of life to fill their night.

When she moved away from him, she caught the faraway stare he had and felt proud at her little conquering moment.

“Better keep up,” she said and took off running toward the party. It was a little difficult to move in the dress.

She didn’t need to look back to see if he followed. His steps were always in her ears along with his laughter. 

African-infused beats echoed off the buildings, and the gathering of people increased as they moved closer to it.

Mia stopped on a side street before going into the largest part of the crowd. She heard Gunnar panting and felt a small accomplishment at being able to make him sweat a little.

“Why did you stop?” he asked.

“Listen to it,” she said.

“To what?”

“Everything. The music. The people. It all makes up the heart of Brazil.” She closed her eyes and found the color in the music that she grew up on. Music was one of the things she loved most about her country. Now, in her body-hugging dress and with Gunnar so close to her, she lifted every worry she had and allowed each beat to carry it away.

She felt Gunnar approach her from behind. His arms wrapped around her, and that’s when she swayed with the rhythm of the music that filled the air.

With him so close, she was aware of every part of him. Every muscle moved with her and each breath he took echoed hers.

While she was lost in him and the music, that’s when she felt his excitement rising. The hardness of him pressed into her backside, and she let out a moan.

“I want you, Mia,” he whispered against her ear. “Want you so bad.”

His words nearly broke her apart. He wanted her, and she desired him more than anything she had ever wanted in her life.

The inner part of her still craved the chase.

She turned in his arms and placed her finger on his lips. “Then come and get me.”

When he leaned in for the kiss, she took off again.


She ran in the direction of Louisa’s place as she formed the plan in her head. The streets were packed with dancers, and she had to swerve and duck to avoid colliding with them. She made sure she could see Gunnar following.

There was a place she wanted to take him, but first she was going to have fun making him work to find her.

Chapter Five: Gunnar

unnar had an addiction, and Mia was his drug of choice. Her red dress wove in and out of view, but he kept up with her pace.

The woman knew how to surprise him. He’d confessed what he wanted, and she’d taken off.

He followed her through the large, dancing crowd until she turned around. They were in a small clearing, and bright-colored neon lights mixed with the warm streetlamp glow bounced off her skin.

She leaned into him until their bodies were molded together. Being so close to her was already making him hard, and he wanted nothing more than to explore every inch that was under that dress.

Her lips brushed his ear. “I hope athletes have good rhythm,” she said, “or you may not be able to keep up.”

“I think I’ve proved I can keep up,” he said. “Try me.”

She moved away from him, and he immediately wanted her close again. He watched as she lifted her arms above her head and swayed with the music.

Her hips entranced him as he watched them move in sync with the rest of her.

When she turned away from him, he could see how the dress molded to her figure and over the roundness of her ass.

A man near them whistled his approval, and Gunnar could feel the edges of jealousy stir in him. If anyone had hands on her, it would be him and no one else.

He stalked her like a predator, closed the distance between them with a vengeance, and turned her around until she was up against him.

His lips rolled over her bottom one before he took the offering her mouth provided. She tasted tropical and exotic, like a rare fruit he’d never had before and realized he could never get enough of.

If he could, he would cover every part of her right then to get all men to know she was his. It wasn’t like him to be so possessive, but he didn’t give a damn as long as he could have Mia.

She moved back and kept him from kissing her more. “Come with me,” she said, pulling him by the hand.

Mia made her way into one of the buildings, and he followed. Stairs wove their way inside the building, but instead of stopping on any floor, they kept moving upward until they reached the roof.

Sheets dangled from hanging rope to look like curtains. Mia led him to the ledge and the view stilled him. He could see the entire neighborhood and beyond, since the building was one of the taller ones around them.

Down below, people danced and cheered to the music that made him think of American rap, calypso, and Caribbean beats all mixed together to form something new and exotic.

“This is my favorite place in all of Rio,” Mia said. “Louisa and I used to sneak away up here to get away from everyone. Even brought a mattress up here to sleep on when we got into fights with our parents.” She nodded to the corner where curtains hid part of a made-up mattress with pillows.

Ideas filled his head, and he wanted nothing more than to stay there with Mia forever.

“Your best friend, Louisa?” he asked, bringing her hand to his lips so he could kiss them and lose himself in her softness.

“Yes,” she said. The shadow and streetlights made her smile captivating. “You remembered.”

“I remember everything you ever wrote to me, Mia.” He melded her body to his. “If I have my way, I’ll learn everything about you.”

This time he didn’t hold back. He kissed Mia with a fever as if she held the last breath of air on earth, and he craved his fill.

She nibbled at his lip, and he let out a groan. He loved her moments of fire and testing him. But now he was going to take all she offered and show her what she did to him.

He lifted her up so her legs wrapped around him, which allowed him to feel the plumpness of her ass as her dress slid up.

Gunnar carried her over to the mattress and set her down gently on her back. She appeared as a delicious angel with her hair around her like a halo. He needed to explore every part of her.

He ignored the erection pressing against his pants, begging for release. He could wait. Instead, he would rather pleasure the woman who consumed him in ways he never imagined.

“I want to taste you,” he said. When she tried to lean up for a kiss, he stopped her. “No, I mean every other part of you.”

A seductive smile grazed her lips, and then she wiggled her dress up higher. He helped her pull it over her head until she had on nothing but a black bra and matching panties.

She moved her hands to the front clasps and looked away.

He covered them before she could unhook the bra. “Let me, and don’t you even think of looking at anything but me. I want those eyes on me the entire time. Understood?”

She nodded and followed his command.

He made sure he had her undivided attention as he slowly unhooked each one. Inside, he battled with his slow pace and ripping it off her completely, but he took his time. He wanted each reveal of her body to be ingrained in the forefront of his memory so he never forgot it.

Mia continued to watch him as he took a darkened nipple in his mouth. Her sigh encouraged him to turn his suckle into a deeper suck. The soft peak hardened at his attentions, and that’s when he moved to the other one. His hand moved up to roll the free nipple between the tips of his fingers, and she pushed into him, squirming underneath his solid strength.

“Beautiful,” he said moving down to her belly. He dipped his tongue into her navel as he slid her panties off. 

When he got to the center of her sweet pussy, he could see the glistening of her arousal. He took pride in knowing he was the cause of it, and he leaned in for one long lap before he parted her.

Music thrummed through them, but her panting became his guided rhythm. She tasted so much sweeter than she looked, and he brought her hips closer to him so he could find every intimate part of her with his lips and tongue. 

She moved so much it was like she both wanted to get closer and move away from the attention he gave her.

“Gunnar!” she cried. “Please.” 

He loved the way she cried out his name when she was so close to coming. If he had his way, and there was no doubt about that, he’d get her to say it multiple times before he was done.

As a sign of his approval, he nibbled at her clit. That sent her crying and moving with madness, but he didn’t let up. He kept prodding at that little bundle until she was even wetter than when he’d started.

In her nakedness, he marveled at how the dim glow of the lights enhanced each curve and line of her body. He regretted never seeing her this way until now, but he was going to make up for lost time of not seeing the sexier side of Mia.

He made his way back up, beginning with the insides of her thighs. He didn’t stop until he was back at her breasts again. The two enticing mounds of hers had his gaze, and he didn’t expect her pushing him over on his back.

“My turn,” she said, unbuttoning his shirt.

He laughed as he shrugged out of it. “So the cat has come out to play.”

“Oh, no you don’t. I get to do that.” She unbuttoned his pants. “I’m no cat. You’ve unleashed the lioness.” Her hand reached in and found his hardness.

“Shit,” he said, falling back on the pillows. He lifted his ass up to help her slide his pants off. 

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