Going For It (7 page)

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Authors: Liz Matis

BOOK: Going For It
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Was he missing her? Was he even thinking about her?

They moved into the next position and she held in a laugh as Theresa tried to bend Samantha into the Camel Pose.

“That’s it. I can’t do this!” Samantha untangled herself. “I’m not Gumby, you know.”

“Oh, come on. Ryan will love the new flexibility,” Hannah teased.

“That’s true,” said Theresa in a woman of the world wisdom tone.

“I have other skills,” replied Samantha in an equally sage voice.

Hannah hooted. “I bet you do!”

“I’m grabbing something to eat. You do have food, don’t you?”

“Yes, I even have ice cream.” Freaking men. Last night she wallowed into a pint of Rocky Road.

“Wow, it must be love. No man has driven you to ice cream,” said Samantha as she left the room.

“I’m not in love, merely horny.”

Hannah heard Samantha snort from the kitchen. Theresa started to work with her but out of the corner of her eye Jake appeared on the screen. “Wait!” The instructor stepped back as Hannah reached for the remote to turn the volume on.

“You two are impossible to work with!”

Hannah barely noticed Theresa packing up to leave. The reporter was interviewing Jake outside a campus building about his fat new contract and in the background several college girls in skimpy summer clothes lingered. “Samantha, do you still have your press credentials?” she shouted.

“Yes. Why?” she called back from the kitchen.

“I think we should crash training camp.”

Samantha came into the living room licking peanut butter off a spoon. “Not even wives are allowed-.” She nearly walked into Hannah who was pointing to the TV. “They might as well be wearing bikinis!”

“Road trip?”

“You better get used to it now. Once the season starts it will get worse,” advised Samantha.

“I know, but I miss him. If I devour another pint of ice cream I’m going to explode.” The reporter turned to speak to Ryan and Hannah pointed to the TV. “Come on, don’t you miss him?”

Samantha nodded but said, “We might get them into trouble with the coaches.”

“Yeah, but we’re worth it.”

An hour later they were heading out of the city. A road trip in Ryan’s 350I was a lot different than the time they took to the highway in Samantha’s beat up pickup truck the summer after their high school graduation. The car, the clothes, hairstyles may be different but they were still the same girls hoping for adventure.

“Have you told him?”


“That you love him.”

“Hell, no. Not going to either.” Hannah cranked up the radio to tune out any further inquiries from the former reporter, turned author, who was known for getting people to talk. Some people called her the Obi-Wan of journalists. Hannah called her nosy.

Three hours later they pulled into the parking lot of the college campus where the Cougars held their two-week training camp every summer. Jake said it helped the players focus solely on football without outside distractions, and bonded them together as a team, as a family. Hannah tried to understand but she was never a part of something like that. Modeling was more of a solitary endeavor, competing with other models for the gig. Yes there were photographers and makeup artists but truthfully the product she was selling was more important than she was.

And family? What little she knew of them came from the Jamesons.

Samantha turned off the engine. “Okay, now what?”

“I was thinking you could sneak me into one of the training rooms while they are out on the field then I’ll text him my location.”

“Wow, you have this all figured out, except no phones on the field.”

“Can you get onto the field and talk to him?”

Samantha reached over to the glove box. “What good are my press credentials if I can’t use them to help you score?”

“Hey, you got to see a locker room full of naked men.”

“For my job. And they weren’t all naked.” Samantha opened the car door and got out.

Hannah followed suit and said, “Still.”

“Believe me the fantasy is better than the reality.”

“OMG! I just thought of something. You saw Jake’s penis!”

“Like I said they weren’t all naked, so some were.” said Samantha with a wink.

Which didn’t answer Hannah’s question, but the facial expression on her friend’s face did.

Samantha ignored Ryan’s questioning stare by watching Jake sprint to the building where Hannah waited for him. She hoped no one from the team’s staff wandered into the building and catches the two in a compromising position.

“What’s going on?” asked Ryan.

She turned to her new husband, a little miffed that he didn’t seem happy to see her. “We were watching the morning news. Hannah freaked out when a bunch of scantly dressed college girls were waiting in the background like vultures.”

“Just Hannah?”

“Yep. I’m just along for the ride.”


“Okay, maybe I was a little jealous.”

“Terell, no wives!” The coach screamed from across the field.

Samantha winced. She used to be a foreign correspondent, then the Cougars beat reporter and now she was relegated to a mere football wife.

“She’s here on business.” Ryan shouted back.

“Then she should know better, no reporters on the field during practice.”

“You better go before I get fined or worse.”

Samantha resisted kissing Ryan goodbye in front of his teammates and coaches but did smack him on the ass before turning to leave the field.

“You’ll pay for that one Mrs. Terell.”

“Counting on it.”

Ryan caught up with her and pulled right into a kiss. The honeymoon was definitely not over. A perfect blend of sweetness and passion his kiss made it clear he missed her. He pulled away, his eyes still filled with the same intensity as the first time he kissed her.

“You know you have nothing to worry about.”

“I know.” Samantha left the field to go up into the stands to wait for Hannah hoping that she and Jake were headed for their own happy ever after.

Chapter 10

ake knew he was going to catch shit about going MIA, but when Samantha said Hannah needed to see him he wasn’t about to ignore the invitation. What possessed her to drive all the way up here? He made it clear this wasn’t a vacation. Instead of training camp it should be called boot camp. The practice from hell left him sweaty and dirty. Nothing he could do about it, Hannah would have to take him as he was. The click, clack of his cleats sounded against the linoleum floor. Not exactly what he’d call a clandestine meeting. He reached the door and peered through the glass side panel to see Hannah pacing back and forth in the team meeting room. His eyes were naturally drawn to the flounce of her yellow skirt each time she turned. Those sleek legs enticed him as much as what laid beneath the skirt. He took a deep breath before opening the door to prepare for the onslaught of sexual urges he was already having trouble controlling.

It’d been a long week without those lips on his, without burying himself deep inside her. She turned as he entered, those big blue eyes brightened to a hue that an artist would be hard pressed to capture and the smile so huge and genuine it nearly knocked him to his knees.

“Oh Jake!” Hannah rushed him and jumped into his arms.

He hugged her close and said into her neck. “What are you doing here?”

“You don’t miss me?”

Was she crazy? “Every damn moment.”

“Well, me, too.” She smashed his lips with a kiss.

He fumbled to shut the door as she grabbed at the strings of his pants. “Whoa, is this a booty call?” He couldn’t keep the amazement out of his voice.

“No, I had Samantha drive me 3 hours to say hello.” Hannah pulled him over to the desk in the corner as she continued to work on the strings.

Jake backed her up against the desk kissing her like he hadn’t seen her in forever instead of a few days. The scent of flowers surrounded him clashing with his stink. “I’m sweaty.”

“It’s kind of hot.” She pulled out his cock and her hand ran down its full length. “Make me sweat too.”

His cock twitched in her hand. From there it got hot and heavy. Clothes pulled aside for access while allowing for a quick retreat if they were caught. “Ah, Hannah, I don’t I have much time for foreplay.”

“I’m beyond foreplay.”


“Oh, I didn’t think about that. Do you have one?”

“It’s training camp, beautiful, not a college dorm party.”

For a moment only the sound of their heavy breaths filled the space. “Well, we should be okay.”

He didn’t question it. With Hannah’s aversion to gaining weight and her career at a peak he knew the last thing she wanted was a pregnancy. Down the line that might be an issue, but right now? It didn’t matter. All that matter was being inside her. Day after day of drills left him exhausted. But night after night he thought of her until he fell asleep and then she came to him in his dreams. And now she was here.

Hannah bent over the desk but he maneuvered her into a sitting position of the desk. “I want to see you.” For her it might be a booty call, but for him it meant she needed him as much as he needed her. Pulling aside her panties he pushed inside her. Usually he had more finesse but Hannah wasn’t here for tenderness so he gave her what she wanted and pounded into her.

“Yes, Jake, yes.”

Her pleas turned him on. Everything about her did. He could do this for hours, just pleasing her, but time was of the essence. Anyone could walk down the hall and hear them. Hell, as Hannah’s moans grew louder he wouldn’t be surprised to learn the whole team down at the field heard them. “Come for me Hannah. Now.”

She shuddered around him causing his own climax. As he came to his senses he realized how rough he’d been with her. Jake gently stoked her cheek. “You, okay? I didn’t hurt you?”

“Did it sound like you hurt me?”

“I don’t know. It could go either way.”

Hannah blushed. “Dirty sex with you doesn’t feel dirty. It makes me feel, I don’t know, cleansed?” She pulled away and started re-adjusting her clothes.

Jake wondered if sex was all that kept them together. He shook his head to clear his mind. He was thinking like a woman. A most disturbing thought. He laced up his pants. “I’m going to be a sack of shit the rest of practice.”

“Not even Superman has your stamina.” Hannah smoothed her hair back.

He liked it better messed up, especially if he was the cause of it. “I can’t figure out whether you’re my Lois Lane or my Kryptonite.”

“Neither. I’m Wonder Woman, your equal.”

“I definitely met my match in you.” Liking the comparison he smiled. “I guess we have our Halloween costumes picked out.”

“That’s a couple of months away.”

He didn’t like how she averted her gaze. Did she think they wouldn’t be together by then? “True, I don’t know the game schedule off the top of my head.” He played it off cool, like it didn’t matter one way or the other. She was like a skittish doe watching and waiting with wide eyes to bolt at the slightest threat.

“Exactly, or where I’ll be shooting a campaign.”

“So will this hold you over until I get back?”

“No, but I bought heavy duty batteries for my vibrator.”

Jake’s cock hardened at the thought of watching the act. “Call me and I’ll talk you through it.” Why was he torturing himself?

There was that blush again. Even after what they just did he could still make her cheeks turn pink. It clutched at his heart. Despite her panic at the talk of the future, even if it only involved something as trivial as Halloween costumes, he reminded himself that she drove over three hours to jump him. His game plan was solid. Patience. And sex.

Jogging back to practice he tried to think of a good excuse for leaving the field but his mind was so filled with Hannah to care about the consequences. He hadn’t gotten two feet onto the grass when the coach screamed. “Miller!”

Jake sprinted to the sideline. “What’s up?”

“I hope it was worth 25 grand of that shiny new salary of yours.”

Jake blinked as the coach’s spit caught him in the eye as he continued to yell as if he were still across the field instead of right in front of him. Worth every damn penny to know Hannah missed him, hell it was damn priceless. But he couldn’t say that to the coach who would up the fine to 50k. “Sorry, coach.”

“Oh, your ass will be real sorry. After practice. Dead man runs along with your buddy Terell.”

Still worth it as far as he was concerned, but what the hell did Terell do to piss off the coach?

After the fifth lap, Jake was vomiting over the bench and questioning his intelligence. He couldn’t blame the summer heat, or the exhaustion from practice, and no, not even sex for the retched way he felt at this moment. He should’ve been able to stop his orgasm, but how could he resist losing himself inside her. Truthfully, he didn’t know if it was possible to withhold anything from Hannah, but Heaven held a price.

Ryan jogged over to him. “Don’t think that’s going to get you off the hook.”

“Shut up, Terell.”

The coach bellowed across the field. “That’s it for today, pussies.”

“I’m getting too old for this shit,” said Ryan. He sat down on the bench and handed Jake a towel.

“Thanks.” Jake cleaned off and tossed the towel in the garbage. Looking up into the stands he hoped Hannah hadn’t witnessed a weak moment. Relieved to find her attention elsewhere he still complained to Ryan, “I think she’s signed more autographs today than the whole team combined.”

“Oh, boo-hoo, the trials and tribulations of dating a supermodel.”

“Hey, you’re the one who got married.”

“And you might as well be,” fired back Ryan.

Despite the denial on his lips, Jake chewed on that for a moment and found that he would be lying if he did so instead he said, “Piss off.”

Ryan laughed and grabbed his shoulder. “Hey, it happens to the best of us.”

Jake shrugged it off. He looked back to Hannah now hoping to catch her attention. Did she get the same third degree from Samantha? If so, what sort of response did she give? “Oh crap,” said Jake.

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