Goldie and Her Bears

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Authors: Honor James

BOOK: Goldie and Her Bears
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Goldie and Her Bears
Naughty Fairy Tales [1]
Honor James

   Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences.
Contents wording and actions some may deem
Sexually explicit
Ménage - MFMM

   In book one of the Naughty Fairy Tales: Goldie
grew up loving fairy tales.
the one with three bears and her namesake.
After a camping trip that went horribly wrong, she comes face-to-face
with her own real life version of a storybook.
Finding out fantasies can come true—if you believe.

   Torben, Arkadios, and Mahon run a construction
firm by day.
By night, they spend their
time at their custom built home in the countryside.
They’re comfortable in life, maybe a little
too comfortable when leaving their door unlocked brings an unwanted guest.
Unwanted until they find the sexy, blonde
woman in their bed.

   They all must face the repercussions from joining
their personal and work lives together as Goldie finds herself the target of
her former boss, spinning her happily-ever-after life madly out of control.
In the end, can these four prove that fairy
tales really can come true?



Goldie and Her Bears

Naughty Fairy Tales

Book One


by Honor James


© Copyright November 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.


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Edited by ML Hill

Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.


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I would like to dedicate this book to all of the amazing people that I’ve met. There are so many of you, but when we help each other, it makes life so much better! You ladies know just who you are.

Also, Michelle & Jana – you ladies rock. Thank you for the kick in my pants to get my happy ass in gear.



Twenty something years ago…


Tiptoeing through the quiet, darkened house, Goldie stopped in the doorway and peeked out into the hall. It was quiet, except for the sound of her daddy snoring and she pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle her giggle.

Easing the door open, she tiptoed down the hall, staying near the wall to avoid the creak in the middle that her mommy would hear if she weren't careful. Reaching the stairs was the easy part—the hard part was getting down them. Two steps down on the right, then across to the left for four more, middle for two, left for one and the right for the rest.

Reaching the bottom, she went still and listened, just daddy’s snoring, no other sounds. Grinning wide, she raced through to her daddy’s office to where the book was kept. Her footed pajamas made little
sounds as she ran on the wood floor. Easing the door closed to the office, she counted her steps to the desk.

Stretching up onto her toes, she pulled the lamp cord and then squinted into the light. Blinking, she turned and raced for the bookshelf. Clambering up onto the stool, she pulled out the book she wanted and then hopped down. Going to the big armchair, she tossed the book up and then pulled herself into it.

Getting comfortable, she smiled and opened the book. It was her most favoritist story in the whole wide world, mainly because her mommy had told her that she’d gotten her name from it, not the one her aunt always called her, but the one her daddy had always used.
“Once upon a time, there were three bears…”

Chapter One


“Get your fucking paws off me,” Goldie told the man that had been her friend, up until the moment when he decided he
her ass while they camped. “I don’t know who the fucking hell you think you are, but you are not anyone that has any right to touch me."

“Come on, Goldie, you know you want me every bit as much as I want you,” Barrett told her as he reached his big meaty hands to her. “Come on, babe, come crawl into this sleeping bag with me.”

“What part of no do you not understand?” Goldie’s brown eyes were wide, shock registering on her face. “I mean seriously?” She should have never fucking came with them. She knew what a bad idea it was the moment she saw only four guys and no other girls. She’d thought their wives and girlfriends were going, they’d even alluded to meeting them out at the campsite. Damn it, she really should have verified that, called the women instead of just believing these assholes. But it had sounded right when they’d told her they’d pick her up after a meeting and then meet the ladies out at the site. According to Barrett, their wives and girlfriends had gone out earlier to secure a campsite. It had all been a fucking lie. Her first clue should have been why were they going on a normal workday, but when she questioned it, the number one asshole had made a lame excuse about they all had worked so hard on the last project and they needed a break.
Dumb, Goldie, dumb

“Fuck you, tweedle dick.” She turned on her heel with her long blond hair flying out around her, grabbed her backpack, and stomped into the woods with her flashlight shining brightly. She would rather walk the fuck out on her own, as apposed to staying here and putting up with this shit.

“Don’t worry, she will be back,” the male voice carried on the breeze to her and made her stiffen. “All it’s going to take is some fucking rabbit or something to scurry across the path and then the bitch will be back. If she’s lucky we will just fuck her senseless, and she will be back in our good graces. Or we can tie her ass down and make her like it.” The laughter that followed the suggestion made her skin crawl. The nerve of the arrogant prick.

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that you fat sadistic pervert,” she muttered and stomped further away from the campfire and the assholes wanking off around it. Goldie walked for what felt like hours and finally came out the other side of the woods into a clearing.

The home that appeared before her was maddeningly beautiful. The steel and glass structure took her breath away with its simplicity and stark modern beauty. Walking up to the door, she glimpsed inside at old world charm and modern day wonder. The furniture was massive and looked like it had been carved from huge chunks of trees. The paintings on the walls looked like masterpieces, and she was stunned such a marvelous home was in the middle of freaking nowhere. It reminded her of something she just couldn’t put her finger on it.

Lifting her hand, she used the brass knocker to knock on the door, frowning because there was no doorbell. “Who has a place like this, and no doorbell?” she asked softly. Ohhh, maybe a recluse serial killer who was gonna chop her into little pieces. She bit her lip and tried to decide if she should make a run for it and get to the main road, Goldie would at least feel more comfortable if someone saw her and could tell the police the last place she had been. Damn it, she needed to think about this for a second, maybe she should throw something in the woods so if someone was looking for her she would be found. Of course, it could be her asshole so called friends. Damn she hated it when she was indecisive.

When the skies lit up with violent lightning and the thunder shook the ground she stood on she knocked again, louder this time. When the rain began to fall in buckets from the skies, she screeched and knocked loudly again. Forget serial killer, she would rather kick his ass, and tie him up in a closet, she could do it, she took self-defense classes. Anything was better than this shit.

“Oh fuck it,” she muttered and reached for the door handle, pressing the lever, surprised when it opened. “Holy crap. How freaky,” she said with the shake of her head, and all but fell into the home. “Okay. I won’t go any further than right here. I need space to fight.” She wrapped her arms around herself and rocked back and forth on her feet, hoping whoever lived here would understand her just walking right into their home, if they were normal. Yeah, she was going to have her ass handed to her by the cops she was sure, but it was better than being out in the middle of a rainstorm. Or, sliced into little pieces, she figured the chance of being reported to cops seemed the better choice.

She looked out the window as the storm grew in intensity, wincing as hail began to pelt the windows. That was when she saw the kitchen and sighed. “Oh man, whatever they cooked smells so good,” she mumbled. Screw it, she was fucked either way, at least she would have a stomach full.

Before she knew it, she was walking into the kitchen and pulling the first plate of food toward herself. Taking a bite of the food, she quickly spat it into her hand. “Holy fucking shit that was hot.” The spices on the food were like weapons of mass destruction. Maybe they had different tastes, she shrugged.

She pulled the next plate to her and took a bite, again wrinkling her nose. “Maybe plate one and plate two need to marry.” The second plate was bland, so damn bland that it made her feel ill. “Good lord, listen to me.” She shook her head and rose. “Unbelievable,” she muttered and left the kitchen before trying the third tempting plate of food. “Already I’m going to jail. Jesus, no need to make a complete idiot of myself.”

She stepped into the living room and ran her hand lovingly over the back of the couch, a deep sigh escaping her as she did so. “Freaking beautiful impressive pieces,” she whispered and took a seat on the sofa. Snuggling up against the back cushion, she sighed, “Perfect.”

She sat there for what felt like forever, watching the rain as it pelted down the windows. Rising finally, she stretched and yawned, “All right. Well, since I’ve already tried out their food and couch I might as well check out the bathroom and beds.” If she was going to go to jail, or be killed, she might as well live it up while she could.

“I just hope whoever lives here isn’t some of the shoot-first-and-call-the-cops-later kind of people, or on the other hand slice her throat first, she wanted to at least try to put up a fight,” she muttered.

With her hand on the banister, she walked up the stairs, smiling at the feeling of the hand carved wood under her hands. This home was spectacular; it seemed as if someone had cracked open her head and pulled out everything she liked. “Maybe that’s it. Maybe I just fell while getting away from idiots one through four and I’m lying in a ravine somewhere with my head split open.” She giggled and shook her head. “I’m an idiot,” she muttered.

When she walked into the first bedroom, she smiled. “Wow, talk about modern.” The room was modern to the ninth degree. It had a low platform bed that frankly looked, “Far too hard.” She completed her thought aloud. Everything about the room screamed order, modern, control.

She walked out of the bedroom and into the one across the hall from it. “Oh my, I seriously hope this is the guest room.” The room was done up in some seriously girly pinks and fuchsias that frankly made her head hurt. Either, a female lived here, or a very strange man.

She stepped out of the room and shook her head. Seeing three more doors, she opened the next one and walked in. “Perfect,” she whispered and touched the massive bed, which dominated the room. The bed looked big enough to hold a whole party in it. Taking off her shoes, she jumped up onto the bed and sighed. Closing her eyes, she whispered, “This is just right.” Grabbing one of the pillows, she hugged it close, fully intending on getting up and out of there, but she was so tired she closed her eyes and instead fell asleep.

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