Goldie and Her Bears (7 page)

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Authors: Honor James

BOOK: Goldie and Her Bears
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Chapter Seven


“Good morning, Goldie,” Arkadios’s voice was next to her ear. “The others are still sleeping,” the fur on her legs and one side of her torso proved those words. “I’m going to go and start breakfast. Did you want anything particular this morning?” he asked quietly.

“Bacon,” Goldie said and lifted her face to his. “And a kiss,” she demanded. “When they said that I would be sleeping with bears I never dreamed they really meant it.” She was trying to do her damnedest not to freak, but she was literally waking with bears wrapped up close to her body.

“A kiss I can do,” he kissed her slowly, deeply before drawing back. “And I can even do the bacon too,” that was said with a grin. “As for the bears, they did tell you. It was the easiest way to keep you warm, darling. Plus you knew we were bears.”

“Oh, I know that, but it’s just a little hard for the waking mind to see and feel bears when you’ve never so much as slept with a teddy bear before.” She smiled and ran a hand over the fur of the one she thought was Torben, “He’s so much softer than I expected.” The fur was like silk, and smelled just like the man.

“Well, now you fully comprehend, darling,” Ark chuckled getting to his feet. He moved to the pile of clothes and dug through for a pair of pants. “So bacon, anything else you want?” he asked, doing up the slacks.

“Toast, lots of butter and I would kill for some strawberry jam too,” she told him as she laid back on the rug, curling into Torben and sighing in utter contentment. “This is actually very nice,” she murmured and rubbed her cheek along the fur happily.

“As it should be,” he said, pulling a throw off a couch. Moving to her, he draped it over her exposed side, “The fire died down a couple of hours ago. Don’t want you getting a chill,” he explained before leaving her with the two bears still sleeping.

“Thank you,” she said with a smile and snuggled close to her bears again. It amused her they were still sound asleep with she and Ark having had a conversation. She liked it a great deal though. She was more than happy to lay on the floor with them.

An hour later, he was back and kicking one of the fur balls in the ass. “Get up you sluggish beasts. Breakfast is ready, so shift back and get to the kitchen. Come on, Goldie,” he held out a hand, “Time to be up, sweetness.”

Goldie moved easily into Ark’s arms. She loved Torben and Mahon as well but Arkadios, there was just something different about him, more special to her. “Good morning,” she whispered and reached up to stroke her hand down his cheek. “Did you find me some strawberry jam?”

“I did, but there’s not a lot left so you’ll want to get in there and steal it before the others get up,” he said. Mahon was yawning wide and stretching even as the fur seemed to melt off his body. His shape changed, becoming slimmer, and more of the man.

“And yet I know without a shadow of a doubt they would move heaven and earth for me if I wanted them to. They will let me have the jam, even if I tease them with it, we both know that.” She watched Mahon shifting and moving in utter and complete fascination. “Wow, how cool is that?”

Mahon straightened on his feet, “Very cool. But yes, we would eat the jam, darling. We might love you and do anything for you, but when it’s the last of the strawberry jam, we’ll fight tooth and nail to have it ourselves.”

“Well then, you will be fighting me. And since I woke before you did, then I get first dibs. Sucks to be you, sleepy heads,” she teased them and winced when she pulled a shirt on. Pulling the neck of it back, she frowned, “And I totally deserve it because I’m the one who is bruised this morning, not you.”

“Where?” Arkadios demanded as he turned her around and cursed. “Shit,” he whispered, running a light finger down her shoulder. “We should put some ice on that, but I doubt it will do all that much good now.”

“Ice would be very welcome. And to be honest, I didn’t even notice it until I pulled the shirt on and then ouchy.” She pulled back and nodded, “So how about either some frozen peas or ice in a towel, please?”

“Give her the mixed vegetables, those things are nasty,” Torben said as he walked up next to her. “Come on, darling, we’ll get you set with the veggies and you can have breakfast.” All three men urged her into the kitchen. Ark went to the freezer and dug out the bag, smacking it on the counter a couple of times before wrapping it in a tea towel and handing it to Torben.

She laughed and took the wrapped veggies and draped it on her shoulder. The cold felt wonderful on her shoulder and she sighed. “All right. Feed me, please.” She moved to take a seat at the island, “Oh, and I totally would love some coffee.”

“I’ve got coffee,” Mahon said, turning with the pot in hand and four mugs. He set them down and poured. “Ark has the food, and Torben is tossing out the plates to everyone. I’ll also be adding strawberry jam to the shopping list because we need some with our girl here.”

“Damn straight. Oh, and black raspberry without seeds too,” she put out there. “I like to mix up which jams I have in the mornings and sometimes when I’m feeling really out there I will use both. That’s when you have to watch out because means I’m feeling all kinds of saucy.”

“Uh-huh,” they all said before shooting looks at one another. “I’ll add it to the list,” Mahon said quietly with a grin. “I have a feeling we could be in trouble with this firecracker, guys.”

“Nah, she’s a damned fine good woman,” Torben said setting her plate before her and the jar of jam. “Use the jam wisely, that’s all she wrote in that jar there, Goldie girl.”

“Enough for two slices of toast so it's perfect,” she said and began to scrape to get the amount out that she needed. She winked at her guys and took a bite of her toast, making sure to moan happily as she did so. Looking up at Ark, she grinned, “Wanna taste?”

“Allergic, but thank you for the offer,” he said with a smile. “Strawberries and I do not get along in the least. Makes me look like a blowfish on crack, and makes me sound a lot like one of the Chipmunks. Then I usually pass out and these two finally stop laughing long enough to get me help.”

“Well then I don’t want you to have a taste.” She looked to Torben and Mahon, grinning she said, “Who wants a taste?” She wanted a kiss, damn it all to hell and back again. She had found she was very addicted to their kisses and wanted one. Now.

“Since I’m on this side of the counter I will,” Torben said, leaning in. His tongue flicked over her lips and he grinned, “Yummy,” he whispered. Then he gave her a kiss, full out tongues twisting and dueling, their breath combining, perfection.

When they parted, Goldie was left panting and nodded. Licking her lips, she smiled. “That’s what I needed.” She loved being kissed by these men, having them close to her, being able to touch them and know they wanted that from her as well.

Torben threw her a wink before he went to grab another plate that he passed to Mahon. The last one he took for himself as Arkadios brought his own to the counter. “So what’s on the schedule for today?” Mahon asked, picking up his cup of coffee.

“Meetings until lunch, and then we need to start setting up some more after,” Arkadios said. “I have to go out to the lake site and see how they’re doing.”

“And I need to make calls to the people we met last night. I need to schedule them in so we can ensure we strike while the iron is hot,” she told them and licked her lips again. “It will be better to take as many clients from our competition as we can.”

Nodding, Torben grabbed the pepper to add some to his eggs. “We definitely need to touch base at the very least. We’ve have an edge already because they like us. And we are known to always get the job done right and just as the client wants.”

“Or better,” Ark added around a piece of toast.

“Exactly. That is something I heard far more times than you can possibly imagine, just how much better you were from others. It was one of the reasons my former bosses hated you guys so much.”

“Your former bosses will always hate us,” Mahon said. “We don’t gouge our clients. We give them a good price, but we do warn them that unexpected costs must be considered. Especially in renovations, because what you see isn’t what you always get. They respect the honesty we give them. That’s why we get so much more business than those assholes.”

“Exactly. I had tried so hard to adjust billing when I worked for them, but it didn’t always work, which bugged me to the ends of the Earth.” She just wished she had known these three men before, she would have sent a lot of the clients their way.

“Hell, if you ever see something out of place let us know,” Torben told her. “We screw up on occasion just like everyone else does. Sorry, Goldie, but we’re not perfect,” he shrugged and grinned her direction. “So yeah, if you catch us in a mistake speak up. We’ll damn well fix it any way we can.”

“Don’t worry, if I see something that bothers me I will tell you. You all know that I have no issue at all with talking to you guys. I happen to care very much for you.” She loved them and she wanted them to realize they were hers. And she wasn't scared to speak her mind around them.

“We know that,” Ark said, reaching out to touch her hand. “You’d never have let us mark you as ours if you didn’t. You’re not the sort to cave to pressure. They were just stating a fact, darling. Now, eat up. We all need to get moving or you two,” he pointed his fork at Torben and Mahon, “are going to be late for your meetings, and I’ll never get out to the damned site when I need to.”

She nodded and winked at him. She ate her food and then when she was finished she felt better, her shoulder that was. She tossed the veggies back into the freezer and began to clean up. “Don’t argue,” she told Ark before he could even start. “You cooked so I can clean up.”

“Fine,” he held his hands up and backed away. “I’m going to shower and then we can head out. We’ve got a full schedule, and I know better than to argue with a woman armed with a spatula.” He smiled and kissed her lightly before turning and heading out of the room.

Goldie smiled happily. God she loved that man. Nodding, she winked at him, “All right, go and get your body washed and if you are still in the shower when I’m done, I will come and get in there with you. Okay?”

“You’d better, babe. I plan to have a long, hot shower and scrubbing everything twice,” Ark called out. His voice was getting further away but she didn’t have any trouble hearing him. “Might even take some extra time today for some personal hygiene.”

His laugh could be heard, slightly taunting. “You’d better hurry up, sugar,” Mahon said from her side as he brought the rest of the dishes over. “We’ll help so you can get up there before he uses all the hot water.”

“We’re on a tankless system, we don’t run out of water,” Torben commented.

“It’s a saying, dude, get with it,” Mahon bitched.

That had her smiling and she pulled Mahon close to kiss him and then kissed Torben as well. “I love you both,” she said and stepped back, drying her hands on the towel she winked. “So I don’t run out of water, I’m leaving you to the dishes. Thanks, guys!” she said and raced from the room, listening to their laughter and smiling happily as she moved to the shower and Arkadios.

“You left them doing the dishes didn’t you?” Arkadios asked, pushing the shower door open as she walked into the bathroom. “Sneaky little female. Dirty pool you know, right,” he said softly. “Not that I mind but paybacks are a bitch in this house.”

She shrugged and said, “Tomorrow you can do dishes, and I will shower with them.” She tugged free of her borrowed shirt and stepped into the shower with him. “For now I’m so happy just being able to have this moment with you.” She knew Arkadios would always have a very special place in her heart.

Pulling her to him with an arm around her waist, he shut the door. “I’m very happy you are here with me as well. It’s even better that you’re naked,” he whispered with a grin. Lots and lots of teeth to that grin. He slid his tongue over his lips, pulling her attention fully to his mouth. “I think I’m still a little hungry though. But I’m craving something sweet, maybe a little honey.”

Backing her to the bench on the back wall, he sat her down before kneeling. He pulled her ass to the edge and lowered his head. “Mmm, slick and pink,” he whispered. His mouth was on her a moment later, his tongue sliding deep into her pussy.

She lifted her ass to him, whimpering when she spoke again, “Always gonna be wet for you, Ark.” Goldie’s words were said with such need, such desperation. She would always need him and she was fine with that.

He gave a growl as his ran his tongue over her pussy and around her clit. He pressed two fingers deep into her and stroked her in time to his licking and small nips. Then he began to suck her clit, his fingers moving faster, deeper.

Bracing her hands on the bench ledge, she began to rock on him—pressing, pushing and moving as he moved. Crying out, she whimpered, “There.” He was hitting her just right, deep inside. That motion combined with his mouth was driving her so close to the edge that she was ready to jump.

He sucked hard on her throbbing clit, the suction so intense. Then his teeth began a slow nibble on her pussy, teasing her as he pressed another finger deep. “Come for me, love. Before I give you my cock and fuck you all over again.”

Goldie couldn’t deny Arkadios anything. Arching against him, she came. Her whole body shuddered with the true force of her orgasm. The scream lodged in her throat, but she refused to let it free because of the close confines of the shower. Instead, a hiss of a sound was heard and the purring in the back of her throat had him grinning.

“There’s my girl,” he murmured softly with a chuckle. Pulling her up, he turned her around and bent her over, “Brace yourself on the seat, darling. It’s time to fuck you hard,” he warned before his cock filled her pussy.

A low keening cry escaped from Goldie’s lips, but she did as he instructed, which made him proud. Legs braced apart and hands on the small seat, she lifted her ass in the air and moved with him—pushing and pulling, tugging and squeezing.

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