Gorgeous Consort (7 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Gorgeous Consort
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“There’s a naked girl in here with me, whom I refer to as a Perfect Ten. The coldness has no hold over me.”

She swam around and reached the deep end of the pool, where she could stand and keep her body submerged.

I really wanted to look, but she was staring right at me so I couldn’t.

“Do you like my ideas for your house?” she asked.

“I do. I’m sure this place will look great.”

“Then we’ll get a photographer to take some good shots. When you put it up on a website, people will come flocking. And you can charge more money.”

“I like money,” I blurted.

“You don’t say?” she teased.

My chest and shoulders were above the water, and the wind licked my wet skin gently.

“How’s work?” she asked, changing the subject.

“Good.” My voice didn’t sound so enthused.

“What happened?” she asked bluntly.

I sighed. “It’s a long story…”

“Well, we have all day. We’re just sitting in a pool naked.”

I chuckled. “My client is trying to get his parents to accept him as being gay. They aren’t coming around and even suggested he see a therapist.” I shook my head. “He doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. I feel terrible for him.”

“Whoa, hold on…”


“You escort men?” she asked incredulously.

“Yeah,” I said defensively. “So?” Did she have a problem with that? If she was one of those annoying homophobic people then I wanted nothing to do with her.

“I just assumed you only escorted women.”

“Well, that would be discrimination.” I was still on my guard.

“Troy, I don’t have a problem with that. I think it’s really sweet that you’re so supportive of your client.”

I relaxed. “Really?”

“Yeah. You’re fighting for him and what he believes in. I think it’s great.”

Now all the anger disappeared. “His dad came at me because I touched his shoulder. I blocked his hits without charging him back. It was hard not to kick his ass.”

“I feel so bad for your client.”

“Yeah…it’s unfortunate. At least he’s getting through it with me. If I were a real boyfriend, it would be really difficult to handle. They’re so disrespectful and make me feel like a criminal.”

“You don’t think they’ll come around ever?”

I shook my head. “I’d be shocked if they did.”

“That’s too bad,” she said. “He might need to cut them out of his life forever. But hopefully that’ll make them realize what they’re missing and get their heads on straight.”

“Yeah, hopefully,” she agreed. “That’s really cool you guys are so cool about that.”

I shrugged. “I guess I’m passionate about it.”

She moved her arms through the water but remained submerged. She regarded me closely but tried to be discreet about it at the same time. “May I ask why?”

I noticed I told Harper more things than I told anyone else, including Rhett. Rhett tried to have a civil conversation with me about Alexia and the breakup but I just couldn’t open up to him. But for some reason, whatever reason, I wasn’t so closed off with Harper. “My older brother is gay.”

She didn’t react in any noticeable way. She didn’t even seem surprised. “Your parents aren’t supportive?”

I shook my head. “No. He’s been struggling with it for a long time. It’s really stupid that my parents won’t just accept who he is. It’s something that haunts him every day. I told him he shouldn’t give a damn what they think, but naturally, he wants their approval. My parents just think it’s a phase…”

“How long has he been out?”

“For years,” I said quickly. “Which is why I don’t understand why they won’t just accept it.”

“At least he has you.”

“I’ll stand by his side no matter what,” I said. “He’s always been there for me.” And he was most of all when Alexia broke my heart and shattered my spirit. The heartache was painful and numbing, but the loss of a spirit was worse. I didn’t know who I was anymore and I was far from finding out.

“My sister and I are the same way,” she said. “She’s a real sweetheart.”

“Is she hot?” A grin stretched my face. I wasn’t sure why I had to ruin intimate moments like this. I guess it was because I couldn’t handle them anymore. They made me uncomfortable.

“If you think I’m a perfect ten you should see her. She’s a model.”

I couldn’t picture her sister being more attractive. Harper was already perfect as she was. “A model, huh?”

“Yep. Swimsuit model.”

“Whoa…for who?”

Sports Illustrated

“Holy shit.” There were tons of models in the city but I never kinda knew one.

“Yep. She has a short career but she’s rocking it so far, putting away her money for retirement, not that she needs to since her betrothed is a doctor.”

“She should get you in.”

“In where?” she asked with a confused expression.

“Into the magazine. You could model too.”

She gave me a serious expression. “I’m five feet tall.”

“So? Isn’t Tom Cruise the same height? But you can never tell on screen.”

She tried not to laugh. “I’m not model material.”

“Bullshit,” I blurted. “Look at you.” I peered into the water.

She kicked my shin. “Watch it, man.”

I moved away, a slight smirk on my lips. “We’re friends. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”


I stared at her, the area above water. She had petite rounded shoulders that led to a slender neck. Her skin was flawless and unblemished. I stared at it and wondered how her skin would taste. I fantasized about her wrapping her legs around my waist while I kissed her hard on the mouth. My cock twitched and grew, and I knew I needed to keep my cool.

Her face was the best part. She was beautiful in a classic way. I’d always been into brunettes before Alexia, but after she left, my attraction stuck to blondes. And Harper was an exceptional beauty. Her high cheekbones led to sparkling blue eyes. They shined by their own light and were hypnotic. I’d never been attracted to a girl like this before. I usually had to force it. But these feelings toward Harper were giving me hope. If I was into her, then that meant I was finally letting go of the past. Maybe I could move on and start picking up girls like I wanted to. Now I wouldn’t have to pretend to be a playboy. I could actually just be one.

Without my knowledge, my body moved closer to hers. My legs had their own mind, and they were in league with my throbbing cock.  I came closer to her then gripped her waist. Then I pressed my mouth to hers.

Her lips were immobile and lifeless. But they kissed me back, just for a moment. And in the span of those heartbeats, I felt electricity course through me like never before. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and I felt a distant shiver move down my spine. Her lips were soft and full like I expected. Her tits pressed against my chest and they felt amazing, even under the water.

She pushed me back. “What the hell are you doing?”

The hot moment was ruined. I tried to gather my wits but I was a little confused. I kissed her without thinking about it, and as soon as I did, I was lost.

“Earth to Troy!”

My eyes found hers. “Sorry. You’re really hot.”

She rolled her eyes and sighed at the same time. “So you just try to make out with me?”

“I wasn’t thinking, honestly. It was like I went into a trance.”

“Yeah right,” she said. “That was why you tried to get me to skinny dip.”

“It really wasn’t.”

“Whatever,” she said. “Just don’t do it again.”

“Are you sure?” I asked. “Because that kiss was pretty hot.”

“Hot or not, we’re just friends.”

“Who kiss?” I asked hopefully.

“Just friends. Period.”

“Who do other things…?”

She shot me a glare. “Like you could do other things if you tried.”

“So, is kissing still on the table?”

She splashed me. “Start thinking with the head on your shoulders and not the one between your legs.”

“Uh, they’re thinking the same thing regardless.”

She growled. “Close your eyes and turn around.”

“Come on, you liked that kiss too.”

“No, I didn’t,” she argued.

“You’re such a liar.”

“Am not!”

“You kissed me back for like thirty seconds before you pushed me off. Explain that!”

She glared at me again but remained quiet.

“That’s what I thought.”

“I was just in shock.”

“Because I’m an awesome kisser.”

“You’re so full of yourself.”

“Hey, you’re an awesome kisser too. Your lips taste like honey.”

She didn’t get out of the pool. “Is this how you hit on all girls? Because you need to step up your game.”

“I’ve never skinny-dipped with someone before,” I said honestly. “And I’ve never gone into a trance like that before. It was like I had no control over anything I did.”

“Whatever, Troy.”

“Let’s make out again.”

She splashed me in the face. “The moment is over. Let’s move on.”

I growled just the way she had.

“Now turn around and close your eyes.”

“Okay, fine.” I turned around and didn’t look.

“You better not peek.”

“I didn’t peek when you got in so why would I peak now?”

“Because you’re horny.”

She had a point. “I won’t, okay?”

“You’re such a liar.”

“Does it really matter if I see you?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said firmly.

“Well, hurry up before I get tired of standing here.”

The water moved as she got out and then I heard the sound of drops hitting the pavement.

Man, I really want to look. I only got a glimpse of her in the water but I couldn’t really see anything. But her chest felt amazing when it was pressed to mine. She was probably a B or C cup.

Her feet padded against the concrete as she walked to the towel.

Now or never
. I discreetly glanced over my shoulder.

Fuck, she was fine
. She had a perky ass, tiny waist, and perfect tits. I wanted to shove my fist in my mouth so I wouldn’t yell.


I turned back around. “What?”

“You’re such a jerk.” I heard her wrap a towel around her body.

I started to get out of the pool. “Look, I tried not to.”

She rolled her eyes.

“But you’re just so beautiful that I couldn’t.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

“I’ll make it fair.” I walked out of the pool with my hard dick on display. “Full frontal nudity.”

She looked down and stared at my length for a heartbeat. Then she tossed me a towel. “Looks like we’re even.”

“So…are you sure you don’t want to make out again?” I wrapped my towel around my waist.

“It’s not
impressive, Troy.”

I gave her a cocky smirk. “Liar.”

She grabbed her clothes from the concrete. “I’m going to change in the bathroom.”

“You need help, Perfect Ten?”

“No, thank you, Eight Inches.”

“Is that my nickname?” I asked. “I like it.”

She walked inside the house without responding.


We sat in silence on the drive. The radio was on low in the background. Harper looked out the window and didn’t make conversation with me once.

“Mad at me?” I asked.

“What do you think?” she asked coldly.

I didn’t want to be on bad terms with her. “Take it as a compliment.”

“Oh, I feel better now,” she said sarcastically.

I sighed, hating myself for messing up the friendship we just started to have. “Want to know something honest about me?” Being open with her seemed to gain her confidence. Hopefully, it would work again.

“I’m listening…”

“I’m trusting you not to tell Rhett, and especially not Aspen.”

“Well, if I’m as trustworthy as you are, then you’re in for a surprise.”

“Harper.” My voice came out serious. “I know I can trust you.”

She finally turned her head my way.

“You were right about me and all the girls—or lack of girls.”

“Yeah?” she asked.

“The truth is, I haven’t been with anyone in a really long time.”

She stared at me in silence, heartbeats of time passing.

“I just…I don’t want to.”

“Why?” she asked quietly.

“I’m not really sure, to be honest. I know I have intimacy issues. It’s hard for me to be open with someone. Any time conversations become too serious, I say something stupid and ruin it. And opening myself to someone in that way…it’s just too difficult for me no matter how meaningless it is.”

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