Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture (4 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #Political Science, #Commentary & Opinion, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

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Obama is great at leading America in the wrong direction. He certainly has the audacity to spew hatred for America with a smile and the whispering intensity of a preacher. All the while he’s leading us backward instead of forward.

For the rogue president, it is still 1963 and there is still Jim Crow. Socialism is still cool; it hasn’t been fully discredited yet. America is still divided racially. Gays are still beaten in the streets. Women still don’t have the right to vote.

He wants to lead us backward, because it divides us and keeps us fighting with one another. That is the foundation of his party’s success. And he’s good at it. That’s what makes him so dangerous.

When I say “dangerous,” I’m not exaggerating. Leadership has consequences, whether it’s good leadership in the right direction or terrible leadership in the wrong direction. We’ve just seen civilization completely break down in Ferguson, Missouri, over what turned out to be a tragic but justified use of lethal force by a policeman defending himself. The big lie, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” was an invention.

Had the president and his attorney general condemned the looters and rioters unequivocally, or even just stayed out of it
altogether, it might not have gone so far. But they both had to weigh in and condemn Darren Wilson before any conclusive evidence of his guilt was available. Then it turned out there was no evidence. He was innocent. By then, it was too late. The city was already burning.

I’m not saying there is no racism anywhere in police departments or that people don’t have a right to peacefully protest it where it really exists. But rioting, burning the private property of innocent bystanders, and using protest as an excuse for mayhem is not peaceful protest. It is not a right. It is a crime.

Safeguarding life and property is the first duty of any public official. That’s why we have government in the first place. As the Roman consul Cicero said over two thousand years ago, “Although it was by Nature’s guidance that men were drawn together into communities, it was in the hope of safeguarding their possessions that they sought the protection of cities.”

Incidentally, Cicero also warned us about the demagoguery of “income inequality.” His friend Lucius Marcius Philippus introduced a bill to redistribute property and suggested in one of his speeches that all property should be equal. Cicero condemned the speech, saying, “What more ruinous policy than that could be conceived?”

Wise men like Cicero have been warning us for thousands of years about demagogues preaching income inequality and subverting respect for private property. Aristotle warned us about it, too. So Obama is nothing new. He’s just another Philippus. But he goes a step further in inciting a war on cops. He’s not just threatening private property with his calls to “spread the wealth around.” He’s endangering everyone’s lives by encouraging a war on cops.

It’s not just in Ferguson. Obama’s socialist ally, Mayor de
Bloodio of New York City, has been just as culpable as Obama and Holder in encouraging this violence. When two cops were killed, execution style, last December, the head of the police officer’s union said the mayor had “blood on his hands.”

He was right. Leadership has consequences. I disagreed with the nonindictment of Eric Garner’s killers. I said so unequivocally on my show,
The Savage Nation
. However, like any rational person, I blamed the killing on the individuals who perpetrated it, not every cop in New York.

Mayor de Bloodio did exactly the opposite. In rhetoric worthy of his socialist idol, Obama, he said he was afraid his son wasn’t safe walking the streets anymore, “and not just from some of the painful realities of crime and violence in some of our neighborhoods, but safe from the very people they want to have faith in as their protectors.”

Do you see what is happening? These demagogues are not just inciting people’s emotions to win elections. They are breaking down the pillars of civilized society. When that common bar thug dressed up as a cop killed Eric Garner, he should have been indicted. That he wasn’t was injustice for Eric Garner and his family. But when you indict all cops everywhere and express sympathy for people who murder them, none of us are safe anymore.

This is where Obama and the progressives have led us. They have incited contempt for the protectors of life and property. They have encouraged hatred of everything great about America. They have convinced a lot of gullible young people that the freest, richest, greatest nation on earth is actually a prison where white privilege reigns, women and minorities are oppressed, workers are exploited, and the environment is destroyed.

Obama is the same kind of pedantic, academic socialist as the professors who tried to have the American flag banned on the campus of the University of California, Irvine. They sided with a bunch of useless, idiotic left-wing students who drafted the petition because the American flag “contributes to racism.” Does this sound familiar? These ideas start with our leadership.

Universities have become hotbeds of anti-Americanism, bent on attacking the nation’s honor itself. It was from this environment that the current president emerged, and his fellow socialists in academia are feeling brave.

Do you want to know how bad this poison can get? One hundred eighty Americans have actually attempted to join ISIS.
That’s right. Their minds are so warped by progressive hatred for America that they’ve actually decided the ninth-century throwbacks who burn people alive might be better.

Certainly, 180 people is like a dust speck in a nation of over three hundred million. But you should be alarmed that even one American kid could actually reject the freedom this country offers for the murderous tyranny of the Islamofascists. This is what happens when your leadership wages nonstop, demagogic war on freedom of religion, free speech, private property, and free markets. Hatred of freedom and civilization drives people toward the antithesis of freedom and civilization.

Of course, some of these are not American kids at all. They weren’t U.S. citizens and they never did believe in American principles. They were radical Muslims living in Obama’s America, where there are no borders. Tuberculosis, measles, and EV-D68 are not the only things this administration’s irresponsible immigration policies have imported. It has also imported some of the Islamofascists themselves.

Zero Leadership for the World

That brings us to Obama’s leadership on the world stage. In the face of the real oppressors of women, homosexuals, and other minorities, oppressors who are beheading people and burning them alive, he is a complete pushover. Where is his audacity in dealing with ISIS? Where is his audacity in dealing with Iran? Instead of dealing with these real threats, he is provoking a war with Russia that America cannot afford and may very well lose.

Let me tell you about another speech that was given just a few days before Obama’s Selma address. It wasn’t given by a Republican. It wasn’t even given by an American. It was given by a foreign head of state, but, ironically, it was the first time in a long time I felt proud to be an American again.

I’m talking about Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on March 3, 2015.
It was a mirror image of Obama’s speech, just as that leader is a mirror image of Obama. Here is a real leader, stating facts and showing pride in his country’s history and heritage. His speech united instead of divided. Republicans and Democrats, who broke ranks with the president for the first time since his inauguration, were on their feet cheering on dozens of occasions.

I go back in history and compare this speech to something Winston Churchill did. He also addressed Congress, during World War II. Speaking just three weeks after Pearl Harbor, he said:

Sure I am that this day, now, we are the masters of our fate. That the task which has been set us is not above our strength.
That its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our cause, and an unconquerable willpower, salvation will not be denied us. In the words of the Psalmist: “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings. His heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.”

Can you imagine the comparison between Winston Churchill and the duplicitous community organizer we have in the White House today? Churchill’s speech also united American Republicans and Democrats. It united the United States and Great Britain against the Axis powers. This is what real leaders do. They unite.

Real leaders are also stand-up people. Despite a long history of passive-aggressive sniping from the Obama administration, Netanyahu took considerable time to thank Obama personally for those times when the president
do his duty to support our ally. He was gracious and deferential to a man who has constantly tried to undermine him and his fight to protect Israel from enemies who want to destroy her.

In a way, he was talking to himself during that part of the speech. Obama did not attend, citing the American custom of not meeting with foreign heads of state so close to an election.

What hypocrisy. Weeks before the story broke, I warned my radio listeners on
The Savage Nation
that Obama had sent hundreds of operatives to Israel to try to undermine Netanyahu and the Likud Party in the Israeli election. We’re supposed to believe it was a mere coincidence that tens of thousands of Israelis organized and called for Netanyahu’s replacement just four days after his speech.

Sure enough, barely a week after the protest, Fox News broke the story that a bipartisan commission was investigating
whether the Obama administration was funding efforts to oust Netanyahu.

He did more than fund those efforts. The president of the United States sent approximately two hundred fanatical left-wing street operatives, including one Jeremy Bird, who ran Obama’s 2008 campaign with an iron fist, to try to overthrow Netanyahu. They failed.

This election was almost as significant for Americans as it was for Israel. If you analyze it, several things jump out at you.

First, the bias of the media was so overwhelming against Netanyahu that it was beyond an embarrassment. It was a joke, a laugh line. We know the media is all anti-American, all anti-Israel, all of the time. We know they’re antinationalists. The media is comprised of overeducated and underlearned people who believe they’re not citizens of America, or any other nation, but citizens of the world.

Barack Hussein Obama thinks the same way. Before he became president, he went to Berlin, and in that memorable, meaningless speech, the president of the United States called himself a “citizen of the world.” Boy, did he ever mean it. It may have been the one and only thing he said that day that he truly meant. He certainly isn’t at heart a citizen of the United States.

So, the Israeli election was to some extent about Obama. People ask me, “Are you happy that Netanyahu won?” I say, “Well, the real story is that Obama lost.” He spent all of his powers trying to defeat Netanyahu short of going to war with Israel and he lost.

Those of you who are religious were celebrating and saying it was God’s hand that gave Netanyahu victory. That’s one way to look at it.

I’m more of a pragmatist than I am a religionist. Pragmatically speaking, the Jews in Israel know their backs are against the wall. They know what an existential threat to their survival means. Americans don’t really know what it means because they live in a dream world.

I don’t blame them for that. Who wants to walk around agitated twenty-four hours a day over what might be tomorrow when they can enjoy today? Very few. Those of us who do it for a living have to do it. We are hired to do it. We are hired to be the seers, and we see what’s coming in this country.

Obama’s attempt to manipulate the Israeli elections failed, but it was par for the course. He consistently attacks our allies and panders to our enemies, always leading the world toward greater instability. Obama wanted more socialist leadership in Israel. That would have made Israel easier to manipulate into accepting a Palestinian state, based on indefensible Israeli borders.

That would have furthered the progressive dream of one multicultural, socialist world order, but it is not in the best interests of the American people, any more than for the Israeli people. America’s interests are best served by a strong Israel, as the bulwark of democracy and freedom in a region increasingly dominated by tyranny and ninth-century theocracy.

Obama’s meddling in the Israeli elections was the Arab Spring strategy all over again. Remember how that started, with those “spontaneous” protests in the streets? Do you remember Hillary Clinton cackling “We came, we saw, he died,” after Mu‘ammar Gadhafi was killed by an Islamist mob? She was quite self-satisfied with her “Arab Spring,” wasn’t she? What do you think of the results now?

Take a look at the Middle East after this administration
toppled secular governments, allowed radical jihadists like the Muslim Brotherhood to seize power, and abandoned the Iraqi government instead of leaving a stabilizing force behind, as so many advised. It’s more radically Islamist than it’s been in a thousand years. ISIS has established a caliphate and threatens to take over all of Iraq and then move on to Syria.

Does this benefit the American citizens whose interests Obama is supposed to represent? No. This administration’s foreign policy has worked in direct opposition to the interests of the American people, almost without exception.

That’s just what it was doing when trying to bring about regime change in Israel. The president and his sorority want a leftist government in Israel that will not speak up, as Netanyahu did, when the United States makes the wrong deal with Iran. They want a government that will not, as Netanyahu said, stand alone and go to war, if it must, to safeguard the Israeli people.

Netanyahu was like Gary Cooper in
High Noon
during that speech. He said to the American people, “The bad guys want to kill me and my townsfolk. We would love for you to join us, but if you don’t we’re willing to fight alone.”

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