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Authors: Lily Harlem and Lucy Felthouse

GrandSlam (13 page)

BOOK: GrandSlam
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I sneaked a peek at Marie and was gratified to note she had
a dreamy, satisfied look on her face. I’d done that. I pushed my foot down
harder on the accelerator, but only a little. I could scarcely wait to get her
into my apartment, but I wasn’t going to drive dangerously—I’d rather we got
there in one piece. There was no way I was going to admit it to
Marie—especially not in the current situation—but the accident had changed my
driving style. I hadn’t been a total idiot before, but I was a tad reckless.
Now though, I was more aware of my mortality, especially since I was still getting
used to driving on the other side of the road.

After what seemed like forever, we arrived at my building. I
drove into the underground car park and put the truck into my allocated space
before switching off the engine, then dashing ’round to help Marie out, noting
her slight wince as she slid off the seat.

“Thanks.” She grinned at me.

“No problem.” My cock had fallen into a semierect state on
the drive from Haven of Debauchery to my place, but with a smile and a body
like Marie’s waiting for me I knew it would take no time at all before it
awakened again. In fact, by the time we emerged from the elevator onto my floor
it was almost fully hard at the mere thought of what was going to happen next.

Outside my door, eagerness to get inside—both the apartment
and Marie—had me fumbling with my keys. Mentally chastising myself for behaving
like a hormone-ridden teenager, I finally flung the door open and gestured her
to go in.

She smiled and headed in. A second later, she let out a low
whistle. “Wow, nice place. Only the best for the world’s number one, huh?”

“Marie, this is awfully rude of me and I hope you’ll forgive
me. But can we save the small talk for later? If I don’t get inside you very
soon I think I might embarrass myself.”

A flicker of amusement crossed her face, then was replaced
by pure, unadulterated lust. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. She nodded
once, curt.

“The bedroom’s that way.” I pointed, then was one
step—barely—behind her the entire way.

I was suddenly very glad I’d tossed off in the shower
earlier. I hoped it would improve my stamina.

Chapter Thirteen


“The bedroom’s that way,” Travis said, then practically
shoved me into a stunningly big room with a large chocolate-brown leather bed
and dark built-in furniture.

Was I dreaming? Floating? Had I taken something illegal that
was giving me the mother of all highs? I wasn’t sure of the answer, but my God
it felt good. My senses were alive, my heart pounding; every breath seemed to
course through my body, delivering oxygen, yes, but also neat lust to each cell
of my being.

Travis strode over to the window, drew the heavy black
curtains then turned to me, hands on his hips, his feet apart and his eyebrows
drawn down low and determined.

I gulped. It was an expression I’d seen on him a couple of
times before. I never thought I’d see it directed at me though. In the past I’d
always seen Travis Connolly glare like that just before he won a match point at
a major tournament. It was his “I’m going to get exactly what I want and
there’s nothing you can do to stop me” stare.

A quiver of nerves attacked my belly, sending goose bumps
skittering over my skin. They all seemed to congregate on my arse, and again I
was reminded of the smarting and the sting of my dress rubbing against the sore

“Turn around,” he said, reaching for the top button of his
shirt. “Now.”

I did as he asked and set my focus on a stack of black silk
pillows on his bed.

“Take your shoes off.”

I slipped out of my sandals, kicked them to one side. The
carpet was soft on the soles of my feet and I felt even smaller than I had

“And your dress.”

I reached for a zip at the side.

“Did you hear what I said?” he snapped.


“Yes Sir, Marie. You answer me yes Sir when I tell you to do

“Yes…Sir.” My voice quavered a little in my throat.
Excitement certainly, but also apprehension. By saying
acknowledged that he was in total control, in charge. I’d handed over trust to
Travis and would allow him to nurture my pleasure in whatever way he saw fit.

“That’s better. Don’t forget it again.”

There was a rustle of clothing and I wondered how far he’d
got with getting naked. It was tempting to turn around but I’d learned enough
to know that would no doubt earn me another punishment.

Instead I quickly shimmied out of my dress, letting it fall
over my hips and gather around my feet. I kicked it sideways so it piled on top
of my shoes in a forgotten heap.

Clenching my hands at my sides, I stared down at myself. I’d
worn no bra—the dress had an integral one—and my breasts jutted forward,
nipples rosy pink and erect. The small black triangle of my G-string covered
the juncture of my thighs and my pale-pink toenails looked startling against
the darkly carpeted floor.

Suddenly he was behind me, on his knees, holding my hips and
touching his lips to the small of my back.

“Oh God, it’s perfect,” he said, the breeze of his breath
fanning over my buttocks. “Hardly faded at all.”

I pressed my hands over his, relishing his tight, possessive
hold on me.

“Marie, your skin was made for this, the perfect blushing

“Yes,” I said, closing my eyes and giving in to sensation.
He was spreading kisses and licks over my poor abused backside, bringing it to
life again, soothing yet sore as his soft, wet tongue and his abrading chin moved
around, exploring, admiring his handiwork.

“You’re doing so well,” he said, tugging my knickers down.

I stepped out of the scrap of material. “I’m going to bring
you back to where we were at the club and then…” He paused, slid his finger
down the crack of my buttocks and sought my entrance.

I widened my stance. Swayed within his grip as he pushed a
couple of fingers into my needy pussy.

“And then, God, then I’m going to do everything I’ve been
fucking dreaming about doing to you.” Suddenly he bit my right buttock, right
in the middle.

I jerked, let out a squeal. “Ow, Jesus Christ, what the…”

With a rush of movement I found myself on the bed facedown,
a barrage of slaps hitting my already stinging arse.

“Oh, oh,” I cried. Not what I’d been expecting. “Ah, fucking
hell.” I tried to writhe away. Fuck, it hurt like hell. My skin was so sore
already. This was a new, angry layer.

“Stay with it, babe,” Travis said, keeping me prisoner by
pressing on my back with his free hand. “Just let that burn build up again,
send it to your sweet, sweet pussy so in a minute I can taste how good it

“Ah, I’m not…sure…it feels…good.” Bloody hell, he wasn’t
holding back. Those damn fine tennis player muscles of his were striking me
over and over. “Oh God.”

I was on my back, he’d moved me again as if I were a doll he
was playing with. He caught my mouth in a savage kiss, his bare chest bashed up
against mine.

I slotted my hands into his hair, following his movements as
his kiss traveled down my throat, over my sternum and he caught my nipple in
his mouth.

“Oh Sir, yes,” I panted. That was more like it. But…but it
was weird. The stinging slaps on my arse had stopped but I missed them. They
really did add to the singing in my body, heightening my awareness of everything.

“You’re so little and soft,” he murmured. “And so trusting.
I adore it, I adore you.”

I shut my eyes, arched my back. Gave myself over to his
perfect brand of adoration.

It was then I realized he was going to treat me to his
earlier promise. He splayed my legs apart and then scooped my stinging buttocks
into his palms. His hands were shockingly cool against my burning skin.

“Ah, so pretty, I knew you would be.”

I tore open my eyes, saw him staring at my pussy as his
shoulders forced my legs wider still.

“Every little crease and ripple of skin is perfection,” he
said quietly, almost to himself.

I groaned and dropped my head back again. Part of me wanted
to squirm with the embarrassment of my most intimate folds being scrutinized by
Travis; the other part wanted to shout at him to get the hell on with it. I
didn’t dare do either in case he changed his mind about going down on me.

After what felt like an age but was probably seconds, he set
to kissing my thighs, taking his damn time about it too, considering how needy
I was.

I tightened my grip in his hair, whimpered his name and
then, “Please, Sir, I need to come.”

He chuckled. “Ah, I was wondering when you’d ask.”

“I have to ask?” I bucked my hips upward, searching for his

“You have to ask for permission, yes.”

Fuck, I nearly
come earlier in the club. He’d
been prodding that sweet spot inside me so wonderfully and, combined with the
rudeness, the brazenness of what we were doing and the burn in my buttocks… Hot
didn’t begin to describe it.

He wriggled his tongue through the outer lips of my pussy.
Not quite catching anything important, but I suspected that was intentional.

I called out, wanting to spring forward and demand more, and
also wanting to arch back and thrust. “Oh, please, can I come?” I paused and
then remembered. “Sir. Please, Sir.”

He chuckled, the heat of his mirth stimulating me further.
“Since you asked so nicely.” He flicked the tip of his tongue over my clit.
“But you’d better get ready for it.”

Brilliant lights burst in my vision. My body became tight as
a bow, yet floppy and boneless. Travis fucked me with his tongue, shoving into
my pussy and then sucking on my clit.

I pulled his hair, ground my hips up to him, pulled back. I
wanted more, but damn it was so much. If there were a Grand Slam tournament for
oral sex, Travis would definitely hold the title.

Sweet slurping sounds drifted to my ears, mingling with my
own cries for more, for less. Damn, my arse hurt and he was massaging it too,
adding to the maelstrom of other wild, primitive sensations attacking me.

Then it was there, one huge climax that had built to
volcanic proportions. I wasn’t sure if I’d survive it. I clung to Travis,
wrapped my legs around him, dug my heels into his back. He’d have to hold me,
bring me back to Earth after I was flung every which way. He’d promised he

The point of no return gripped me. I bucked against his
relentless tongue as the whole world seemed to hold its breath for one
heart-stopping moment. And then spasms and a great flood of release ransacked
me. Moisture was seeping from my pussy. I cried out, twisted, released Travis
and fisted the covers.

“Ah baby,” he said, pausing briefly then continuing to lave
at my quivering sex. “So good, so wet. Give me more.”

I dragged in air, realized that I’d forgotten to breathe. My
pussy was thumping and clenching around nothing, my clit bobbing in Travis’
mouth, crushed against the flat of his tongue.

“Oh Sir,” I managed.

“Mmm, your cum tastes beautiful,” he said, releasing my poor
swollen clit, slipping his hands from my scalding buttocks and sliding up and
over my body. Somewhere in the recesses of my brain I registered that he was
naked too. “I could drink you up all night.”

I caught his cheeks in my hands, the stubble sharp on my
palms, and looked up into his handsome face. He was shiny and damp, his lips
red and swollen. I could smell myself, my arousal, it was coming off him in

“So how did that first little orgasm with your Master feel?”
he asked, licking the corners of his mouth as if savoring every drop of my
glistening moisture.

“Little?” I was so breathless I heaved in another lungful of

He grinned. “Yeah, that was just starters.”

“Then God help me.”

“Oh no, he is of no use to you, babe. You’ve handed yourself
over to me, remember?”

He kissed me and I was aware of my own flavor stronger than
ever before.

“Ah, damn.” His weight dropped over me and his cock nudged
at the inside of my thigh. “I have to fuck you, now.”

“Condom?” I gasped. I may have given myself over to him
sexually, but I hadn’t lost my mind.

He growled; I swear it really was a growl—deep and
frustrated and it vibrated from his body into mine.

“Don’t move,” he ordered. “Not an inch.”

Between one heartbeat and the next he was over me again,
sheathed. “I can’t remember ever wanting anyone as much as I want you right
now,” he said onto my lips.

“Yes, I…” Whatever I was going to say petered out into a
long, low groan. Feeling Travis’ cock push insistently into my tight, trembling
pussy was mind-alteringly blissful.

He kept his mouth over mine but his lips stopped moving.
Like me, it seemed our joining was all he could think of. Nothing and no one
else existed.

He kept on tunneling in, filling me. Even when I thought I
could take no more he continued to stretch me upward, outward, the entrance to
my pussy thinning as his girth increased at the root. The nipping, hot
sensation was divine. I didn’t want it to end and damn, I was full. Chock-full,
it was as if he’d invaded my entire pelvis, not just my pussy.

Locking my legs around his thighs, I clung to him, holding
him close. I wrapped my hands around his concrete biceps. Tense and tight, his
arms supported the majority of his weight. Thank goodness.

I could hardly believe what was happening. Travis was
fucking me and having him seated to the hilt was making me greedy for another
orgasm even though I’d barely come down from the first one. I was on dangerous
ground. Whatever it was we were doing could easily become addictive.

“Ah, yeah, I’m in you, so deep. How does it feel?” he
whispered onto my lips, his words stilted.

“Amazing,” I said, “so fucking amazing.”

“You may come again,” he said, “in fact I order you to…when
I do.” He reared up and then stared down at our pubic hair meshed together. My
neat strip dark and delicate next to his riot of coarse curls.

I cupped his chin, squeezed my internal muscles around his
dick. Delighted in the hiss of air he dragged through his teeth.

“Ah Jesus, you little minx.” He pulled out, shoved back in.

The breath was knocked from my lungs. Again I gripped his
arms, hanging on as he set a frantic, manic pace.

A trickle of sweat rolled from his temple onto his cheek,
dripped down onto my jostling breasts. Pressure was mounting inside me again. A
wonderful, deep expansion of bliss that was rising in my womb.

“Yes, yes, more, Sir, more,” I said. The word Sir was now a
delight on my tongue. I liked it so much I said it again and again. “Sir, Sir,
Sir, Sir…”

“Fucking hell, come, come now.” If he’d been frantic before,
now it verged on violent. On each withdrawal his cock left me before shunting
back in to the hilt and then retreating. The stretch, the absolute filling and
emptying and the way his pubic bone bashed into my clit had me clawing at his
arms, bucking to meet him and tumbling into my orgasm.

“Oh, I’m coming…I’m coming…” I called out.


He froze, balls-deep. Shoved into me, as if he wouldn’t be
happy until he was bursting right out of my throat.

I spiraled into bliss, clamping around his pulsing cock.

He latched on to my neck, kissing, biting, sucking. I arched
for more, more of everything he could give me and was thankful for his solid
weight preventing me from completely losing myself.

“Ah yeah, babe,” he groaned, releasing my neck and nibbling
his way toward my mouth. His breaths were blowing like a gale, his chest rising
and falling hard against mine. “I think we can safely say… You’re a most
excellent student.”

I giggled, found his mouth and kissed him, hard,
passionately, thoroughly, to show him that I absolutely approved of his teaching
techniques. There was no one better than Travis Connolly. He was number one in
the world at more things than just tennis.

BOOK: GrandSlam
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