Graverobbers Wanted (No Experience Necessary) (20 page)

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   "No one in any universe I've ever inhabited," I admitted. "Do they all own computers?"


   "I don't know. Carl and Farley definitely do. I think Linda does, but I can't say for sure.
, I'm not being much help, am I?"


   "Sure you are. Another question...does anyone in the group own a bow and
a crossbow?"


   "Yeah, Dominick does. He has an amazing collection of weaponry from what I hear, all kinds of stuff. But he also has a bunch of stuff that he leaves in
, that
anyone could have taken."


   The Mad Archer hadn't really demonstrated any out-of-the-ordinary skill, so this knowledge didn't help much. "The guy I sort of scared to death last night, The Apparition, do you know him? Your name was in his address book."


   "I don't know anyone socially by the name of The Apparition, but describe him."


of a weird facial bone structure, a little off-center."


   "That's Jake!" Rachel exclaimed. "We hired him right when we started Ghoulish Delights, but Mike fired him. I don't think he even lasted a week. I'd forgotten all about him. You say he had my address?"


else's, too.
I need to know, have you ever gotten the impression that Ghoulish Delights is more than the part that you're familiar with? Because I think it's a cover for something a lot more profitable, and a lot more demented."


   "The snuff video,
know I sound like I have no observational powers whatsoever, but if the Ghoulish Delights I know is a cover for a snuff film operation, I had absolutely no idea. How many tapes did you say there were?"


   "I didn't. I've got the one I found in the coffin, and the killer said he'd give me another one today. But from Jennifer's introduction it sounded like part of a series. You've got the real-life murder part, and the fancy's either a nice little treat for some depraved clients, or just a creepy way that Michael and Jennifer entertained themselves."


   "If he even knew about
far you only have proof that Jennifer was involved."


   "You're right.
finding out about it could have been what started this whole—"


   I stopped talking as I saw Roger crutch his way into the weight room. "Hey, our story is paying us a visit," he announced, as he was followed by Dominick and Linda. Neither of them appeared happy; Dominick furious, Linda distraught.


   I glanced quickly at Rachel, who was looking a bit panicky. I hoped to God she wouldn't blow the whole deal.




Chapter 15


    "DO YOU mind telling me who you really are?" Dominick demanded, taking long, purposeful strides toward me.


   "You must've talked to Carl or Farley," I said, keeping my cool.


   "You're damn right. Farley called me last night. You've got a lot of nerve pretending to be a reporter when you're just some pathetic excuse for a detective. Mike was a good friend of mine, and I can't believe you didn't tell us something happened to him!"


own good," I said.


   "Oh, yeah, I'm sure. How exactly does that work?"


   "There's a lot more to the situation that Jennifer doesn't want me to discuss. I'm sorry, but she's my client and I have to respect her wishes."


   "Where is she now?"


   "That's confidential."


want to know what's going on!"


   Dominick raised a fist as if to hit me. Linda put her hand on his shoulder to calm him, while Rachel stepped between us. "Settle down," she said.


   "I don't want to settle down!"


   "Settle down or I'll do it for you."


   "You're sticking up for him?" asked Dominick, incredulous. "He lied to everyone! He should've been out there trying to find Mike instead of wasting our time
Demented bullshit!"


   "Tell me, Dominick," said Rachel, "are you currently a licensed private investigator?"


   "What? No."


   "Well, our friend Andrew here
means he knows what he's doing
. "


   Less true words were never spoken, but I certainly didn't jump in and correct her.


    "So, if we want to increase our chances of ever seeing Mike again, we're going to have to trust him. Does that make sense to you?"


   Dominick still looked like he wanted to squish my head between a pair of barbells, but he gave the faintest of nods and stepped back. Linda breathed a sigh of relief and took him by the hand.


   "What's your next step?" asked Dominick.


   "I'm currently following up on several leads," I said.


   "Like what?"


   "They're confidential."


   "Don't give me that! I want to know what you're doing to find my friend. What are the police doing?"


   "They're looking into it," I said. "But Jennifer wants this all kept as quiet as possible."




   "She just does."


   "That doesn't make any sense! Unless she was involved in his disappearance, why would she want it kept quiet? Does she think there's going to be a scandal or something? I'm sorry, but I'm really confused here."


   "Sweetie, relax," said Linda, patting his elbow with her free hand. "They're doing what they can."


   "I'm not sure I believe that."


   Rachel spoke up. "Dominick, I know you're upset. We all are. But I have every confidence that Andrew is doing everything possible to bring Mike back to us." Her voice cracked on the last few words.


   I felt like a total cretin for standing here trying to boost Dominick and Linda's hopes when I knew full well that Michael wasn't coming back, but what choice did I have?


   "I promise I'll let you know as soon as I find out something," I assured him.


   "You said you already have a few leads. That's considered finding out something. Why not share those?" asked Dominick.


   "Okay, that's enough," said
, could you please take your boyfriend home and find a way to relax him?"


   "C'mon, sweetie, let's go." Linda started to lead Dominick toward the doorway. "If there's anything we can do to help, please call us. Are we still on for the taping today?"


   Rachel glanced at me, and I gave her a light nod. "Yeah," she said. "I'll call Carl and Farley to make sure they know it hasn't been cancelled."


   "Okay, see you then." Linda and Dominick left.


   "So when do we tell them?" asked Rachel.


   "I don't know," I admitted. "I don't know what the killer has planned besides giving me a second tape. He said something about it being too late for him, about not being around soon. Do any of the Ghoulish Delights people have medical problems that you know about?"


   "Carl has asthma, but nothing
nothing terminal, at least not that they've said anything about. Have you checked hospital records?"


   "That was on the agenda for today. My wife's a nurse, so I was hoping she'd be able to assist with that. Not that she can do much while stuck in bed with a broken leg, but I don't exactly have a long list of connections."


   Rachel thought for a long moment. "I want to help you in any way I can, but I really don't know what else to tell you. Is there anything you want me to do?"


   I shook my
Don't go around asking questions or anything like that...I don't want to tip off the killer that I told you. If it's all right, I'm still coming to the taping today. Having everyone together in one place may be helpful, especially if the killer doesn't think you know what's going on. You might catch something that Roger and I miss."


wiped a tear from her eye. "Sorry, I'm still in shock. By the way, I meant to say this earlier, but if this is a prank, I will personally break every single bone in your body."


   "I wish this was a joke, believe me," I said. "I'm going to head off now, because quite honestly if I don't get a bit more sleep the killer could juggle chainsaws at the taping and I wouldn't notice."


gave me the address and wished me luck. I gathered my offspring and we walked out of the weight room and past the front desk.


   "So, you becoming a member?" asked Hercules.


   I couldn't come up with a single even remotely smart-ass thing to say, so I merely shook my head. This was bad. I really needed sleep.


   And as we walked outside and saw the package resting on the hood of my car, I realized that I wasn't going to be getting any rest in the near future.


   "Someone left us a present!" Kyle exclaimed. He started to rush forward toward the colorfully-wrapped gift, which was about the size of a milk crate, but I quickly scooped him up by the waist and held him back.


   "It's not a kid present, it's a grown-up present," I said, dangling him upside-down to the accompaniment of a severe giggling fit. Realizing that I probably shouldn't be holding my son upside-down when I wasn't in the best physical condition, I returned him to his feet.


   "How do you know?"


   "I'm smart. I know everything. Roger, go grab the present, will you?"


   I'd actually been joking, but Roger crutched his way over to the car and picked up the package. Nothing blew up and no knives shot out of the sides. We all got back in
and after a quick glance around to see if I could spot somebody walking away with wrapping paper and tape tucked under their arm, we drove home.




        THE KIDS had been sent to clean their rooms, which I figured would keep them busy for the next few dozen hours. Roger and I sat on the living room couch, while the present rested on the coffee table.


   "So what do you think?" Roger asked. "It had to be either Dominick or Linda, right?"


   I shrugged. "It's not tough to get a present on the hood of somebody's car. Everyone could have known we were going to be there today, so Carl or Farley could just as easily have been hanging around, too. And who's to say that The Apparition was the killer's only hired help? I don't think finding the present rules out anyone."


   "Not even Rachel," said Roger. "She could have had Mr. Muscle put it there while we were distracted."


   "Yes, but we're not going to discuss that." I leaned forward and tore off the
big for a video tape."


   "Plus it's too heavy for that to be the only thing in there."


   "Are you sure you don't want to find a different continent to reside on while I open it?" I asked.


   "Quit yapping and do it."


   "I don't believe I've ever heard the word `yapping' as part of your vocabulary before. Stress brings out odd things in people, I guess. I once knew this guy who got in a car accident and started to cluck like a—"


   "Do it!"


   I realized that I was babbling just to delay opening the package, so I apologized and ripped off the wrapping paper. This revealed a bare cardboard box. I used a knife I'd taken from the kitchen to slice through the tape on the lid, and raised the flaps.


   Inside it was filled with confetti.


   "Enough with the confetti," I muttered.




   "Sorry. There was confetti involved last night."


   "And I missed it?"


   I wasn't about to reach inside a potentially booby-trapped box and dig around for the tape, so I lifted it from the coffee table and poured the contents out onto the floor.

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