Grayson (This is Our Life Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Grayson (This is Our Life Book 1)
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I’m not sure how long we’ve been here. It seems like forever.  Savannah still hasn’t woken up and no one has come back in our room.  I’m aching all over.  Hunger and thirst have kicked in, and I want to cry, but there are no tears left.  I know Grayson is looking for me.  He’s had Pete and Johnny trailing me for weeks.  We just have to hold on until they find us.  I know if anyone can, it will be Grayson.

The lock on the door is moved, and the knob turns as it slowly opens.  A young native boy enters the room with his eyes downcast, carrying a pitcher of water.  He places it in front of me and slowly begins to remove my gag.  I have cotton mouth and desperately want water.  My throat aches as I try to talk, but the boy shakes his head no, silently pleading with his eyes for me to remain quiet.  He lifts my head slowly and pours a small amount of liquid into my parched mouth.   I choke as the cool water slides down my throat and down the sides of my cheeks.  We repeat this once more, and then he stands and walks out the door.

“Wait.  Please don’t leave,” I beg as the door shuts and the lock is bolted into place again.  I want to cry, but I know it won’t change anything.

“Vanna.  Vanna.  Please wake up.  Please talk to me,” I plead, but she doesn’t respond.  She just lies there, occasionally moaning when she tries to move.  It’s heart-wrenching, watching my best friend suffer this way. 

Sometime later, the door is opened and a man wearing a turban covering his face, in order for me not to see his face I would guess, walks in.  He motions behind him, and two men similarly dressed but without their faces covered walk in and make their way toward me. 

“Stay away,” I scream.  “Don’t touch me.”  I try to move, but I’m still bound to the chair.

“Hush now, little one.  We need you to give someone a message for us,” says the larger, disguised man.  My chair is set right, and a card is shoved in front of my face.  “You will read this now,” he commands.

I don’t resist and read into a recorder what it says.  The tears I thought were dried up start again.  I’m petrified as I whisper their demands.  I understand their meaning immediately.  They want Grayson, and if he doesn’t come, it will be bad.  They’re going to kill us both.

The two men exit the room, while the one who causes my skin to crawl remains.  I’m not stupid.  I watch him from my peripheral vision as he moves around the room.  He’s large, bulky in stature.  He has piercing eyes.  I can’t help but feel as if I know him.  I’m just too tired, hurt, and scared to figure out how.  It isn’t long before he squats in front of me and his finger trails from my knee toward my upper thigh.  I squirm, but can’t evade his touch. 

“You’re very beautiful.  I wonder if you taste as sweet as you look.” He leans toward my ear and whispers, “He won’t be able to save you.  I’ll make sure of that, little one.  You’ll be my new pet.  I don’t think I’d get bored with you for a long while.” 

I remain silent, because I know his type.  They antagonize you until you snap and then pounce.  They want provocation.  They thrive on it.  He slowly turns and heads for the door, but before he’s gone, he leaves with one more promise, “Your friend will die slowly while you watch, tied up, unable to help.  This will ensure your obedience in the future.” And then he’s gone. 

I’m left wondering how we are ever going to get out of this mess, praying that Grayson finds us soon.  Savannah’s life is hanging in the balance.  She needs medical care and if I’m to believe the dark voice, she’s not going to get it unless we’re found or we escape.  I glance around the windowless room and know the latter won’t happen unless I can get myself released from the bindings holding me. 



I’m leaving the compound building we’ve used as our central hub the past few days when Michael approaches me.  He’s been hot on my tail for the past few weeks, but I’ve been able to avoid him.  After the mess hall incident, I’ve wanted to put my fist through his face.  He’s had what’s mine, and I’m not good with that one bit.   I’m not worried he could hurt me. I can hold my own, but I don’t want to see that look on my girl’s face again, so whatever I have to do, I’m gonna do it.  

“Captain Blackwood!” he yells.

Fuck no! Not gonna deal with him now. I turn and head in the opposite direction, ignoring his shouts.  As fate has so cruelly done to me many times in my life, I only make it to the corner before he catches my arm, stopping my forward progress and yanking me to face him.

“Get your damn hands off me now, Lieutenant, or we’re gonna have a problem regardless of my best intentions,” I calmly relay with a promise of retribution.

He shoves me back and sneers, “Need to talk to you, Captain, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

I continue to stare at him, wondering what the hell my Bluebird ever saw in him.  He’s the complete opposite of me and obviously doesn’t know when to take a hint. 

“Not today, Doctor.  I’m late for a briefing with the General,” I try once again to evade him and start hedging closer to escaping the fiasco that’s about to transpire. When his next comment sends me over the edge.

“Just thought you might want my intel regarding the girls, sir,” he drawls so casually you would think he was discussing the weather.

I stop in my tracks.  My face masks the fury I’m about to unleash.  With fire in my eyes, I grab his shirt and pull him forward.  He’s startled by my actions. I’ve gained the upper hand needed to slam his chest with my fists as I bring his face closer to mine.

“What the fuck did you say?  If you know something and haven’t told me out of jealousy, I will kill you, motherfucker,” I promise. 

He tries to back away, but my hold is firm and I’m not budging until he answers.  His body language emits confrontation.  He wants a piece of me, and I’m waiting for his next move when he looks down to where my hands are holding him and takes a hold of my wrists, applying a subtle pressure that causes my fingers to slip away from his shirt. 

“She’s mine too.  I care more about her than you will ever know,” he wearily states and releases a sigh of pent-up frustration.  “Look, we can settle our dispute later.  Right now, she’s out there and I need her safe.  That’s your job, Captain.  You need to bring her back.”

I’ve calmed some, realizing the sincerity coming from him about the situation and knowing now isn’t the time. Finding Ella is, and I need to focus on her whereabouts, not worry about the past I have no control over. 

“It’s been a long two days with little sleep. Chasing leads that go nowhere...” That’s all he’s getting from me during our temporary truce.  I don’t apologize to anyone.

He shrugs, “My shift ended right before the girls left for their run.  I took the back exit and saw your second get into a white van.  Might not mean anything, but I heard about the vehicle used to take the girls description earlier and thought every little bit could help.”  He salutes me and without another word, turns and walks away.

Without a moment to spare, I run back to the compound, looking for Beauty.  My mind is running every possible scenario as to why he would be involved.  How could someone I’ve known for years do something like this, and what are his motives?  As I enter the conference room, everyone is still sitting around but him. 

“Where’s Beauty?”

“Said he was following up on a lead and left right after you did,” Johnny replies.

“No way!”   This can’t be happening. All eyes turn and focus on me. “Radar, pull up Beauty’s phone tracker.  I wanna know where he is.”

“Sure thing, boss man.”  Radar continues typing, “Hmmm something’s off.  That’s not...what the hell?  His tracker says he’s sitting in this conference room.”

Everyone looks at where Beauty had been sitting earlier as I walk to the seat.  Sure enough, his chip is attached to it by a piece of gum.  I’m not sure if he thought we would find it and just left it as a precaution or what.


“Hold on, boss.  The satellite feed is ready for viewing,” Radar states, and we watch as the video shows two men exit the side of the white van as the girls are running down the road, both wearing turbans that cover their faces.

“Freeze it,” I command, coming around the table to the screen.  “Go back just a little...stop.  Magnify right here.”  I point to the man with his arms around Ella.  His arm is across her waist, and the evidence that arm displays is irrefutable. 

“What do you see, boys?”

“Holy Shit!” Styx exclaims, jumping up.

“Damn.  That’s his tattoo, isn’t it?” Johnny says.

“Yeah, that’s his tattoo, and the scar right above it takes all doubt out of my mind,” I state.  “We’ve found our sleeper, boys.”  You could hear a pin drop as the ramifications of what I’ve said permeate the room.

“Now what?” Johnny asks, eyeing me closely.

“He has no reason to believe we know it’s him.  We wait until he comes back, and then we make our move,” I calmly reply. 

I know the plan seems simple, but two lives depend upon us not making waves.  Beauty’s not acting alone in this, and until the girls are with us, we can’t act impulsively.

“Radar, if he asks, we couldn’t get the satellite feed.  Too grainy or something.  Animal, I want you shadowing him when he leaves.  Make sure you keep your tracker on, so we know where you are at all times.”

“What about me?” Styx asks, barely containing his rage.

“You’re with me,” I note.  “We’re going to the meeting once it’s arranged.”

With the plan set, all we can do now is wait.




Time has no meaning in the dark prison we’ve been left to suffer in.  My thoughts drift to Grayson and the happiness we’ve found.  We’ve only just found each other again, and to have it end so soon because of the nightmare we’re caught in torments my soul.  The future I had always dreamed of is right at my fingertips, only to be cut short by the actions of insane men.  Soldiers fighting their holy war against the world in the name of Mohammed. 

I’ve heard them as they’ve passed the door on and off for hours.  I know there are at least five in the building.  I think it’s an abandoned warehouse in an unoccupied area of town.  There haven’t been any traffic noises or planes flying above to clue me in to our location.  

My wrists are raw and bleeding from trying to loosen the knots, cause any slack, but the rope is not giving despite my efforts.  I’ve been working on them since the last visit from our captors.  The brutality and rape Savannah went through can’t happen again.  She won’t survive it, and if I’m to believe what the masked man said, our only hope is to escape.  

I’m jostled from my morbid thoughts when Savannah’s moans fill the room.  I look at her face and see her right eye is partially open, staring back at me. 

“Oh god, Vanna! You’re awake,” I softly murmur, scared they’ll know she’s awake and will come take her away from me again.

“Mmm…you gotta get out of here, Ella…”

I interrupt her. “Can’t leave you.  Won’t.  We’re in this together.  I know Grayson and his team’s gonna find us.  Just hold on, Vanna.”

I look at her, and tears are leaking from her eyes, creating a path of dirt and blood as my own trickle slowly down.

“Not gonna make it, sugar.  Go without me,” she grunts.

I gasp, realizing she doesn’t see me tied to the chair, unable to leave even if I wanted to. She’s delirious, and I can only assume her condition has worsened.  The hits to her head could have caused a concussion or maybe the swelling around her eye isn’t allowing her to focus on my silhouette.  I search my memories, wanting to remind her of one that we have laughed about several times over the years.

“Hang in there, sweetie.  Do you hear me?  You can’t quit. You remember bootcamp? Yeah?  Hell week?” 

That’s what we dubbed it, because we were run into the ground and spent most of the time puking our guts out. 

“I wanted to quit and give up, but your stubborn ass wouldn’t let me.  You got so mad at me for even thinking it, and we weren’t even friends yet.  Thought ya were a little cray cray that day.  Remember those last few miles?  Wouldn’t have made it without ya calling me out.  Well, now I’m returning the favor.  We don’t give up, no matter what.   I’ve got your twenty, sista.”

“You’ve always been a pain in my ass, you know that, right?” she voices as a grimace forms on her brutalized face.  “If I don’t make…”

“Shut up, Vanna.  We’re gonna make it.  No more shit talk.”  I can’t even begin to think of my life without her in it.  She’s not only my best friend, she’s every bit the sister I always wanted. 

She releases a few short, choppy breaths. “Mmm ’kay.  Ella, I’m so cold...tired.” 

“Sleep, sweetie.  Just rest.” I watch as her swollen eye shuts and her facial expressions begin to relax.

If I weren’t observing her so intently, I would have missed her lips move muttering, “Love ya, Ella bug.”

“Love you too, Vanna,” I respond.

She drifts off into a fitful sleep.  I know she is in excruciating pain, but there’s nothing we can do about it.  We’re alone and vulnerable to the man who has captured us.  I once again offer a prayer in hope that someone will find us and save us from the madness engulfing our lives.  Hoping someone will locate and set us free from our captors before they are able to keep their promise of death.  



Last night was rough as I lay awake, thinking the worst. My mind wouldn’t shut off from all the possibilities Ella and Savannah are enduring.  Had someone touched or hurt them?  Would Ella once again slip through my grasp, but this time forever?  Was fate so fickle that we would never share a future together?  Have a family?  We’ve already lost seven years, and realizing I might not ever hold her again is fucking with my head.  Vivid images of finding them both dead continued to plague me until I finally gave up on sleep and headed toward the compound to wait for updates from the team and Beauty’s return.

When I enter the conference room, Styx and Johnny are sitting there, drinking coffee.  By the looks of things, they haven’t left at all.  The strains on their faces speak volumes.  This isn’t just our job; it’s personal.  Ella belongs to all of us, and Savannah belongs to Ella, so that makes her part of our family.

“Radar get anything?” I inquire as I pour a cup for myself.

Styx confirms, “Nothing yet.  He left an hour ago to get some sleep.  He’s been tracking Mustafa’s movements and thinks they are tied somehow to the girls.  Should know something soon.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s connected Beauty to several arms shipments.   Looks like our boy’s been working with them for some time.  He found an offshore account with millions registered to Wayne Davis.  Some deposits are around the times we know arms were exchanged.  And you know Radar. Once he finds a trail, he’s like a bloodhound till he finds what he’s looking for.  Sure he’ll uncover more as he continues his search,” Johnny comments.

“Fuck! You tellin’ me my girl is being held by that crazy motherfucker?”

Johnny sips his hot brew and continues, “Nothing for sure, but yeah.  That’s what we’re thinking now, and don’t forgot Savannah’s there too.  God knows what’s happening to them.”

“I will kill every last one of those bastards if they’ve touched Savannah.  No way will they get away from me,” Styx vehemently swears as he stands and turns to leave the room.  “Going to shower ‘n change, be back in thirty.” 

“What the hell was that about?” I ask Johnny.

Shrugging his shoulders, he replies, “Think he has a sweet spot for her.  They’ve become pretty close friends over the past few weeks.”

“I’ve never seen him act that way about a chick.  He’s normally not looking for more than one night.”

“Don’t know, man.  But something’s different about her for him to act that way.”

Our conversation abruptly ends as Jacobs storms through the door, holding a brown envelope in his hand.  The scowl on his face is enough to drown out all other actions.  Jacobs’s normal tranquil demeanor is gone, replaced by a mask of fury.  

He yanks a chair back and plops down before he hastily reports, “Results are in and you’re not going to believe what I’ve learned.  Brace yourself, gentlemen.  You’re about to get the shock of your lives.  The DNA we found in the back of the abandoned van is a 99.9% match to Badahur, second in command to Mustafa on the watch list.  For years, we’ve been in the dark. There hasn’t been one agency able to get a photo to go with the name.  That streak ends today because we’ve got one now.”  Jacobs opens the envelope, flinging a picture across the table as he says, “Meet Badahur, also known as Wayne Davis aka Beauty.”

“What the fuck! You can’t be serious.  We know he’s involved, but implying he’s one of the most wanted men in the world elevates this threat to a new level.  I’ve got to update the General immediately,” I note.  My anxiety level has spiked.  Ella being held by Badadur is my worst nightmare come true.

“Holy shit! How could he have fooled us every day? We’ve been to hell and back together.  He’s one of us.  Covered my back over and over,” Johnny contemplates, thinking out loud.

“I had the lab check the results three times to be sure.  I was sick finding out he’s been hiding among us.  Can’t tell you how messed up this is, Captain.  I asked the lab tech to hold this news until I reported it to you.  We can’t keep this under wrap for long, but with the girls’ lives hanging in the balance...”

“This changes nothing with our plan.  We have to play his game.  It’s their only chance.” My hands are tied.  We can’t risk him becoming wise to us.  Sitting and waiting isn’t something I want to do.  The man in love with Bluebird is demanding I storm the fort and rescue her, but the soldier and leader knows the outcome could possibly end without her in my arms, and that’s unacceptable.

Doc studies me, and the reflection of conflict I’m fighting is evident when he asks, “What if he finds out? Believes it’s a trap?” 

I hesitate for a moment.  The idea of losing her just when I’ve found her is brutal, but not acting isn’t an option for me.  “Can’t worry about the unknown.  Animal, rally the team.  Fill ‘em in and then send a message to Beauty.  Let’s try to lure him out to our territory.  Tell him he needs to be at our briefing at zero nine hundred.”   He nods, pulls out his smartphone, and commences to following my orders.

Couple hours later, we’re all gathered around the table, waiting for Beauty to show.  My grandmother always told me patience is a virtue, and I’m surely learning this lesson now.  Sitting around and not being able to take action is taking a toll on my psyche.  My brothers in arms are assembled and ready to go at the drop of a hat.  You could cut the air with a knife.  Not only are we ready to face one of the world’s most wanted men and our fellow soldier, we’re ready to save our girls and get the revenge our mind’s require.

A ding from my phone notifies me of an incoming email, and I remark it’s from an unknown sender.  All eyes are focused on me as I motion to Radar, waving my phone in the air.  In less than a minute, he’s got the email projected onto the screen for all to view.  What we see ravages my soul.  There’s a picture of a dimly lit room with a badly beaten, naked woman lying on the ground in a heap, and beside her bound to a chair is my Bluebird with her head slumped forward.  A growl slowly ignites from the pit of my stomach as the scene infiltrates my mind.

Styx slams his fists on the table and shoves his chair against the wall.  Johnny and Doc rush over to contain him from destroying all the equipment in the room.  His pain is evident, written on his face. 

“Calm the fuck down.  We’ve got a job to do, and emotions can’t play a part in this rescue mission,” I command, looking directly at Styx. 

Several minutes pass before he acknowledges me and slowly lowers his arms to his side.  When he looks at me, so much is conveyed in a few seconds.  Pain, anger, revenge.  He’s gone into battle mode, and god help the poor sucker who's harmed his woman.

“Boss man, says here you’re to go to the coordinates listed and wait for instructions.  You’ve only got thirty minutes to get there to receive the next one,” Radar reads.  “If you bring anyone or they see a shadow, one of the women will die.”

I make the orders, not follow them, and the low-life son of a bitch running this scam is about to find out what happens when you mess with me.  “Change up the frequencies we’ve been using for our trackers.  Make us fucking ghosts, Radar.  Don’t want to give them a reason to hurt them,” I command while standing. 

I look at Styx. “You in a good enough place to finish this mission?”  His face is blank now, all emotion wiped clean, a determined soldier is staring back at me.   I’m concerned how it will affect his actions, but don’t have time to dig deeper.  We need our heads in the game.

“Let’s light ‘em, Captain,” he replies, making his way to the exit, not even glancing back to see if I follow.

“Johnny, need you to be his backup.  We know Beauty won’t show.  He’s sent us an invitation to his party, and I’m ready to crash it,” I mention as I walk around the large table.

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