Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance)

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Authors: Mia Harris

Tags: #vampire, #werewolf, #bbw, #bbw alpha male, #bbw vampire, #vampire bbw, #werewolf bbw, #bbw president

BOOK: Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance)
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Grey Wolf in the White
House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance)

By Mia Harris

Smashwords Edition

Published by Mia Harris on

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Copyright © 2013 Mia Harris

Cover image licensed by Ingram

This book is a work of fiction and any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or
locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of
the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

Adult Reading Material

Grey Wolf in the White House
(Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance – Alpha Mate)

Part One

This was the earliest that Arianna
Mills, or Ari to her friends, had ever left her apartment. It was
only six-thirty A.M. and she was already on her way to her new
internship. Technically, she didn’t start until seven-thirty, but
she was so nervous that she had decided to go as early as possible.
The reason that she was so nervous was because of where her
internship was; the White House. After completing her undergraduate
degree in Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, or
UPenn as everyone called it, she had moved to Washington and
applied to the internship program at the behest of her father. She
had had no idea that she would actually get in, but she was excited
to get started.

Ari had been assigned to the office of
the White House Chief of Staff, and while the position was unpaid,
it was a fantastic opportunity that would open many doors for her
in the future. She was also hoping that she would get a glimpse of
President Remy Armstrong, seeing as the Oval Office was so close to
where she would be working. He was the youngest president to have
ever been sworn in at only thirty-six years old, and was also one
of the only Presidents in US history who wasn’t married. Normally,
being unmarried wouldn’t gain much of the public’s trust, but his
relative youthfulness compared to previous Presidents had helped
them get past it. He had won the election six months ago in a
landslide victory.

His looks certainly didn’t
hurt his chances, either, Ari thought as she recalled the photos
and videos that she had seen of the man. Remy Armstrong was tall,
with a straight nose, strong jawline, bright blue eyes and sandy
brown hair.
I can’t believe he isn’t

An hour later, she was finally starting
work. A woman named Beth Winters had been given the job of showing
the interns around and assigning them tasks, and she seemed
friendly enough. The Chief of Staff himself was a grumpy older man
named Ross Wilkins, and Ari immediately didn’t like him.

That afternoon, Beth looked Ari up and
down for a moment.

“That’s a nice blouse. Where did you
get it?”

“Oh… I don’t actually remember,” Ari

Truthfully she did remember; her mother
had bought it for her. Ari hated shopping because nothing ever fit
her properly. At five foot three and a size fourteen, it was
difficult to even walk into a boutique without some snobby sales
assistant looking down their nose at her. She had been a curvy girl
ever since she hit puberty, and she didn’t understand why some
people had such a problem with it. As long as she was comfortable
with her body, she didn’t really care what others thought of her,
but going shopping made it impossible to ignore what they thought,
and it was never a nice experience.

“Right, everyone. We have a special
surprise for you today. This isn’t something we normally do for new
interns, but you’re lucky. Ross has organized a meeting in the
Roosevelt Room for all the new staff and interns to meet President
Armstrong,” Beth said, addressing the small group of young people
in front of her.

“Alright, come with me,” she continued
before turning on her heel and briskly walking away.

Ari caught up with her.

“Do we really get to meet him?” she
asked excitedly.

“Yes, Ari, but it won’t be for long.
He’s a very busy man, as you know, and there are a lot of new
people that he has to meet. You’ll be lucky to get five seconds
with him. And don’t you dare think of trying to hit on him. The
last thing we need around here is another version of the Lewinsky
incident,” Beth replied, a little smile playing on her

“Oh, I would never… I’m just so excited
to be here.”

Beth stopped for a second and turned to

“You have a good attitude, but trust
me, it’s not so exciting after a while. It’s long hours and hard
work with no pay. If you’re one of the lucky few, you might score a
paid position when you finish,” she said.

“Well, I hope I do,” Ari replied

A tall, dark-haired man with thin lips
and an aquiline nose passed them, and gave them a thin

“Where do I know that man from?” she
asked, pointing to him as he walked away.

“That’s Damien Xavier. You’ve probably
seen him in the papers; he’s a fairly prominent Senator. My advice
would be to stay away from him. From what I’ve heard, he sucks his
staff dry. Absolute tyrant to work with. Ross is like an angel
compared to him,” Beth replied.

She smiled and continued on her way to
the meeting room. As Ari followed her in, she was surprised by the
size of the room. It was a lot smaller than she had imagined.
Across the other side, she could see some interns already being
introduced to the President, and she felt as if she might faint. In
person, he was even more handsome.

“Ross, would you like to introduce your
new interns?” Beth asked as she sidled up to the Chief of

Seconds later, Ari was face-to-face
with the President himself.

“Nice to meet you, Ari,” he said, once
Ross had introduced her. “I was an intern in the office of the
Chief of Staff myself, many years ago.”

His voice was deep and masculine, and
Ari felt her cheeks turning pink.

“Oh,” she said.

That was all she could muster up the
courage to say, and he regarded her with a twinkle of amusement in
his eyes.

“I don’t think that’s an appropriate
lipstick that you’re wearing,” Ross hissed from beside her,
thinking that no one else could hear.

Ari loved lipstick, and had chosen to
wear a red-orange color today. It wasn’t particularly bright or
distracting, so she had assumed that it would be okay.

“Oh, leave the girl alone,” Remy said,
clapping a hand over Ross’ shoulder. “I like it. Looks very retro,
like a pin-up girl from the fifties.”

“With all due respect, sir, this isn’t
really the place for pin-up girls,” Ross replied.

Ari flushed bright red and
wanted to disappear into thin air, and Remy looked at her for a
moment longer before excusing himself and turning away. Despite the
embarrassment, she couldn’t believe that she had actually met
Marco will be so

Marco was a friend from college that
she shared her apartment with, and he was already slightly envious
of the fact that she had managed to score the internship. He had
applied, but not been chosen. Still, he was a great friend, and
very supportive of her.

Several hours later, Ari was
finally heading home. Exhausted from such a long day, she collapsed
into bed almost straight away, wondering if she could really cope
with another ten weeks of this
. If I get to
see that sexy President every so often, I think I’ll
, she thought, her head full of
thoughts of Remy as she drifted off to sleep.


After two weeks, Ari was finally
starting to get used to the internship. She seemed to be Beth’s
favorite, and she was always sent off on tasks that Beth apparently
didn’t trust the other interns with. Right now it was Tuesday
afternoon, and Ari had just returned from a field trip with the

“Oh, Ari, I need you to go and deliver
these to the President,” Beth said, waving a sheaf of papers at

“The… the President?”

“Are you ever going to stop behaving
like a crazy fan-girl whenever anyone mentions him? Yes, the
President. These are very important documents that I’m trusting you
with. I would do it myself but I’m very busy at the

“Shouldn’t I just leave them with his
assistant or secretary?”

“Normally, yes, but he isn’t near his
office at the moment.”

Beth gave her directions, and Ari took
the papers and scurried away. On her way to the office where the
President apparently was, she passed Damien Xavier. His thin lips
curled up in a smile when he saw her, but the smile didn’t reach
his cold green eyes. Ari shuddered and turned a corner. When she
arrived at the right door, she came across the President’s two
Secret Service agents.

“Oh, hello. I need to get these papers
to President Armstrong,” she said.

“Take them to his secretary. He’s busy
in a meeting with Mr. Xavier at the moment,” one of them replied

“I was told to bring them straight
here. And… I just saw Mr. Xavier heading down the hallway, walking
away from here.”

She eyed the men suspiciously, and the
one who had spoken looked taken-aback for a second.

“Sorry. I meant to say, he was just in
a meeting with Mr. Xavier. Now, he’s being fitted for some new
suits, so no one can go in there.”

“But my supervisor said that I need to
give him these directly. She said they’re really

Both agents ignored her and looked
ahead with impassioned expressions on their faces, and Ari stalked
away. Suddenly, a daring thought occurred to her. Back when she was
a child, her parents had brought her on a tour of the White House,
and they had been shown through this exact part. The tour guide had
shown them a secret door, built by a previous President with a
sense of humor. It was hidden by a fake bookcase, and Ari was
fairly certain that she knew where it was. If she was right, the
door was in the room directly next to where the President was being
fitted for suits.

I really want to see him
shirtless. This’d be the perfect opportunity.
She willed herself to do it, and looked around to make sure
that no one was looking at her. Satisfied that she wasn’t being
noticed by anyone, she stepped into the room and was happy to find
it empty.

Okay, that must be the shelf
over there. Please tell me that I remembered this

She walked over to a large
wooden shelf that was filled with old books, and looked closely at
the side of it.
There it is. I just have to
slowly pull the shelf away and it will open the door.

Ari very carefully pulled on
the shelf-door, making sure that it only opened a tiny bit; enough
to see into the next room, but not enough to be obvious.
There he is
. Remy was
standing in the room, and it sounded like he was having a heated
conversation with someone. Ari couldn’t see anyone else with him,
and then realized that he was talking on a cell phone. He was alone
in the room, and certainly not being fitted for new clothing.
Hanging up the phone, he threw it to the floor and glared down at

A minute later, Ari couldn’t believe
what she was seeing. Remy was there one second, and the next, there
was a large grey wolf in the room, tearing and pawing at a pile of
papers. As the creature’s claws shredded the documents, she saw its
eyes. They were a pale amber color, and Ari’s hand flew to her
mouth as she gasped.

Suddenly, the wolf turned,
sniffing the air and looking in her direction.
It heard me. Shit.
She quickly pushed
the door shut, and then turned and ran out of the room. She didn’t
stop running until she was back in her usual office.
What the hell was that? The President was there
one second, and suddenly he turned into…. No, it can’t

“Ari, did you deliver those documents?”
Beth asked.

“Oh, no, the Secret Service agents
wouldn’t let me in,” she replied, still out of breath from the
sudden dash away from whatever she had seen in that

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