Ground & Pound (18 page)

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Authors: Emily Minton,Alexis Noelle

BOOK: Ground & Pound
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My eyes search the ocean, taking in the rolling waves. The sun’s rays glisten against the water, causing it to look like diamonds. The sparkles catch my eyes. Other than my woman, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful. I take a moment to say a quick thank you to God for allowing me to live to see this day. It was close going there for a bit, but six months later, I’m about to marry the woman I love. 

It hasn’t been an easy road for us. My recovery wasn’t the best, and I was a horrible patient. I’m sure, by the time I was released, the nurses were ready to kill me. That hospital bed was like a damn jail cell for me, though. I’ve never been someone who could stay in one place for too long. I hated feeling helpless or like people had to take care of me.

Once we were home, I was constantly getting questions about whether I would fight again or not. Emmy heard me tell my agent that I was going to work my damnedest to get back into the ring. She didn’t give me shit for it, but I found her later that night crying in the bedroom. She said the idea of me fighting, of seeing me in the ring, terrified her. Her entire body was shaking. I had never seen her like that, and it really made an impact on me.

I decided that night that I had reached my goal in the fighting world. I won my title. For my girl, I would agree not to step back into the ring. I couldn’t step away from the sport completely, though. It’s a part of me; it’s like it runs in my veins. I started training fighters, and I have to say it makes me just as happy. Molding these guys and harnessing their talent the way Nico did for me is a great feeling.

Ozzy nudges me, nodding to the far end of the beach. My heart picks up speed as soon I see Trey leading Emmy over the sand. She is wearing a simple white sundress, and her feet are bare. Her long blonde hair is hanging in waves down her back. Even from here, I can see flowers woven like a crown around her head. She is absolutely breathtaking. 

As she walks closer, I see a huge smile on her face, and mine grows to match hers. Even though I know I should wait here, I can’t. I need to touch her now. Rushing to Emmy, I reach her and Trey before they even get to our guests. She laughs, releasing his arm and grabbing my hand. “Couldn’t wait, huh?”

“No,” I say simply with a shake of my head. 

My lips descend, meeting hers with a heated kiss. “Let’s get hitched, babe.”

I lead her to the preacher, with Trey a step behind us. He takes his place beside Ozzy as Emmy hands her bouquet to my mom, who is standing by her side as Emmy’s maid of honor. Leaning down, she whispers something into Mom’s ear that draws a laugh from her, then turns back and grabs my hand again. 

Everyone goes quiet as the preacher begins to speak. “We are gathered here to witness the beginning of Kane and Emmy’s life together, to be part of their story.”

I release Emmy’s hand, hooking my arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me. The preacher looks between us, a smile of understanding on his lips, before he continues. “Each and every one of us here today has a story of our own. Some are happy, while some are sad. Some are long, and some are short. A few are full of excitement. Others are filled with pain. The most important are stories of love, and that is the story we are here to celebrate, the story of Kane and Emmy’s love. It’s a story of hope, happiness, and devotion.”

Leaning down, I place a kiss on Emmy’s temple, unable to keep from touching her. The preacher covers his laugh with a cough and asks, “Who gives this woman to be wed?”

Trey smiles at the preacher and says, “I do.”

Emmy grins, tears pooling in her gorgeous green eyes. She smiles at her brother before saying, “Thank you.”

When Emmy finally looks back to the preacher, tears are trickling down her face. The preacher smiles at her before opening his bible and pulling out a piece of paper. “I thought long and hard about what to say to Emmy and Kane. I wanted something poignant, something that they would be able to remember for the rest of their lives, but nothing seemed to feel right. Then, I remembered a note my wife wrote me many years ago. I feel it fits these two perfectly.”

Unfolding the paper, he starts to read. “If I didn’t believe in miracles, all I would have to do is look at you standing beside me, look at the love in your eyes when you stare at me, and know that miracles do truly exist.”

Raising his eyes to look at us, he finishes. “Looking at the love you two share, there is no doubt in my mind miracles exist.”

Emmy lets out a broken sob as I place a kiss on the top of her head and whisper, “You, baby, are a miracle.”

Clearing his throat, the preacher looks at Emmy. “Do you, Emmy Sanders, take Kane Travis to be your husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do you part?”

“I do,” she says breathlessly. 

The preacher nods at me and asks, “Do you, Kane Travis, take Emmy Sanders to be your wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do you part.”

“I do,” I reply, excitement easily heard in my voice. 

“Now, it’s time to exchange the rings and seal the bond of your love,” the preacher says, and I turn to Ozzy and take the ring from his hand. 

Turning back, Emmy smiles up at me, filling me with pure happiness. She then takes my left hand and slides the band on my finger, marking me as hers for life. "I give you this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

I say the same as I slide hers into place, feeling complete for the first time in my life. My eyes stay locked on her as the preacher says, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Emmy and Kane Travis, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Looking into my woman’s eyes, I whisper, “Gladly.”

I take her lips in a deep kiss. When I finally pull back, I say, “I love you, Mrs. Travis.”

Looking up at me with pure happiness, she replies, “I love you, too.”


The End

Turn the page for sneak peeks of Emily and Alexis’s other books




Thanks so much to all of our beta readers.

A special thanks to
Kendra Gaither, Emmy Hamilton, and Marisa Shor.



Deathstalkers MC #1

Alexis Noelle

Get it on Amazon!


Chapter One



They’re coming.

I can hear the engines rumble.

I’m being hunted.

Prey left defenseless.

I need to hide.

They can’t find me.

They’ll kill me if they do.


One hour earlier


“I won’t do it!” I scream at my mother. “I don’t want this. I’m only fourteen; please don’t make me do it, Mama!” I plead with my mother to understand, that this life isn’t for me.

“Lucy, you will stop this foolishness right now. This is what’s right, and come tomorrow, it is what you will do.” Her hard face stares back at me. She can’t really expect this of me. It’s disgusting.

“I can’t.” I whisper, hanging my head in shame from disappointing her.

“You can and will, whether you want to or not. This is not a discussion, there are no options. You will proceed according to the plan.” She grabs my arm and I wince as the pressure of her nails dig into my skin. “If you continue with this defiance, life will be hard or it may just end prematurely.

She roughly releases me and I stumble back awkwardly. The fact that my mother just alluded to my imminent death doesn’t escape me. She moves toward the door but stops short. “I hope he can straighten you out.” Her cutting words are flung over her shoulder before my father and my uncle enter the room.

Their faces are creased with agitation and anger that their presence is needed. My father stands next to me, a tower of superiority and dominance. His eyes bore holes through me and his disappointment is prevalent. “Lucy, this will be more painful if you fight us.”

Fight them? What are they going to do to me?

They grab my arms and my fight or flight instinct kicks in. I start to thrash trying to make a run for the door. My uncle’s arm rises before his fist strikes my face. I crumple, trying to shield myself with the very arms they are restraining. I try to pull myself down to the floor but they are too strong, my shoulder screams from the pressure their hold is putting on it.

“Stop!” I cry out, pain radiating throughout my entire arm. “Please just let me go.” I plead with them hoping they just give up on me.

“Do I need to strike you again, girl?” my uncle seethes at me.

I shake my head no, standing back up. That’s when I see it. The rope hanging out of my dad’s pocket. No. My blood runs cold through my veins.

My fight comes back at double the force. I have to get away.

“Take her, Christopher!” my uncle yells to my father. He grips both of my arms and faces me toward my uncle.

“You will learn to do as you are told.” His fist slams into my side and if it weren’t for my father holding me up I would collapse from the pain. His blows continue in succession, each one hitting a different part of my body until every inch of my skin screams for mercy.

My father releases me and I curl into a ball on the floor of my childhood bedroom. The childhood everyone is determined I do away with. My arms are pulled behind me and I groan in agony. Every motion causes electric pain to run through my limbs. I can feel the rope wrapping around my wrists. The constraints biting into my skin, the burn matching my aches from his fists. I’m pulled roughly across the floor to the bed.

“You do not deserve to be comfortable. You are a sinner. You will spend tonight repenting for your indiscretions and unholy thoughts.” My father and uncle glare down at me. I can’t meet their eyes. The man who gave me life, and the one who may choose to take it away. They slam the door as they exit. The cold floor provides me no comfort as I stare up at my empty bed.

I need to find a way out.

An escape from the hell I’ve been sentenced to.

I pull at the rope. With each tug, my shoulders and wrists scream for reprieve. I cry silently as I try to save myself. When I feel the rope start to loosen, my determination is reignited. I give it one last tug and a crack echoes through the room
I bite into my sweater to muffle my scream as I yell out in agony
The pain sears through me and I’m seeing spots, my vision going in and out. My wrist flops lifelessly, at the same time the lack of tension makes breaking free somewhat easier. One more tug and I’m free. The throbbing from my wrist almost causes a loud scream to rip from my mouth, but I swallow it knowing that will cause them to come in here. I crawl to the window, peeking out to see everyone standing in front of the house. I have to make a run for it.

I slowly creep down the steps biting my lip to keep the sounds of agony threatening to pour out. My bones ache from the torture my uncle inflicted on my body. My hand touches the doorknob and I hesitate. They will surely kill me if I’m caught.

He will end up killing you if you stay.

I turn the knob and run as fast as I can. The rough gravel and rocks pierce my feet with each step. I feel like each movement is as loud as a crack of thunder. That’s when I see a light shine near me.

“She’s runnin’!” Someone shouts.

I’m dead.

I keep running.

I can’t be caught.

Fight or flight, my mind races. I run.

I keep running.

I can’t stop.

My lungs burn.

My body is on fire as pain shoots through me from head to toe.

I push on.

It feels like I have been running forever as my feet pound the ground beneath me.

My will slowly fades.

That’s when I see it.

My sanctuary.

My hope.

A warehouse that’s completely shaded in the darkness.

I need to hide.


Alexis Noelle

Alexis Noelle lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with her husband, and three kids. On top a writing career, she is a full-time student and a full-time mom. She loves spending time with her kids, although she has to hide the computer from them when she is writing! She loves being active and being outdoors, especially if it involves any kind of shopping.

She has always been passionate about writing. She loves to read romance books and feels like being able to lose yourself in a book is one of the more exciting aspects. The books she loves to read and write will be ones that make you feel for the characters. Alexis believes that you should have an opinion on every character in a book whether you love them, hate them, or think they are up to something.

She also believes that the most important critic is your reader, so she loves to hear from the readers. She want her fans to be open & talk to her about what they want for the characters in the story, and what they would like to see happen.



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