Growl (46 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Growl
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“So pretty,” he was saying as he continued to stare at her pussy. “So pretty and so wet because you want to fuck.”

It was an unpretentious statement, a candid and lurid one that had her pussy pulsating, dripping with even more desire, embarrassing her just a smidgen more. She felt her cheeks warming and shifted slightly, not used to being so totally open to anyone's perusal—and ultimate scrutiny—before.

“Ah, that's not nice. Don't try to hide from me. This is exactly what I want to see,” Blaez continued, this time using his thumbs to separate the plump lips of her vagina until she could hear the slickness of her own desire.

“Just relax and let me see. Let me see how good you're going to be.”

He stroked his fingers up and down her slit and she trembled, gasping at how hot the fact that he was touching and watching her so intently made her feel. It was all about sensation at that moment. The tendrils of heat spreading throughout her body with the gentle touch of his fingers. He said he wanted to explore and yet she was the one feeling as if she was on some type of journey. As he circled around her clit, not touching the tight nub, but spreading her slickness all around it, she'd hissed in a breath, her eyes closing momentarily with how good that very simple motion felt. Around and around his fingers went, as if he was not only stirring her rapidly producing juices but also churning something else deep inside her. She felt it approaching like a door had just been opened, the first tentative rays of light just able to seep through. When he slipped a finger deep inside her pussy, Kira bucked up off the table, the sensations having quickly grown intense. Used to only having her smaller fingers there, she was tight, and she gasped when another of Blaez's fingers slid alongside the first.

“That's right, open for me, my
. Stretch around my fingers, so hot and so tight,” he whispered. “All that sweet nectar,” he continued. “All that loveliness you have to give.”

Kira's head moved frantically from side to side. On instinct her arms yanked at the restraints as she desperately wanted to grab the back of Blaez's head and push his mouth down over her waiting mound. She'd seen the act done and had often wondered how it felt, but she'd never had a man eat her pussy before. Never thought she would crave it like air, until this very moment.

So when Blaez abruptly pulled his fingers from her she wanted to cry, which made the sob that escaped her only natural and mortifying at the same time.

Shhhh. I won't leave you like this, sweetheart. I won't let you go.

His words were spoken so softy, just along the edges of her mind where the intense desire had already begun to take over. It was like last night, but stronger. He hadn't commanded this reaction as he seemed so eager to direct everything else, but his words, his voice alone, had changed something in this moment, something Kira couldn't quite explain.

Take me slowly,
he continued.
So slowly.

He was inserting two fingers inside her now, two thick and powerful fingers that filled her so completely she wanted to melt right there in his hands. In response her muscles clenched tighter, gripping his fingers as if trying to lock him inside. To hold on to this full and completely delectable feeling for as long as she possibly could.

Do you feel me inside you, Kira? Do you feel me filling you?

she replied immediately.

With the pad of his thumb he touched her ultrasensitive clit and immediately jerked upward against him. Her body hummed with sensation now, her arms and legs shaking as quick breaths slipped through her lips. Tension spread quickly, the need to find her release of upmost importance.

Do you want me to stop?
he asked abruptly, his fingers still strumming her like a master guitarist.

she yelled.
Hell no!

You want me to keep on until you come, don't you? Yes! Please!
He stopped then, pulling his hand out of her immediately, and Kira's eyes flew open, waves of panic surfacing the second that connection was broken. “What … what are you doing?”

“I told you that ‘please' was your safe word. You said it, so I stopped,” he stated as plainly as if he were giving her the time of day.

She gulped, letting his words register. “No. That's not what I meant.”

“Say what you mean,
. Mean it with everything in your heart and soul. If you want me or anyone else out of your head, you shut us out. You give the command and it will be so. Take the control of all aspects of your life in the same manner,” he instructed her.

Do you understand?
he asked after endless seconds of her breathing heavily, trying desperately to figure out what the hell was going on.

Answer me,
. Tell me—

His words were cut off, just as quickly and succinctly as the pleasure he'd taken from her when he removed his masterful fingers from her pussy.

Kira held his gaze then, feeling triumphant at the immediate silence in her head.

“Good girl,” Blaez said. “Good job, my hot little lycan. Now tell me what you want. Tell me what I can give to you.”

“I want to come,” she immediately admitted in a breathy whisper. Then with more strength and clarity she added, “Can you make me come, Blaez?”

He shook his head and Kira sucked in a breath.

“Ask me can you come,” he told her. “Ask me and wait for my permission to do so.”

Kira immediately chafed at his words. She was an adult, one who was capable of bringing herself to climax—when she wasn't tied down and thus rendered virtually helpless.

“Ask me?” he prompted.

“How am I learning control, if that control only comes at your command?”

He didn't immediately reply but brought his fingers to his lips, licking each one from the base to its tip.

“Sweet and satisfying,” he said, and she realized with a rush of moisture between her legs that he was tasting her.

Her thighs trembled and she licked her lips.

“I know that it's burning inside you. The need so strong and potent sometimes you can barely think straight. You will not be able to deny it much longer, nor will you be able to slake it on your own as you tried to last night. It is in your control to quench your tremendous thirst, Kira. All you have to do is ask.”

Kira didn't know what to say or how to say it. How did she ask a man she'd just met for permission to do something with her own body? Was this who she really was in the end? And if so, why hadn't she been able to submit to the will of what Penn and his beta had planned for her?

Blaez remained silent, his gaze going back to her pussy causing more ripples of desire to fill her body until she thought she might actually combust from this need.

The words sounded foreign, but before she could give that any more thought his fingers were on her clit, pinching the tightened bud until she yelled his name. He held right there, the sting of pain radiating throughout her pussy, up her body, to settle in heated spirals in her breasts.

“Damn you, Blaez! I asked the question!” she yelled at him.

He released his hold on her leaning so close she almost climaxed at the very sight of his face so near the clit that begged for his attention.

“Only when I say so,” he told her. “Only then.”

Before Kira could reply this time Blaez blew a whisper-soft breath over her. Kira tensed all over, shivering like putty in this man's hands.

Those devilish fingers snaked inside her once more, this time working with fierce intensity in and out of her opening, coaxing and guiding her to release. Kira felt like she was flying. High above the mountains she'd loved so much, she soared, her body busting with the tingling sensations of pleasure. She licked and bit her bottom lip in equal intervals, her fingers clenched so tight she was sure to have broken her own skin. Her mind was void of any reasoning, logic, or planned reactions. All she could see, hear, and breathe was him and the moment he would allow … the second he would finally say:

. Clutch me deeper inside you and give me all your sweet nectar. Come for me, now!”

Kira thought she felt his hand trembling inside of her. She might have even imagined a bead or two of sweat on Blaez's brow. Those thoughts melted away as the tidal wave of release hit her full force. Her body shook and trembled, her essence gushing out of her so that she could hear his fingers drowning in the outpouring as she continued to work them deep inside her.

It seemed like an eternity that she lay bucking and moaning on that table, her body still shaking in the aftermath of that powerful release. She was afraid to open her eyes at first, afraid this might have been one tortuously delicious dream.

Only she knew that it wasn't. This was real; every one of her heightened senses could attest to that. And so she did open her eyes and with a start saw that Blaez was staring at her. His human eyes boring into hers as if he was searching for something that only she possessed.

She wondered what she should say. Not only was this the morning after for them; it was also the after of the most soul-shattering release she had ever experienced. Somehow, “thank you” or “this was nice; maybe we should try it again” didn't quite seem appropriate.

“You should get cleaned up. Breakfast should be ready soon,” he said as he backed away.

He removed the bands as quickly as he'd attached them, going over to the shelf to put them back where they'd come from.

Kira had been just sitting up when he paused in front of her.

“Do you need help?” he asked, his words cool and aloof.

“No!” she snapped quickly, the humiliation from earlier returning full force. “I'll be fine.”

He'd nodded curtly, then muttering an, “I'll see you at breakfast,” before walking toward the door.

Kira pulled up her underwear and pants quickly, standing so that she faced his back before he could leave.

“Now that I've had my lesson,” she said, anger bubbling inside of her, “can you let me go now?”

Blaez stopped but still faced the door.

“Did I ask correctly?” she continued. “Or is there a special word I need to say for this request to be granted also?”

She was beyond pissed. She felt used and discarded, in spite of the wonderfully sated buzz that hummed just beneath her skin.

“I can't.” was his solemn reply.

“Oh really?” she said, moving closer to him. “I thought you were the alpha. I thought you could do whatever you damn well pleased.”

“It's about your protection.”

“Or is it about your dick?” she continued, spurred on by the mixture of embarrassment and bafflement. “With less than two weeks until the full moon your need is just as strong as you claim mine is. How lucky of you to happen upon an alpha female traipsing along in the forest at just this time. Were you tracking me, Blaez? Were you planning to complete your pack with the naïve little bitch?”

Her mouth snapped shut when he spun around, grabbing her by the shoulders. “I'm protecting you, dammit! It's not my job and I don't know why you showed up when you did, but I'm trying to keep you safe.”

“Protecting me from what? I'm not in danger of anyone at this moment but you. Carrying me in here like I'm some sort of stray, locking me inside this wooden fortress you've built, and giving me all this bullshit about teaching me, helping me! You're using me, Blaez, just like the rest of them planned to do. You're no better than them,” she said finally, her heart pounding in her chest.

If what she'd just said were true, she was in more trouble now than she had been before. Because Kira was certain there had been nothing between her and the betas of her father's pack but disgust, a feeling that had made packing up and leaving all the more easier. Yet here, now, with this lycan whose actions were contradicting what he should be and do, she was afraid of the fact that she didn't feel that way. Blaez didn't disgust her; he intrigued her. Even now, at this very moment, as much as her mind screamed she must be insane, Kira didn't want to break this heady connection that had so quickly formed between them. In fact, there was a part of her, a deep down in the recesses of her soul part, that wanted to reach out to him. To grab hold and take what she wasn't even certain he knew he was offering.

His lips had grown thin, brows furrowing as he glared down at her. “Don't,” he said in a warning tone. “Don't ever compare me to anyone else you've known. I'm better and stronger than they are.” He leaned even closer to her, so close she thought he might kiss her. “And when they come for you, which we both know they will, they'll catch my scent all over you. That, Miss I-can-do-whatever-I-want, will keep your fine ass alive! And then, when it's over, you can thank me.”

He released her so abruptly then that Kira almost fell back on her ass. Instead, she managed to right herself just in time to see Blaez walking away, saying, “Get cleaned up and be down for breakfast. Smells like it should be just about ready,” without ever turning back to her.

Kira frowned at his retreat. She cursed his arrogance and the strength he'd bragged about and she'd sensed. She closed her eyes to the memory of how good his ass looked in those jeans, how intoxicating his fingers had felt inside her, and how totally awakened her body had felt when she came. And then she dragged her hands through her hair, knowing he'd been absolutely right.

Penn and his pack would come for her, and when they did she would be here, like bait in a trap, because Blaez and his pack would kill them. There was no doubt in her mind that Blaez and his pack's strength clearly outweighed that of Penn's pack. With a rush of breath she wondered how she felt about that fact, about knowing that the man she feared she was now irrevocably connected to would kill her father and his pack, the very men whom she'd come to hate.

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