Guarded Desires (18 page)

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Authors: Lexxie Couper

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BOOK: Guarded Desires
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Chris took it, his hands shaking.

Their fingers touched, and it was as if a spark of concentrated energy shot through Chris. Up his arm, across his chest, into his heart. Down into his deepest core.

He straightened from the bed, stood face to face with the man whose very existence had changed his, and bit back a moan of sheer joy when Liev turned to the bed and crawled onto it, his ass thrust backward.

Chris gazed at the offered bounty. Liev’s ass was so firm, the muscles honed to powerful perfection. He stepped to the bed, positioning himself between Liev’s ankles. With a steady hand, he smoothed his palm over the warm curve, the tiny hairs on the man’s flesh a tantalizing caress. Dipping his palm lower, he trailed his fingertips over the heavy globes of Liev’s scrotum.

A ragged breath burst from Liev, Chris’s caress making his stomach hitch. “Bloody hell, Huntley, you know how to tease a bloke.”

The Australian term coupled with Liev’s sexy Australian accent sent a jolt of impatient greed into Chris’s cock. He skimmed his hand lower and cupped Liev’s balls in a gentle hold.

Liev hissed in another breath, his balls shifting against Chris’s fingers and palm.

Releasing his prize, Chris brushed his hand back up Liev’s ass cheeks, trailing a finger with deliberate intent over his clenching anus.

Another fierce intake of air followed. A tremble claimed Liev’s powerful thighs. “You’re walking a fine line, Huntley,” he grumbled, his gaze locking with Chris’s over his shoulder.

The threat sent a thrill of anticipation through Chris’s veins, licking over his nerve endings. That Liev didn’t move, didn’t take command of the situation only heightened his mounting excitement. If he wanted to, Liev Reynolds could render him defenseless and vulnerable to any whim the man desired. Chris didn’t doubt that. That Liev didn’t intimidate him into submission, didn’t dominate him and take advantage of his smaller size, made Chris so fucking hard he could barely think.

Lifting the tube of lube, Chris popped the flip-top lid with his thumb.

And stopped.

“Smear it over my hole, Chris.”

Liev’s low instruction sent electrical energy into Chris’s groin.

“Squeeze a good amount onto my hole, and smear it over me with your fingers.”

Chris did, his heart racing. Fuck, his cock was so engorged it was a wonder the flesh hadn’t split.

“Christ, that’s good,” Liev ground out. “Now work it inside me. With how big your dick is, I’m going to need a lot of stretching. That’s it. One finger, another…oh fuck, Chris…”

Liev’s instruction turned into a groan when Chris pressed a third finger into his opening.

Chris stared at his fingers sinking into Liev’s anus, his blood roaring in his ears. He flexed his fingers, his heart slamming harder at the raw groan his actions tore from Liev.

Twisting his wrist a little, he parted his fingers, stretching Liev’s entry wider.

“Oh God, Chris.” Liev’s thighs trembled. “I’m not going to last long.”

The confession detonated something purely instinctual in Chris. He pulled his fingers from Liev’s ass and, with Liev’s protesting groans flaying at his control, snatched a condom packet from the bed. He ripped the foil packaging open with his teeth and then withdrew the slick silicon sheath. Stare locked on Liev, he aligned the reservoir tip over the distended head of his cock and then rolled the condom down over his length.

He didn’t want to. He wanted to feel Liev’s flesh on his, but knew—this time at least—he had to. There would be many other times to come when their unadorned bodies would enter each other without the artificial barrier. Many. This was only the beginning.

Returning his fingers to Liev’s ass, he squeezed fresh lube onto the man’s anus and worked his fingers past the tight ring of muscle.

“Inside me, Chris.” Liev’s voice was hoarse. “Squeeze some in—”

Chris didn’t let him finish. He couldn’t. The need to sink into Liev’s ass was so absolute now he was beyond composure, beyond control.

Grabbing his rigid, silicon-sheathed erection in one strangling hold, he thrust deeper into Liev’s ass with his fingers, deeper, deeper, seeking something…something.

“Fuck!” Liev cried out, a shudder rocking him. “Fuck that feels…”

Without waiting for Liev’s pleasure to fade, Chris lined the head of his cock up to Liev’s clenching hole and pushed. Searing pleasure ignited in his body at the constricting pressure around his girth. He pushed deeper, a tight ring of resistance rolling over the rim of his cockhead.

“Oh fuck, fuck, yes,” Liev groaned, pushing back into Chris’s penetration. “Oh God, Chris, you feel so fucking—”

Chris grabbed Liev’s hips and pulled his ass farther along his cock.

New pleasure detonated within him. He closed his eyes, dangerously close to coming already. Christ, he’d never imagined it would be like this. This was absolute. Liev’s ass wasn’t just snug around his cock, it sucked at it. Claimed it. Pulsed around it like a greedy mouth.

He ground his teeth, unable to stop his fingers digging into the flesh on Liev’s hips as he inched deeper. Fuck, he’d never felt so connected to another living soul before. He thrust a little more, encountering another ring of clenching muscle.

Liev’s groan stopped him. He opened his eyes, finding the Australian looking back at him.

Chris gave him a small smile. Nervous self-doubt knotted in his gut. “Doing okay?” He forced the question to sound far more flippant than it was.

Liev’s eyes closed for a second as his lips curled into a slow smile. “You fucking better believe it.”

Elated joy surged through Chris. He rolled his hips and withdrew his length until the distended head of his cock stretched the tight ring of Liev’s anus.

Liev’s hum of appreciation vibrated into Chris’s body. He held his position, struggling against the pressure building in his groin, his soul, and then slid his length back into Liev’s channel. Deeper this time.

Christ, he was surrounded by hot flesh. Hot, tight flesh. It was perfect. Perfect.

So perfect. So…so…

Liev fisted the duvet, pushing back into the penetration. “Harder.”

Chris did as ordered, ready to die in the ensuing pleasure.

It radiated through him, the sucking pressure of Liev’s ass propelling him toward a precipice he ached for. With every thrust and withdrawal, he sank deeper into Liev’s body, Liev’s heat, deeper, deeper until he was buried to the hilt, his balls pressing the heavy globes of Liev’s scrotum.

“Holy shit,” he choked out the exclamation, his heart wild. “You’re all around me, Liev. It feels so…

The word burst from him, more true than any he’d ever uttered.

He gazed at Liev’s broad back, the clarity of the moment stealing his breath. Right. It was right. It was exquisite and perfect and right.

Embedded in Liev’s constricting heat, he bent forward and pressed his belly to Liev’s spine, his chest to the man’s shoulder blades. “I am where I am meant to be,” he murmured into Liev’s ear.

“And where I want you to…
holy shit,
” Liev bucked at Chris’s swift withdrawal of his cock all the way to the rim of its head.

Chris didn’t wait for Liev to recover. He plunged in again, slamming back into his lover’s ass.

And again.

Shifting on the end of the bed, he planted his right foot on the mattress beside Liev’s knee, hooked his fingers harder into Liev’s hips and fucked him.

As hard and as deep as he could.

Liev groaned, whimpered, demanded Chris fuck him harder, faster, shoving back into each thrust.

They moved together. There was nothing gentle or tender about it. It was raw, carnal fucking, and Chris couldn’t hold on to his release anymore.

His orgasm claimed him, a paroxysm of concentrated pleasure that ignited at the base of his spine and blasted through him. Rhythm deserted him. He threw back his head, his seed erupting into the condom just as Liev’s ass clamped around his thrusting cock in an intense grip and Liev roared his name.

Chapter Twelve

Chris had showered with many women in his time. He’d found it the perfect place to get it on without the uncomfortable necessity of snuggling inevitably created by the presence of a bed. Now, standing in the opulent shower cubicle, with five separate shower heads streaming warm water over them, he decided the shower was the perfect place to snuggle as well.

A snort scratched at the back of his throat even as he leaned back closer to Liev’s tall, hard body. Jesus, when had the word
become a part of his vocabulary?


He shot Liev a quick look over his shoulder. A more lucid part of his mind told him the man was currently doing an extremely thorough, extremely fine job of washing his balls. “I’ve just realized I’m a snuggle virgin.”

Liev’s eyebrows shot up. “A what?”

Reluctant to remove Liev’s hands from his sac, Chris wriggled his butt closer to the man’s groin. “Snuggle virgin. Snuggling wasn’t something I wanted to do before you came along. Fuck, snuggling wasn’t even something I
, let alone did.”

Liev’s palm cupped Chris’s balls as his other hand smoothed up Chris’s belly. “And now you do want to…” a chuckle vibrated in his chest, “…snuggle?”

Chris rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that’s me. Big-time Hollywood action hero and snuggler.” He pulled away from Liev a little, twisting in his arms enough to fix him with a steady inspection. “Tell me the truth,
guys like us snuggle? Is snuggling allowed?”

Liev’s laughter echoed around the bathroom.

Chris frowned. “What?”

“I don’t know what’s funnier, you saying
or the notion there’s a list somewhere of what ‘guys like us’ are allowed to do?”

“You know, I think I liked you more when you weren’t mocking me.”

Liev chuckled. “Bullshit. You like me more now because we’re allowed to snuggle.”

“Ah, so we
allowed to snuggle? That’s acceptable for tough guys like us?”

Liev’s gentle grip on Chris’s balls grew firmer. His eyes twinkled in the shower’s warm light. “Well, maybe for tough guys like me. I’m not sure what the rules are in America.”

Chris cocked an eyebrow. His body was telling him just how wonderful it was to have Liev’s hard, thick, long cock nestled between the crevice of his ass cheeks. “Perhaps it’s a global rule?”

Liev hummed, pressing his hand flat on Chris’s belly to pull him back closer into his body. “Perhaps,” he murmured, licking at the drops of water beading on Chris’s shoulder.

Chris’s stomach clenched. He closed his eyes, letting the intimacy of the embrace sink into his soul. With Liev’s muscular form pressed to his back, with the front of Liev’s thighs rubbing at the back of his, with Liev’s powerful arms circling his waist, he could gladly stay here in the shower for the rest of the night, what little of it there was.

Stay in the shower and snuggle.

He grinned. “I think I like the word snuggle.”

Liev’s lips nibbled at his earlobe. “I think I like it too.”

“Reckon I should use it in the next
Dead Even
movie? I’m sure my character would love to suggest to whatever blonde bombshell he’s fucking that they should
, don’t you?”

Liev chuckled, the hand on Chris’s belly slowly inching down to Chris’s cock, a cock well on its way to being a goddamn straining pole of hot need. “There’s your next film title right there.
Dead Even 2: The Snuggler

Chris drew in a hitching breath as Liev’s fingers wrapped Chris’s length. “Tagline:
Every man dies. Not every man really snuggles.”

Liev nipped at the side of Chris’s neck. He slid his fist up Chris’s erection with increasing pressure. “One good snuggle deserves another.”

Chris wriggled his hips, working Liev’s rigid thickness farther between his butt cheeks. “In space, no one can hear you snuggle.”

Liev’s lips scored a line along Chris’s jawline. “It’s a sci-fi, is it?”

“Who the fuck knows.” Chris chuckled, the sound shaky. Damn it, with the way Liev’s hand was working his cock it was damn near impossible to breathe. “What about, Who you gonna snuggle?”

“The best so far,” Liev murmured, a second before he turned Chris to face him, lowered to his knees and took Chris’s thoroughly erect and ready length in his mouth.

A tsunami of pleasure later, Chris’s seed erupted into Liev’s sucking mouth. He groaned, the absolute perfection of the moment consuming him. Not just the mastery of Liev’s blowjob, but the whole moment. The fact Liev was willing to joke with him about his career. The fact Liev didn’t show a hint of jealousy when Chris mentioned on-screen sex. The fact Liev made him completely satisfied with who he was, an actor. A man paid to pretend to be someone else. Who would have thought getting naked with a guy could make Chris feel so content about being someone who made a living playing dress-up?

It was no wonder he was falling in love with the man.

Chris’s pulse thumped faster at the thought. Love.

He’d never been in love before. He’d always considered himself unable to experience such a profound emotion, blaming the void in his heart on the horrific murder of his parents before his eyes. He’d grown up watching his sister believe the same thing. When Rowie had fallen in love with Aslin, Chris had never been happier, and at the same time more empty.

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