Guardian Angel (18 page)

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Authors: David Trebus

BOOK: Guardian Angel
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Best of all, his angel was absent. What was her name again? Jasmine? It didn't really matter to Eldith anyway. Their plan had obviously worked even better than expected. The spell they had infested Jasmine with through Michael must have worked like a charm, sowing confusion between them and kindling doubt, and a tiny spark of darkness within Jasmine. Eldith smiled and pulled out her mobile, dialing her sister’s number.

Hello, Eldith dear." Lilith's voice chimed through the small phone, "Why are you phoning me when you could just contact me through your mind? Silly girl.”

I thought I would surprise you, dear sister. Besides, why have this marvelous looking little device if I can't even use it a little bit?"

Awww, Eldith, your fixation on humans and their toys will get you in trouble one day. Anyway, what's up? I felt the tremor of you having fun from here.” Lillith sounded a little annoyed.

I couldn’t help myself. I got bored, and a lovely man came along to keep me company. But anyway… Michael arrived as expected; he is on his way to the station now. And you'll love this. His Guardian was not with him. We won't even have to separate them now!”  Beaming with pride,  Eldith noticed a man staring at her, and so leaned over exposing her rear to him. The old man stared, ignoring his wife until she pulled him violently along.

Excellent work, sister. Now come and join me. I’ve set things up this end, and I'll make sure everything goes to plan. By this time tomorrow, Hell’s legions will have two new allies, and the world will be set to burn.” Lilith broke into a giggle as she hung up.

Eldith felt elated and hailed a cab. She couldn’t wait until the party started and she would have millions of souls to sate her lusts. But for now she was only looking forward to having one special little soul she could enjoy for eternity.

"Take me to Liverpool Street gorgeous, make it quick" Eldith said as she got into the
cab. She would have to hurry if she was going to make Michael's train before it left.






The bus journey was uneventful. Michael spent most of it staring out of the window into the pouring rain and thinking about Jasmine. Was she OK? Had she found the answers she was looking for? Her behaviour had become more and more confusing over the last few days, but Michael had just put it down to the odd situation they had been placed in. How many times had he tried to understand and failed miserably?

As the rain beat down against the window and people hurried past outside, Michael’s thoughts turned to the woman at the bus stop. She'd had no Guardian, but hadn't seemed in any way evil or bizarre, just flirty and very forward. Her Guardian must have been hard pressed to keep her safe, considering the way she behaved - assuming she had one.

People filed on and off the bus at the various stops along its route, and Michael continued staring out of the window. Lost in his thoughts, he almost missed his stop. Leaping up, he ran down the aisle and squeezed through the doors as they shut, ignoring the dodgy looks he got.

Without waiting, he ran straight into the station. It was half-past four on Friday and close to the rush hour, the place was heaving with tourists and day trippers returning from seeing the sights of London, shoppers laden with bags after a spell of retail therapy, and workers eager to get home after a long day in the office.

Pushing his way through the throng was a huge task, and Michael quickly found himself tired and irritated. After five minutes of pushing, and being pushed, a determined effort got him to the automated ticket machines. Most as usual were out of order, adding to the lines.

After a further ten minutes and a lot of messing about with convoluted menus and correct change, Michael managed to purchase his ticket. His train was scheduled to depart at 6:20, but he'd believe that when it actually started moving. He still had twenty minutes, but perhaps he should check the timetable anyway.

Braving the press of people, he pushed his way through towards the information board. He had to stop several times as people barged and shoved. At one point, a little girl was knocked over by a passing businessman. Michael instinctively stopped to help her and received a grateful look from her mother, who had been separated from the child. The little girl’s Guardian also looked grateful, and nodded to Michael. This Guardian obviously hadn't heard about Michael's ability and looked stunned when he nodded back and smiled.

As he looked up at the board, the sight took his breath away. Flying above the throng of people was an equally large mass of Guardians. With no space down below, most of the angels in the station had taken to the air above where a huge group of them flew around. Michael was awestruck. Hundreds, even thousands of angels, all in one place, all dutifully watching their charges from above. Michael felt a pang of loneliness at that moment, knowing Jasmine was not among them.

Tearing his eyes away from the angels, Michael turned his attention to the board. He was right to doubt the train timetable; his train had been moved forward, due to a previous cancellation, and was scheduled to leave ten minutes early. Looking at his watch, he started running for the platform and pushed through the press in the hopes of not missing his train.

To his surprise, many people cleared from his path, leaving a route all the way to his platform. At the far end, near the entry gates, Michael swore he caught a flash of red, but it must have been blinking light. Above him, the  angels stopped moving and all looked towards that platform. Michael dimly heard a few cries of alarm but didn't pay any attention, catching the train was the only thing on his mind.

For once, the barriers didn't hold Michael up, and he managed to jump on the train in the nick of time. The door-closing chime had just finished as Michael squeezed his way onto the last carriage on the train. Trying to catch his breath, Michael couldn't help but grin. “Seems like my luck is finally turning,” he whispered to himself.






  At the other end of the train, two women watched Michael board before stepping back  through the doors. “That was a big risk Lilith," Eldith hissed to her sister. "With all those angels up there, we could have been mincemeat.”

It was that or have the whole plan go down the pan because of a stupid train company and a few pesky mortals. It worked out in the end. The spell held, and the Guardians couldn’t tell who did it.”

Well, it doesn’t matter. He’s here now. Is everything set up?”

Yes, dear sister." Lilith Licked her lips. "The driver was nicely distracted while I modified, the brakes, and I trust you saw to the other part of our plan."

Uhh, you hussy! I wanted the driver, he was cute." Eldith pouted. "But yeah, everything else is set up, it's all sorted.”

Good. Let's stay on here till the stop before, just in case someone screws things up." Lilith brushed a stray strand of hair from her eyes. "The accident has to occur on schedule and look natural, otherwise it won't work be any good."

Oooo, can I have some fun while we wait?” Eldith licked her lips, and eyed a pair of business-men in the next carriage.

You're so single minded. But sure, go have some fun, just be ready to get off in time. We don’t want these bodies getting damaged. We might miss all the fun.” Lilith sighed.

Eldith squealed with glee, and skipped off to sit by the business men, leaning forward provocatively as she sat down to expose as much cleavage as possible. Lilith grinned at her sister and, shrugging, walked over to join her. “May as well recharge my batteries, too, while we wait for the show to get started.”






Jasmine arrived on high later than she expected, her usual ascent turbulent and unsteady. The symphony played in the background, but the discordant note ringing in every verse refused to disappear. It was becoming so annoying, if she could find its source she planned to stop it in a most un-angelic manner.

The clouds on the lower levels had grown as dark and menacing as the earthly clouds. The initial stages of ascension took an angel up into the sky through the portal of light. Jasmine was used to passing dark rain clouds, having been stationed in England ever since Michael was born, but to see dark clouds on the upper plane, was considered a bad omen and a sign of dark things afoot. In fact, the last time Jasmine had seen such clouds had been just before the terror attacks in America.

Eventually, Jasmine left behind the banks of roiling, dark clouds and ascended to calmer planes. She landed softly and let her wings settle against her back as she pushed thoughts of her ascension aside. She also had to fight thoughts of her charge and stay focused on finding some information.

  Without a moment's pause, Jasmine headed straight for the Metatron’s chambers. She passed groups of angels talking quietly to each other. Most ignored her, but some gave her strange looks of concern. Jasmine pushed on, no time to worry about their expressions.

Up this high, the discordant note was barely noticeable. If she focused on the primary harmonies and sounds she could ignore it entirely. The holy song calmed her as nothing else could and, for the first time in days, she felt as relaxed as before things got complicated. There had been times since Michael’s accident that she had almost questioned divine wisdom, why this had to happen to her and her charge. Now, hearing the beautiful song of order, she knew everything was fine.

Jasmine strolled briskly through the cloud-lined promenades and up the golden stairs leading to the Metatron’s chambers. She took the stairs two at a time but was stopped short when she reached the top. Outside stood a group of angels in ornate golden armour, all with swords buckled to their waists. The swords glowed with faint, red light, but Jasmine knew, if they were ever drawn, that light would erupt into violent crimson flame.

At their head stood an angel a full head above his subordinates. Above his head a golden halo sat, pulsing with light to show the power of the being it sat upon. His hair was blond and curled, falling to his neck, while piercing blue eyes shone from beneath it.  Gabriel, the messenger and sword of retribution.

Gabriel faced Jasmine as she slowed her pace. She couldn’t help but bow as his piercing eyes bored into her, examining the very core of her being. The sensation was uncomfortable, and it was as if something were squirming inside her like a snake, writhing and wriggling to stay out of sight.

What are you doing here, Jasmine of Seraph?” Gabriel demanded, his tone strong and commanding. It had been a long time since Jasmine had been addressed formally, adding  her choir to her title. That was usually only done at formal ceremonies. Taken aback, she hesitated a moment but decided to reply in kind.

Gabriel of Ascendant, I have come to petition the Metatron for answers. I need knowledge to better protect my charge from the harms that assail him.” Had that sounded confident enough?

You do not tell the whole truth, Jasmine of Seraph. You are here as much for your own benefit as your charge's. It is your duty to be concerned solely about him. It is him you should be with, in this time of trials.” There was a hint of chastisement in Gabriel's voice.

I...I...I didn’t know what to do, my lord. I needed guidance to find the path to follow,” Jasmine stammered. Gabriel had seen right through her intentions. Although what she was doing was not against any rule, she felt scorn from him.

Regardless, it seems your coming here was not entirely of your own design. It was also foreseen - although a little too late.” Ignoring Jasmine’s reply, Gabriel casting a sidelong glance at one of his companions, in the robes of one of the Throne choir. Thrones were seers, and closest to the material plane. They were regarded as Heaven's scouts, reading the symphony, observing Earth and the Pit from just outside the physical plane. The angel shifted uncomfortably.

What did Gabriel mean by: “Not entirely of your own design?”  Before she could reply the doors to the Metatron’s chambers opened. The Metatron stood at the threshold, leaning against one of the doors and looking tired. He glanced first to Gabriel and then to Jasmine, his face full of concern.

It is time, Jasmine of Seraph" Said Gabriel. "Join me in speaking with the Metatron ascendant, and you will gain the knowledge you sought” He his hand out to gesture Jasmine forward.

She suppressed surge of anxiety, awed by Gabriel’s command, and strode into the Metatron’s chambers with as much dignity and poise as she could manage, feeling inside she felt like a frightened human child. Behind her, Gabriel entered with the Throne angel and shut the doors. Metatron stood in the centre of the room, having returned there as Jasmine and Gabriel entered.

Once the door had been shut and only Jasmine, Metatron and the Throne were able to hear, Gabriel turned to Jasmine. “First things first. Let us remove that filth from inside of you.”

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