Guardian Domination (31 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Guardian Domination
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He finally released me after a good fifty or so, and he pulled up my panties before adjusting my skirt. My bottom burned and stung, and it took everything in me not to rub.
would be the one to rub, if it was to be done. He had made that very clear in the beginning. Unintentionally, the word ‘Asshole’ again slipped from my lips. I felt myself pale as he heard it.

“I guess you need some more instruction about respect. Get back here.”

“No! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say it!” I begged, fighting him.

“Maybe not, but you did. Okay, you aren’t going to cooperate? Well, then…” He lifted his hips to unbuckle his belt and slip it from his pants.

My heart pounded. “Jace, I’m sorry!” I cried, feeling him grab my ear and pull me back across his lap.

“We’ll see. You just proved to me that I can’t let you go until we reach a breaking point, can I?” he lectured, again skimming down my panties and throwing my skirt over my head. I heard the belt buckle jingle as he picked it up and folded it over. “Now, again, what did you call me?”

“I’m sorry!” I wailed, feeling the first stroke land. “I called you an asshole! I’m

He grunted and laid that belt across my bottom another ten times, then resumed with his hand. I was bawling by then. When he was satisfied, he rested his hand on my throbbing bottom, gently massaging the hot flesh as he leaned back against the seat.

“Now, do you have anything more you would like to say to me?”

“No, Sir,” I whimpered, head still down near the floor, trying to catch my breath. He pulled my panties back up and smoothed my skirt over them, and then lifted me up next to him on the seat to hug me.

“No more name calling, okay? It’s getting to be too frequent.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry,” I sniffled, wiping my eyes and blowing my nose with the tissue he handed me. “I have a big mouth,” I admitted.

“That’s what gets you in trouble most of the time. Not that I mind… It’s just too bad you can’t ask for it. It would be much more pleasurable for you. In many ways…” There was that grin again. We exited the car and I blushed, seeing two people standing nearby and staring at us. They must have heard everything and worse, they saw Jace buckling his belt. What a way to start my birthday.


Chapter Twenty-Five

Sun and Fun



“Okay, you win,” Jace sighed, turning off the TV and looking at me.

“What are we gonna do?” I asked excitedly. He had relinquished the television a little too quickly this time, so I knew he had something up his sleeve.

“How soon can you be ready for a trip?”

“What kind of trip?” I asked, jumping on his lap. Jace smiled, kissing my temple warmly as he snuggled me close.

“I forgot. Throw together an overnight bag.”

“Where are we going?”

“I forgot,” he said again, looking at me.

“I need to know so I can pick some clothes!”

“A bathing suit, shorts, t-shirt, sneakers, PJs. Maybe a sundress. Dress nicely, but comfortably.”

“How much time do I have?” I asked, eager to leave.

Jace shrugged, looking at his watch.

“Ten minutes. Mark said he’d watch the puppies.”

“You had something planned! When were you going to inform me?” I smacked his arm.

“Do we have any bug spray? I think there’s a fly in here,” Jace teased.

“You’re a butthead,” I smacked him again.

He shrugged, standing. “And you’re predictable. Hurry up, you have five minutes. “

I raced up to my room and had a bag packed in seconds. Mark was downstairs talking to Jace when I raced to join them.

“Wow, that was fast! How come you can’t get ready for school that quickly?” Mark teased, tugging my ponytail. I stuck my tongue out at him and told him to bite me.

Jace tsked, shaking his head. “You know, we have plenty of time to take care of a potential behavior problem. Go to the couch,” he ordered me.

I rolled my eyes. This ‘warning’ spanking had become a regular thing lately. It was two months since my birthday incident and Jace wanting to make certain I remembered who was boss when we left the house together.

“Oh, come on!” I groaned, letting him taking my wrist and reluctantly following him. Mark just laughed, plopping in the recliner to wait for my torture to end.

“Don’t you think I’m too old for this?” I asked, being pulled over his lap and having my skirt lifted and panties pulled down. “I do know how to behave in public.”

“I’m not taking my chances. Besides,” Jace grinned as I yelped, the first spank landing sharply, “I enjoy knowing your bottom is red and sore as I travel with you.”

“Sadist.” I grumbled, yelping again. I let him have his way (like I could actually stop him) and was on the verge of tears when he finally released me. He was satisfied and I, predictably, was very sore.

Mark nodded in approval. “That should make for a pleasant trip,” he commented. “Call me when you get a chance, okay?”

I kissed Mark and the puppies goodbye and happily followed Jace outside. I hopped into the Lexus and looked at him eagerly.

“You’re pretty,” he said, staring at me.

I flushed with delight. I wasn’t used to compliments about my appearance. “You told me to dress nice. Where are we going?”

“I forgot. Are you ready to go?”

I nodded, following him out. We traveled north up towards San Francisco and pulled into the airport! “Okay, you need to tell me where we’re going!” I squealed.

Jace shook his head and said, at the same time as I did, “I forgot.”

He managed to keep our destination a secret until after we boarded first class. The attendants were wearing Hawaiian shirts! “NO WAY! Hawaii?!” I screeched, hopping in my seat.

“It’s so hard to keep surprises from you! I thought you would have seen the tickets on my dresser before I had a chance to hide them. Surprised?”

“O-M-G, this is ridiculously amazing! How long are we going for? I hardly brought anything with me.”

“Ten days; I’ll get you anything else you might need after we get there. I have lots of plans for us,” he said, settling into his lounge.

“What are we going to do?”

“Well, among other things, I’m going to spank you everywhere we go if I can…”

“Oh, stop it! Be serious for a moment and answer me.”

“I forgot. Wake me up when food comes,” he said, closing his eyes.

I sighed, leaning back in my seat.

After a long flight, we finally arrived in Honolulu only to immediately board a helicopter. Our destination was a breath-taking, lush, oceanfront ranch house. There was a man standing outside and greeted Jace with a smile and handed him keys.

“Here you go, Mr. Jordon. The car is gassed up in the garage. Chef Ramon will call before he comes over to get any food preferences. Please enjoy your stay and don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything at all.”

I was taking in the sights when Jace approached me. There was a huge black-bottom pool and hot tub that was sculpted into a pond with a waterfall, and dense with orchids, ferns and other flowers. Streams and fountains were everywhere, with misting sprays woven overhead. The pool overlooked the ocean with a wooden staircase down to the sparkling white beach nestled in a small lagoon with palm trees and mild waves lapping the shore. The air was humid, but the ocean breeze cooled it down and the misters kept the flies away.

“Wanna come inside and check out the place?” Jace asked quietly, wrapping his arms around me and kissing the top of my head.

“This is gorgeous. Thank you so much!”

“I’m glad you like it. I picked it just for this time together,” he looked tremendously pleased with himself. We walked into the ranch-style home done in washed tile and stone, with modern appliances and furnishings in tropical hues. The scent of plumeria filled the warm air.

Jace took me to my room which had a full ocean view and private deck. His was next door. I jumped on his bed. “Can’t I just stay with you?” I asked coyly.

Jace hesitated for a moment and sat down next to me, taking my hand. “My darling, I’m afraid I don’t have that much will power anymore. I don’t want to be put in the position that I have to resist temptation knowing I’ll lose,” he said quietly, lowering his eyes.

“What if I choose differently?”

“Let’s see how things go, okay?” Jace gulped, unable to hide the growing erection. He quickly changed the subject. “We need to go shopping for clothes first. I have lots of surprises planned for you, IF you’re a good girl. The things I want to do won’t be pleasant for you if you decide to brat too much.”

“I’ll behave as best as I can,” I lied, knowing I would provoke him the minute I had the opportunity.

It took a good half hour plus to get to the shopping district, and we hurried to return to the house before it got too dark. It was hot and muggy, so Jace went to hop in the shower and I decided to take advantage of the pool. Turning off the underwater lights, I stripped off my clothes and dove in, swimming quietly under the light of the crackling Tiki torches. I closed my eyes as I treaded water under the most beautiful sky in the world when I heard Jace clear his throat.

“Come on in, the water is
! They must pump it from the ocean!” I said, not missing the look on his face.

“What are you wearing?”


“Didn’t I tell you that wasn’t appropriate? We’ve had this discussion before,” Jace said, sitting on the lounge chair and watching me lustfully.

“This is different. It’s a private beach, no one is around,
,” I added with an evil grin, “there is a sign that says the beach is clothing optional!”

“There is not!”

“Is too! Come on, I’ll show you!” I announced, hopping out of the pool and quickly running down to the beach, naked as a jaybird. I heard Jace roar “get back here” and laughed before plunging into the quiet, tree studded lagoon. I watched as he skidded on the sand, hands on his hips.

“What do you think you are doing?” he demanded.

“Swimming,” I answered, going a little deeper. Jace hollered to get out, but I ducked under the water. I could see him well in the moonlight. He was taking off his shoes and shirt, tossing them on the sun loungers before wading in after me. Laughing, I dodged his hands as he swam after me. He finally caught me about fifteen minutes later, holding me tightly against his chest.

“You are in so much trouble, Young Lady,” he whispered, his breath hot in my ear.

I shuddered with excitement. “It was fun! There's no one around,” I said half- heartedly, allowing him to half-carry-half-drag me out of the water. He simply grunted, heading straight for the chaise as I laughed and attempted escape. “No!” I yelped as he flipped my naked body across his wet thighs and shorts. There was a little chill in the air from the ocean breeze and I felt goose bumps rise.

“Oh yes. This is going to be the first of many this trip, it seems. To start with, when I tell you something…”

As he lectured, his hand found its wet target, making me yip loudly and soon start to struggle. I could only imagine what my pale bottom looked like in the moonlight! And, obviously, there was enough light for Jace to give me a thorough and sound spanking, bringing a few tears to surface. He lifted me up and stared into my eyes.

“You run as fast as you can up to the house, take a shower and get into your pajamas. I’m not done with you. Go!” he ordered with one last loud, heavy smack to my bottom.

I ran. Fast, and giggling loudly. I took my time in the shower and emerged dressed in an oversized T-shirt. Jace sat on the living room couch and frowned at me, pointing to the floor in front of him. I glided over and plopped myself in his lap, kissing his cheek and resting my head against his shoulder.

“Thank you
much for taking me here. It was just what I needed. It’s been a long time since I’ve really been able to play.”

“I never stopped you from playing,” he said, arm around me, holding me close. I bit his neck, hearing him yelp.

“No, but every time I play, I get in trouble. So I stopped because I don’t like you getting mad at me.” Oh, I knew him too well. He was thinking twice about continuing his session with me! I grabbed the opportunity. “I wish I could see you play more. I love it when you do that. It’s almost like you’re afraid of letting your hair down and being silly.”

“I’m not afraid, it’s just not me,” Jace grumbled, holding my jaw—and teeth—away from his neck.

“I disagree. I’ve seen you rough-house with Mark a lot. Come on, admit it: the midnight swim was fun and felt good. Come on, say it!”

“I had no problem with the swim, it was your attire and the fact you didn’t ask,” Jace frowned, looking at me.

“And you would have said no. It’s gonna be a full moon tomorrow night!
, let’s go swimming in the lagoon.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Jace, why can’t you just say yes? It’s your vacation, too. I want to see you have fun with me, and not care how goofy we are. No one is here to judge you. Please?”

He stared into my eyes—I could see his struggle before he finally nodded. “Alright, for you I’ll do it. I don’t need to hear any old people comments from you and if this will avoid it, then so be it. Now, the matter of you running around naked…”

“It’s a clothing-optional beach! You saw the sign.”

“I don’t care if the whole state of Hawaii has a naked-only law, you’re still my responsibility and are to present yourself properly and respectfully. You know what’s coming,” he said, pointing to his lap for the second installment.

Sighing loudly, I complied, chin on my hands as I rested my elbows on the broad couch. I suppressed any noise for a good thirty swats or so and then started ‘owing’ and wiggling a bit. Jace continued smacking his heavy hand against my back end until I started begging for forgiveness and offering apology after apology. He didn’t bring me to tears, but I was certainly out of breath and not willing to test him. For the rest of the night, anyway.

After tucking me into my big, soft bed, Jace sat and stroked my hair. “I love you, you little brat. You know that, right?”

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