Guardian of Werewolf Keep (Werewolf Keep Trilogy) (15 page)

BOOK: Guardian of Werewolf Keep (Werewolf Keep Trilogy)
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He stretched her. She could feel him stretching her gently with his fingers. The desire to escape his invasion was now gone. Now she opened her legs, inviting more. And
, the way he growled at her, made her realise she was pleasing him by doing so.

But even as she thought she pleased him, he was gone. His fingers were gone, his hand was gone. And he was dragging himself away from her, as she tried to cling on.


‘Give me a moment…’ he managed to get out in a strangled voice. Then she saw what he was doing. He was ripping off his boots and removing his pants. While
he did so, her shocked stare took in the beauty of his heavily muscled body and arousal with bemused fascination.

Laughing at where her gaze had focused, he grabbed her hand
, and drew her to him. Partly eager, partly terrified of this strangely powerful part of him, she let him place her hand on him. It felt like velvet over iron. The way he swallowed and trembled told her that he liked having her touch him there.

When he took his hand away, her own stayed where it was, stroking gently along the full length of him. He squeeze
d his eyes shut, as if she hurt him.

‘Is this right?’ she asked uncertainly.

‘Oh, very right. Do not stop. Please…mmmm’ His head fell back, as he arched his neck, the muscles of his chest become harder and more defined.

Then, as if her touch was too much, he drew her had away
, and lay her gently back on the bed.

‘I should wait. I should take this slowly… but I cannot …’ He seemed to be apologising to her. Bu
t she didn’t understand why. She didn’t want to go slowly. Whatever he was doing to her was pushing her faster and faster toward a destination she could only imagine. And she wanted to get there…soon.

She brought his lips to hers
, and kissed him deeply, giving him permission for whatever he was about to do. Then he was spreading her legs, and positioning his body over hers, pressing his arousal against her soft crux. It felt so good she moaned again.

That was all he needed as welcome. In the next moment, he was pressing into her with the hard length, and surprisingly, her body was accepting it, welcoming it. Then he stopped.

‘Don’t…’ she murmured, disappointed by his unwillingness to go further. But then he pressed forward sharply, and she felt something tear inside her. Before the pain began to abate, Byron sunk still deeper into her body.

How was this possible? It was as if she had been made for just this. He fitted her perfectly. She wriggled to adjust to his length, and her movements seemed to enflame him.

But, before he began to move again, he growled a question into her ear. ‘All right?’

‘More than all right. Does it feel all right to you? I do not know.’

‘More than all right,’ he repeated her words with much satisfaction. ‘I can feel you tight around me. So hot and wet. I want to…’ He thrust into her then, deeper and more urgently than he had so far.

‘Oh,’ she got out with a gasp, and found herself arching her back
, so that she could take all of him. His moan of pleasure was her own.

Then he was moving, dra
wing back and then thrusting in again, setting up a rhythm that was primal and all encompassing. Every instinct was honed to this moment, this connection. Everything outside this bed, this touch was non-existant. If the roof had fallen down on top of them, if the wolves had been let loose on them, it wouldn’t have mattered. All that mattered was this… joining… pulsing, thundering, hard and demanding, pushing her toward something she didn’t understand. But she knew she was being driven toward something she wanted more than life.

He grabbed her hips
, and hoisted her higher so he could control the direction of his thrusts. Never had she felt so helpless, and yet so powerful. There was no pain now. All that existed was pleasure… and wanting… a desire driving her higher and higher.

She heard his laboured breaths as he ploughed into her. Her fingers dug into his sweat soaked back, pulling him closer, demanding more. And then something happened… she didn’t know what. But something tore away
, and flew free inside her, taking her with it, and with a scream of pure ecstasy, she let it.

Her body spasmed
, and then began to relax in the aftermath, as she registered with the part of her brain that was still working, that Byron was still moving. His thrusts had become fevered now, desperate…

And then with one
loud cry, she felt his body tighten in her arms, as he arched his back, and gave himself up to whatever this primal instinct was. And in that moment, he seemed to go ever deeper inside her, until he touched her centre, and she finally melted away from all thought, until there was nothing but bliss.

When she came back to her body, it was to feel the weight of him pressing her into the soft bed. It felt so good, but she was also finding it difficult to draw breath. After a few useless attempts to lever him off, Byron seemed to get the hint, and lifted his dead weight from her. But he didn’t withdraw. She could still feel him inside her. Not like before, but still there.

‘I have to go…’ he mumbled into her ear. But he made no further move to leave her.

‘Yes… Jamey cannot stand guard alone for much longer. He must be dead on his feet, the poor lad.’ She managed to get out in a throaty whisper.

‘No, he cannot. I should have… are you sorry? About … about what I just did? It may not be too late for you to change your mind. You may not be with child…’

She groaned
, and bit into his shoulder, hard. ‘How can I be sorry? That was the most amazing experience of my life. I did not know if could be like that. It hurt at first, but then… then it was all consuming. I felt you at my centre… and it felt right. So right.’

‘Mmmm… right. I have to go…’ This time he reluctantly withdrew, and she couldn’t hold back the little whimper of disappointment.

He kissed her then, long and lovingly. ‘You are the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me. You have changed my life… I still cannot believe that you want to stay here… with me.’

‘Not with you. With the wolves.
You are just an added bonus.’ She giggled as his face registered disappointment.

‘I come second to wolves?’

‘A close second… it is a very close second…’ She kissed him hastily, as he drew away to sit on the side of the bed.

‘There is still a lot we must sort out. I do not like the idea of our child being in danger here…’

‘There is plenty of time to worry about that. But a nursery with a stout door and a heavy lock should do the trick. We will be vigilant.’

‘More vigilant than I was tonight.’ Byron grimaced in true pain.

‘I used to feel guilty for the way Bobby took his situation. But now I know that it was not my fault he could not handle it. Nothing I said made that happen. And nothing you did made his escape any less likely to happen. I will grieve his loss as I would a brother, but it is no one’s fault. Not even his…’

He leaned down to kiss her gently again. Then, with a heavy sigh, he began to replace his clothes.

‘I need a fresh shirt,’ he said as he stood over her, his open front leaving a delightful display of muscular chest and flat stomach on display.

‘Do not worry on my account. I like you that way.’ She giggled.

‘But Jamey will not. He will wonder what we have been doing up here.’

‘He is a farm boy. He will surely have an idea.’

‘Hmmph’ His discomfort pleased her.

‘Go on, get back to work. I will join you shortly.’

‘You do not have to. It has been a difficult night. Maybe you should try to get some rest.’

On cue the howling chorus came again. She lifted her eyebrows and then shrugged. ‘I’ll be with you soon. I will sleep tomorrow. All day long!’

He lifted one eyebrow at her suggestively. ‘Maybe not







Will’s gaze drilled into hers. ‘If you change your mind you will leave nothing but wreckage in your wake.’

‘I will not change my mind. You are my people now. This is my home, as surely as it was my father’s. I love you all. Is that too hard to understand?’

Will spun abruptly away
, and stalked to the door of the study. ‘It’s not hard to understand why you would love ‘Ron. But the rest of us? All you feel is pity for the monsters that we are.’

‘I do not pity you! I respect you! I do not know if I could have the strength you all have to live
, day by day with the burden of your disease.’

‘Disease?’ He spun back to her, hand heavy on the
door handle.

‘Yes, that is what this is – a
contagious disease. One of many that can infect humanity. My mother had another – consumption. She did not handle it bravely. Just as Bobby did not handle it bravely. The rest of you are incredibly courageous. You are a rare breed, and I am honoured to be welcomed among you.’

He grunted with amusement. ‘
Aye, rare breed indeed. Well, if you’re sure, then I too welcome you. You have inspired love in this
rare breed
with your lightness of spirit, your courage and compassion. You will make life here better for us all, I ken.’

She smiled her relieved gratitude at the gruff pugilist
she had expected to reject her. Instead, he’d grudgingly embraced her. And if he did, so would the others. Her battle was won.

‘Will you save a dance for me?’

His eyes suddenly danced with humour. ‘Oh, aye lassie. If you have a mind to lose a few toes. Give me a pair of swords, and I can dance with them well enough. Give me a partner’s feet to negotiate, and I’m as heavy-footed as a bear.’

‘Even bear
s dance,’ she countered with a grin.

‘Only because they’ve been tortured into it.’

‘Call it torture then. I will have my dance.’

‘Aye lassie, if you must. But dinna have Byron breathin’ down my neck when I cripple y

With that, he opened the door at last
, and disappeared.

‘Will did not bite your head off?’ Byron asked as he came into the room.

‘No, he was a big
wolf today. He seems to have difficulty believing it is more than your appeal that has me choosing to stay, but at least he has promised me a dance.’

Byron laughed loudly
, and the sound echoed around the room until it seemed to dance in the very air. ‘Good enough. I will have to watch that one. He might steal your heart, if I am not careful.’

‘You have no fears there. Ours will always be an a
rmed truce, I think. My very existence irritates him.’

‘Challenges his view of the world, more like. He has not done well with women in his life. But I am sure you will win him over. As you have the others. When you told me Charlotte was being kind to you
, I thought you were being polite. But the way she sat at your side, guarding you against me at breakfast, had me convinced.’

‘She was rather sweet
, was she not? But it will now take a while for her to accept that we have made our peace. I think she still thinks you might hurt me again.’

‘I would rather cut off my right arm!’ The vehemence of his reply warmed her heart.

So did thoughts of how the two of them had spent the daylight hours. They had managed to snatch a few moments rest in amongst the lovemaking, but not many. But strangely, although she was physically exhausted, she felt as if she had more energy than she’d had for a very long time. Her step was light, even while she grieved for Bobby.


Just before they all made their way down to the dungeons for another night, Jasper paused in the doorway. He gave Phil a gentle smile, and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

‘Thank you for ‘Ron. He deserves to be happy, and you make him joyous. He is like a boy again. It is good to see.’

‘You do not have to thank me, my friend. He makes me happy, too. As do all of you. I would not have chosen to stay, if it was only for Byron, you know. I stay because you have all made me feel as if this is my home. I love you all.’

Jasper blushed
, and looked away. He seemed to be having difficulty accepting her compliment. ‘I hope we never disappoint. But remember, all of us are like Bobby, underneath, even Ellen. Never let your guard down with our wolves, for your sake and ours.’

‘I do not underestimate the danger, Jas. But I a
lso do not give it more substance than it deserves. Ninety percent of the time you are all perfectly safe. The other ten percent you are behind bars. It works.’

He gave her another sad little smile
, and began to make his way down the stairs.


The funeral service for Bobby was held in Harrogate on the day after the last night of the full moon. The boy’s parents had been notified, and his death recorded as complications following the attack he sustained some months ago. No one would ever get to see the bullet wound in his chest. The constable investigating the death was the same man who had brought Bobby to them, eight weeks earlier. He understood only too well what had happened. He would make sure the inquiry went no further.

Two weeks later the
planned party finally took place. The Keep was cleaned and decorated for the occasion, and lit up with so many glowing lamps and candles that it was as bright as daylight. On every table there were vases of roses of every colour. Their scent hung heavy in the late summer air. Ribbons and posies were looped around the banister, from the upstairs floor right down to the entry hall. Music wafted out from the Great Hall, a room that Phil had never seen until it was pointed out to her as the perfect venue for the dancing. It was hard to believe it was the same austere castle Phil had seen the first night.

The first of the guests had just started to arrive, and Phil stood in the reception line waiting to greet the visiting family and friends as the Captain’s daughter and heir, and Byron’s fiancée
. Byron stood to her right, his arm wrapped loosely around her waist. It was the kind of gesture she was coming to accept as natural to him. He was a demonstrative man, always touching her, stroking her hand, and playing with her hair. They were both gestures of affection and of possession. And she loved them.

‘Lord and Lady Horton, and Misses Crystal and Felicity,’ announced Jamey, who was filling in as f
ootman for the night. He had been practising the names over and over, throughout the day, reading from the list Phil had written for him in her large legible handwriting. He could read, just. And Phil wondered if she might improve his literacy in the coming months. At the moment, the boy saw no need for much more book learning than he already had, but if he was to one day take over the management of the estate, he would need to be able to read, write and do quite complex ciphering. Of course, that was a long way down the road. But still, it would not hurt to start working toward that goal now.

Jasper’s parents and sisters were a surprise addition to the list. She hadn’t even been aware Jasper had invited them. When she met them
, she was immediately struck by the resemblance between father and son. Lord Horton had the same golden blonde good looks as his son. And his eyes were the same piercing shade of blue. In his last forties, he was still a fine figure of a man.

His wife, Juliette
, was also an attractive person. Her hair was a light brown, dressed in heavy ringlets of the time. Her grey eyes were incisive as she took in her surroundings.

The girls were blonde versions of their father, both tall and slim, and still at the giggly stage, even thought they were both looking to their first coming out next season. This Jasper had told her when he announced his family’s attendance.

She turned to look for Jasper. He had been busy around the Keep all day, and had been late getting dressed. But now, she noticed, he was coming down the staircase, as elegantly dressed as any fine aristocrat of the ton. No one would have guessed that he spent three nights a month locked in a cell in the body of a wolf.

She watched the pleasure light up Juliette’s eyes when she caught sight of her son. The mother had not seen this child for s
everal years. Ever since he was turned. And he had steadfastly refused to contact his family ever since. Now, out of the blue, he had invited them to the house party.

‘Mother,’ Jasper cried, crossing the reception line
to embrace his tiny parent. Phil felt tear sting her eyes. This was more than an estranged son returning to the fold, this was a man taking his first step to accepting himself for what he was. It was a beginning.

By the time the last of the guests had arri
ved, upper, middle and those of the working class mingled as equals. The laughter filled the air, as the voices became more robust with good food, flowing wine and pleasant company.

When the music started for the dancing, Byron led her out for it. For a few minutes they were the only ones on the dance floor, and she was able to look around at all the happy smiling faces that watched them with such warmth.
She even spied Ellen sitting comfortably on the sidelines, smiling her gummy, delighted grin.

‘How could you ever have thought I could not be happy here?’ she said to him, as he swung her around in the flowing steps of a wa

‘You have made your happiness, my love. And mine.
This night is unlike any that this old ruin has known for hundreds of years. All because of you. If not for you, we would all still be shadowed by the weight we carry. You have given us this.’

Although she loved to hear it, she knew it was only partly true. She was
simply the catalyst for change that this dark place had needed. The love, kindness and humanity had always been here. It had only needed a little sunshine to make it bloom.

When the waltz came to an end, it was Will, dressed in tartan kilt, who stepped up to take Byron’s place. Phil realised for the first time that he was an
extremely handsome man, even with his broken nose.

For all his warning about his dancing ability, Phil was delightfully surprised
how well he moved. He swung her around in sure, exuberant steps.

‘Aye lassie, you deserve to g
low. This is your crowning moment! Are you pleased with yourself?’

Phil looked up at him
, and then out at the colourfully dressed people surrounding them. There was not a sad face or shadow anywhere.

‘I am more than pleased with myself. I am

‘Your fa
ther would be very proud of you, if he was here to see this.’

‘I think you are right. But somehow I feel as if he is
here. And he is smiling and nodding, and looking with quiet pride at all of us. His family.’

‘His fa
mily,’ Will agreed, sweeping her back to Byron, so that she could finish the dance with him.

‘Love is to
o mild a word to describe how I feel for you, my darling,’ Byron whispered against her ear, as he held her close once more.

‘Love is the only word
to describe how I feel about you, Guardian of Werewolf Keep.’

‘Werewolf Keep? Yes, a
fitting name for it. I am so glad you stuck your foot in the door that first night, and changed this place forever.’

cheekily poked her tongue out at him. Then, catching the startled expressions around her, retracted it quickly and giggled.

‘So am I, my beloved, so am I.’






If you have enjoyed Guardian of Werewolf Keep,
( I hope you have!) please let me know by leaving a review at your place of purchase. I get such a kick out of reading what my readers say!

, watch out for Jasper’s story in ‘Imprisoned at Werewolf Keep’ coming soon.

In the meantime
, you might enjoy a different take on the historical sinking of the Titanic.

Here is an Extract from ‘The Titan Drowns’.




Chapter One

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