Guys on Top 02 - Guys on the Side (2 page)

BOOK: Guys on Top 02 - Guys on the Side
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“No,” Zach said in a strained whisper as Corey repeated the act, dragging the tip of his tongue along the sensitive line of skin. “I want to be the one to work you into a frenzy this time. Corey, stop.”

Casting his eyes upward, Corey nuzzled Zach’s groin. “You already did. You gave me head this morning, or did you forget?”

“Only...ah, shit,” Zach gasped as Corey went back to tonguing him. “Only after you got me off screaming, I want to be the one to make
helpless for a change.”

Corey rose and grabbed Zach by his bare ass, lifting him off the floor and walking them toward the living room. “You’ve got too many rules, kid,” he said as he carried him. “Just shut up and let it happen naturally.”

Zach whined in protest, but he clung to Corey’s shoulders, burying his nose in his neck. Corey stopped when they reached the living room couch, and dropped Zach down onto his back.

Zach’s heated gaze watched as Corey removed his own clothes, peeling them off slowly until he was completely nude, then he positioned himself on his knees between his boyfriend’s parted thighs. Staring down, Corey held his lover’s gaze as he used his thumb and index finger to pinch the center of Zach’s cock. Sliding his other hand beneath his sac, he stroked the soft patch of skin beneath his balls, teasing just along the edge of his asshole.

“Not fair,” Zach said, squeezing his eyes shut as his chest rose and fell with each breath. “I’m supposed to be seducing

“You are.” Corey continued the double assault with his fingers, working those magic spots he knew always hit the mark with Zach. “You started this. Now let me finish it.”

“You know I come fast like’re trying to get me off quick so you can be done with me.”

Corey gritted his teeth, annoyance trying to muscle down his arousal. “Stop making everything a battle.” He released Zach and straightened up on his knees. “What do you want?”

“I want to fuck.”

Corey reached for the coffee table drawer and dragged it open. Since Zach had moved in, Corey had taken to planting condoms and lube all over the apartment. I wasn’t that he and Stewart hadn’t had an active sex life, but with Zach...Corey never knew when the kid was gonna tackle him, and where.

“You don’t need a condom,” Zach said, sitting up.

“Don’t start,” Corey said. “If you want to do this, don’t initiate an argument, especially one we’ve had a hundred times.”

Corey glanced down, pleased to see his erection was not ebbing despite Zach’s whining. He quickly tore open the condom and rolled it onto himself.

“We’ve been tested,” Zach said. “I don’t get why you don’t want to bring us closer.”

“And I’ve been with a lot of guys,” Corey said as he lubed himself up. “Better safe than sorry, Zach. It’s not you I’m worried about.”

It was the wrong thing to say, and he knew it as soon as it left his lips. Zach had a very specific frown and lip twitch whenever Corey’s sexual past was brought up in conversation. But it was the one thing Corey wouldn’t budge on—not only the condoms, but giving in and coddling Zach’s jealousy in this matter. Zach had, after all, been
of Corey’s promiscuous past. He’d known who and what he was getting when he chose Corey.

“I want to be on top,” Zach said. The request came with an upturned chin, a challenge in his eyes, like he was pulling a final weapon from his sadly depleted arsenal.

“Fine,” Corey said. “Works for me.” He offered Zach a warm smile, because the conversation was swiftly becoming far too cold and clinical for a couple guys discussing how they would proceed with their sexual relations.

Zach’s frown lasted a moment longer, then melted into a grin. He stood, and Corey took his place, lying back on the couch. As Zach straddled him, he said, “Arms back, over your head. And no touching me.”

Corey complied, stretching his arms back, but he gave Zach a questioning look. This was new. “You don’t want me to touch you?”

Zach guided Corey to his hole, rubbing the head of his cock against it. “No using your magic tricks to make me come faster this time,” he said, then eased down, bringing a hard breath from Corey as he breached Zach’s tight entrance. “I’m gonna go as slow as I want, and I’m gonna bring you over just by squeezing your dick in my ass.” With that, he slid down to the base, taking Corey fully inside him.

Corey’s cock swelled and pulsed as Zach’s heat engulfed him. “Fuck,” he said. “That dirty talk is kind of working on me, baby.” He nearly reached up and grabbed Zach’s ass, then remembered his instructions, and rested his arms back over his head.

Clearly Corey’s affirmation pleased Zach, and he smiled fully, then rose up, and back down, stopping half way this time and clenching. “Look at me,” he said when Corey closed his eyes, sighing with pleasure.

Corey opened his eyes. Zach’s palms rested on his chest, his face close. “Are you looking at me?” Zach asked softly.

“You’re the only one here,” Corey said, lifting his hips to get deeper.

Zach began to move, sliding up and down, stopping to clench every third time, and it was working on Corey, making him harder and sending waves of pleasure through him, tightening his balls. “What if I wasn’t here?” Zach asked.

Corey grunted as Zach dropped down on him, then frowned through the dizzying pleasure. “What the hell does that mean?”

“Do you think about me when you masturbate?” Zach asked breathily, increasing his speed and rhythm.

“For Christ sakes, Zach. With you around I don’t need to masturbate.”

“Are you focusing on me? Thinking of me? Not anyone else?” Zach rode him harder, making their flesh slap loudly as he snapped his hips.

“My dick’s in your ass,” Corey said, his voice strained. “Who else would I be thinking about?” He closed his eyes as the friction of Zach’s pounding called his orgasm to the edge of his senses, knocking at the door.

“Open your eyes,” Zach commanded.

Corey did. “Okay, pushy little shit.”

“Look at
. Don’t go somewhere else in your head when I’m fucking you.”

Corey frowned, but his hips continued to lift as Zach rode him, his body oblivious to the shift in his mind. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Zach straightened, removing his hands from Corey’s chest. He leaned back, one arm behind him, and moved his hips in a circle, bringing a groan from Corey. Corey kept his eyes on Zach’s for fear he’d get yelled at again, watching a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead. “I want your mind on me, only me,” Zach said. “I don’t want you thinking about Stewart. Or Doug. Or any other guys. You’re not thinking about them, are you?”

Corey abruptly reached up and grabbed Zach’s arm, pulling him down. Zach’s undulating hips stopped moving, and he panted as he looked into Corey’s eyes, their faces close. “What the hell are you playing at?” Corey asked.

“You’re not thinking about them, are you?” Zach asked. “Stewart or Doug?”

“Well I
” Corey let go of Zach’s wrist, shoving it away. “But if you keep
about them, I’m going to start!”

“Fuck you, Corey!” Zach climbed off of him, Corey’s cock sliding out of him. He stood alongside the couch, sneering down at Corey. “Fuck you!”

“No, fuck you, Zach.” Corey grabbed him and pulled him down, then wrestled him over onto his back, using his knees to spread his legs. “You’re being ridiculous and this shit has to stop.”

“Get off me.” Zach pushed weakly at his shoulders. “I don’t want you.”

“Yes you do.” Corey grabbed his chin when Zach tried to turn his face away. “You want me. So cut the shit and let me fuck you.”

Zach’s expression was still tight with anger, but he remained silent, staring back at him. When Corey reached down and lined the head of his cock up, pressing it against his entrance, Zach sighed and wrapped his legs around him. “I hate you sometimes,” Zach said as Corey pushed into him.

“I know.” Corey pulled back and drove into him hard, bringing a gasp. “And you need to stop, or this isn’t gonna work.”

“I just feel like—”

Corey kissed him hard, bruising his lips and driving his tongue deep. He pulled back briefly. “Shut your mouth, Zach,” he said, then went in again, kissing him savagely while he plunged into his ass hard and fast, not giving him a chance to think.

Soon Zach was making helpless, mewling sounds, his heels digging into the back of Corey’s thighs while he lifted his hips, forcing him in deeper. Corey felt Zach’s orgasm shudder through him. He doubled his rhythm, riding it while Zach’s channel clenched around his cock. When Zach’s lips tore from his so he could cry out in bliss, Corey let his own climax go.

When he finally collapsed onto Zach’s sweat-soaked body, his heartbeat slowing, he knew one thing. Zach’s jealousy was officially out of control, and he had to talk to him about it, today, before he left for work. It was working its way into their sex life now, and that was just too much.

“I love you,” Zach said drowsily, fingers stroking Corey’s bare back.

Corey climbed off of him and stood alongside the couch, wiping his brow. “We need to talk,” he said as he pulled his shirt on.

“You’re supposed to say, ‘I love you, too, Zach’ when I tell you I love you.”

“I do love you. But we need to talk. Today. I’ll be right back.” Corey went to the bathroom and dealt with the condom, peeing and cleaning himself up. When he returned to the living room, Zach was still naked, leaning against the edge of the couch, watching him.

“We need to talk,” Corey said again as he tugged on his pants.

“About what?” Zach crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Corey glanced at him. “You know about what. Can you put some clothes on?”

Zach rolled his eyes and moved off down the hallway. He returned momentarily, still shirtless, but wearing the black slacks he wore for bartending. Slumping down on the couch, he looked up at Corey, who paced in front of the sofa, hands on his hips.

“You’re always pissed at me. What’s the matter now?” Zach asked.

Corey stopped pacing and turned to him, ignoring the
comment. He wasn’t going to let Zach distract him with a straw man argument about who did the most bitching in their relationship. “You need to stop this thing you’re doing. With the jealousy and the accusations all the time. You either start trusting me, or this isn’t gonna work.”

“I trust you,” Zach said.

Corey sat on the couch beside him. “No, you don’t. The other day I left you here to go get groceries. You snooped around in my room and went through all my stuff.”

Zach’s cheeks flushed pink. “So? I was just bored.”

“And was it you that tossed my porn collection in the trash barrel outside?”

Shrugging a bare shoulder, Zach said, “So what?”

“So what? Zach, you went through my things and took it upon yourself to discard my property.”

“Well, why do you need porn if you’ve got me?”

“It’s not about that! I don’t even watch that stuff anymore, but some of it is vintage, and the point is, it was
. It wasn’t yours to toss out! And come on, don’t act like you don’t get this. The fact that you went through my stuff is...well, it’s creepy, Zach.”

Zach huffed out a laugh. “I’m creepy? You’re the one who had a copy of
Mustache Rides 3
Willy Wonked in my Chocolate Factory.

“So what? The porn itself is not the point. You have to stop trying to own my every thought, my every movement. You have to stop obsessing over my past. Over Stewart, and Doug, and whoever. Going through my stuff. Watching my face and gauging my erections when we see another guy, for crying out loud. I chose
, Zach. That should be enough for you. You shouldn’t still be so insecure, and frankly, it’s driving me nuts.” He paused, taking a deep breath and letting it out. “And it’s driving me away from you.”

Zach’s expression flashed panic. “I’m sorry,” he said. He moved closer and wrapped his arms around Corey. “I’ll stop, I promise. I’m really sorry. Okay?”

Corey embraced him, stroking his hair. “Okay,” he said, though he was skeptical anything would change. It was likely fear of losing Corey prompting Zach’s turnaround rather than a sudden realization that his behavior was out of control.

“Don’t leave me, okay?” Zach muttered against Corey’s neck.

“I don’t want to leave you,” Corey said. “That’s the point of all this. So you’ll stop? With the jealousy?”

Zach pulled back and gave him a forced looking smile. “I’ll stop. I promise. And I’ll buy you some more porn if you want.”

Corey laughed. “I don’t want more porn. I just want you. Now go get ready for work. You’re gonna be late.”

While Zach finished readying himself for work at the bar, Corey shut off the music and lights in the massage room. When he returned to the living room, Zach was there, wearing a black tuxedo tee shirt. Corey laughed. “Nice outfit.”

Zach shrugged. “It’s a conversation starter. Gets me good tips.”

Corey gave his ass a tweak then kissed his cheek. “I think it’s your gorgeous face that gets you tips.”

“What are you doing tonight?” Zach asked.

Corey shrugged. “Just hanging out I guess.”

“You gonna hang out with Doug?”

Corey stepped back and raised an eyebrow. “Zach...”

“I’m not jealous!” Zach laughed, raising his hands. “I just don’t get how you can hang out with that guy. He stole your boyfriend, after all.”

“Doug didn’t
Stewart from me, and you know it. Now go to work, before you start to piss me off again.”

“Fine. Bye.” Zach gave him a lingering kiss, then was finally out the door.

Once he’d gone, Corey let out a breath, running fingers through his blond hair. “Jesus Christ.” He felt exhausted, and it wasn’t all about the sex. Zach was becoming mentally and spiritually exhausting.
It shouldn’t be this difficult

It had never been this way with Stewart. Sure, they had a different arrangement, but aside from that, Stewart was just a more laidback person. And while Corey had finally stopped missing Stewart romantically, he missed other aspects of him, having a like-minded person around to just talk to and blow off steam with, someone who wouldn’t challenge him at every turn.

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