Hagen, Lynn - Knox [Zeus's Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove) (9 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Knox [Zeus's Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)
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Before he could take Tyson out, he and two of the men fled. Trevor couldn’t stand anymore. He fell to his knees, holding on to consciousness the best he could while his blood flowed freely.

“Trevor!” Knox shouted as he burst through the restaurant door and then shifted, attacking the two shifters that stood around the two dead vampires.

“No,” Trevor cried out weakly, trying to stop Knox from attacking the wolves that had helped him. Sammy ran out, falling to his knees next to Trevor. “They didn’t harm me,” he wheezed.

“Knox, stop!” Sammy shouted. “They helped him.”

Knox backed off and ran to Trevor and Sammy. He shifted back to human form. “What do we do?”

“Blood.” Trevor grunted.

Knox sliced his wrist once more and fed Trevor. He felt all eyes on him, but the need to heal was too great. Trevor drank deeply, Sammy holding onto him. Trevor laced an arm around his small mate.

He licked the wound once he felt his chest closing and mending. The other two shifters stood there with their mouths hanging open, gawking at Trevor.

“I need to get both of you home.” Knox picked Trevor up and laid him in the back seat of his car. “Get in, Sammy.”

Trevor handed his mate the keys, and Knox pulled from the back lot, not giving the other two wolves a second glance.

* * * *

Sammy held tight to Knox’s hand as they entered the wolf’s large home. He glanced over at Trevor, still unsure if his mate was going to be okay. Sammy had never been more scared in his life than when he saw Trevor on the ground and his shirt covered in blood.

Curious eyes followed them through the halls and down to an office. Sammy moved closer to Trevor when he saw the same tall man from the ceremony.

“Zeus, this is my other mate, Trevor.”

Trevor bowed. Sammy had no clue what the protocol for shape-shifting creatures was, so he bowed, too. He didn’t remember having to do it when first meeting Zeus, but maybe no one wanted to tell him. Sammy didn’t want to take any chances. Trevor gently squeezed Sammy’s hand, and he was grateful for the small encouragement.

“Welcome, gentleman.” Zeus smiled at Sammy, and he felt calmer for some reason.

“Trevor has his old coven looking for him. I just wanted to let you know this and to let you know my mates will be staying with me.”

“Of course, make yourselves at home.” Sammy could see Zeus wanted to say more. Maybe discuss the issue of Trevor’s coven, but it looked like he was going to do that after he and Trevor were out of ear shot.

He held Knox’s hand once again as he was shown to the wolf’s bedroom. “Here’s where you’ll stay. But you can roam around anywhere inside the house.” Knox sat down on the bed, looking from Sammy to Trevor.

“So, does that mean I can’t go to work?” Sammy was terrified of losing his job. It was all he had, and he wasn’t sure how understanding Theo would be.

As if reading his mind, Knox said, “I’m going to talk with Theo. He’s pack as well, so he understands about mates. He won’t fire you.”

Sammy took a seat on the rug, his brain taking a moment to process what Knox was telling him.

Theo, a wolf? He’d never have guessed it. Sammy jumped when he heard a door slam down the hall. His nerves seemed to be on edge all of the sudden. Trevor took a seat next to him, but instead of sitting, he stretched out beside Sammy.

“Don’t worry, Sammy, we don’t bite.”

Sammy laughed. “Yes you do. At least you bit Trevor.”

“True, but that was different.” Knox’s eyes settled on Trevor, and his cheeks gave off a slight tinge of pink. Sammy thought it was adorable. “You two can use some of my T-shirts to sleep in until I can get your things.” Knox looked at Trevor once more. “Where do you live? I’ll get some clothing for you.”

“Check my trunk.”

Sammy gasped. “Why didn’t you tell me you were sleeping in your car? How?”

“I slept in the trunk during the day, not too comfortable, but it did the trick in a tight pinch.” Trevor shifted to an elbow and ran his hand over Sammy’s face. “Don’t worry about me, little darling. It’s nothing.”

“But you were homeless. I feel so bad that you slept in a trunk.”

Sammy was going to find out what happened to make Trevor leave his home, and everyone he knew. This wasn’t right, and it was exactly what happened to him. He knew more vampires were going to come after Trevor, and maybe they needed a good talking-to, and Sammy was the one to give it to them.

* * * *

Knox led them down to the kitchen. He knew Trevor didn’t eat food but he didn’t want him to feel left out. It was strange how protective Knox had become since mating the vampire. It was a drive inside of him to keep his mates safe. And he was really starting to like Trevor as well. He had depth to him that Knox never would have guessed at.

His headache came back when Minsheng and Yasuko came into the kitchen. Once again Kamiko was nowhere to be found.

“Which one vampire?”

“Minsheng.” Knox said his name in a warning tone.

“It’s okay.” Trevor chuckled. “That would be me.”

“I see fangs?”

Knox watched as Trevor pulled his top lip back, baring his fangs to Minsheng. The little shit wasn’t even afraid. “We have good dentist in town. Zeus take me once.”

Trevor began to laugh, and Knox relaxed, going back to fixing Sammy his plate.

“I’ve never heard that one before,” Trevor said once he stopped laughing.

“You bite me, I bite back,” Minsheng warned.

“Then I promise not to bite you.”

Knox rolled his eyes. The conversation was becoming too weird for him. He stirred the chili Jasper had made and grabbed some crackers, setting the bowl in front of Sammy. “What would you like to drink?”

“I’ll take a juice if you have one.” His small mate smiled at Knox, and he felt his heart beat a little faster. Sammy had the clearest blue eyes he had ever seen, and when he turned them on Knox, he was a goner.

He pulled his attention away before he started to blush. He’d never blushed in his life until finding his mates. “Where’s Kamiko? Knox asked as he shoveled a spoonful of chili in his mouth.

“Talking to man in closet again,” Minsheng answered.

The spoon clattered to the table as Knox stood, racing to Kamiko’s room.

Chapter Six

Knox, Sully, and Torem searched Kamiko’s room as the small man sat on his bed watching them. The three Asian men had been here for months, and he really didn’t know Kamiko. The guy hardly came out of his bedroom.

“Minsheng said there was a guy in your closet that you talked to,” Knox questioned him when they came up empty.

“No, no man.” Kamiko shook his head.

Knox knelt down in front of the little man. “If someone is bothering you, I’ll stop him. I promise.” After being kidnapped from Japan and being forced into prostitution, Knox would kill anyone that threatened the three, even Minsheng and his sharp tongue.

“No man. No one bother me,” Kamiko repeated. He was so demure that Knox often forgot he was a man. The guy was so effeminate.

“I’m going to take your word for it, but if anyone bothers you, let me know.”

Kamiko stood and bowed. “I will.”

The three left the room. Knox couldn’t shake the feeling that someone had been watching them the whole time.

* * * *

“They are gone,” Kamiko called into his closet as he opened it. He watched eyes of flame appear and then Takeo’s body soon followed.

“Did they harm you?” Takeo asked.

“No.” Kamiko blushed and sat back down on his carpet. “Now we finish our talk?”

Takeo smiled and sat with him. “Now we finish.”

* * * *

“So, you really a blood sucker?”

Trevor turned to see a man leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. “Are you really a dog?” he asked.

The shifter chuckled. “Touché.” He pushed from the wall and extended his hand. “Name’s Rave.”


“Aside from Prince Christian, I’ve never talked with a vampire before.” Rave spoke as they walked down the hallway. It was almost dawn, but Trevor had become restless as Sammy and Knox slept.

“You know of the prince?”

“He comes here often along with Alpha Maverick Brac.”

Trevor was surprised at the news. Prince Christian wasn’t known to travel outside of his club, The Manacle. It would be an honor if he ever got to meet him. “Thank you for talking with me. I have a feeling my presence here isn’t very welcomed.”

“Nah, ignore these lug heads. Make yourself at home.” Rave grinned and then left Trevor to his wandering. He walked back to the bedroom to find Knox and Sammy cuddled together. Trevor sat on the carpet and wondered how his life had taken such a turn from a week ago.

“You gonna sit down there all night?” Knox asked in the darkness.

“Just thinking.” Trevor watched as Knox pulled away from Sammy and sat on the side of the bed. He studied Trevor for a moment before speaking.

“It’s not you. It’s the whole vampire thing.”

“That clears thing up,” Trevor joked.

Knox chuckled. “That was a little vague, wasn’t it? I just don’t trust easily. Not after what I’ve been through.”

“Do you think I’m evil?” Trevor couldn’t help but become nervous while he waited for Knox to answer his question. Those who weren’t in constant contact with vampires always assumed they were evil from Hollywood movies. Out to drain someone’s body of its fluid and convert them. The truth was, a person had to be born a vampire. Only the prince or an elder could
a vampire.

“No.” He glanced down at Trevor. “Not you.”

“Then why give me such a hard time?” Trevor didn’t want to be enemies with Knox. So how could Trevor diminish a stereotype that someone perceived him to be and nothing more?

“I guess I lumped you in with all the rest of them.”

“But you know that’s not fair to me?” Trevor watched as Knox moved from the bed and onto the floor with him. The shifter was gloriously naked, and Trevor became instantly hard. Knox moved over to him, crawling above him as Trevor’s back was slowly lowered to the carpet. Knox’s mouth was mere inches away, and Trevor desperately wanted to close the gap.

“I know, and I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you.” Knox swooped down and captured Trevor’s lips. He moaned and wrapped his legs around Knox’s large waist. Although the man was only two inches taller than his six-three height, his body was massive. Trevor found it such a turn-on.

“You’re so beautiful,” Knox moaned into Trevor’s mouth. He pulled Trevor’s shirt from over his head, kissing his pale chest. Knox was the most incredible masculine sight he had ever beheld. Although Trevor was a man of power and strength, Knox made him feel safe and whole with his massive arms wrapped around him, cocooning him from the world.

Something he desperately needed right now.

“Take me,” Trevor pleaded.

Knox pulled away and divested Trevor of all his clothing. Knox’s hazel eyes drank in Trevor’s body as Trevor lay there naked and exposed. Knox’s hands were everywhere, touching Trevor in places that set him afire. Knox skimmed his knuckles over Trevor’s cock, and he arched his back, wanting that hand to return.

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