Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (6 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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The fight was slowly leaving his mate’s body. Too bad Montana was hard as a rock now. He wanted to fuck his mate into the wall. He took a deep breath, trying his best to still his raging hormones. Gabby came first, so figuring out what had triggered this was more important than his own libido. He sealed the wound but allowed Gabby to take his fill. He turned his back, giving his mate as much privacy as the scenario could afford them. Gabby whimpered, smashing his eyes closed as he licked around the wound in Montana’s wrist. He looked as though he was fighting to get his mind back under control.

Montana nodded at Maverick as the Alpha picked Melonee up into his arms. “Is he okay?” Maverick asked as he soothed the little girl’s back. Montana felt terrible about the frightened look in Melonee’s eyes. He knew Gabby hadn't scared her intentionally. His mate didn’t seem the type.

Montana turned slightly, once again trying to give his mate privacy as he drank. He could feel Gabby’s heart starting to return to normal. “He’s calming. I don’t know what just happened here.” Montana kissed Gabby on his temple. Gabby finally released him then buried his face in Montana’s neck. He could feel his little pumpkin shaking.

“I think I do. Her scent. That’s what’s making the rogues crazy. Now we know.” Maverick handed her off to her brother. “Take her to your room.”

Tangee nodded and carried his little sister away. Maverick approached them. “Gabby, what just happened? In detail please.”

Gabby dug his nails into Montana’s back as he shook his head. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“No one is mad at you. I just need to know,” Maverick reassured him.

His mate took a deep breath. Montana chuckled. He knew what was coming. He would bet, excited or scared, Gabby’s true personality would come shining through.

“I was in the den and Blair wanted me to play a video game, but I’ve never played one before. I became really nervous when I saw that there was a crowd watching me, until the blond man cheered me on. I’ve never had a friend before, so if he wants to be my friend I would be more than happy to.” Montana patted Gabby’s back, getting him back on track.

“Oh right, sorry. Anyway when the blond man cheered me on I was determined to show my new friend, that’s if he wants to be friends.” Gabby turned to look at Johnny. Johnny smiled and nodded, and then Gabby smiled as well. “I was determined to show my new friend that I could win.”

“So I beat Blair, and I hope he doesn’t hate me for it.” Again Gabby turned.

Blair laughed as he waved Gabby off. “I don’t hate you, Gabby.”

Gabby smiled then turned back to Maverick. “He wanted to play again, so I reached out to take the controller when the most delicious smell hit me. My mind went all foggy. I couldn’t control it, I swear. All I thought about was that sweet smell, and I wanted it. I swear I wasn’t going to hurt her, I think. I’m not really sure.” Gabby hid his face back into Montana’s neck.

Maverick blinked at Gabby. A smile stretched his face as he began to chuckle. “I like him.”

“Oh, no you don’t.” Cecil shot out of the den and stomped his foot in front of his mate. He stuck his hand out as he ticked off on his fingers. “You already have Johnny, Keata, Melonee, and Nero. Enough with the misfit adoptions.” He pouted crossing his arms over his chest.

Maverick pulled his mate into his arms, cupping his face in a loving gesture. “But you’re my number one misfit.”

Cecil blushed, looking around like he just noticed what a brat he must look like. “I better be.” He leaned up and kissed Maverick. The Alpha pulled Cecil closer, proving to him where he stood. Cecil began to moan and Montana knew it was time to remind everyone why they were standing here in discussion.

“People, off track here,” Montana reminded them.

Maverick looked like he didn’t want to let Cecil go but parted lips. He spun his mate around, pulling Cecil’s back to his large chest as he wrapped his arms around his mate’s shoulders. “I don’t want Melonee playing outside anymore or going to the recreation center. Her aroma is apparently lingering in the air, the breeze carrying it to the rogues. Why didn’t you smell her right away?” Maverick asked Gabby.

Gabby looked up at Montana. “I was more worried about losing my wolf.”

Montana felt his chest tightened at the truth in Gabby’s eyes. He was a rank bastard for the way he had behaved. He squeezed his mate in his arms letting Gabby know how honest he was being. “I’m not going anywhere, pumpkin.” He stared into his mate’s jade-green eyes, feeling like he was falling into an abyss. No, he could never hate the little fireball.

“Well, we need to find a solution because the two of you will be residing under the same roof,” Maverick said.

“Really, you want me to stay? I thought Tanny was just being nice about it, but I really get to stay here? I promise not to be a nuisance. Okay, I’ll try not to be on—” Montana covered his mouth. He knew if he didn’t stop Gabby, his mate would go on until he was out of breath. “Okay, with that, I’m going to check on Melonee.” Maverick smiled and shook his head, leading his mate away with him.

“Did I make him mad?”

“No, pumpkin, you can’t make anyone here mad.” Montana carried his mate upstairs. “Time to see Nicholas and have your blood sugar checked.”

Gabby smiled up at him as Montana walked down to the exam room. “You really do care about me?”

Montana kissed his mate before stopping at the door. “With everything in me.”

* * * *

Kyoshi tilted his head. “Was I the only one having a hard time keeping up with him?”

“Nope, I caught ‘friend’ and ‘sweet smell,’” Caden answered with a laugh.

“I understood him.” Johnny beamed. “He wants to be my friend.”

“Me, too,” Keata added.

“Figures you two would,” Kyoshi teased.

“He’s one of us now. You have to be nice to him.” Johnny crossed his arms over his chest. He liked Gabby. The man had orange hair, his favorite color. It used to be pink, but after seeing the vampire’s hair, Johnny had a new favorite color. He’d have to go find Hawk and have a coat and boots ordered in that color. It better be sparkly.

Now all they had to do was stop Gabby from trying to eat Melonee.

* * * *

“I’m okay.” Gabby wiggled around in Montana’s lap. He felt totally embarrassed at the way he had reacted to the little girl. He wanted to put it behind him and forget about it as quickly as possible. “The urge to drink from her is gone. I think feeding from you helped.”

“You better be lucky I have restraint. I almost took you in the den when you drank from me.” Montana nuzzled Gabby’s neck.

“Can we finish his exam before you two decide to go at it?” Nicholas took another tube of blood and then placed a bandage on Gabby’s arm. He blushed at the doctor’s knowing look.

“I seem to remember a mated pair that was trying to give everyone a free show. You had all the mates running around trying to catch you two in the act.” Montana laughed.

Nicholas blushed as he stepped back. “We didn’t do it on purpose. We just forgot anyone else existed.” The doctor walked over to his desk, turning his back on them. Gabby had a feeling he was trying to hide how red his face had become.

“I know what you mean.” Montana kissed Gabby’s bandage.

“Did they really do that?” Gabby whispered. He would be horrified if anyone saw his fat ass sticking out somewhere. It was bad enough Montana had to see it. Gabby shuddered at the thought of the entire house seeing him naked.

“Yep, nearly gave Tank and George friction burn.” Montana chuckled.

Gabby didn’t understand the joke. He guessed he had to be there. He pressed his palm into his erection. What he hadn’t told the wolf was that he got just as horny when he fed. He was still feeling the effects from his last feeding.

It had been a nightmare when he was in the coven. Twice a month he had to find someone willing to engage in the act secretly. They may have picked on him, but a lot of them wanted to fuck him, too. Users.

He was so glad he had Montana now. He didn’t have to be all cryptic when seeking out someone to lie with. And the fact that Montana didn’t care who knew made Gabby start to fall in love with him.

“Can we go to your room?” Gabby whispered. He needed Montana in the worst way now. The feeding from downstairs was still making his blood feel like it was on fire. Gabby needed a hard cock in his ass and soon. Not any hard cock, but Montana’s.

room, and I’m thinking the same thing.” Montana nipped his ear, making Gabby shiver.

Whoo-hoo, Gabby was going to get laid again. He did a mental happy dance. The urge to lick Montana’s bald head had him leaning up, flicking his tongue in the space between them.

“Just a few more minutes.” Montana pulled Gabby back into his lap. He could feel his mate’s erection pressing into him. Yeah, Montana felt the need, too. If only he could pull his pants down and sit on that hard erection poking him in the butt. Why didn’t the doctor hurry already?

“All done, you’re in the normal range. Now go tear the sheets up.” Nicholas laughed.

Gabby grabbed on to Montana when his wolf stood quickly and ran from the examination room. They flew down the hall and through open the bedroom door. Montana kicked it closed as he ran toward the bed.

He squealed when Montana tossed him on the bed. “No rushing this time.”

“Okay.” Gabby nodded as he pulled his shoes and jeans off.

“Shirt, too.”

Gabby shook his head. “I’m fat.”

Montana growled, raking his eyes over Gabby. “You’re not fat. Now get it off before I rip it off.”

Would he really? Gabby pulled his shirt off and quickly got under the sheets, pulling them to his chin.

Montana was having none of that. He yanked the sheet to the floor, his eyes growing darker. “Damn, you look good enough to eat.”

“More like a supersized meal, huh?” Gabby laughed nervously. He turned over onto his side, trying his best to cover his midsection.

Montana crawled onto the bed and tossed the bottle of lube on the bed next to them. “Not fat.”

Gabby felt his skin heat. “Okay,” he said shyly. He had been told just how fat he was by the other vampires in his coven when they snuck in to see him. They always looked repulsed when he took his clothes off. Gabby soon learned to keep his shirt on to hide how he looked.

Gabby watched as Montana moved his hands away and bent down to kiss his belly. “Tasty.” Gabby was shocked that Montana was going anywhere near it. Could he really think that Gabby wasn’t fat?

Gabby moaned when his mate went even lower. “Wait, wait, wait.” Was he crazy? Montana popped his lips off of Gabby’s cock, staring up at him as if he were. What did he want to say? Oh, yeah.

“I know a trick. Can I show you?” Gabby tried to still his beating heart. Montana had been doing a pretty good job of making him forget his own name. And considering this was his first blowjob on the receiving end, he must be nuts to stop him.

Montana rolled onto his back spreading his body wide. “Show me.” He wiggled his brows as he smiled down at him.

Now was definitely not the time to become shy. Gabby bit his bottom lip as he crawled over Montana’s legs and got comfortable between them. “Let me know if you don’t like it.” He glanced up at his mate from under his lashes.

“I’m sure I’ll like it.” Montana pulled his lip up in a half smile, and Gabby’s brain short circuited. His mate ran his hand over Gabby’s spikes, and Gabby was eating up the attention. He leaned in for a moment, soaking up all the attention Montana was giving him.

Okay, he could do this. Gabby grabbed the base of Montana’s huge cock. He stared at it for a moment like it was an alien. Could he really do this? He’d never seen anyone with such a large bulbous head before. He prayed he didn’t make a big fool of himself.

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
11.98Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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