Hale: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance (12 page)

BOOK: Hale: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance
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She felt the head of his cock rubbing against the lips of her pussy and she thrust up a little. He pulled back and shook his head before rubbing against her again.

He was going to drive her crazy, if he didn’t hurry. She stopped herself from thrusting upward and was rewarded with a deep kiss. With a shift of his hips he plunged deep within her causing her to scream into his kiss.

“So good,” she murmured and rose to meet the thrust of his hips.

He was so big she felt full. He moved stroking her sensitive nerves and her body shook in need as he plunged deeper into her.

“Never been this good,” she whispered into the side of his neck as she held on tight. Her nails breaking the skin on his shoulders just a little causing him to moan and plunger deeper in her.

“Hale, oh my…” her voice trailed off into sounds of pleasure as he hit the spot she never knew she had.


She was as tight as a glove. He growled. No wonder every male went crazy to have a female of his own. His body rocked back and forth in hers wanting, needing to get deeper. He wanted to possess her, not own her, he just needed her to admit she wanted to be with him forever.

He sank deeper into her, she was so wet and hot. He was awed that she gave herself to him. That she wanted him humbled him and caused him to move faster chasing that elusive pleasure that he knew only she could give him.

“Tori.” Her name came out as a plea as he felt himself growing thicker inside of her. He didn’t know that would happen.

All he could feel was friction as she clutched him tight pulling against him, milking him for his very essence.

Mate, his other side whispered as he too felt the incredible pleasure Tori was bringing them. Can’t live without her. Again, Hale acknowledged his other side.

“Tori, look at me.” He knew she would see his other side in his eyes.

She looked up, a smile of need lighting her face. “You’re so hot, Hale.” She reached up to kiss him.

Her eyes flew up to meet his as he hit an over sensitized spot. “Hale.”

He smiled and did it again. Her head began to move back and forth as her body began to coil around him. With a loud scream she began to convulse around his body pulling at him. He moved even faster looking for release when he felt tendrils of pleasure move up his spin taking him over as he felt a release in his body. He pushed deeper as he felt himself flooding her.

She caught his shouts of Tori in the mind numbing kiss she was giving him. There was a look of pure bliss on Tori’s face causing Hale to smile as he carefully pulled out and laid on his side pulling her in his arms.

“You’re a wonderful lover.”

“Thank you.” His deep voice went through her.

“You welcome, lover.” Her hands traced invisible patterns on his side as her eyes began to close. “Did I miss anything while I was gone?”

“Not much, the Created tried to take Dee, but he was stopped. Rena went into labor.”

“What?” Her eyes flew open.

“Rena went into labor. She’s about to have the baby.”

“How do you know she didn’t have it already?”

“Sergey told me. Aran’s not talking to anyone but Rena right now. Nicolas thinks there may be complications.”

Tori jumped out of bed. “Well don’t just lay there, get up.”

“Where are we going?”

“To pace with everyone else, of course.”

Chapter Fifteen

Aran and Rena’s house was in chaos just like she thought it would be.

“Tori,” Dee’s voice rang out. “Come, join the fun”

“This is not my idea of fun.” Lorali rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face gave her away.

“How are you doing?” Janis asked as all three of them moved towards her.

“I’m so sorry, Tori. I should have been more diligent,” Dee said, closing in on her.

“Dee, there was nothing you could do. I am just glad you’re not hurt.”

“I’m fine. It was a close call, but I made it.”

“I made it too. It was worth the terror,” Tori said with a secret smile on her face.

“Tell us all about it.” Lorali laughed as they circled around her.

Tori’s cheeks got hot and she ducked her head trying not to laugh. “I’m sure you can figure it out if you try hard enough.”

Janis laughed. “There’s no need to figure it out. Glad Hale was able to rescue you so quickly.”

“Why aren’t any of you freaked out about what happened to me?” They looked at each other and shrugged.

“Anything new draws attention. That attention is usually surrounded by some sort of hatred. We all have gone through something and have learned to take it in stride. We don’t like it, but we won’t give up the male we love either,” Lorali spoke, her eyes were haunted before she gave a bright smile.

Tori lowered her head. Once again she could see the love shining forth from Lorali, but it wasn’t just her. Dee and Janis wore that I am so in love look. The look Tori had begun to hate somewhere along the way.

“Tori, are you alright?” Lorali asked her frowning.

“I’m fine. Can I ask you a question?” She lifted her head and looked around to include all of them.

“Shoot,” Dee said with an ironic smile.

“How do you know you’re in love?’

“You don’t believe in easy questions do you?” Janis asked, looking at her.

Tori shook her head and waited.

“Sometimes we think we’re in love because we want it so bad. We don’t want to be alone or have to go through the whole dating scene again. We trick ourselves. Love is easy and it’s patient,” Lorali said with a faraway look in her eyes.

“Love is persistent without being threatening or overwhelming,” Dee added with a smile.

“Love cares when no one else cares. Love protects and walks with you in both the good and bad parts of life. Love sees you as whole even when you can’t see yourself that way,” Janis added to the comments.

“It’s a two way street, Tori. You love and the other person loves also,” Lorali said.

“Love is acceptance,” Lorali, Dee and Janis each said one after the other.

“Thanks that helped. Should we go see what the males are doing?”

“They are sitting and calmly waiting,” Dee replied with a shake of her head. “Niko said to me ‘Dee, stop pacing she will be ok.’ I walked away from him. Wait until it’s his turn, he will get those words right back.” She shook her head and laughed.

“How long has she been in labor?”

“Sixteen hours.”

They turned to the door as one rushing for the stairs when they heard Aran’s growl shake the house. Rena screamed and fell silent. They reached the top of the steps and stood outside her door with their mates. A loud piercing cry split the air.

“We have a baby!” Dee cried out as she hugged Niko, kissing him in joy.

“The baby is fine and so are his parents.” Nicolas’s voice rang out from behind the closed doors.

The congratulations and well wishes started immediately as the women cheered and cried.

“Alright Rena stop stalling, what are we calling him,” Dee’s called out.

“I just ran several marathons Dee, give me a minute to think!” Her tired, but happy voice came through the door.

“You should have decided long before now.”

There was silence in the room as everyone waited to hear the name. Nothing was said until the door finally opened and they were invited inside.

Rena was lying on the bed with Aran sitting next to her. In her arms was a small bundle.

Dee walked up to her. “Can I hold him?”

Rena nodded and handed him to her gently making sure Dee had him before she pulled away.

“He’s beautiful, Rena. I’m going to spoil you and then send you home to your mother.” Dee spoke softly as she caressed his cheek.

“Don’t you dare!” Rena said laughing with a grimace. “Don’t make me laugh, Dee. I’m still sore.”

“It is so on, Rena. So, give, what’s his name?”

Rena looked up at Aran. “Do you want to tell them?”

Aran stood and his chest puffed with pride. “We have decided to name our son Alexei.”

“Alexei.” The name went around the room as lips tasted it for appropriateness.

“It’s a good name,” Sergey proclaimed and the brothers chimed in agreeing.

“Rena needs sleep and Alexei needs to eat. Tomorrow everyone will get to hold him,” Aran said.

The color drained out of all Aran’s brothers.

“I believe I need to go away on company business.” Sergey murmured backing up a little.

“No one goes anywhere until they have learned to handle Alexei,” Aran growled.

“Great, make my child the guinea pig,” Rena said in a tired voice.

“Out.” Nicolas cleared the room. “I will be back to check on you in a couple of hours.”

“A baby.” Sergey said his voice filled with awe. “I wonder what a baby with blue/gray eyes would look like.” He looked at Lorali.

“Or one with your brown eyes?” Niko said looking at Dee.

The room cleared fast as they left.

“Guess you will be delivering more babies sooner than you thought,” Janis said coming to stand by Nicolas.

“Maybe. I’m not sure.”

“Why do you say that?” Hale asked.

“No reason yet.” Nicolas rolled his shoulders, “Just a feeling. I doubt it means anything, but I will look into it”

“Alright. Let us know what you find.” Hale turned and took Tori’s hand heading for the door.

“Always.” Nicolas said as he and Janis disappeared into the back of the house.

“Is Alexei the very first hybrid born?” Tori asked as she climbed into the car.

“As far as we know.”

“I am so happy for them.”

“I’m an uncle. We never thought we would have children. We weren’t sure we could.”

Tori slid her hand over to rest on Hale’s thigh. “You missed out on so much growing up like you did.”

“It’s hard to miss what you don’t know. We trained and our bodies grew strong. We enjoyed the games that were developed for us. We spent lots of time outside as children. There was a lake not far from where we lived, we were always sneaking away to go there. It wasn’t until our first change that we realized we truly were different.”

“You didn’t change from birth?”

“No. Our first change happened in the time period you call puberty. Like the boys on earth our bodies started to change. Unlike the boys here, our changes were more radical. Our bones stretched over night making every day a new adventure. We gained weight and physical strength.”

“Was it painful growing like that?”

“Yes.” He brought his hand to rest on hers, before he finally moved it to cover his thick bulge. “Everything stretched and became hard overnight.” He pressed her hand down on him.

Tori’s eyes widened. She caressed him. “Everything?”


“That was painful.”

“You have no idea, but the pain was worth it.”

They rode the rest of the way in silence. Tori thought over everything she went through before and after meeting Hale.

“Hale, can I show you something?”


She leaned over and gave him directions to where she wanted him to go. Sitting with her hand still on his leg she took the time to wonder why it was important for him to see this place.

Hale pulled up to the curb in front of the address she gave him. The sun was up and the house was lit perfectly in its rays. It was a beautiful wooden house with a Victorian air about it. A wrap around porch said quaint. It was just beginning to fall into disrepair.

Tori got out and came to stand in front of the house with the for sale sign on it.

“This is where I grew up. In this quiet nothing ever happens here neighborhood. As a child I didn’t know what I had. I know now, much too late. I used to run up and down the street playing and then come home to my mom pouring me the coldest sweetest glass of lemonade. I lost the house after my dad died. I couldn’t afford to keep it.”

“Would you buy it if you could?” Hale asked her looking up to the third floor.

“Yes and no. My time here is over, but I wish I could buy it so I could sell it to a family I believe would appreciate it. I would love to know children were being loved and raised in this house like I was.”

She turned to look at him, “Sounds silly I know.”

“Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. When you love something, big or small you want the best for it.”

She shot him a smile. “Let’s go around back.

They slipped through the gate and walked around the house.

“There used to be a swing set here. I remember my excitement when my dad bought it and said to me, ‘Tori girl, I need help if you’re ever going to swing on this, do you know anyone who could help.”

“Me, me! I remember shouting excitedly as I jumped up and down. My dad had a big hardy laugh he used it that day before saying, ‘let’s get it done’. I am rather biased but I think it was the best swing set ever put together.

Hale smiled as Tori took his hand and led her over to the back porch sharing memories of her childhood with him.


The drive back to Hale’s house had been done in silence with Tori rubbing her hand against his thigh. Her trip to the house had somehow made her more open to moving forward than she used to be. It had also given her a wicked fantasy that she hadn’t thought about in years.


“Yes, Tori.”

“I want you.”

“Then take me.”

She was out of the car before he finished taking the key out of the ignition. She took his hand and started walking away from the house.

“Did I see a swing set on your property the other day?’

“You did, there’s a sliding board and a jungle gym also.”

“Did it come with the house?”

“No the woman who did a redesign on the house was talking about the one she put in for her children. It made me think that one day I might need those same things. There’s nothing like seeing Aran and Sergey try to out swing each other.” Loud laughter cut through the night.

“Who won?”

“It was a tie.”

“So it’s strong enough to hold both of them. That’s good to know.” Tori stopped before the swings and gave him a smile.

“Tori what do you have in mind?”

“Nothing.” She bent over and took off her shoes. “The grass feels so good under my feet.

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