Hale: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance (19 page)

BOOK: Hale: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance
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She nodded her head and looked at him.

“My brothers and I have an unusual life span. None of us know when we will die, but we have now been alive for hundreds of years.”

“What does that mean? Will I die and you will go on living? Well actually that’s no different than now. One spouse usually dies before the other. Will I continue to get older while you continue to look like you do now?” She frowned not liking that thought.

“That won’t happen. Part of the mating process calls for me to bite you, right around here.” He ran is finger over the base of her neck causing her to shiver.

“I will live as long as you?”

“Maybe longer, none of us knows how long our mates will live. I want to live my life with Tori, for however long we get.”

“What happens after that?” Tori asked.

“We exchange DNA. Through my bite you receive part of me and I take in part of you. It will allow us to communicate mentally, much like we did when we were in the game.”

“What happens to me after I receive a portion of your DNA?”

“You change a little. No longer entirely human, but not created either. A Hybrid.”

“Will I change like you? Will I have another being inside of me?”

“The only being you will have inside of you is me, and our sons.”

“Aww, no kick butt alien for me, that’s ok I think I can survive not getting one. What’s the down side? Do I have to hide once a month or will I develop hideous acne?”

“Your life span will be as long as mine, maybe longer. We just don’t know yet.”

“Let me get this right. I will change like Lorali, Rena and the rest. I will be able to talk to you mentally and I will probably live just as long as you do?”

“That’s it. You may be a little stronger and definitely feel better, but that about sums it up.”

“Tell me exactly why are we having this conversation when you could be biting me? Will the bite hurt?”

“You will love the feel of it, I will make sure of that. I need to know that you understand what you’re getting into if you take me as a mate. There may be other things you should know, but we haven’t discovered them yet. Also you need to understand we mate for life.”

Tori sat up to stare into the water for a long time before standing. She reached for Hale. He took her hand and jumped to his feet.

“Now it’s my time to talk. I don’t walk away from my commitments. When I said I love you, I meant it from the bottom of my heart. I intend this relationship to work and if it doesn’t we may have to have Dante counsel us. Don’t ask me why I chose him, he just seems as if he could do it. I made up my mind, Hale. I’m not going anywhere. I will be here in a year, a hundred or a thousand years I will still be by your side. Let’s go inside.”

She took his hand and led him to the front door. He opened it with a touch of his hand.

“After we are mated I will program your hand into the lock. I didn’t do it before because I didn’t want the smart chip to have to sort between your old hand print and your new one if you agreed to mate with me.”

She nodded as she followed him up the stairs unable to do anything but watch the muscles ripple under his shirt as he moved.

Tonight she was going to become his mate. She wondered if this was how a bride felt on her wedding night. Butterflies made her stomach rumble as she hoped she’d made the right decision.

“Tori? Are you having second thoughts?”

“No. I was caught up in my head for a minute. Have you ever thought your life would go one way only to find out the road you take is so different from what you thought?”

“Yes. I never dreamed I would leave the planet where I was created. I would have never thought they would let us go.”

She took off her clothes and climbed on his lap allowing her legs to spread around his. She leaned down and kissed him rubbing her core over his denim clad bulge. A sound of need escaped her mouth as she ran her hands up and down his back.

“I want you deep inside of me, Hale.” She grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head.

Taking her breasts in her hand she rubbed the nipples against his chest until she aimed one at his and rubbed. The deep groan that came from him had her pussy pulsing with need.

“I want to taste you, Tori. Lick you until your convulsing on my tongue, begging me to pound into you deep and hard. I need you to want it as hard as I need to give it you to.”

I’m already there, baby. My core is weeping and cursing with the need to feel you in me.”

She reached down to work on the button of his jeans. She wrapped herself around him and he stood making quick work of the zipper before pushing them down. Sitting, he kicked them off and took a hard nipple in his mouth.

The feeling of him sucking on her nipple felt so good, but it was when he bit down that she convulsed on his lap. The sharp feeling of pain combined with the searing pleasure had her losing her mind in his lap.

She was rubbing her core against his hard cock as she cried out her pleasure.

“Please, Hale.”

He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her. “Forever, Tori.” His voice was deep and guttural as he and his other side spoke at the same time.

He positioned the head of his cock at her entrance before guiding her down. The weight of her body slowly devouring her took her over the edge with him thrusting deeply within her.

“Hell, yes.” She screamed as her second orgasm took her over.

He pounded into her deep and hard claiming every inch of her body as well as her heart. She belonged to him. She met him thrust for thrust needing to take him as deep as possible.

She needed to own him like he owned her.

The tip of his cock hit her hot spot sending her into a frenzy as she moved up and down with hard thrusts.

“Again,” she screamed, needing more.”

He thrust up putting more power behind the moves until she flung her head back in a scream that ripped through his body. He pumped into her until he felt a pleasure that started in the soles of his feet and traveled up his body. His fangs lengthened, and he bit her when his body erupted into hers.

His fangs slid into her causing her momentary pain before being replaced by pleasure. The drag of them as he pulled on her taking a little of her blood in before she felt a warm sensation leave his fangs and enter her body. Warmth wrapped around her body. She moaned before closing her eyes and drifting off into a never ending sea of pleasure.

She rolled over and stretched, she never felt anything that mind blowing in her life as when he bit her. She wanted seconds and thirds. Could she get that every night for the next several centuries? Opening her eyes the first thing she noticed was that she was no longer in the room.

Her heart beat picked up and her breathing came in pants before she made herself take a deep breath.


She looked to see Hale standing over her. It wasn’t the Hale she was used to seeing.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in my mind.”

“How did I get here?”

“When Hale bit you he exchanged our DNA for yours. That allows us to communicate mentally. The male has given me control. I have been given the honor to speak with you first.”

She smiled up at him before standing.

“I am so glad to finally meet you.”

He gave a small growl and tried to pull his lips back in a smile exposing his long fangs.

“I am glad to meet you also.”

“Where are we?”

“This was always one of my favorite places on the planet where I was created.” They stood on a mountain peak. “This is where the land meets the sky. This is also where I could watch the winged one fly. I am sure he knew I was here, but as long as I was silent he never protested.”

“It’s beautiful up here.”

“I knew you would like it. I wanted to share this special place with you. Mate, I have a question for you.”


“You have seen me kill your enemy several times. Does that make you fear me?”

Tori walked over to her alien mate and lifted her arms. He bent down and she wrapped herself around him. He tried to smile again and picked her up.

“You don’t scare me. I feel sorry for anyone who tries to hurt me. They should be scared. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, no matter what your form and I refuse to let you go.”

A deep rumble started in his chest. “I love you mate and always will.”

Chapter Twenty Four

Tori shut down her tablet with a smile on her face. Her life was perfect. She was mated to Hale who watched over her like she was the rarest of diamonds. He gave her anything she wanted as long as it didn’t put her life in danger. She was accepted by the entire family and loved having brothers and sisters.

The past weeks were a blur, she spent hours with Lorali making sure each detail of the upcoming wedding would be perfect. She, along with everyone else, adored Alexei. She felt the need to just hold him every time he was around. He was not only sweet, he was also highly intelligent. That was actually sort of scary, but there was no doubt, all you needed to do was look into those eyes. Rena and Aran were going to have their hands full when he started walking.

“Well what do you think?”

She turned her head to look at Lorali before turning back to stare at the huge manmade waterfall the brothers built. She had never seen anything like it before.

“It’s… massive.”

“I know, isn’t it great? They are going to be taking it over to the field today and setting it up. The officials have all made plans to be there when it arrives. I think they just want to see it first. They are advertising it. The only one in the USA. How much do you want to bet the other fields are scrambling to get something comparable?”

“Wait till they get a look at it. I do believe Pittsburgh will bring home the gold for this one,” Tori said.

“What are you two laughing about?” Sergey walked in and gave Lorali a hug and a kiss.

Dante and his brothers walked in behind him.

“I knew it would be huge, but your description didn’t do it any justice,” Mick spoke staring up at the waterfall.

“Are we moving all of it today?” Ash asked, walking into the room.

“Yeah. We have to disassemble it, move it, and reassemble it. After that we will put on a show for the owners and managers of the field.

“That shouldn’t take long at all,” Ash said as he traded forms allowing his beast to come out. He grew taller until he was able to reach the top of the structure.

“Everyone, careful of your claws,” Sergey said before he swapped his form for the form of his beast.

The rest of the brothers came in and soon they were all in their other form working to take the waterfall apart and package it for transport. Dante’s brothers never changed, they worked on the lower part. Dante was also missing which seemed odd.

“Lorali,” Tori leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Why isn’t Dante here and why aren’t his brothers changing?”

Lorali shrugged and lowered her voice to a whisper. “I was wondering the same thing about Dante. He rarely misses a get-together. I have never seen him or his brothers’ change before. I asked Sergey about it once, he said they didn’t change unless necessary.”

“We can hear you. Aliens with exceptional hearing over here,” Julian called out.

Tori blushed at being caught. Lorali just laughed and winked at him. Sergey let out a low roar that made them all laugh.

“Let’s go inside and get something to drink while the males finish up.”

Tori nodded her head and followed Lorali into the house. Lorali poured lemonade into the glasses Tori pulled out.

“Lorali, this is excellent. Did you make it?”

“I keep telling you, I can burn water and I do mean water. Sergey made it, he’s an excellent cook. I’m pretty sure he could give Dante a run for his money.”

“Did I hear my name?”

They both jumped and turned to see Dante leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.

“I would ask how you got in here without either one of us hearing you, but I know it would be useless. Instead I will offer you lemonade.” Lorali pulled a glass out for him.

“I have to taste this lemonade that will give me a run for my money.” He gave them both teasing smiles before taking the glass Lorali held out for him.

He took his time savoring the drink while the females looked at him. “I keep telling Sergey he has natural talent. All he needs to do is let me mentor him. But no, he prefers to keep an eye on the government and catch bad guys. Wasted talent.”

Lorali laughed at him. “What brings you here?”

“I wanted to give you an early wedding present.”

Lorali clapped her hands like a child. “Present. Give me.”

Dante’s smiled got even wider. “Come here, Lorali.”

She walked over to him looking for a wrapped package.

“Presents come in more than one form. Like a quilt or in this case, like a pair of hands. Give me your hands, Lorali.”

She held out her hands looking at him with a questionable gaze. He took them in his and held on tightly. They were surrounded in a white beam of light making it impossible to see. A soothing warmth entered her hands and traveled up her arms until her whole body was covered in it.

What felt like an eternity later, she could see and Dante was sitting on the other side of the room.

“What happened?”

“I gave you an early wedding gift,” he said before he rose and left the kitchen.

“What did he mean?” Tori asked.

“I have no idea.” Lorali turned to look at her and nicked a finger on the sharp edge of a knife.

“Oww.” She put her finger in her mouth and started sucking on it.

Her eyes got big as she took her pinky out of her mouth. It was the pinky that never had much feeling no matter how much she was around Sergey.

“Tori, I can feel. I mean I could always feel, but not a hundred percent. It’s all back and more. I can feel.”

She ran out the kitchen leaving Tori behind. Tori managed to get outside in just enough time to hear Lorali squeal and throw herself at Sergey. She let out a sigh of relief when Sergey caught her.

Hale walked over to Tori. He was back in his humanoid shape. “Are you coming with us to the field?”

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