Hale: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance (21 page)

BOOK: Hale: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance
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“What made you come here instead of going to the planet of your mother?”

“There were several reasons, the first being that Dante came here. It was natural to follow him and his brothers because we were always been close to them. The next was because we believed there were viable females on this planet if we could control our strength.”

“Viable females?” She tasted the words not liking them.

“Potential mates. That by itself would have been enough to encourage us to come visit this planet.”

“What happens when you decide to leave?”

“When we decide to leave we will go anywhere you want to go.”

Tori turned over wanting to look into Hales eyes. “I love your eyes. They’re so mysterious. I would have sworn they were contacts when I first met you, until I saw your other side move in them.”

She reached up and kissed him softly allowing her lips to feather over his briefly. She ran her hands through his hair.

“I love the way your hair feels. It is soft against the palm of my hand. It tickles me.”

Hale leaned down and took her mouth in a deep hard kiss making her body arch up into his.

“I want you nice and slow Tori, but every time I get close to you my control slips. Only you can rock my control.”

“That’s a good thing maybe in a thousand years or so we can get around to slow and gentle, right now I like the thought of fast and hard.”

He gave a deep chuckle before licking the spot where he bit her. She shivered at the feel of his hot tongue on her. The thought of him driving into her as he bit her again had her needy as she throbbed with desire.

“Was the bite a one-time deal?” she asked feeling wetness against her lower lips as she imagined his fangs penetrating her.

“I can bite you whenever I want.”

“Oh.” The very thought of it made her want to bare her neck.

“I can bite you in different places.” He lowered his head to kiss the side of her breast. He licked it making her jump before he nibbled on it. I can bite you right here.” His voice was low and seductive making her pussy pulse with excitement.

He sucked her hard nipple in pulling on it while his free hand reached for the other one. She moved restlessly underneath him as the pleasure and the pain of having her nipples pulled made her feel sexy.

“You make me burn.” Her voice broke as she rubbed against him.

“There will be none of that.” He spoke in a stern voice giving her thigh a slap that stung to get her to stop moving. “Today I’m in charge.”

“Take those beautiful hands and place them above your head and don’t move them until I tell you too.”

“I want to touch you.”

“There will be plenty of time for that.” He gave her another stinging slap, then he proceeded to rub it. You’re not listening, baby.”

With one last frown of disappointment she placed her hands over her head.

“Hale?” She looked at with eyes filled with questions and just a little bit of apprehension.

“Do you trust me, Tori?”

“Yes.” Her voice came out loud and clear. She trusted him.

“Then you know I will never hurt you. If we try something you don’t like or are unsure of just say stop. Can you do that?”

She nodded her head and smiled. This was Hale. He was her protector, her super-hero, the one she dreamed of for years. She would always be willing to put her fate in his hands. Her body relaxed and she closed her eyes until she felt him pull on both nipples.

“So responsive.”

Liquid fire flowed from between her legs. The pleasure pain she was feeling was so addictive she wanted another dose. He leaned down and bit one nipple making a high pitch sound come from her.

“My mate likes that.” He began to kiss his way down her body. Stopping to nibble on her. She encouraged him with small sounds.

He pushed her legs apart in order to get a better look at her.

“What do we have here?” He peered at her with a deep look of concentration.

Taking a finger he followed the seam of her pussy drawing a hiss of pleasure from her.

“Tell me, baby. How does it feel?”

“I love the feel of your fingers on me, Hale. Everywhere you touch stirs up a firestorm of need. I want more, much more.” Her voice was needy as she tried not to thrust her hips up against him.

He leaned over and caught her clit in his mouth sucking it in.

“Please,” she begged as her hips thrust upward.

He bit down just a little on that bundle of nerves and she screamed as an orgasm tore its way through her body. He lapped up her cream as it flowed free.


“Not done yet.”

He pinched her clit as he stuck his tongue deep inside of her. He moved teasing her pussy with his tongue, a promise of what was to come. He raised his head so she could see his fangs. With a smile he licked her inner thigh.

The sight of his fangs turned her on. Her mind screamed it wasn’t natural, but she didn’t care. She was riveted to the sight of them. Her body began to quiver again with traces of pleasure.

Hale placed the palm of his hand on her slit and pushed down causing her to rear up. His teeth slid into her inner thigh as he continued to push and rub her pussy.

The pleasure of his bite paired with his hand pushing on all her sensitive spots made her body convulse in pleasure. He pinched her clit in the middle of her orgasm. The room spun as bright lights convulsed in front of her. Her scream shook the house as she soared high.

Tori lifted a hand that was still trembling with aftershocks to stroke his cheek. She looked at him letting her eyes reveal everything her heart was feeling at that moment. His matching look of love was one she would never forget.

He brought his body over hers. Leaning down he kissed her while moving his hips to surge deep inside of her.

“I could do this with you forever.” His deep voice caressed her.

“You’d get tired.” She wrapped her legs around him holding him in longer as he pushed out to thrust back in.

“I’d like to try. If I get tired we can fall asleep together and start anew when we wake up.”

She laughed. “I love you, Hale. I was so sure my life would consist of nothing but running, and then you showed up. Now the love I always dreamed about is mine for the taking.”

“Do you regret that I am different?”

She threw her head back and let out a high pitched squeal coupled with a slight laugh.

“I wouldn’t have you any other way. You’re perfect for me.”

She caught his mouth in a scorching kiss as his hips moved faster bringing her closer to the edge. She tightened her legs around him as he plunged in one more time pushing her over the edge into her own world of pleasure.

“Love you.” She drifted away.


She opened her eyes to find herself wrapped around the back of Hale’s other side. There was a stormy sky overhead dressed in grays and blacks. Despite the dark look the day was surprisingly happy. The landscape was slightly rocky with huge bluffs raising out of different areas. They were climbing uphill.

“Hi mate. Where are we going?”

“I want to show you a secret.”

“Why are you carrying me? Not that I don’t like it.”

Actually she loved it. The realization that she was in love with a totally different life form blew her mind. Every now and then the thought of why me, out of all the women on the face of the earth, troubled her. Then he smiled at her or touched her and she didn’t care anymore. She was simply happy it was her.

“You’re not in my mind anymore.”

“I would argue with you, but I have seen too much. Explain to me what you mean.”

“To share our minds is easier than you would believe. We have done this since we were children knowing our ancestors have done this for more years than we can begin to imagine. To go within the mind is marvelous, to leave its boundaries is terrifying. We have left the boundaries of our minds and our bodies.”

“Is this what happened when we entered the VR game?”

“No. The same rules apply you could die here, but you’re not seeing a living memory. Now you are actually being transported to a place that exists in the present. Here you have more to fear than death. The possibility of being lost here forever is very real.”

“This isn’t sounding safe.”

“It’s not. Very few do this, but in order to share my secret with you, it has to be done my way.”

“I can’t imagine you are hiding something from me.”

His hands reached out and rubbed her thigh. “I won’t hide anything from you, Tori. This is not my secret to tell. I had to get permission to bring you here, but I got it for you. You must agree to never speak of what you have seen here. The knowledge will be locked away deep inside. You will know it is there, but never be able to speak on it unless you are given permission do you agree?”

“What happens if I don’t agree?”

“I take you back.”

A secret she could never speak of. One that he felt so deeply about that he got permission from someone to share it with her. A small smile, the kind you couldn’t see, lit her up from the inside. She wanted to share every moment and everything with him.

“I agree. I would love to share in your secrets.” He rubbed her thigh again causing her to sigh in bliss. “You both like to drive me crazy with pleasure.”

“Mate.” The word rumbled through his chest making her want to slide over his back until she found her own release. “We are here.”

The here was the top of a mountain peak that practically kissed the sky. The air was thinner here and the clouds disappeared.

“Where is here?”

“This is a place where they can fly free without fear of discovery. There was a time when the air was filled with them, but now so few of them remain.”

Off in the distance she could see something in the air, but couldn’t make out the shape.

“Turn around, Tori.”

The brilliant color of light blinded her; ducking her head she covered her eyes with her hands. Still the light penetrated causing her to wince with pain.

“Tori.” That voice cut across her attempt to climb back up Hale’s back.

She opened her eyes slowly to find the bright light diminished.

“In this space I can never be totally rid of the illumination that follows me.”

Her head came up and her mouth dropped as she saw what her eyes refused to acknowledged at first. It couldn’t be.

She opened her mouth letting a gasp escaped, Hale’s hand covered her before she could say anything.

“Now you know. Do you still agree to protect the secret?”

She nodded her head yes still not understanding how this could be.

The form walked over to her and whispered something into her ear. A peace slid over her taking her body into stillness.

Chapter Twenty Seven

She looked beautiful. The gown flowed over her, giving her the look of royalty. “Lorali, you’re breathtaking, wait till Sergey sees you.”

“Do you think he will like it?”

“Think? I know he will love it, just like he loves you.”

She gave her a big smile. “He does love me. Who else could have pulled this off?”

“Hey now, I helped.”

“Tori, you made this space special. I am so glad you are part of our family.”

“I’m happy to be here.”

Ever since she woke up after her revelation she felt more connected to each member of the family. Janis offered to help her with Weddings by Tori. Dee insisted she would help anyone who needed to shop for dresses. She was part of this large incredible family.

There was a tap on the door.

“Is everyone decent?” Aran’s voice rang out, followed by Rena’s.

“They better be decent, we have a wedding to do.”

Lorali and Tori met eyes before laughing. “Come in.”

Rena walked in the room wearing her dress. It fit her like the designer knew exactly what size she would be after having the baby. The dress was blue with silver highlights that hit right below the knees. Aran followed her in carrying Alexei.

“You look beautiful, Rena. You both do.” Rena laughed. Aran was wearing a black tux with Alexei held securely in his arm.

“Thank you, but you are the real star here,” Rena replied gushing over Lorali. “That gown accents every good feature you were blessed with Lorali. I have never seen a more stunning bride.” Lorali gave them a watery smile.

“No tears. Your makeup is perfect. Fan those eyes! Come on it’s all in the wrist.”

They broke into laughter as Lorali followed Rena and fanned her eyes real fast and fought the tears that were now being replaced with laughter.

“I think I’m good.”

“I know you are.” Rena walked over and took Alexei from his father. She crossed the room and sat down to nurse.

Aran tore his eyes from his nursing mate to look at the two females before him.

“Lorali, as the eldest brother I wanted to bless this union. I looked into each of our backgrounds to see what would be the best way to say I approve. In the end I decided the best way to do it would be to adopt a human tradition. It will show the merging of two cultures. I know you wish your father could be here.” He glanced at Rena who gave a small move of encouragement. “Since he cannot, I would like to walk you down the aisle as your eldest brother.”

Lorali fanned her eyes quickly trying to catch any stray tear from leaking.

“I would love that. Thank you, Aran.” He gave her a smile before turning to Tori.

“Tori, you joined the family when you mated with Hale, now I would like to bring you completely into the fold.”

Tori nodded her head. The others told her what to expect. She asked Hale who simply said Aran will do it when the time was right.

“I want to be a part of the whole family.” The smile he hit her with was one full of acceptance.

Aran moved with speed. She never had a chance to prepare herself. His teeth sank deep into her neck. He placed her back on the feet she hadn’t realized she left. Soft cries of greeting went through her head.

“I told you so.” Hales soft voice reminded her that he always knew she belonged to him and with his family.

Tori leaned down to take a peek at her cell phone. “Places everyone it’s almost time. Stay here Lorali, I’ll be back to get you. Aran come with me I will show you where to stand.”

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