Half Life (18 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Half Life
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m almost shaking with nerves as I take my place among the other dancers opposite Lord Carmichael and pray I wont embarrass myself too much but to my surprise my normally bumbling feet move fluidly, as though independent from my body and I start to enjoy myself.  Lord Carmichael

s black eyes remain fixed on me throughout the dance and rather than make me even more nervous I find myself increasingly drawn to him.  His presence radiates strength and power and he seems to pull everyone to him, although he appears only to have eyes for myself, for some inexplicable reason.  The feel of his hand upon mine sends pulses of heat racing up my arm, making me tingle all over.

  At the end of the dance I expect him to abandon me but he calls for champagne and draws me to one side of the room.


I have not seen you here before Miss Hale.

  I desperately scramble around for an excuse. 

I am new to the area.


Where are you from?



I reply, fixating on an area I know to be fashionable in the Georgian era.


You do not sound as though you come from Bath,

he frowns suspiciously, although his eyes twinkle with mischief.


My parents are from err, Devon.

  God, I hope Bath isn

t in Devon. 


Ah then that explains the mystery,

he smiles. 

I trust you have not come here unchaperoned?




I stammer again, cursing myself for being such a useless liar. 

I am escorted by Mrs Whitfield.


Mrs Whitfield,

he repeats. 

I do not believe I have had the honour of an introduction.


She came with me from Bath.


May I meet her?

he says with a knowing grin.

  I pretend to look about the room. 

I cannot see her at present.  There are so many people here.


I think you are not telling me the truth Miss Hale.

  I try to act insulted. 

How dare you Sir?  I am not in the habit of telling untruths to gentlemen.

  He appears amused. 

I think you are a gatecrasher Miss Hale.  I drew up the guest list myself but I do not recall penning the names Hale or Whitfield.



  However he talks right over me. 

I must commend you on your dancing, which is really rather elegant but you speak like no one I have ever heard before, your deportment is as refined as a blacksmith

s and as for that dress, well I have never seen the likes of it before.

  Nerves are replaced by annoyance. 

Excuse me?

  I scowl. 

I paid a lot of money for this.


Do not fear my dear Miss Hale I will not give you away, if you will but grant me one favour.

  Now I am seriously insulted. 

Listen mate, if you think I

m going to let you take advantage of me then I

ll knock your block off.

  He releases a loud bark of laughter. 

That sounds terribly exciting but I was only going to request the pleasure of another dance.


Oh, alright then,

I sigh, giving up all pretence.  There seems little point continuing with it now.

  Once again as we dance and his hand touches mine I feel that same delicious tingle.  It

s a strange sensation but as time progresses here my own present begins to recede to the back of my mind and suddenly it doesn

t seem so important that I return right away, not that I know how to do that anyway.

  At the end of the dance I

m very hot and grateful for the fan that dangles from my wrist.  As I fan myself Lord Carmichael takes my arm and leads me out onto the terrace.  The extensive grounds roll away into the distance, not looking that different to how they do in my time.  He closes the door behind us, blocking out the noise of the dance and we are entirely alone together.



t look so nervous,

he says with a gentle smile. 

I do not want my block knocking off.


Good because that

s what will happen if you touch me,

I say as fervently as I can, although I confess a part of me wants him to touch me.  A lot.


I merely wish to talk with you in private.  I have lived in this house all of my life and have seen many strange things, things that I cannot possibly explain.


Such as?


People wearing clothes I have never seen before.  They will suddenly appear before me and the house itself will change before my eyes.  Sometimes it lasts mere seconds, other times hours.  I think you do not belong here Miss Hale.

  Relief floods through me. 

How do I get home?

I say hoarsely, completely overwhelmed.


Just wait.  You will return soon enough.  The effect never lasts long.

   He moves so he is stood just inches from me. 

Do not fear, I will keep you safe until it is time for you to leave.

  He takes my hands and I hold onto him gratefully. 

I feel like I

m going mad.


As did I.  You will grow accustomed to it,

he says softly. 

Shall we take a walk until it is time for you to go home?

  I look into the deserted gardens uncertainly and he divines my thoughts.


You are perfectly safe with me.


What about your guests?


What about them?


  Gazing into his black eyes I am decided. 



  Taking his proffered arm I allow him to lead me down the terrace steps into the gardens.



t you curious about where I

ve come from?

I say.


I realised many years ago that it is unwise to learn of what is to come.  It can cause damage.


To what?



  Deciding it would be sensible to heed his advice I nod and mention no more of it. 

  We talk as we walk, although I

m careful not to give anything away about the future.  I find myself increasingly enchanted by this fun and engaging man who is everything I thought he couldn

t possibly be judging from his portrait.  He insists I drop his formal title and call him Dominic, which makes everything seem so much more intimate.

We talk for so long the sun sets, casting the gardens into almost complete blackness, which I find almost terrifying.  I

m used to exterior lighting and security lights and the lack of any illumination is very unnerving.  I cling to his arm and sensing my agitation he pulls me close.



s alright,

he soothes, his voice a whisper coming out of the gloom. 

I wont let anything happen to you.

  He pulls me so close I can feel his body against mine, his heat pulsing into me and banishing the fear.


I feel safe with you,

I say.

  His hand brushes a stray ringlet out of my eyes.  Then he kisses me.

  I lean into him, enjoying the feel of him.  He

s the strongest, most masculine man I have ever met and I ache for him.  When I realise the kiss I

m giving him is appropriate for my time but not for his I pull back, breathing hard and I see his eyes flick to my heaving bosom.


Miss Hale, please forgive me my impropriety...


Oh shut up,

I breathe, pulling his face back down to mine and we stagger back into the shadows together.


I find your boldness both shocking and intensely exciting,

he breathes in my ear, pressing me up against the wall. 



m not usually like this.  You have an effect on me.


As you do on me,

he says, cupping my face in his hands.

  Suddenly I am overcome with weakness and almost fall but he catches me.



s happening?

I say.



s time for you to leave.


m pleased to hear the regret in his voice.


I don

t want to go.


I do not want you to go either but I don

t know how to stop it.  I only pray our paths cross again.

  All the energy seems to drain out of me and I go limp in his arms.   I hear him speak as my eyes close.


Please, tell me your Christian name.



I breathe, before unconsciousness claims me.


  I wake to find myself laid out on the couch in the Red Room, just a couple of doors down from the ballroom.  When I see the two figures in Georgian dress stood over me I think I

m still in Dominic

s time.  Then I realise that one of the figures is chewing gum and has a mobile phone pressed to her ear.  My younger sister Ellie and her husband Tom.  They both live with me in the house. 


Thank God for that, I was just about to call a doctor.  You alright?

says Ellie with concern, hanging up the phone.

  I sit up slowly, completely disorientated. 

Yeah.  How long have I been out?


Just a few minutes.


Is that all?  It feels longer.

  I could have sworn I was out for hours.


Yeah.  You fainted in the corridor.


The guests


Relax.  Me and Tom managed to get you in here before anyone saw.  The ball

s over.  Are you up to saying goodbye to everyone?

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