Half Life (21 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Half Life
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  He attempted to draw Darryl into conversation to give Laura a break but the paranoia was clear in his eyes.


What do you think they

re talking about?


Dunno, just women

s stuff,

Zak replied casually in an attempt to disarm the situation.

  He continued to talk but Darryl

s attention was clearly elsewhere, despite the fact that Laura and Tess

conversation was perfectly innocuous.



m just nipping to the loo,

said Tess, kissing Zak on the cheek. 

Are you coming Laura?

  Zak had never understood this peculiarity of women which meant they couldn

t go to the toilet on their own and wondered if there was some great secret men were unaware of.

  Laura almost got up until she caught the warning in Darryl

s eyes. 


No I

m okay,

she mumbled, settling back on her stool.

  Tess gave Darryl a hard look before striding off, which he seemed oblivious to.  Zak was pleased when a moment later Darryl

s mobile rang and he went outside to answer it.  Zak watched him suspiciously.  He was certain he was cheating on Laura, which meant he was insane as well as unhinged.  Strangely Darryl was always happy to leave Laura alone with him.  If he only knew.


Talk to me Laura,

said Zak softly.


About what?

she said sunnily.


You know.  What

s he done now?

  The smile dropped. 

How do you always know?



m a copper remember.


It was nothing.  He just

punched a wall.


Were you standing near it at the time?



she replied quietly, avoiding his eyes.

  He inhaled sharply as anger shot through him. 


s losing it.  You have to get out.  I

ve seen too many women who left it too late.


how he is.  He

d never let me go,

she muttered into her drink. 

Anyway, shouldn

t you be telling me to stay with him?  You

re his best friend.

  Zak knew this was why it had taken her so long to open up to him, until he

d assured her he was on her side. 

We both know he

s not the same Darryl anymore.

  She nodded sadly.



m terrified of what he might do,

he said gently. 

To you.


I can take care of myself.


  What Zak didn

t know, what no one knew was that she was planning her escape.  She wanted to tell him, this man who had made himself her protector.  She wanted to fling her arms around his neck and beg him to take her away but he could never know the truth. 


Please Laura, you have to get out.

  His green eyes were so full of concern that she felt guilty for keeping him in the dark but it was for the best.  Darryl would bring serious retribution down on anyone who helped her.



t worry, I

ll be fine.  Really.

  She closed herself off then, the sunny smile returning and he felt frustrated.  He hated it when she shut him out.  Tess was making her way back to them and he just wanted a few minutes to himself so he wandered off to the gents.

  Tess bought Laura another drink and they continued their conversation until a drunken man flung an arm around Laura

s shoulders, almost knocking her off her stool and slurred in her ear.

  Darryl appeared out of nowhere, wrapped a thick arm around his neck and squeezed, eyes blazing with anger.



s mine,

he growled in the unfortunate man

s ear, causing him to gasp for air.


Darryl please stop, he

s just pissed,

pleaded Laura as the man

s eyes started to bulge.

  But Darryl couldn

t hear her.  The red mist had descended.   


Darryl stop, please,

she begged, Tess stood beside her, looking appalled.  Then Laura spotted her protector emerging from the bathroom. 


she cried helplessly.

  Divining the situation instantly he raced across the room and dragged Darryl off the man.  At first he resisted but when Darryl felt his right arm twisted painfully up his back he released the drunk.



Darryl growled. 


m calm.

  The drunk scrambled to his feet, horror-struck and staggered away.

  Laura had her hands clamped to her face, eyes wide with fear.  Tess put a soothing arm around her, endearing her to Zak a little more.


Look at Laura,

Zak whispered in Darryl

s ear. 


re scaring her.

  His blue eyes softened and he went to Laura and pulled her into his broad chest. 


s go home,

he said.

  She remained rigid against him, her body language screaming that she didn

t want to leave with him but she knew she had no choice.

  The room was deathly silent as Darryl and Laura left together, everyone regarding

her sympathetically.  Just before she went out the door she looked back at Zak with fear in her eyes and he had never felt so helpless in his life.









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