Hammer It Home: Powertools, Book 6 (14 page)

BOOK: Hammer It Home: Powertools, Book 6
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Damn. He was gorgeous.

Kate would make out today. Her friend grinned, then reached up to unbutton Alanso’s black cargo pants. He didn’t protest when she stripped them down to his ankles along with sexy, bright blue briefs that looked amazing in contrast to his complexion.

“Come on, honey.” Kate purred, “Take a seat next to me and get comfy. You too, Eli.”

Mike increased the pace of his tongue before withdrawing his finger to trace Morgan’s opening. When his hand returned, he inserted two fingers, stretching her with little scissoring motions of the digits.

“Christ.” Eli didn’t screw around. The instant he settled, his hand wrapped around his shaft. He winced, then looked as though he might spit in his palm.

“Hang on.” Kate stopped him. “That’s not necessary.”

She reached into a drawer in the coffee table and withdrew some lube. Ever a gracious host, she went as far as to drizzle some of the cool gel onto her fingers to heat it. She rubbed her palms together, smearing the slippery substance between her hands. When satisfied, she reached out. 

Alanso flinched when she would have grasped his straining cock in her hand. “Is that okay? Will Mike care?”

The foreman lifted his head long enough to reassure their visitors. “She’s free to do what feels right in the moment. It’s how we roll. Quit worrying. Enjoy.”

Kate smiled. “I won’t bite unless you ask. Promise.”

Eli puffed out a breath. Color stained his cheeks as arousal overran logic. “Give me some of that please, baby.”

“My pleasure.” Kate went for broke. She reached out with both hands simultaneously, filling each with a steely cock. She giggled when the men jerked, shoving themselves deeper into her hold. “That’s nice. I like the way you feel. So hard. You like seeing Morgan laid out like this, don’t you?”

“Fuck, yeah.” Alanso’s hips flexed, straining to get closer to her grip.

“She’s pretty when she comes. Of all the crew’s women, she’s always girly and cute. It’s kind of sickening, really. That bitch.” Kate laughed.

“You fuckers have been living in paradise all this time and you didn’t bother to tell us?” Eli growled. “We’re going to talk about this later, Joe. When I can think again. I might have to kick your ass.”

“Is that any way to treat my husband’s best friend?” Kate paused in her stroking, teasing the men.

“Shut up, Cobra.” Alanso panted. “If she stops now, I’ll die.”

Morgan lost track of their banter when Mike redoubled his efforts. Getting serious, he sucked on her clit. For every increase in pressure, she matched his motion on Joe. Her husband began to shake in her hold.

“Oh, Joe’s going to lose it soon. He loves to come in Morgan’s mouth.” Kate glanced over her shoulder.

Just hearing the effect she had on the man of her dreams was enough to ratchet Morgan’s enjoyment through the roof. She shuddered, then clenched on Mike’s embedded fingers.

“Morgan’s right there, Joe. It’s okay. Stop holding back. Take her over the edge with you.” Mike helped Joe gauge the timing. They would shatter together.

She switched her stare to her husband. The desperation in his gaze motivated her to let him off the hook. She concentrated on Mike’s mouth and the wonderful sensations he imparted. Then she reached up and fondled Joe’s balls.

They came together.

Pleasure erupted through her mind. Colors danced like a kaleidoscope in front of her eyes. She moaned, though with her mouth full the shouts were muffled. Her heels drummed on the mattress. Every muscle in her body went taut, shuddered, then melted, utterly relaxed.

Joe took a similar journey. Throughout the storm of her passion, Morgan suckled his cock, draining him dry even as her pussy nearly crushed Mike’s fingers.

“You’re right, she’s so sweet when she surrenders.” Alanso’s reverent whisper cut through the haze of Morgan’s lingering arousal. She felt relaxed for the first time in weeks.

Joe crashed, facedown, to the mattress beside her. His body ended up perpendicular to hers. She cradled his head on her chest.

But with Kate out of the game, Morgan felt compelled to help Mike reach the same rapture he’d given her. She reached for him, but he shook his head.

“Not this time, Morgan.” His nostrils flared as he focused on Joe instead. “Joe, I need something more. I need to fuck. I want to be in control of life for five damn minutes before we go back to that piece-of-shit hospital. I won’t be rough with our girls. Not now. Will you do this for me?”

Eli grunted. “Does he mean what I think he means?”

“That I bend over for my foreman on occasion?” Joe looked up from his place at Morgan’s side. The slightest hint of vulnerability etched onto his face had her burying her fingers in his hair. “Yeah. He does.”

“I’m not going to fucking bash you, dickhead.” Eli shook his head.

Alanso whipped his head to Eli. “You’re not?”

“Why do you all suddenly think I’m a tool?” He snorted. “Hell, no. If that’s what you like… I’ve just never. You know.”

Joe nodded and sighed. He didn’t say anything else. Instead, he rose to his knees, spreading them wide while leaving his cheek pressed to Morgan’s torso. “Take what you need, Mike. It sounds good to me too, giving up control for a while. To let you worry about everything. I trust you.”

Morgan gripped her husband tight. The strain of the past twenty-four hours had affected him more than he let on.

Mike grunted, then looked to Kate. “Toss me the lube, babe.”

“My pleasure.” She winked at her husband.

He snatched the tube from the air with one hand. Wasting no time, he slathered himself with the gel, then began to prepare Joe. Joe grunted, nipping Morgan’s breast lightly when Mike reached between his cheeks to spread more slickness there.

“Son of a bitch.” He hissed. “Remember, I’m not James over here. I haven’t done this in a while.”

“You can take it.” Mike unleashed a powerful side of him they didn’t often get to see unrestrained. “Open up. Spread your legs wider, then relax.”

Morgan glanced between Mike, her husband and the trio of friends on her other side. The guys synchronized their stroking on their cocks to the pace Mike set, penetrating Joe’s tight hole with his finger. Now two fingers—or was it three?—when she looked to the foreman again.

Another Spanish curse had her peeking at the hot-rodders.

Kate was getting devious. She clasped Eli and Alanso’s wrists, one in each of her much-smaller hands. Then she crossed her arms. No way could she force the powerful men to move if they would rather resist.

Eli and Alanso exchanged a heated glance, then allowed Kate to curl their fingers around each other’s erections. Alanso didn’t hesitate. He picked up right where he’d left off massaging his own hard-on.

A grunt exploded from Eli’s chest. He flushed, then breathed hard as his friend stroked his cock. “Shit. It feels so much different when you do it.”

“Do you like it?” Alanso swallowed.

Eli paused.

Morgan could tell Kate was preparing to smack him upside the head if he squashed the fragile experiment blossoming between the pair. At least, if he wasn’t into it, he should let Alanso down easy. They shouldn’t have worried.

“Should I stop, Cobra?” Alanso looked up at the garage owner.

“Fuck yes,” he panted.

Kate glared at Eli when Alanso tried to yank his hand back as if burned. Instead, Eli trapped his friend’s palm over his cock.

“Not so fast. I meant, fuck yeah I like it. Don’t stop or I might deck you.” He laughed at the shock on Alanso’s face. Then he did one better and began to jerk off the guy sitting muscular shoulder to muscular shoulder with him. Kate beamed from her position, kneeling beside Alanso.

Morgan shivered at the raw lust on their faces. She could only bring herself to look away when Joe tensed. A moment later, he groaned. The sound morphed into a hiss as Mike pushed him forward on her torso, sinking deep with one unrelenting thrust.

“This isn’t going to be a long ride, Joe.” Mike grunted. He withdrew slowly, then slammed forward once more. “You’d better hang on tight.”

Morgan stroked Joe’s face and finger-combed his hair, helping him relax while Mike invaded his ass. She didn’t miss the sigh he released when he surrendered completely to the foreman. “You’re doing great, Joe. Let him have you. Give him what he needs. Take too.”

Mike squirted more lube onto his shaft before tossing the bottle aside. He leaned forward, getting leverage on his side to work his cock deeper, harder into Joe’s welcoming hole. Joe tensed his arms beside her, keeping Mike’s momentum from smashing him into her. The show of his strength, in so many different ways, made her love him just a little more. If that were possible.

Morgan basked in the energy created by the four smoking-hot guys surrounding her. Each of them used another to find his release. Sexual, spiritual or mental—maybe all three. She felt honored to be part of their exchange.

Slick slaps echoed from Alanso and Eli, who had lost their initial hesitancy. They pumped each other with the sureness only another man could manage when handling cock. Cords stood out in Eli’s neck as he flexed his hips upward. His erection bulged in Alanso’s hold.

Mike laughed even as he pummeled Joe. “You’re never going to be the same again. Trust me. Don’t freak when you go back to that damn garage, Eli. It’s going to be like fire in your veins. Trying to stop it is stupid.”

“Sounds like experience talking,” Eli grunted.

“It’s been so long. Almost don’t remember.” Mike increased the intensity of his strokes. “But yeah. Wasn’t always…like this. Perfect. Easy.”

Joe didn’t bother to try and speak. He hung on and offered himself to Mike, lifting his ass higher to meet the increasing pressure of Mike’s fucking.

“Thank you,” Mike growled as he blanketed Joe’s back. He sheltered his friend even as he drilled his ass. “Needed this. Christ. So bad.”

Sweat glistened on the skin of both men. Morgan couldn’t have adored them more in that moment. Powerful, graceful and a little brutal. They held nothing back.

At the last possible second, Mike lifted his head and stared directly at Kate.

“I love you.” The foreman’s wife encouraged him, “Go ahead. Come in his ass. Fill him up.”

Morgan couldn’t say if it was that little speech or the spectacle before them, maybe the combination, but something proved too much for Alanso. He threw his head back and muttered a stream of broken Spanish and English she couldn’t understand. Eli must have, though. He tore his gaze from Mike and Joe to observe as he pumped stream after stream of come from his mechanic.

Mike roared. He jerked several times as he too came. His fingers gripped Joe’s hips hard enough to leave bruises, but her husband didn’t seem to mind. Only when the last drop of fluid leaked from Alanso’s cock did Eli surrender. He glanced between his friend and the two men, who panted from where they’d collapsed near Morgan, before shattering.

The force of Eli’s orgasm impressed Morgan. After all this time with the crew, that was saying something. How long had he hidden his desires? Only a forbidden fantasy could draw that kind of response.

When he shuddered against the coffee table, his cock spent, Alanso developed a wicked grin. He lifted his messy hand to his mouth and licked a swath through the delicacy there. Had James been with them, he’d have come in his pants at the sight.

Eli didn’t fare much better. He groaned, then slung one arm over his eyes as his seizing renewed. “Stop, stop. I can’t take anymore. Holy shit.”

Mike and Joe cracked up. They separated with sighs mingled with grunts.

While Kate and Morgan looked on, Mike crossed to Eli and extended his hand. Eli took it with his clean one and allowed Mike to lever him to his feet. Mike banded one arm around his back and squeezed tight. “You’ve got this. You’ll know what the right thing is for your gang.”

“And we’re always here if you need to talk.” Kate kissed Alanso on the cheek.

“Thank you.” He turned away, but Morgan caught the shimmer in his delicious chocolate eyes first.

She hoped they were able to fashion a relationship even half as strong as the one she was so fortunate to be part of. Rejuvenated, she couldn’t wait to get back to the hospital and the rest of the crew.

Chapter Seven

Dave stared up at the thick wooden beams of the cathedral ceiling in the living room of Kayla’s cabin. Thinking of it as her home, a place he merely lived, helped him cope with the possibility of leaving sometime soon. Really soon. 

He swore he’d memorized every knot and streak of grain in the timbers during the past three months. It was a big upgrade from counting creepy birds in the wallpaper of the antiseptic hospital room he’d occupied for almost seven weeks. Still, he’d spent a hell of a lot of time right here, flat on his worthless back. If he never saw another episode of
Dr. Phil
Judge Mathis
, it’d be too soon. On the plus side, he did have a better idea of what constituted a good deal at the grocery store after about a million viewings of
The Price Is Right

He rolled his eyes. The cluster of dark spots near the ceiling fan caught his attention. They’d started reminding him of the profile of his childhood dog, Barker, lately.

“Jesus. I need to get out of here,” he grumbled, shifting to his side on the bed, which the guys had
lugged down from the loft ages ago. Careful to keep the dead weight of his bad leg on top, he pushed up to half-sitting.

“Hmm?” Kate moaned from her spot, where she’d crashed beside him. He hadn’t meant to rouse the ultra-preggers woman. As much as he loved her and Morgan, who snuggled against his other side, he struggled to draw in a breath.

Suffocation seemed like a very real possibility.

“Nothing. Sorry. Gotta get up.” He did his best not to jostle either of the exhausted women, who’d elected to stay home and nap with him rather than join their friends in picking blueberries for Morgan to incorporate in upcoming seasonal specials. The untamed section of the property, which contained masses of fruit bushes, was too rough for Dave’s wheelchair.

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