Hammer It Home: Powertools, Book 6 (6 page)

BOOK: Hammer It Home: Powertools, Book 6
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“Been waiting our turn for at least nine million years, haven’t we?”

“Just feels that way.” Mike shushed the pair. “Don’t distract Morgan.”

As if she could think of anything but the force of the man driving inside her, pushing her tighter to her husband with every surge of precise momentum Dave instilled in her. His scrunched lids flew open, revealing the clear honesty in his bright eyes. “Want this. So badly. Both of you. Deserve it. To have what you need.”

 The intensity of his desires percolated through every pore of Morgan’s body. She absorbed each droplet of the genuine compassion oozing from him while hoping she deserved such gallantry. Her body responded to the emotions barraging her heart and soul. It squeezed him tight, enhancing the effort he dedicated to pleasing her in this moment as well as the greater scheme of their lives.

She hadn’t imagined she could come with each man this evening. In the recesses of her mind, she remembered Mike’s advice—orgasms improved the odds of conception. Thank God it wasn’t the other way around or she’d stand no chance at all.

Her toes curled as ripples began to undulate her swollen channel around the constant invasion of Dave’s shaft. Balls slapped against her ass each time he ground deep within her. They both shouted as they escalated each other’s pleasure through the natural expression of their own rapture.

“I’m going to come,” Dave bellowed. He threw his head back and impressed her all over again with the magnitude of his strength. Muscles twitched as he restricted the range of their flexing.

Morgan looked to Joe. No speech was possible, or necessary.

Greedy. If she was going to climax, she required everything Dave had to give.

“Fuck her harder.” Joe spanked Dave. A crack rang through the room as his palm met bunched muscle. “Give her all of you. She can handle it. Wants it.

The plaintive mewling that erupted from her throat might have been embarrassing if she hadn’t been so desperate to shatter with her husband’s friend. Instead, the sound seemed to infiltrate Dave’s resistance.

Roaring in a primal display she’d never witnessed from him before, Dave grasped her hips, tilted her to optimize the angle of his invasion, then dug deep. He rammed inside her, reaching magical spots she’d only heard clinical discussions about in the past. The fringes of her vision grew smoky as she held her breath in anticipation of the climax about to burst through her.

Flares danced in front of her eyes when she shattered. Though she squirmed and thrashed, Dave never let go. He rode her with the single-minded purpose of a man driven beyond sanity, boundaries or polite considerations. When the clenching of her muscles prohibited him from plunging as fast as he preferred, he locked deep instead.

Intermittent grunts rained over her like the plop of thick cake batter from the wire attachment of her favorite mixer. Dave bit her neck and trapped her. Utterly helpless to move, she was forced to endure the blinding sensations, which verged on too intense. Too amazing.

And then she felt it.

Scalding heat flooded her pussy.

Dave emptied himself inside her one stream at a time. He jerked in synch with the spasms gripping him, cursing and praising her with every wrenching wave of his orgasm. Their hips banged together at each involuntary buck that enhanced the natural range of his spurts inside her. A wash of liquid lust drenched her.

His climax seemed to last forever, renewing hers with each additional seizure of his muscles and the strangled groans accompanying them. The final two or three pulses of his cock tapered off, leaving him moaning and chanting her name in reverent sighs.

Morgan floated, completely dazed. She tried to cling to his sweaty shoulders when he retreated, but he slipped between her fingers. Strong hands pinned her to the mattress, preventing her from following. “Shh. Don’t sit up yet, cupcake.”


“I’ve got you. Stay still. Catch your breath. God, that looked incredible.” He kissed her brow so sweetly tears stung her eyes. “You’re so gorgeous when you unravel like that.”

Half-entranced, she started to roll toward him.

“Keep that ass in the air.” Mike’s command knifed through the fog in her brain, reminding her of their purpose. How could she have forgotten, even for a moment?

Joe began to rearrange the pillows beneath her hips, enhancing the incline to guarantee the mingled fluids of two of his best friends remained deep in the well of her pussy.

She couldn’t say if her whimper had more to do with the thought of their deposits or the ecstasy still gripping her mercilessly or the blinding love her husband inspired or the pressure the awkward angle put on her neck. Probably a bit of each.

“Let me help.” James crawled beside her. He motioned with his chin. Neil and Joe complied, lifting her high enough for their lover to worm beneath her body and prop his own pelvis on the feather-stuffed ramp they’d constructed ad hoc. The two men lowered her into the comforting cradle of his mass. James cushioned her while maintaining the optimum angle. The nape of her neck rested comfortably on the curve of his shoulder.

“Much better,” she sighed.

“I aim to please.” James cupped her breasts. “Plus, this is a great spot for copping a feel.”

Morgan laughed, trying to keep her eyes open despite the lassitude barraging her.

The entire bed shook, jostling them all, when Dave crashed—completely limp—onto his face at the foot of the mattress. Kayla and Devon reached out to soothe him with long, smooth glides of their hands. Murmured praise babbled in soft tones Morgan couldn’t decipher. She strained for a glimpse of the contented smirk on his face.

“Don’t worry about him,” Neil flashed his asymmetrical grin. “He’ll survive. He just needs some time to recover after that wild ride.”

“Me too.” She hid her flaming cheeks in the crook of James’s neck.

Why did she feel like everything changed by the moment? It was as if her chemical makeup had been irrevocably altered by the radiant emission of their love and the attempts they’d made on her and Joe’s behalf.

How could she take more when she’d already been given so much?

“I don’t know, feels like your pussy is still begging,” James rasped in her ear.

“You’re inside me?” She wished she could rescind the question the moment Joe choked at her side. It wasn’t that she hadn’t felt anything
down there
, but rather that she’d felt too much. Assumed it was an aftereffect of Dave’s possession.

“Well, that’ll make a guy try harder.” James flexed beneath her in a sinuous motion that left no doubt as to the accuracy of his claims.

“Urg.” A contented gurgle served as her only reply.

“That’s better.” His smile warmed his tone. “No hard feelings, love. Dave is huge. I imagine it’s hard to discern anything aside from extra happy tingles, considering the way that orgasm looked from where I was sitting.”

Dave grunted his agreement, his finger idly drawing swirls over her anklebone from where he splayed.

“So maybe I better do this before she recovers?” Neil knelt between two sets of spread thighs. He looked not at them, but at Joe when he made his suggestion.

“You’re the expert at tandem fucking, not me.” Joe sat on his haunches, close to her and James’s heads as though monitoring her reactions with strict observation and intention to shut down the operation at the slightest hint of trouble.

Morgan didn’t pay much attention to their banter. With her eyes closed, she drifted through euphoria, sturdy arms around her and rhythmic breaths lulling her with their metered rise and fall. What could they have in mind? She decided to relax and grant them complete control. Not one fiber of her being lacked trust in them, either singly or as a whole.

“Right.” Neil’s determination had her prying her lids open in time to catch his grimace. “Hold her tight, boys. She’s going to be sensitive at first.”

James’s arms banded around her waist. Joe cupped her jaw in his hand, angling her face so she met his stare. He crooned encouragement when Neil advanced, sliding into her still-throbbing sheath beside his life partner.

“Ohmigod!” She didn’t mean to wriggle, but she couldn’t help herself.

“Joe…” Neil paused, checking in with her husband.

“Don’t stop. It was a good OMG.”

She’d never been so glad he could read her mind. If Neil had changed his course then she’d have wept with frustration. How could they continue to elevate her enjoyment?

Part of the pleasure came from realizing she was a conduit for the two men to love each other. James shivered beneath her as his mate’s cock rode along his ultra-firm length. An involuntary flex compressed them within her. The idea of pleasing them both, pressing them together, sent aftershocks racing along her pussy.

“Feel that?” Neil cursed.

“She’s still coming.” Rough breath stirred the hairs at her temple, tickling her cheek. James simultaneously melted and stiffened beneath and inside her. “From Mike. From Dave.”

“All of you.” She combed the sheets and covers with a widespread hand until her knuckles knocked into Joe’s knee. Unfocused eyes prevented her from reading his expression. When she walked her fingers up his corded thighs and surrounded his impressive erection in her palm, there was no denying how her wanton display impacted him.

Several uncoordinated passes along his length had her frustrated she couldn’t maneuver as she pleased. “Come closer.”

“Don’t have much choice when you tug on it like that. It’s not a leash, Mo.” His grumble mixed with a chortle.

“Seems pretty effective to me.” Kate said, sticking up for her best friend.

“Let me taste you.” Morgan licked her lips, then parted them as she strained her neck toward his bobbing cock.

The brush of his silky head over her mouth had her drawing him inside instinctively. Positioned so that he could feed her his entire length, Joe dangled his balls across James’s jaw.

“Help yourself.” Neil glided inside her as he encouraged his mate to add the salty tang of Joe’s nuts to the stimuli driving him inevitably toward total annihilation.

Another shockwave passed through Morgan when James’s full lips met hers at the base of Joe’s cock. Abs bunched and released beneath her lower back as he fucked up into her. Each thrust was timed to James laving her husband’s delicate sac.

“Oh, shit.” Joe’s hand tangled in her hair, adding a bite to the gentle massage of his fingertips on her scalp. If James’s purr were any indication, he received similar treatment.

“You weren’t joking, Dave. She’s fucking soaked. Feels so damn good. Slippery.” Of all the things Neil had on his long list of personal accolades, stamina had never ranked very high. It seemed he already bordered on the edge. “So slick when I rub over James. He feels like satin inside her. But hard. Fuck. So hard.”

Waves of rapture battered Morgan, increasing in frequency and intensity until she couldn’t tell where one ended and the next began. The two men shuttling inside her passed each other with each return journey, their counterpoint voyages generating delicious bumps as their heads lodged within her tunnel at different points.

Subtle variations in timing kept her guessing as to when the largest knot of them would form. The combination of their crowns created a bulge that massaged her tensed muscles from within. Joe took advantage of her slack jaw to bury himself to the root. He poked into her throat. She swallowed around him, wishing he could feel even a sliver of the miraculous attention his friends lavished.

“Careful,” Mike warned from his post beside them. “Too much more of that and Joe is going to forget to add his load to the rest. Deep inside Morgan. Remember the plan?”

They’d strategized the best way to fuck her tonight?

Morgan couldn’t restrain the full-body shiver of delight that coursed through her at that revelation. She wondered what tricks they kept secret in their playbook for another time. Nothing could surpass this moment. Glorious, pure and perfect, she couldn’t have loved each of them more.

“Just a minute, Joe.” Neil panted as he redoubled his strokes. “Hang on a tiny bit longer. I can’t wait. Not much more.”

James laughed at the desperation in his lover’s declaration. Not out of cruelty, but because he adored the moment the man of his dreams reached fulfillment.

“And you’ll be right there with him,” Mike reminded James. “You never can resist him coming on you. Sorry, but tonight you’re going to have to give up your favorite dessert. Mo gets to keep it this time.”

James pulled off Joe’s testicles with a slurp. Probably for the best, as her husband’s shaft had taken on the defined ridges that proclaimed him ready to explode. “There’s always later.”

“Ah, God. Yes. Later.” Neil shorted the amplitude of his strokes. He fucked fast and furious. The motion declared his imminent breakage. “You. Devon. You’ll suck me together. Later.”

Before he’d finished issuing the prophecy, Morgan’s best chance at conceiving was realized. She hugged Neil to her as tight as she could, given the frantic pace of his fucking. Granting him as much comfort as possible, she clung to him while come jettisoned from his balls.

“Arghh.” James turned hard as a stone slab beneath her. He froze, then shouted, “Feel it. Shooting on my cock. Right on the head. Oh. Damn. Right there. Right there.”

Then Morgan could no longer discern the individual sensations bombarding her. Two men pumped within her, drenching her folds with their semen. The idea alone, maybe aided by the erratic press of Neil’s pelvis bone on her clit, triggered yet another pulse of orgasm in her. Shudders wracked her body.

She must have thrashed hard enough to dislodge James, because next thing she knew, Dave and Mike were helping the longtime pair disentangle themselves from her. Only Joe remained in her field of vision. He fixed her pillows, though she slumped, as floppy as a rag doll wherever he placed her.

“Even like this, I can see their come about to spill from you.” He dipped his finger in the pool of thick fluid, then held it out to James, who gladly cleaned the work-roughened digit. “You’re brimming with all they’ve given you. Us. It’s as much as we can do.”

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