Hammer It Home: Powertools, Book 6 (4 page)

BOOK: Hammer It Home: Powertools, Book 6
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Joe braced his hands on her thighs, lighting up her nerve endings with his comforting touch. His torso nudged her legs apart as he settled between them, probably kneeling in the deeper water beyond the ledge her ass rested on.

His hand glided across her pussy, making her shriek and squirm. The contact poised her on the edge of orgasm, far too soon. “Wow. The current is pronounced. It’s rippling across my hand.”

“That’s not all it’s doing.” She gritted her teeth.

“Don’t tense up.” The pads of Kayla’s thumbs prodded Morgan’s jaw until she turned pliant once more.

“Or fight us.” Mike had progressed to her shoulder. His fingers teased the top swell of her breast. “Feel free to come as often as you like. This isn’t some starvation diet.”

Kayla’s hand seemed cool in the wake of the flush that raced across Morgan’s cheeks. She couldn’t believe how quickly they’d revved her up. Her ridiculous objections from earlier dissolved in the warm water steeped with the care of her friends. If she could have hugged each and every one of them right then, she would have.

“Time to get serious, boys,” Devon called out to her mates. They escalated their efforts, walking their fingers up Morgan’s thighs, swirling and teasing as they rubbed her down.

“You too, Dave,” Kayla encouraged her husband. He matched Mike’s fondling, which grew bolder by the instant.

Morgan’s abdomen undulated, raising her pussy toward the elusive ripple of the continually evolving current. Just when she thought she’d homed in on it, the spray would change.

“More?” Joe slipped his hand between her lips until he was on the verge of penetrating her. “Does your pussy need to be filled?”

She cried out as he fed her the tip of a finger, then two.

“No worries about that,” Neil rasped from where he now rubbed her ass and hip. “Soon enough you’ll be stuffed. All of us, Morgan. Have you thought about that? Taking four cocks in your pussy in one night?”

“Five.” Mike’s tone brooked no argument. “Joe will have her last.”

“Damn straight he will.” Kate clearly approved, from her dulcet tone. “No matter which of you has the winning swimmer, this child is his. Theirs.”

“Ours.” Joe and Morgan uttered the promise in unison. She didn’t doubt for one second he meant the entire crew. She had too.

She squeezed his fingers with her pussy as he insinuated himself more completely within her. Careful to keep his hand low, he allowed the water to continue to caress her clit. Her toes curled.

“Shit, yes.” Joe called out to his buddies. “She’s close. I can feel her rippling around my hand. Dave, suck on her nipple.”

The whoosh of the big man sinking below the surface was followed in short order by his mouth applying pressure on the tip of her breast. Mike mimicked the action from his post on her other side. The dual sensation—combined with Joe stroking her from the inside out, James and Neil petting her flanks and Kayla massaging her face—crescendoed until Morgan had no chance at resistance.

She capitulated to their care, allowing them to cradle her through an orgasm strong enough to burn away the last vestiges of her nerves and replace them with newborn hunger. Mike and Dave broke the surface of the indoor oasis. They dragged mass quantities of oxygen into their lungs. She felt as if they were breathing for her as she gasped and struggled to force enough air into her body to keep her from passing out with the pleasure they’d imparted.

Joe and Kayla anchored her, keeping her from drowning as her entire body thrashed and spasmed. Mike cupped the nape of her neck to quiet her. His reassurance—in conjunction with the long, loving strokes from the four other guys’ hands, which roved across her body—granted her the serenity to maximize her enjoyment.

Dave lifted her fingers to press a kiss to her knuckles and
. “You’re getting all wrinkly. Time to get out, I think.”

Her eyes fluttered open, unfocused. Lights flickered in her vision like errant fireflies. Joe kissed her softly before climbing over her. Water sluiced from his lithe frame. The three women nearby rushed to dry him with their plush towels. When they’d done their best, he crouched, arms extended.

Mike and Dave scooped their hands beneath her. They lifted her to her husband. He plucked her from the whirlpool, then held her out for Dev, Kayla and Kate to care for. Softness enveloped her as they rubbed her down.

“Next.” Devon winked and moved on to Neil.

“Go ahead, Joe.” Mike directed traffic. “Make your wife comfortable. We’ll be there in a minute.”

Chapter Three

Morgan couldn’t believe how completely the crew had transformed a simple cottage into a fairy-tale hideaway. Everywhere she looked, touched, something delighted her senses. Yards upon yards of eyelet fabric draped from the rafters, making the space around the bed seem like a cocoon spun of seduction, love and wistful dreams.

Pinned in spots to form a luscious canopy, the airy cloth fluttered in the light breeze circulating through the intimate space, courtesy of the wide-bladed ceiling fan. It spun idly to keep the heat from absconding to the apex of the peaked ceiling. Joe ducked beneath yet more netting, this batch complete with fine silver filaments that coruscated in the glow of the twinkling lights. She trailed her fingers along the gauze as he delivered her to the platform bed.

“This is…” She had no words.

“I know.” Joe nuzzled her neck as he settled over her. “When Kayla showed me the design inspiration pictures, I had my doubts she could pull it off. Now, when I see this, it’s far beyond what I had envisioned. She’s going to keep it staged. A honeymoon suite for the resort.”

“Think we could get married a few dozen times?” she sighed.

“That can probably be arranged.” Joe pressed a kiss to each corner of the smile she hadn’t even realized her mouth had curved into. “I do know the owner pretty well, you know?”

Morgan giggled. “So I’ve heard.”

“And there’s so much more yet to come, Mo.” Her husband rubbed their noses together, staring deep into her eyes. “Are you ready? Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” She didn’t have a doubt left in her mind or heart. “Are you?”

“Hundred percent.” He smothered her in a kiss so rich she knew she’d never forget this moment and the connection burning between them. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and returned the fervor of his lips, tongue and teeth.

Morgan didn’t acknowledge the shifting of the mattress beneath her until someone pried Joe from her clasp.

“Excuse me. I believe I have this dance.” Mike tapped Joe on the shoulder as though he were part of a naughty tag team.

Joe licked his lips. He shook his head, clearing the haze generated when they met soul on soul.
, he mouthed to her while drawing a cross over his heart.

She blew him a kiss.

“You’re making me jealous.” Mike issued a mock growl. “I get some of that sugar too, right?”

“Of course.” Morgan put her arms up and welcomed him into her embrace. Over his shoulder, Joe nodded before he smacked the foreman on the rump.

Mike didn’t flinch. Instead, he continued to impress himself on her from his toes to his hot and ready cock to his mouth. He laughed between her parted lips. “Yeah, sweetie, that’s all for you tonight.”

When he’d slowly and thoroughly delved to the far recesses of her mouth, he retreated enough to rasp into her hair. “Do you realize how much I’ve dreamt about taking you like this? All the way? It’ll be our first time with no condom between us. No diaphragm either. What the hell were we thinking?”

“I don’t know anymore. This feels good.” She ran her hands up his powerful back, enthralled and appreciative of his presence in her life. She’d been ecstatic when her best friend found this man, and now she got to share in the wealth of rapture and security he provided for Kate, as well as the rest of the crew.

“I’m glad tonight is special for us.” He kissed along her brow line. “I hope I can give you what you wish for. If not, I’m still gonna enjoy the hell out of this opportunity to show you how much I respect you and how lucky I think Joe is to have you. We all are. I’ve hated seeing you both suffer. No more. Only happiness from here on out.”

All the while, he touched her. Skilled hands roamed her body—down her ribs, over her face, along the sides of her breasts. When he lifted a tiny fraction, putting minimal space between their torsos, she whimpered.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you. One second.” He brushed his thumb across her damp mouth as he reached for a couple pillows. “We have to make this count, huh? Gravity will aid and abet these little guys in their escape if we’re not careful to make you a one-way avenue.”

Someone off to the side snorted when he manhandled his junk. “Classy, babe.”

“Hey, I am what I am.” Mike tossed a wry grin at his wife. “Haven’t heard any complaints from you before.”

“Never will.” Kate had curled up in a divine wingback chair. She slung one arm over her full belly and tucked her feet onto the pad by her ass. “I love you, Mike.”

Morgan tried twice to speak when he propped up her hips then sank so that his cock rode the furrow of her pussy. “Kate.”

She couldn’t bear it if her friend changed her mind later and decided this had been over the line. They’d been BFFs since they’d hidden beneath their bunk beds with a deck of Go Fish cards and a stash of stale Thin Mints to avoid traipsing through mosquito-infested woods at the Girl Scout camp from hell in seventh grade. Wonder if there was a merit badge that covered helping your best friend get pregnant?

That was a lot of history to risk.

Kate leaned forward enough to squeeze Morgan’s hand. “It’s the right thing for us. Enjoy. Tire him out, would you? I haven’t been feeling up to much lately.”

Morgan laughed. Mike didn’t. She licked the lines of strain bracketing his mouth. “You really are strung tight tonight, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. Sorry. I worry when she’s not feeling well. And this is a ton of responsibility. Plus, I’m afraid I’m not going to last that long.” He scrunched his eyes closed for a moment. “It’s been a while. You feel great beneath me. Soft. Hot. The idea of making a baby…another baby… It’s powerful.”

He adjusted his hips. With his hands tangled in her hair, he attempted to penetrate using just the motion of their pelvises. Newish to each other, they couldn’t quite get lined up right.

“James, give him a hand.” Devon coached one of her husbands from a similar chair to Kate’s, which sat at the foot of the bed. She must have had one hell of a view despite the three men lounging beyond the tangle of Morgan and Mike’s toes. Dave and Neil each rested their shoulders against a bedpost, while James had been cradled with his back to Neil’s chest. Kayla sighed from her vantage point at Morgan’s right, her thighs splayed over the arms of her matching seat.

“You two are sexy together.” She whimpered as she drew circles over the damp crotch of her sheer panties.

Morgan would have responded, except James chose right then to tip forward far enough to insert the head of Mike’s cock into her dripping pussy. All three of them groaned.

“I’ll try to go slow.” Mike huffed as though he’d sprinted around the resort a few times.

“Please don’t.” Morgan clutched his shoulders, aware of her nails sinking into the thick pads of muscle there. “I can’t wait either. Been thinking about this for almost two weeks. Damn ovulation cycle.”

“Tell me about it,” Joe grumbled. “Those months we waited then did it on command a hundred times in a row… I don’t know how gigolos do it. I swear my cock was sore afterward.”

He stretched out on his side next to the temporary couple, positioning himself so he could peel one of Morgan’s hands from Mike and enfold it in his own. He kissed her palm, then held on tight.

“Oh, sure. We feel so damn sorry for you.” Kayla kicked him lightly in the ass. “Like you didn’t love every moment.”

“You know I did,” he answered Kay, yet he never deflected his stare from Morgan.

“Me too.” She squeezed his fingers tighter than she intended when Mike plunged a bit deeper.

“Damn. Sorry.” He cursed below his breath. “You’re killing me with all this talk.”

“Do it, Mike.” Her attempt to wrap her leg around his hip was less than successful given the incline of her torso. Hell, he really had her hiked up. The thought of his come pooling inside her while his friends added to the mix sent a bolt of lightning from her brain straight to her pussy. She clenched around him.

“Not going anywhere when you’re tighter than a fist.” He attempted to work through her rings of muscle. Soaked, her body still had to be cajoled to permit him entry. “You sure I’m not hurting you, sweetheart?”

“Uh-huh.” She didn’t care that the affirmation held no ladylike grace, only desperate craving. “More.”

Mike concentrated then. They all knew when he set his mind to something… Well, you’d better look out. He whipped up his charm along with his persistence, plying her breasts with deceptively tender ministrations while he forced his shaft deep inside her.

Each crewmember fucked differently. They had their own styles. With her eyes wide open, she assembled visual memories she’d snipped while studying him with the other guys—and more recently the women, herself included.

“My favorite thing about you is when you get bossy. You’re a natural leader, Mike.” She couldn’t believe she found her focus long enough to share the admiration in her heart for him. “Your children will have that spark. I would be lucky to foster that brand of bravery.”

His stride hitched with him seated almost fully.

“Thank you.” He blinked several times as though to clear away the moisture threatening there. “Now stop talking and put that pretty mouth to better use.”

Lips descended on hers, preventing her from injecting some smartass remark into the heat of the moment. Honestly, that was more Devon’s thing anyway. Morgan preferred to be honest and open in her affections. Mike sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, nibbling on the plumped flesh. The man could kiss, that was for sure. Maybe not with all the finesse of James or the caring of Joe, but with heat and drive and pure passion.

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