Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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As I climb into the car, Luke whispers something to the driver before getting in beside me with a heart stopping grin on his handsome face.

“What did you tell him?” I ask curiously.

“To drive very slowly while I fuck the daylights out of you.” He winks at me as he presses the control button that slides up the privacy panel, shielding us from the driver.

He pulls me over onto his lap taking care to slide my long dress to my thighs so I am straddling him. I hold onto his biceps to keep from falling, feeling his muscles tighten under the sleeves of his jacket.

His hot fingers travel up my thighs finding the edge of my black silk panties. Pushing them aside he slides a finger gently over my folds. “So wet already... just how I like you.”

My hands move up to grip his shoulders and I bring my lips crushing down onto his for a kiss. I move myself over him, getting more comfortable and taking care to get my dress out of the way.

“I need to get your panties out fast or I’m going to rip them off you.” He growls at me, his voice strained.

I roll my eyes. “Well, I’m not meeting your family for the first time
wearing my panties.” I tell him cheekily as I slide off him. Once I am seated next to him I don’t waste time sliding my panties off and placing them on the seat next to me. I turn to face him as I gather my dress up and around my waist.

“Better?” I ask him.

He is dripping with sex. “Not yet.” He murmurs.

Luke’s eyes are dark with desire as he licks his soft luscious lips. “Do you know how sexy you looked pulling down your panties?”

I move to straddle his waist and undo the concealed button on his pants before pulling down the zipper. His rock hard erection springs out.

His hands shuffle inside the inner pocket of his jacket, taking out a foil packet. He rips it open and quickly slides on the condom.

Not wasting a second he guides his hard length into me, arching his back on the car seat as he deepens the penetration. When he fills me up completely he releases out a groan in satisfaction, his fingers digging into my hips. “I feel so good wrapped in you.” He breathes out. The passing street lights create shadows on his strained face as he looks at me while pulling out slowly. “I want this hard and fast, baby. I need it that way.”

I am panting and ready... so ready for him to start moving.

Pushing into me with such force he holds tightly onto my waist to keep me snug against him. His breath is completely ragged. “Y-you...okay?”

“Yeah.” I manage as he pushes into me again.

My fingers dig deep into his jacket lapel and I ‘m sure I’m going to rip the collar right off. Biting my bottom lip I move my hands to the back rest of his seat gripping the black leather tightly to keep me stuck against his hard body.


My head is going to hit the roof of this car.


I swear the driver can hear me screaming.


I crush my breasts onto his hard chest.


Fuck... my thighs tighten around his waist and my knees press deeper into the leather seat.


We are floating.

Our lips find each other as we kiss our way back down to earth, totally shattered and spent after our mind blowing climax.

He tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. “That. Was. Fucking. Amazing.” He breathes out.

I move off him to and settle myself back onto my seat careful with my dress that is still bunched up around my waist.

Luke shuffles about opening one of the cleverly hidden compartments in the leather panels of the limo and grabs a couple of tissues. He turns towards me. “Let me clean you up.” He gets off his seat coming to kneel down in front of me. Gently pushing my legs apart, he wipes me clean.

Raising himself a few inches so that his head is in line with my tummy, he bends down to drop a soft kiss on the apex of my thighs before helping me slide on my panties.

My legs are numb and I have no idea how they are going to carry my body.

Thankfully I have a few more minutes to calm myself down and to redo my hair and makeup before we arrive at The Greyson Hotel.


Chapter Seventeen

This is not my first visit to The Greyson Hotel in New York City. I have been here before with my parents... a few times actually. However everything looks entirely different as Luke walks beside me into the grand ballroom, his warm fingers laced with mine.

As soon as we enter the ballroom his fingers tighten over mine. I am sure he can sense my anxiety to meeting his parents for the first.

Bending down, he softly kisses me on my lips that I touched up before we arrived. He murmurs in my ear, his voice cool and casual as he does his best to reassure me. “They will love you.” Flashing me his super sexy grin, I melt beside him.

I gasp at the scene before me. It feels like I have entered a fairyland. So magical. The elegant ballroom is all snow white – ceiling, floor, tables and chairs, linen and drapes. Tiny soft pink globes hang onto the crisp white drapes and baby pink roses are displayed in sliver vases placed on the centre of each large round table. Tall silver vases - that remind me of giant urns - are strategically placed at each corner of the large opulent room and filled to the brim with white and pink roses with a sprinkle of green shrubbery. Along the wall at one end of the massive room a huge buffet is set up and a make shift dance floor is at the opposite end complete with a live band playing classic love songs.

Servers in white suits are moving effortlessly around handing out champagne to the guests who are all dressed in their finest – every well known fashion designer represented by the beautiful gowns and suits.

Wow! I am in awe. This place is stunning and I feel like Cinderella at the ball... with my Prince Charming tucked close by my side.

Luke turns to face me taking in my expression as I admire the beautiful masterfully decorated hall. He whispers softly to me. “Come on, my princess, let me show you off.”

Kissing the tip of my nose, he guides me to the front of the room where a very elegantly dressed couple is seated. They are deep in conversation, the man leaning over the table as he speaks to the lady. She smiles coyly at something he said. She is strikingly beautiful. Dressed in a dark emerald green off the shoulder gown - and with what I’m sure are real emeralds adorning her ears, neck and one wrist. Her dark blonde hair is pinned in a classic up style. She glances up at us as we approach, looking at us with her pale blue eyes.

The man at her side - who I assume is her husband - is dressed in a tux with a tie matching her emerald green dress. The lady is watching us with interest as we get closer to her table and whispers something to the man at her side. He turns around to face us and I make no mistake that he is Luke’s father. The same dark inky hair though his is speckled with gray and identical shade of sky blue eyes that light up when he sees us approach. He smiles warmly at us and stands. Extending an elegant hand out towards Luke, he grins that all too familiar boyish grin.

“Son, good to see you.” He speaks in a clear male voice before drawing Luke in for a warm hug.

Luke greets his dad and turns to the beautiful lady in the green gown who is now standing. “Mom, you are looking beautiful as always.” He hugs her tightly.

It is easy to see that Luke is very close to his family. Watching them hug each other, I can’t help feeling sad... it is obvious they are all very close... as close as a family should be. My eyes prick at the warmth oozing from the scene playing out before me.

“Luke, my handsome boy, thank you.” Mrs Greyson’s pale blue eyes are glowing with affection and adoration for her son. She kisses him lightly on his cheek making sure not to leave any trace of her light pink gloss.

Stepping back next to me, Luke places his hand at the small of my back. “This here is Emma, my girlfriend. Em, these are my parents, Henry and Charlotte Greyson.”  He smirks.

Luke’s mom turns her warm smile to me. “Emma, I am so happy to finally meet you,” and then surprises me by wrapping me up in a hug.

Releasing me, I smile at them both. “Mr and Mrs Greyson, it is a pleasure to meet you.” I tell them already feeling some of my earlier anxiety slipping away.

“Oh, please call me Charlotte. Mrs Greyson makes me feel too old.” She beams at me.

“And call me Henry or pop. I’m not that old... don’t let the gray hair fool you.” Luke’s dad jokes before hugging me as well. He releases me to tap his son on the shoulder. “You did well son,” He states proudly as he beams at Luke. “Emma, I can see why my son is smitten.” He says as he grins at me and then playfully winks at Luke.

I would have never guessed Luke’s parents are divorced. They get on so well and I can sense the genuine affection they have towards each other - not some false act put on for the people around them. It makes me sad as I wonder why they divorced in the first place... getting the vibe that they still love each other very much.

I don’t have too much time to dwell on it when a loud roaring laugh goes off behind me.

Holy smoking shit!
She really exists!” A husky male voice calls out from behind me.

Luke shakes his head, laughing. “What did you think, Oli? That I made Emma up?”

The owner of the husky voice walks over to stand next to Luke’s dad. His hand is draped around the waist of a stunning dark haired beauty.

Looking at him, I find a pair of very amused - very familiar - sky blue eyes staring at me. I flush under the scrutinizing gaze.

“This is my brother, Oliver.” Luke drawls. “This Oli, is
my girlfriend
, Emma.” He stresses the words ‘my girlfriend.’ I must admit I quiet enjoy it when he describes me as his girlfriend causing my heart beat stepping up a notch and the butterflies knocking each other out as they fly about excitedly in my tummy. Oliver has the same dark inky hair like Luke and looking at the three Greyson men, it is easier to see they are related. And all of them strikingly good looking.

Oliver shuffles between Luke and I and makes a grab for me, hugging me as he lifts my feet off the ground. “Hello, Emma, Luke’s girlfriend.” He gently lowers me back onto my feet. “Damn! You are real! Thought this dude,” he playfully shoves Luke’s arm, “made you up.”

“Don’t scare her off,” Luke teases.

Oliver pats Luke on the back mimicking the gesture as Luke’s dad a few minutes ago. “Now I understand the reason behind the change in you, little bro.” His blue eyes twinkle, reminding me of Luke.

I wonder what change he means and I know if I ask not only will Luke - but for sure his parents and brother - will all happily change the topic. So I keep quiet.

“Emma, this is my girlfriend Kate.” Oliver introduces me to the stunning dark haired beauty that is standing quietly watching us. She is dressed in a navy blue full length chiffon gown which makes her blue eyes bluer.

I take her extended hand and we exchange pleasantries.

“Now if you will excuse us I would like to dance with my girlfriend.” Luke is clearly enjoying using that word – girlfriend. He tucks my hand into his and whisks me off to the large dance floor. “What was it you said about them not liking you?” He flashes me his charismatic boyish grin as he pulls me in close to him, his hands wrapped snugly around my waist and we move easily to the music. The band has begun to play a song by the Righteous Brothers. Luke once again shows off his talent as a skilled and confident dancer and I gladly let him lead me. I have two left feet where slow dancing is concerned but with his guiding, I relax and sway easily in his hold to the familiar tune of Unchained Melody.

I smile at his handsome happy face. “Your family are incredibly warm and loving. And I’m not sure what I was so nervous about.”

“Yes. They are pretty cool.” He tucks my head to rest on his chest as he hums the melody that the band is playing in my ears.

I can stay wrapped up in him like this forever... I am so content.

He kisses me gently on my temple. “Thank you for coming with me tonight.” His tone is low and serious. “It means a lot.”

I look up at his gorgeous face as my one hand reaches out to cup his cheek. “Thank you for asking me.”


After a few dances we make our way back to our table which I now realise is the main table occupied with most of Luke’s family.

Another young couple has joined Luke’s parents at the table. I can’t help but notice the young girl’s expression as she watches Luke and me approaching. She is all bug eyed and her mouth is hanging open. As if on auto pilot she stands up and makes her way around to us.

“No way! Mom was right. You brought a date. Holy shit and she’s a babe!” Her small squeaky voice shrieks at Luke.

He grabs her in a hug lifting her off her tiny feet. “Hi, sis.” He greets his equally stunning sister completely amused with her reaction. “You right about it all, especially the part about her being a babe.” Placing her gently back on the floor he turns to me. “This is my Emma. Meet my sister, Chloe.” He introduces me to the owner of the squeaky voice.

My girlfriend. My Emma. Oh my God!
My subconscious melts at Luke’s feet.

“Hi, Emma. Shit I can’t believe you’re real.” She gushes. And of course she hugs me too... tightly, sucking all the air out of me.

What is it with his family?
They all think he made me up.

“Let go off her or you will frighten her away.” Luke chuckles at his awe struck sister.

She smiles that famous Greyson grin at me. “And this is Jason, my boyfriend.” She points at a well dressed good looking young man who is standing at her side.

“Hi.” I greet them both. Jason is the opposite of Chloe. Quiet and shy. We shake hands.

Looking at Chloe, she is the female version of her brothers - with the same sky blue eyes and dark inky hair like their father. Her hair however lies on her shoulders in soft loose curls.

“Love your dress. Ralph Lauren, right?”

I am not surprised she knows her designers – she is after all studying fashion.  And I like her immediately.

“One and only.” I grin back at her. Judging by her own designer dress she looks chic and stylish and every bit like the fashion consultant she is going to be.

“And now you’ve met the entire Brady bunch.” Luke smiles at me as he wraps his hand around my shoulders.


The last couple to join us at the table are long time friends of Luke’s parents. Dinner is pleasant with the siblings catching up on each others’ lives.  I am asked about my studies and Mr Greyson stuns me when he asks if I will be applying to Greyson Enterprises for an internship.

Like father like son - he insists I should apply giving me a break down of the amazing internship program the company offers.

Throughout our three course meal Luke keeps his fingers laced through mine - his usual routine - and something he has become rather used to despite drawing smirks from his siblings.

After our delicious dessert, the younger Greysons make their way to the dance floor and I politely excuse myself to go to the restroom.

Luke directs me and once inside the plush interior - that is the size of a small banquet hall of its own - I set about to do my business.

Satisfied with a touch up of gloss on my lips, I walk out into the brightly lit corridor admiring the beautiful artwork adorning the ivory walls.

A rather dashing young man dressed in a tux comes smiling towards me from the opposite end of the hallway. As he gets closer I get a better look at his striking features and guess him to be about Luke’s age. His handsome face reminds me of a younger version of Tom Cruise – Top Gun days. He stops just in front of me blocking my path. Tipping his head in an almost theatrical fashion he greets me, his voice smooth as silk. “Hello there. I’m Mason. And you must be the much talked about

Something about the way he says my name has me immediately on edge. And I start to wonder what he means by
‘much talked about’
. Nobody here knows me with the exception of Luke’s family and we were only introduced a short while ago.

I smile nervously at him, mentally telling myself he is just another friend of Luke’s. “Hello.” My voice comes out as a squeak and I plaster on my pageant smile.

His hands slide into the pockets of his perfectly pressed black pants.

I figure he is probably well acquainted with the Greyson siblings and that would explain how he heard of me. But I quickly change my mind when he speaks again.

“Tell me, what is a nice girl like you doing with an asshole like Greyson?” His hard brown eyes glare at me frostily.

My eyebrows shoot up. “What?” I ask him, shocked. Blood rushes through my body and I take a step back almost stumbling.

Okay, he is definitely no friend of Luke’s. Regaining my composure I take a step to the side trying to make a quick getaway but Mason is fast and side steps me blocking my path once again.

My skin prickles as ugly bitter words start flowing from his lips. “He uses women and tosses them away. Like dirt. He’s damn fucked up that is what he is.”

My gray eyes are about to pop out of my sockets. Brit has mentioned that Luke was pretty much a player but according to Travis he has changed. I remind myself that Mason is talking about the way Luke used to be... when he was a playboy. I shake my head at him.

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