Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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Chapter Six

I feel much happier since receiving that dreadful letter from Ethan two days ago. He was certainly not the effort and glad I called things off before he left.

Dressed in my favourite Massive Attack T-shirt and skinny jeans, Brit and I make our way to the cafeteria for breakfast. As we enter the doorway, Brit shrieks as she is spun around by Travis.

“Let me go, you monkey!” She yells at him.

“Not until you kiss your monkey first.” Travis replies.

I laugh as I grab my breakfast tray and make my way to the table to find Luke already there in his usual seat opposite me.

“Hi,” he greets me cheerfully.

“Hi,” I greet back before taking my seat. He seems to be in a good mood.

“Guys, what are we doing tonight?” Travis beams down at us before pulling a chair out for Brit. Today it is only the four of us at our table. Brad and Jane skipped out early this morning to have breakfast at Starbucks, not too far from our college.

I shrug. Brit and I have only two classes on a Friday so our weekend starts off a lot earlier.

“Can we go to the new Mexican place?” Brit asks as she flicks her long blonde hair over her shoulder. She has been dying to eat there ever since the place opened two months ago. It is within walking distance from campus and has received excellent reviews.
“Sure, love. Luke, you are joining us, right? Travis shoots a strange look in Luke’s direction.

“Wild horses can’t keep me away.” He replies coolly just before taking a bite of his bacon and cheddar breakfast bagel.

“Em?” Travis calls out.

I nod in agreement. The butterflies start to do their dance of joy in my tummy while my subconscious does a fine rendition of Charlie Puth’s Marvin Gaye.

Travis smiles lovingly at Brit, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Okay, Speedy. Mexican it is.”

She grins at him.


The rest of the day passes by in a blur. After class, Brit and I rush home to throw ourselves on our beds, tossing the packet of biscuits back and forth to each other. Our usual Friday ritual.

“I see you and Luke are getting on better?” She winks at me.

“I just want world peace.”
I say in my best pageant sounding voice.

She flings her soft pink pillow at me, laughing as she stands up. “Ha! Ha! So what are you going to wear tonight?” She makes her way to her closet and starts to pull out various items of clothing, making faces at her reflection in the long mirror inside her closet.


I take a small sip of my wine hoping the chilled liquid will help me relax. The boys had a gym session so Brit and I made the five minute walk over to the Mexican restaurant together. Giving me a few extra minutes to calm my bundle of nerves. Luke and Travis arrived about five minutes after we did and my emotions are still running a riot.

We are seated at a rectangle table inside the restaurant and everyone is in a cheerful mood as we trade stories about what has been happening during the last few days.

Brit and Travis are seated opposite Luke and me. He is close enough to me and I can feel the heat bouncing off his body. I need to focus on something else before I start moaning out loud.

The restaurant is small and cosy and decorated with bright orange and green sombreros - in different sizes - hanging up on the light cream walls. And the table and chairs are dark wood, contrasting nicely with the colourful decor.

“So Luke, what made you leave NYU and attend Midland Falls instead?” Brit asks.

Why indeed?
Now that has my full attention and I sit up straight in my chair wondering the same thing. I know he is from Manhattan like me. But with his family’s money and connections he could have attended any college in the country. I turn to look at him in time to see him shift nervously next to me.

He fiddles with the metal strap on his Rolex watch before he answers her. “I wanted to get out of the city and Midlands offer was rather generous.”

She shrugs and I know her well enough to read her facial expression. She is not entirely convinced with his answer. “Yeah, but you are a Greyson. Surely you can afford the tuition costs without a scholarship?” Brit is clearly not going to let this rest. She is on a mission... mission Luke.

But she is right. Why did he decide to attend MFU? He does not need a scholarship. He could have attended any college in the country.

I watch him as his fingers tap nervously on the dark wood table. Instinct tells me he is hiding something. But what is it? I do not have the faintest clue. It can’t be that dreadful. The name Greyson is a big deal. And if it was something bad, news of it would have hit the tabloids for sure. And Jane would have mentioned it. That girl knows every scandal to strike mankind.

“True. But I needed a change of scenery. NYU is a good school but when I saw the MFU brochure I knew this was where I wanted to be. This place is beautiful and peaceful.” He looks across at me as he smiles before casually changing the topic. “What about you, Em? Travis mentioned you are from Manhattan as well. So how did a Manhattan princess end up here?”

I freeze at his question. Trying to swallow the lump that has crept into my throat, I look to Brit for some support.
She started this discussion.
And like the best friend she is, she takes her cue, coming to my rescue.

“We attended high school here and the college seemed like the best option.” Brit answers covering for me.

No need for him to find out the real reason I left Manhattan. A decision that was made for me years ago by my wonderful ‘parents’ who needed to find willing guardians to take over what should have been their responsibility.

“Don’t you like big city life?” he presses on.

Please let this rest.
I know I have to speak up for myself and not let Brit be my mouth piece. I take a deep breath before I open my mouth to speak. “Manhattan is not the same without Brit.” I hope my answer will stop his prying.

“Yeah, they are high school sweethearts, man.” Travis jokes and thankfully this lightens the mood and Luke stops with his questions.

And as if on cue, the food arrives. Conversation is centred on safe topics. And after a rather pleasant dinner – the food rocks – we make our way back to campus. Luke, Brit and I ride back with Travis in his car.


Brit and I wake up early, before the sun rises to go out for our morning run. We normally try to run a few times during the week. Our usual route is a few miles around the perimeter of the campus. We follow a local running trail that starts in a park next to campus, that leads us alongside the dock that overlooks the beautiful Hudson River and then turn around to head back to college. And of course we always take a break to have breakfast at Starbucks, conveniently located on the docks before running all the way back.

Plugging in my iPod, I breathe in deeply, filling my lungs with the crisp cool air just as Calvin Harris blasts in my ears. Just what I need after the hectic week I had. With each step I take, my problems seem to drift further away. The tension slips out of my body... and I feel more relaxed and at ease.


Early morning is the best time of day to enjoy Midland Falls - just before the city wakes up. Living here is like living inside a charming seaside postcard. It is not a big city but it is rich in culture and art, with a number of historic museums in the town. And this classic seaside oasis is only about an hour drive from Manhattan. The real beauty of Midland Falls lies in the fact that the city’s natural beauty has been preserved over the years along with many of the properties along the tree lined streets that have ties to the Revolutionary War.

Full of well maintained colonial homes and buildings with splashes of modern architecture, it provides an alluring alternative to cramped New York City apartments. In the town you will find lots of artsy shops and galleries, craft vendors, sidewalk cafés, harbour facing restaurants and five star hotels. And of course there are a few nightclubs to keep the students from MFU happy.

The best way to enjoy the scenery Midland Falls offers is by walking, running or going on one of the many hiking trails.

Brit and I opt to run as often as we can and as early as possible. The only other people on the road are the large number of runners, taking advantage of the cool brisk air this early in the morning.

I know without doubt I will miss this place and my life here when I return to the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. The crazy fast paced city being a total opposite to this laid-back calm environment.

On our way back we stop at Starbucks for our usual morning coffee and snack. I locate a table while Brit collects our order. I pull my mobile out from my shorts pocket and check my email.

The place is practically deserted with just a handful of other runners and those who plan an early start to their day. I get comfortable on one of the wooden chairs at a table close to the window facing the pier.

I find an email from my parents describing their latest adventure, this time in Sydney, Australia. Dad has a couple of weeks to go before his shoot wraps up there and then they return to New York. But they won’t stay for too long before taking off to some other exotic destination.

A skinny vanilla latte with an extra shot of coffee no sugar and a vanilla bean scone is placed in front of me. My absolute favourite. Taking a big gulp, I sigh truly content. “I love you Starbucks.”

Brit chortles as she sips her skinny mocha. “So are you ready for today? I thought maybe we could go to Reds after the movie to grab some dinner and drinks.” She asks between bites of her blueberry scone.

“Sounds like a plan, Dan.” I answer back licking the last bits of sugary glaze from my fingers. Sugar after a run is like the best treat ever.

“I’ll let Trav know. He and Luke are at the gym.” She quickly pulls her mobile out and types a text to Travis letting him know of our plans for later tonight.

I begin to wonder if Luke is going to join us at Reds. I had a wonderful time with him last night at dinner. But he seemed awkward when we got to my dorm room. That was probably due to Travis and Brit who clearly have no issues with public display of affection. Luke barely said a word when I said goodnight to him and walked to my room. Alone! He did not even volunteer to walk with me... to give Brit and Trav some privacy. Well at least I know where I stand. He is clearly not interested in me and I don’t want him to think I’m arranging play dates to be around him.
Hell no!

I’m about to tell Brit that.

Just then her phone chimes and she holds her hand up to me signalling for me to give her a minute. Her lips tilt up before she starts to type again. Another chime and she claps her hands together looking excitedly at me.
What has she done now?

“The boys are super excited.”
My mind has only registered the word ‘boys’. More specifically one boy... Luke?

She grins at me. “And Luke says hi.”

I smile a goofy grin as I shake my head. But I’m not going to read too much into that. After all he could have sent me a text himself.
If he had your number,
my subconscious reminds me. Well he could have asked me if he wanted it or just got it from Travis. He is so not into me.
So why did he kiss me... not once but two times?
Because the first time I acted like a bitch and the second time I jumped him.
Keep lying to yourself.

Swallowing the last bit of our coffee, we grab our phones, fuelled and ready to run back to the dorm.


Saturday mornings on campus is dead quiet as most students are still sleeping in after partying the night before. Come afternoon and the place will be swarming with super excited bodies gathered in groups hanging about in the hallways making plans to either go out clubbing or to the usual house parties.

I quickly seat myself in front of my computer to fire off an email to my folks. If it wasn’t for technology we would have lost contact with each other years ago. I write to them about all of my new experiences and friends that I have made here. As well as whatever stuff I need to purchase so they can deposit the money into my account.
It sure is a good life!

I hit send before logging off to stand in front of my wardrobe. Mimicking Brit at her end, we both shuffle clothes on and off their hangers, making faces at our reflection.
What am I going to wear tonight?

A knock on the door disturbs us. I wonder who could be visiting at such an early hour.

Brit opens the door and finds a very serious looking Brad with two small red square gift boxes. He hands Brit and I each a box.

I sincerely hope you put these to good use.” He winks before scampering off down the hallway whistling to himself. He stops to blow a kiss at Jane, who is leaning against her door. She is still in her bathrobe so I know he must have slept over in her room. That would explain why he is awake at this crazy hour.

Brit and I raise our eyebrows at each other before excitedly pulling the lid open.

We scream at the same time.

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