Hannah Howell (11 page)

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Authors: Kentucky Bride

BOOK: Hannah Howell
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Suddenly, Ballard lost his tightly held control. His kisses and caresses became feverish. He stroked her until she felt the same. A tiny flicker of sanity edged into her mind when she felt him probe for entry into her body. Something inside her tensed, but not from fear. Clover knew she was taut with anticipation. She then realized that Ballard was hesitant. Gripping his broad shoulders, she looked up at him. There was such heat in his eyes, she could feel it burn through her.

“Ballard?” she whispered.

“Ah, lass, I want to do this right. I dinnae want to hurt ye.”

“Do it quickly,” she advised in a soft voice.

He nodded, and with one hard thrust pushed inside her. Clover gasped and shuddered as a flash of pain tore through the desire that had warmed her. She clutched Ballard tightly as he went still. After a moment the pain began to fade and her anticipation returned, a sharp, demanding anticipation. But Clover was not quite sure what she wanted, or how to ask for it. She concentrated on how it felt to be one with the big, strong man she held, and her passion rose again. The renewal of her desire was aided by his touch and soft kisses. She could feel him trembling and knew he
fought to control his passion until she was over the shock and pain of losing her maidenhead. Instinct suddenly told her how to let him know that she was more than ready to continue.

She released a soft sigh and arched toward him, encircling him with her limbs. He gave a hoarse cry and began to move. There was a barely leashed wildness in Ballard; Clover savored it. She eagerly sought the culmination of her passion. Even as he pulled her into a blinding maelstrom of fulfillment, she heard him cry out and tense as his seed poured into her. Her last clear thought was to wonder what it would be like if Ballard ever lost all control over himself.

Heavy-limbed and somnolent, Clover barely blinked as Ballard rose from her arms and cleansed them both with a cool, damp cloth. She readily curled up against him when he returned to bed and took her into his arms. The way he felt, the warmth that still lingered within her veins, and even the scent of him began to revive her desire. She smiled faintly, amused by how quickly she had gone from timidity to greediness.

Grinning, Ballard held Clover’s slim form as close as he could while still being gentle. All his instincts had proven correct. Even though it had been Clover’s first time, he had been able to pleasure her. He had sensed the passion in her, sensed from the very beginning how they would respond to each other. It was one of the reasons he had suffered so few qualms about their hasty marriage. Now that the painful part had passed, he knew the lovemaking would only get better.

He looked down at Clover as he lightly combed his fingers through her thick golden hair. Ballard wondered if she knew the value of the passion they had found together. He had often heard that well-bred ladies considered lovemaking something one should not mention or enjoy. Despite the wisdom of what her mother had said to her, he wondered if Clover had accepted such teachings or if she would now try to deny what they had shared. The only way their marriage could have a chance was if Clover’s mind and heart agreed with her body, if she recognized, accepted, and enjoyed the passion that flowed between them.

“‘Tis a powerful shame that God decided to mark a woman’s chastity in such a way,” he murmured.

“It was not so bad, and now it is over.”

“True, but it would be better still if, weel, if your hair changed color or ye got a wee beauty mark or the like. I never could figure out why it had to hurt.”

“I believe it is so women will be hesitant,” Clover said, watching her fingers as she idly toyed with the black curls on Ballard’s chest. “All those other things could be disguised or hidden away. I think God balanced the scales by allowing us to feel pleasure too.”

He tightened his hold on her. “And did ye feel pleasure?”

Clover felt herself blush, but softly answered, “Yes. I rather liked it. Did you?” She smiled when he laughed.

“Oh, aye, my wee bonnie wife, ye could say that. Do ye think ye liked it enough to want a bit more?”

With a daring that surprised her, Clover slid her hand over his trim hip in a slow caress as she replied, “Possibly, but I am too new at this to be sure how to
let you know that.” She realized she really did want more even though she still suffered a little stinging.

“Weel, lass, ye could just start getting frisky.”

“Frisky, hmmm?”

“Aye. Of course, if ye are too shy to do that, ye could just ask for more.”

The slight tension Clover felt in Ballard told her that she was not the only one who wanted another taste of passion. He clearly shared her inclination to enjoy a time when timidity and fear did not intervene to possibly dull what they could feel. She also knew that, at least this once, Ballard would not do anything unless she made her wants very clear.

Taking a deep breath to quell a lingering flicker of shyness, she touched her lips to his, met his steady, passion-warmed gaze, and whispered, “More.”

Chapter Five

A wayward lock of hair tickled Clover’s nose and she absently pushed it off her face as she studied the lists spread out on the bedcovers in front of her. She had carefully itemized and priced everything in the house they had decided to sell, even though she knew the prices would be negotiable. It had kept her very busy in the week since her wedding. Because not every potential buyer would have cash to spare, she had also made up a list of items they would accept in barter. Except for tidily copying each list over five times so that there would be enough for buyers to peruse and the sellers to refer to, she felt she was ready for the sale they would hold today.

She glanced at her new husband and decided she would not pester him to look over her lists. He deserved a good sleep. For the last three days he, Shelton, and Lambert had worked very hard. In addition to the horse trading and buying of supplies they needed to complete before they began the trip back to Kentucky, they had helped her get everything that
needed to be sold arranged in the downstairs rooms. She resisted the urge to smooth her hand over Ballard’s broad back or burrow her fingers in his thick raven hair, and turned her attention back to her lists. A moment later a long dark hand appeared on her nightshift-clad thigh, which was exposed by her crosslegged position on the bed.

“I thought you were asleep,” she murmured, glancing at him again.

“I just thought I would wait until ye were done ogling me,” Ballard drawled.

“I was not ogling you,” she said haughtily as he rose, naked, and disappeared into the small privy chamber.

“Admiring me then,” he called back, and shut the door.

“What vanity,” she scolded, but smiled.

Clover shook her head and chuckled. So far their hasty marriage was working out well. She knew it was far too soon to tell whether it would be a success, but she did not think it was foolish to see their good beginning as an encouraging sign. A great deal of the awkwardness which might have come between them, simply because they were comparative strangers, did not seem to exist.

Several things about Ballard were already apparent despite their short acquaintance. He was a very clean man, and although rough in his manner, he was far more of a gentleman than many who had been born and bred to be one.

When Ballard returned to the room and walked to their bed, Clover stared blindly at her lists. It occurred to her that Ballard could do with a touch more
modesty. She was not sure she would ever get used to seeing so much man stride around unclothed.

Ballard smiled and Clover blushed as he sat down behind her. He draped his arms around her and stretched out his long legs, trapping her between them. As he nuzzled her neck, she felt both contented and aroused.

“What do ye have there, love?” he asked.

She found it difficult to think clearly when he was gently caressing her bare arms and kissing her nape, but managed to reply in a faintly unsteady voice, “I have been making up some lists. One is what we have to sell and one is what we might take in trade if a buyer does not have the necessary coin. Sadly, that is the situation for many people.”

“Have ye got things such as sugar and flour on that barter list?”

“Yes, right here,” she said with a touch of confusion, for he could see the lists for himself. She looked over her shoulder at him. “Ballard, can you read?”

“A wee bit. I ken enough to see what jar holds the poison.”

“Well, I can teach you.” She turned to face him, unable to hide her eagerness.

“Can ye now?”

“Yes. It will be something
can give
I mean, you have given me so much, I should like to repay that somehow.”

Ballard flopped back onto the pillows and tugged her down so that she was sprawled atop him. “Ye are already giving me plenty, lass.”

“Well, I was not, er, counting that sort of thing,” she murmured as he took away the lists she still held and placed them on a small table by the bed.

“That sort of thing counts very high with a mon.” He slid his hands up under her shift to cup her slender backside.

“Ballard, ‘tis morning!” she whispered in shock.

“What a clever wee darlin’ ye are.” He laughed softly as he kissed her throat.

“Ballard, I am going to hit you.” She smiled faintly, for her husky voice, thickened with the desire he was stirring inside her, completely undermined her threat.

“Mmm. Later, sweeting. Ah, lass, ye are a fine mix of lady and wanton. There ye are, blushing and looking so prettily innocent. Yet I ken that if I do this”—he slid his hands over her backside and pressed her body against his—“it starts your blood running hot and then ye meet my passion with all the fire any mon could ask for.”

Clover knew she was blushing even redder. She wanted to scold him for speaking so plainly, but then he slid his big callused hands up her sides and covered her breasts. As he kissed her, she decided to reprimand him later.

When Ballard rose from their bed once again, he stretched with pure male satisfaction. Clover roused herself from her sated lethargy enough to give his taut backside a sharp slap. She giggled when he yelped, more from surprise than from pain. He whirled to look at her and she smiled sweetly.

“I told you I would hit you.”

He tugged on his drawers and regarded her with mock sternness. “If I didnae have work to do, ye would pay for that impudence, lass.” He continued
to dress as he asked, “Ye didnae put the mattresses and pillows on that list, did ye?”

Clover bit back a smile and shook her head. Ballard, Shelton, and Lambert had been possessive of the bedding from the very beginning. The feather mattress and pillows, fine linen sheets, and warm coverlets were a great luxury, and worth paying extra to ship them down the Ohio River. Ballard was determined to take every piece of bedding, having stated firmly that there would undoubtedly be a need for spare bedding. It was an attitude that contrasted sharply with the extreme care he had taken in selecting the other things they would take with them to Kentucky.

As soon as Ballard left the room, Clover hurried to get dressed. Her thoughts were fixed on what her husband was allowing them to take to Kentucky. Although he had been relatively lenient, he had made it clear that usefulness and necessity were the criteria for any choice. He took all the bedding, but not all the beds, for he felt something just as good could be bought or made in Kentucky. Clover shared some of her mother’s sorrow at parting with so many of their possessions, but she believed Ballard was being not only practical but also fair.

She pushed aside her musings as she finished pinning up her hair and quickly went downstairs. Despite Molly’s dire warnings that she would get stomach pains, Clover rushed through her breakfast. She was not sure how she could have moved any faster, but she had only just finished making copies of her lists when people began to arrive to see what was being offered for sale.

The morning sped by and was already over before Clover found a moment simply to stand back and take a few relaxing breaths. She thought briefly of her sister Alice, who had marched in at the very start of the sale. Alice had picked up the little table she had coveted, slapped the money for it into Clover’s hand, and left. Clover had pocketed the money and sworn that she would not allow her sister’s pettiness to ruin the day. The pleasure she felt over the success of the sale faded abruptly when she finally located her husband. Sarah Marsten was standing much too close to Ballard as far as Clover was concerned and the woman did not seem especially interested in the oak sideboard beside which they stood. Clover told herself not to be jealous, but little good that did.

Ballard frowned down at the fulsome Sarah pressing embarrassingly close to him. He had the distinct feeling that she was playing some sort of game, but he was not sure what it was. Clearly, despite her claims, she was not really interested in buying any of the goods Clover was offering for sale.

“We are willing to take something in trade,” he said, stepping back from her. “Ye dinnae have to pay in coin.”

Sarah stepped closer and stroked his arm with one gloved hand. “Now, what could I possibly have that you might want?”

When she subtly rubbed her breasts against his arm, Ballard lost all doubt about what she was up to. For just a moment he was flattered, then he grew angry. The woman had not wanted him when he had been available. Now that he was married and
could never be more than a lover, she was eager to have him. He might not be good enough for marriage, but he would suffice for stud service. Sarah felt safe in playing her games with him now, for she knew he would not trouble her with expectations of permanence.

He stepped away from her again. “‘Tis clear that ye have nae quite made up your mind, Miss Sarah. Ye just give me a holler when ye do decide.”

He walked away, shaking his head. Did Sarah really think he was that dumb? Even if he was stupid enough to want to indulge in an affair with her, he certainly would not start one with his wife, her kin, and half the town of Langleyville watching!

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