Read Happenstance Online

Authors: M. J. Abraham

Tags: #General Fiction

Happenstance (15 page)

BOOK: Happenstance
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“Thanks but no thanks.” I try to turn my body but he holds me in
place. Great, another damn discussion and we’re in the middle of a club!

“It will probably help you, if you won’t talk to the police at
least talk to someone else.”

I cross my arms in front of myself and glare at him.

“Awe, are you guys having your first fight?” Maggie coos behind
me. I turn firmly so Jared has no choice but to let go of me and take the shot
from Maggie’s hand.

“Damn, now that’s what’s up!”

I quickly swallow the drink and grimace when I feel the burn in
my throat. Grabbing Jared’s hand behind me I pull him to the dance floor. I
need music, I need to escape.

Tricia, a fourth grade teacher, is having a grand old time
dancing around with different guys. She is single so Maggie and Jeremy keep
trying to help her hook up with random guys. I laugh at the whole ordeal as I
grind against Jared. I know he’s still annoyed with me but I also know that the
more I push up against his body the more he relaxes and starts moving with me.

I grab onto his hips and slowly wiggle my own from side to side
as I lower myself down to his knees and then back up again, slowly. I forget
about our argument and get lost in the moment. I look at him seductively and
lip sync the lyrics that is blasting all around the room.

, you
like it mocha, come down a little closer and bite me
en la

“Baby, you got to stop doing that,” he whispers in my ear and
kisses the side of my jaw.

“I can’t help it. It’s a Shakira song, the rhythm is in my
blood,” I tell him and press harder against him wiggling my ass into his crotch
where I can feel a bulge.

“I won’t be able to help it if I throw you on your back right
here on this dance floor then,” he tells me and squeezes my waist. My insides
churn and I tighten my inner thighs. Shit. This man can get me turned on like
nothing else. I turn around to face him and wrap my arms around his neck.
I ask sweetly and bat my eyelashes.

He stares at my lips with hooded eyes. “Baby, you want to tempt
me again?”

I bite my lip and try not to smile. Fail.

“Hey love birds, get a room. You’re disgusting!” Maggie tells us
and laughs.

Jeremy comes up to us laughing as well. “Or how about get a
C’mon big guy, these girls need refills.”

Jared kisses me on the nose before letting go and walking away
with Jeremy.

“Baby, I just want water!” I yell after him and he nods so I know
he heard me.

“Come on, did you see the line at the bar? Let’s go dance!”
Maggie and Tricia grab my hands and lead me back onto the dance floor where I
continue my sexy movements to the beat of Britney Spears till Maggie leans
against me and says, “Don’t look now but this hot guy is totally checking you

I smirk at her, jut out my hips a little more and say, “Yeah? A
with hazel eyes, tall, and holding two drinks?”

She shakes her head, “No really, another kind of
and he’s coming this way!” I don’t turn my head and
I’m getting ready to brush whoever it is away when I hear, “You looking mighty
fine, pretty girl.” I freeze on the spot. The last person I would want to see
right now. Slowly I turn around and look up into Steven’s sly grin.

“Funny running into you here,” he says.

I smile weakly, “Yeah, real funny.” I turn to go but he grabs my
wrist and pulls me back.

“Where are you going so fast? Let’s do some shots, for old time
sake,” he winks at me and my stomach tightens. I’m about to hurl.

Good thing I didn’t drink a lot like I planned! If Jared comes
back and sees us he’s going to flip his shit. I clear my throat, “No, I’m good.
I think I’ve done enough shots.” I back away but he follows me anyways, not
giving in.

“Doesn’t look like you’ve
much at
all, in fact, it looks like you need to relax.”

I can feel the goose bumps scatter across my skin even though
sweat drips down my back. My legs are stuck to the ground as he moves a step
closer and I place my hand on his chest to give us some distance. “Listen Steven,
today is not the day. I’m not up for your shit right now.”

He grabs my hand and holds on. “Awe, come on sexy,
up a little.”

“I think she already told you no. Quite a few times,” a voice
says behind me.
Shit, shit, shit.
and Steven.
I turn my head but he’s not looking at me, he’s staring
daggers at Steven.

“Is everything ok here? V, what’s going on?” Maggie comes over to

My heart is pounding and it’s so hot in here. I need some air.
“It’s nothing Maggie, he was just leaving.”

“Your face is as white as a sheet, V!” Maggie tells me.

“Who is ‘he’?” Jared asks me.

“I’m Steven. Is this your new boyfriend, Victoria?” Steven smirks
and gives Jared a once over.

?” Jared’s eyes narrow and he
walks forward to stand next to me.

Steven ignores him and looks over at Maggie who now has Jeremy
next to her as well.
One big fucking party.

“So, this is Maggie? Well, my thanks go to you, Maggie. I owe you
a drink.” And when I watch him offer her the drink in his hand I knock away the
glass and hear it crash on the floor.

“What the fuck?” Steven says and narrows his eyes at me.

It’s so damn
this room right now, I am sure that soon we won’t have enough air to breath. I
am panting trying to take deep breaths but nothing is coming in. I can
practically feel the steam come off of Jared’s shirt as he takes another step
closer to Steven.

“Jared, let’s go.”

I tug on his shirt. I want Jared to look me in the eyes but it’s
so damn crowded, the boys are practically nose to nose.

Steven can’t seem to get rid of his smirk. “Yeah, why don’t you
take her home? I’ll even give you a tip: she loves a wet pussy.”

Jared doesn’t answer and doesn’t hesitate, he raises his fist and
lands a punch right across Steven’s jaw knocking him back into another couple
behind him and dropping our drinks.

“Jared!” Maggie exclaims behind me, while I stand there frozen
with my hand over my mouth. Again, he doesn’t glance at anyone.

Instead he leans forward to pull on Steven by the collar. Steven
stands up but he’s had too much alcohol; he stumbles and unfortunately for him,
Jared is completely alert. He barely pushes Jared aside and gives Jared the
opportunity to grab his throat with one hand, squeezing and leaving Steven gasping
for air.

Maggie and Jeremy are trying
to pry his hands off of Steven to no avail.

Jared leans in close to Steven and says, “If you
get near her again, I’ll do worse
than this fuck face.” He pushes Steven hard so he lands on the floor and kicks
him in the stomach. At this point security is pushing their way to us. Jared
grabs my hand and starts pulling at me hard so we can get through the crowd
that has formed.

“Hey! Get your ass back here!” I hear a security shout after us
but we ignore him and walk as fast as we can towards the door.

“Victoria!” I turn and see Maggie with Jeremy right behind us.

I try to pull Jared back a little to explain to Maggie but my
attempts are futile. I can practically feel the adrenaline coursing through his
veins. I hear Maggie call out, “What the fuck was that! Where are you going?”

“She’s coming with me!” Jared yells back without
much as a glance behind him. I look at my friend and nod.

“It’s alright,
, I’ll call you
tomorrow, I promise.”

We walk out of the club to find it has started to rain.



February 2012


I can feel my body hum as we walk out of the club. My
ears are ringing and everything is hazy and blurry, but I’m not sure why. All I
know is that I have to get out of here or I will kill someone. Seriously, my
body is telling me I have to kill him, but my mind and feet are making me walk
More because I don’t want her to get hurt or in
I can care less if I go to jail, but she doesn’t deserve any
more stress. Why is everything still blurry? I just can’t believe that asshole
decided to touch—

“. . .
me.” The words stop me in
my tracks and I turn to face her. She is frowning at me and I loosen my grip. I
would have let go if we were further on, but being just a block away from the
club and that douchebag, I make sure to hold onto her. I also notice that her
face is wet. No wait, her whole body is soaked and I look down at myself to
find that I am soaked too. I hadn’t even noticed it was raining. That must be
why everything is so damn blurry. I look behind her and can see the sign of the
night club lit up, calling me back like a damn beacon. No, we have to keep
moving. I turn around and pull her to follow me.

“Jared, slow down at least.” I can give her that, but not much
more. We have to get out before I change my mind and get arrested. The
raindrops fall on my face as if to put out the fire that radiates through my
body. I want to be sure there is a good distance between us and that place. My
dad was an asshole, but in his own fucked up way at least I learned how to
treat a girl. Anyone that would rape a chick is the lowest scum of the earth.
God and the way he kept looking at her . . .

I stop in my tracks again but for a different reason. She is next
to me now still holding my hand and as I look down at her face all I want to do
is take away the pain she must have felt. I have to touch her and feel her, my
car is just a block away but I can’t wait much longer. I pull her to the side
of a small gift store that is now closed and walk a little further so we’re
encased in darkness. With the way the rain is pouring down on us there is no
one around to look as I place her against the wall. I cup her face with my
hands and claim her lips for my own; leaving us both breathless as our kiss intensifies.
My fingers trail into her hair and softly massage her scalp. I can hear her
groan. Kissing her mouth isn’t enough, I want all of her. I start by trailing kisses
all around her earlobe as I start lifting up her skirt.

“Jared, what are you doing?” She asks. But I ignore her as I
continue to kiss her neck and pull down her underwear. My cock is throbbing,
jealous at what my hands and tongue are about to touch. I place my hands on her
inner thighs and push lightly so she can open for me. I kneel down in front of
her and lick her sweet spot. She grabs onto my shoulders as I lift up her left
thigh to give me better access. Her taste is like a craving that is never sated.
I love the fact that she is always shaved for me and her skin feels smooth as
silk. I use my fingers to open her up wider so I could get to that special spot
that drives us both crazy.

“Baby, it’s so good,” she says, her voice just loud enough that I
can hear her over the storm. Her nails dig into my shoulder blades, but that
just makes me suck on her harder until I feel her clench and scream her release,
her body weakening and relaxing into me. I stand up to reach her lips again and
kiss her with a hunger I never knew I had. It’s not enough, I want more.

Placing my hands under both knees I carry her and she wraps her
arms around me as I run to the car. We are both silent on the drive home and
I’m thankful for that. My mind is racing with a mix of thoughts on what I want
to do to her when I get her home and what I want to do tomorrow with her as
soon as we wake up. I don’t know what she is thinking but I’ll have to get her
on board with my plans. I’ll make her on board with my plans, and that’s the
end of that.

We make it to my house—our house—in record time and the rain has
not let up. I pull into the garage and tell her to wait by the door that leads
into the house. She gives me a puzzled look but listens. Or so I thought, when
I turn around to get her, she’s already standing by the doorway.

“I told you to wait a second. I was raising the heat, so you
don’t get sick.” I reach behind her to lock the door and then pull her closer
to me wrapping my arms around her waist. I want to make sure she can feel the
bulge in my pants and sure enough, she licks her lips.

“Maybe I want a hot doctor to take care of
this time.”

“Oh my little smart ass, I’ll take care of you
time.” Her eyes light up and my hands
squeeze her waist. Slowly, I lower the zipper of her dress and throw it off to
the side with a plop. My fingers trail her bra strap, she is wet everywhere. Her
panties were left on the ground in the alley so I don’t need to worry about
those. Once I get all of her clothing removed I step back so my eyes can take
in the sight of her and memorize her body. I take off my clothing and walk with
her to the bedroom. Laying her down on the mattress and placing myself on top
of her, small drops of water fall on her skin.

“God, you’re gorgeous,” I whisper and give her quick pecks along
her collarbone and between her breasts.

My hands caress her legs and inner thighs, moving them apart so I
can place myself in between her. Slowly, I push myself in inch by inch. She’s
so fucking wet inside, it drives me crazy. But I’m going to take my time
tonight as we kiss and caress, relearning the curves of the other. Entwining our
fingers, I rock myself against her and I hope she feels what I’m doing.

I want to show her that I mean to keep my promise and as long as I
am hers, she will be mine. I look down at her, at her wet brown hair fanned all
around the pillows and her big brown eyes.
Big, beautiful,
brown eyes.
Her makeup is smeared below the eyes so I swipe at it with
my fingers.

BOOK: Happenstance
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