Happy Endings

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Authors: Amelia Moore

Tags: #erotica, #anal, #billionaire, #massage, #vouyerism, #face fucking

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Happy Endings

By Amelia Moore

Smashwords Edition

Copyright Amelia Moore 2013

Cade tapped his fingers on the table. He
looked down at the empty glass of beer in front of him and started
to reach for the full one a few inches away but stopped short.
Pulling his hand back, he ran it through his medium length, dark
hair barely noticing feeling a layer of sweat on the back of his
neck. Craning his head he scanned the faces of the other patrons in
the dimly lit bar.

At the far end of the room the front door
opened letting in a cool blast of air. Through the door walked a
man who was the mirror image of Cade, except he had a high and
tight crew cut and wore a pressed, black business suit instead of
Cade’s blue jeans and sweat shirt. He looked around the room and
gave Cade a nod. A few moments later he slid into the seat across
from Cade, who started talking before his guest’s butt hit the
cushion. “Thank God you’re here, Kevin. Thanks for coming,” he
said, shaking with excitement.

“You don’t have to thank me or God. I guess
you can thank the phone company if you want. You know I would have
come because you’re my brother, but to be honest, after hearing
your rambling message on my voice mail I came more out of curiosity
than anything. So now that I’m here, what’s up?” Kevin asked as he
reached for the full glass of beer.

“I had sex with one of my clients today.”

Kevin spit out his beer, causing several
people to stare at him. He sat his glass down and said, “I knew it.
When you became a masseuse…”

“Massage therapist,” Cade quickly him

“Anyway, I knew it was only a matter of time
before you fucked a client. You can lose your license over this.
Maybe even go to jail.”

“You don’t lose your license for being
unethical, only for being illegal, and it’s only illegal if they
pay you for sex.”

Kevin closed his eyes and pressed his
fingers on his temples and said, “Then I guess I should just be
happy she didn’t pay you, but I still say you’re dancing in a
minefield.” After opening his eyes again, Kevin looked at his
brother and found him grinning sheepishly. Raising his voice Kevin
said, “She
pay you for
sex, right?”

Darting his head around and using his hands
to motion for Kevin to lower his voice Cade said, “Shhhhh. It’s not
like that, but keep it down.”

Speaking just above a whisper Kevin said,
“Well, did she pay you for sex? Yes or no?”

After a long pause Cade said, “Not
explicitly, no.”

Kevin threw his hands in the air and glared
at his brother. “But technically, yes?”

“Technically there was no verbal

“Why don’t you just tell me what happened so
I can figure out what the hell you’re talking about? It’s obvious
you called me here because you’re going to explode if you don’t
tell someone. So go on. Get it out of your system. Start with how
you met this person so I can get an idea of how shady the whole
thing is.”

Cade slapped both hands flat on the table and
leaned forward grinning. “I met her a few months ago when I was
working my side job for that chiropractor giving chair massages at
health fairs and big corporate offices.”

Kevin took a drink of his beer, sat the glass
back down and then said in an unamused tone, “Right. You give free
massages so that after you’re done your boss can convince everyone
they needed thousands of dollars’ worth of adjustments.”

“Hey, most people
need thousands of dollars’ worth of
adjustments, and everyone needs a free back rub. But anyway, we
were at this big oil company and this smoking hot MILF walked up to
my chair. She must have been in her early forties, but her body was
timeless; long dark hair, toned thighs, voluptuous breasts, and
hazel eyes you could get lost in. I gave her an extra-long massage
because I didn’t want to stop touching her. Afterwards I started to
give her the whole chiropractic song and dance, but she said she
already had a chiropractor. The conversation should have ended
right there, but about that time the doctor got called away or went
to the bathroom or something. So I just started bullshitting with
her, and she asked me if I did house calls.”

“Last time I checked you didn’t to house
calls because it’s too much hassle.”

“It’s not a hassle. It’s a gigantic pain in
the ass. But when a woman like that asks you for anything you give
it to her. So I gave her my card. For the whole next week my heart
skipped a beat every time my phone rang. I had just about given up
on ever hearing from her when I got the call at like eleven at

Kevin interrupted, “Now, you said she never
verbally propositioned you, but did she say anything over the phone
that could be construed that way? You know the government records
everything. That phone call could be used against you in

Cade raised an eyebrow and waved a hand
dismissively. “You need to stop listening to those conspiracy
shows. And no, she didn’t mention anything about happy endings. She
was being really flirty though, which I did think was odd,

“Because she’s way out of your league,” Kevin
said jokingly.

“Whoa, hold on. She might be out of my league
financially, but let’s be fair. I’ve had straight men tell me I’m
attractive. And massage therapists have an undeniable sexual
mystique. Women pay me to let me rub my hands all over their naked
body. They let their guard down, give me power over them and allow
me to pleasure them in ways the man in their life can’t. Sure, when
girls come into my office we all act professional and pretends
nothing erotic is happening, but deep down inside everyone
fantasize about it. Don’t get me wrong. Massages have serious
legitimate health benefits, but that’s just icing on the cake.”

Kevin faked a yawn and said, “Now you’re just
stroking your dick and not getting to the point.”

“It’s not about me. It’s just human nature.
The point is, it’s not so unbelievable that this girl would flirt
with me.”

“If you say so. Now get to the part of the
story where you break the law.”

“So I showed up at her house a couple of days
later, and the place looked like the frickin White House. We’re
talking serious old money. It was pretty intimidating. When I rang
the doorbell she opened it wearing a cashmere robe that probably
cost as much as my massage table, which I didn’t have to bring
because she already had one. She had a whole massage room in her
house. Who does that? It was like she had completely run out of
things to spend money on. So she decked out a room in her mansion
for massages.”

“Did you ever think that if she has a room in
her house dedicated to massages, and she fucked you then you might
have been the hundredth massage therapist she did that with?

Without hesitating Cade said, “I’m pretty
sure it was the first time she’s done this.”

“What makes you say that?”

“She said she’d just had the room furnished,
and we didn’t have sex the first time I went over there. I’ve been
seeing her every two weeks for the past couple months.”

“Two months? I’m surprised you never told

“I would have if you ever called.”

Ouch.” After a contemplative pause
Kevin said, “You got a point. I think I owe you a beer.”

Kevin got up and went to the bar. A few
minutes later he returned to the table with a pitcher and filled
Cade’s glass before sitting down. After settling back into his seat
he raised his own half empty glass and toasted, “To sticking

“To brothers,” Cade said. After taking a long
pull from the glass he continued, “As I was saying, nothing
happened at our first session. Well, that’s not completely true.
See, I’m actually always paranoid about clients thinking I’m
getting frisky and being inappropriate. So I never work their butt
unless they specifically ask. As much as I wanted to spend the
whole hour and half worshipping her ass I was in full-on
professional mode and didn’t go anywhere near there. I didn’t even
work as far up her thighs as I normally would because I didn’t want
to risk losing her as a client. But when I got done she asked me
why I skipped her butt. She seemed really disappointed. So I told
her why, and she said next time I’d have to pay extra attention to
that area.”

“You keep calling this girl ‘her.’ What’s her

“Alexis Hollingsworth. Doesn’t she just sound

Kevin spit out another mouthful of beer.

“You fucked Alexis Hollingsworth?”

“You know who she is? Did I fuck a

“That big corporate building you met her at,
was it called LGH?”

“Uhhhh. Yeah, I think it was,” Cade said with
a shrug.

“You’re a dead man. The ‘H’ in LGH is
Hollingsworth. Her husband owns the fucking company. That guy could
buy a country in Eastern Europe if he wanted to. He could make you
disappear easier than ordering a pizza.”

Cade stared at the ceiling blankly, “She
never said she was married, and I never saw a wedding ring. Shit. I
don’t want to be a home wrecker… or dead. But we’ll worry about
that after I finish the story.”

“You have my attention,” Kevin said, folding
his hands together.

“So every week I’d drive out to Fancy Land
and gave Alexis a massage. She liked to talk during our sessions,
which is fairly normal. It’s hard not to make a connection with
someone when they’ve had their hands all over your. Plus, a lot of
people talk as a way of coping with the fact that a stranger is
touching their naked body. So I didn’t think much of it when Alexis
and I started to develop a friendship of sorts. She’d tell me
stories about going to Switzerland and countries I’ve never even
heard of; never mentioned a husband though. Eventually we got
really comfortable around each other, and she started talking about
sex. She was pretty open and could get a little vulgar.”

“Cade, this isn’t your first rodeo. You know
girls only talk about sex to guys they want to have sex with.”

“Eh, normally I would have taken it as a
sign, but I never believed I actually had a chance with her. There
was the professional barrier between us, the age difference, the
financial gap. Plus, it was obvious she didn’t really have anyone
else to confide in. So I figured she was just getting chatty with
the help and probably said the same things to her hair

“So how’d you wind up going from talking
about sex to having it?”

“To understand exactly how that happened you
need to understand that I do a lot of my massage routine with my
eyes closed, usually so I can focus on the muscles, but when I had
Alexis laying on her back I always kept my eyes closed to keep me
from staring at her body in case she noticed. That’s what I was
doing this morning when I was working on the front of her thighs. I
was really in the zone, rubbing those amazing legs, and kind of
fantasizing about her when I accidentally moved my hand up too far
under the sheet…” Cade paused and took a drink of his beer, trying
to figure out how to say what came next. “… so far under the sheet
that my finger slipped into her pussy.”

“Whoa! Does that happen a lot in

“No! I don’t even know how it happened that
time. Although it probably didn’t hurt that she had a Brazilian
wax, and her pussy was already dripping wet.”

“Dripping wet, huh? That definitely means
something. So what did she do? What did you do?”

“I froze like a deer in a headlight… with my
finger still inside of her. I stood there motionless waiting for
her to scream and go call the cops, but she didn’t. She just let
out this long moan. At that point I figured if I left she would
feel jilted, unfulfilled, embarrassed, angry or all of the above.
And Hell hath no fury like a rich woman’s wrath. So I decided the
best thing I could do was just run with it.”

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