Happy Hour: From the Black & White Collection (6 page)

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She laughed quietly. “You’re a very good man.”

She turned when Trey reached around her waist and pulled her against him. “Well, if Jamie’s not

asking, you can be damn sure I won’t.”

She leaned forward to offer Trey a kiss as well. She knew there was far more to the man than his

legendary prowess with women, but for a moment, she hesitated. Her fears about the age difference between her and Jamie were bad enough. If she gave herself time to think about having sex with a twenty-eight year old man, she’d totally freak out.

“Jamie can drop me off at my place and you two can carry on alone.” Trey spoke the words against

her lips, not moving to break or begin the kiss. They sat so closely they were breathing each other’s air and yet, he wasn’t kissing her and she wasn’t kissing him.

“I want to be with both of you.” The words fell out in a whisper, but they heard them.

Trey didn’t move. “Just one night. I know you’re not looking for anything longer from me. We’re

friends and nothing will ever change that.”

Mari Carr

Happy Hour

“Not even this? You’ll still respect me in the morning?” Her question was part joke, laced with a very

large chunk of truth.

Trey chuckled, and then rubbed his nose against hers. “I think you’re one of the most amazing women

I’ve ever met. That’s solid, Grace. But if you want me out of the equation—”

She pressed her lips against his to silence him with one brief, hard kiss. “One night,” she agreed,

before pulling away.

She glanced over her shoulder, saw the scowl on Jamie’s face and wondered if she’d somehow

angered him by kissing Trey. He’d said
spend the night with us
in the bar. She was certain she hadn’t misheard that.

“Jamie—” she started, but he shook his head, shook off whatever heavy feeling was weighing him

down. The frustration she read in his face was replaced with his typical, easygoing grin.

“Let’s go home.” He started the car and the three of them rode in silence during the short trip to

Jamie’s house.

Grace felt like there was so much more they should say, perimeters that should be set, but to do so felt petty and she feared it would ruin the surrealistic, magical feeling of the night. She was about to participate in a threesome with two young, handsome men. She didn’t want to think about anything beyond those

boundaries. Tomorrow would come and she’d have to pay the piper, but for now, she wanted to be held and to hold. It had been so very long. She trusted both of these men. She knew them and they knew her. They’d treat her kindly and with care and there was a surety in her soul that said this would all turn out fine in the long run.

“Here we are,” Jamie said as he pulled into the driveway of his house. His deep voice shattered the

quiet and started her heart to racing once more.

Trey opened the passenger door and helped her out of the high cab. With a friendly arm around her

waist, he walked with her to the porch as Jamie unlocked the front door. As they walked in, Grace was

assuaged by the familiar sights and smells of Jamie’s home. The Cougar Club had spent more than a few

nights here after football and basketball games, celebrating wins or drowning their sorrows over losses. His home was tidy and neat, well lived-in and comfortable. She remembered being surprised the first time

she’d seen it. He had hand soap in the bathroom and pictures hanging on the wall. It was a far cry from the bachelor pad she’d expected.

The one room she hadn’t seen was the one she suspected they’d be in the most tonight—his bedroom.

“You guys want something to drink? Coffee? Soda?” Jamie offered, throwing his car keys on a table

by the front door.

Grace shook her head, tried to calm the butterflies that had escaped her stomach and were now filling

her entire body. She clasped her hands in front of her, hoping to hide their shaking.


Mari Carr

“Hey,” Jamie said, walking until he was standing in front of her. Trey was still beside her and Jamie’s actions caused him to turn and look at her as well. “I was kidding about changing your mind. I’ll take you home right now, Grace, if that’s what you want. There’s no point of no return tonight. Any time it’s gets to be too much or—”

“I’m not going to change my mind,” she said. “Not now. Not later. But it has been a long time for me

and there’s still the fact that I’m quite a bit older than both of you.”

“Jesus, Grace. Eight years is not that much older.” Jamie’s annoyed words were familiar and she


“So you keep saying. I’m not really talking about the years between us, though. I was married for

thirteen years, dated Drew for three years prior to that. In the last twenty-two years, I’ve had sex with one man, and one man only. This is a hell of a way to make my return to Lustville, wouldn’t you say?”

Both men laughed, but she continued. “I know you guys. I’ve heard the ‘morning after’ stories and I

know you both have experience in this realm I couldn’t even imagine. I read romance novels and own a

vibrator and that’s about it. So when I mention the age difference it’s just because I’m pretty sure in this situation, you guys are about a hundred years older than me.”

She expected laughter, a heated denial, a joke. She expected anything except Jamie smiling kindly,

bending down and kissing her until her toes curled. He took her mouth like a man on death row consuming his last meal. His lips were hungry, possessive, needy. She clung to him and literally had to gasp for breath when he finally pulled away.

“There are a million things I want to show you, do to you. I like being older than you in this. Do you

trust me? Trust us?”

She nodded. “Completely.”

“Then tonight’s going to happen and it’s going to start right now.” Jamie grasped her hand and pulled

her toward the staircase. As she climbed, she felt Trey right behind her, giggled when his hand squeezed her ass.

“You’ve got the perfect booty, Gracie,” Trey murmured. “Round and full and firm. Damn, you’re


She started to reply, but her words died as she entered Jamie’s bedroom. It was beautiful and warm.

There was a large bed with a thick comforter and lots of pillows. The headboard actually matched the

dresser and nightstands, and the room had a decidedly feminine touch.

“Wow,” she murmured.

“Don’t be too impressed. My mom and sister decorated the whole house after I moved in while my

dad and I did the construction work that turned the back porch into a den. I didn’t have one word of say-so in this room.”

She laughed. “Well, that’s a relief.”


Mari Carr

Happy Hour

Trey caught the gist of her joke and finished it for her. “Seriously, man. I was starting to worry about your sexuality. Thought maybe there was a closet about to be opened.”

“Very funny.” Jamie looked at Trey and pointed a finger at him. “Of course, now that you mention it,

you be very careful where you put your hands tonight. Grace touching only.”

“Shit. You don’t have to worry about that. Same goes for you.”

Grace rolled her eyes. “Oh jeez. Do we have the testosterone, muscle-flexing portion of the evening

covered now? Can we move on?”

Trey grasped her waist, pulling her back until her rear end was plastered against his groin. She felt his erection through his jeans and nearly groaned aloud.

His hot breath singed her neck as he pushed closer, his movements mimicking the bumping and

grinding they did on the dance floor. “I’m afraid there’s still a lot of testosterone here and I’ve got a muscle that’s ready to do some serious flexing…inside you.”

Jamie stepped closer, taking one of her hands in his and pressing it against the front placket of his

pants. “The only thing I want to move on to is the bed, Grace.” He kissed her quickly before stepping back.

He pulled his shirt over his head and she devoured him with her eyes. He and Trey were both PE teachers, both coaches, and they practiced what they preached in terms of diet and exercise. Jamie had a six-pack with a few extra thrown in for good measure and her fingers itched to outline every nuance, every inch of his taut, smooth skin.

Trey ran a finger down the side of her neck and she turned to look at him as he removed his shirt as

well. His milk-chocolate colored skin made her mouth water for a taste. She reached out to run her fingers along the tattoo on his muscular arm. He pulled her closer and kissed her. Like Jamie, his kiss was hungry, impatient. While his lips staked their claim, his hands made a few demands of their own as he touched her everywhere.

Jamie stepped closer, his chest pressed against her back, his hands on her waist holding her still. She was overwhelmed by the intensity of being deliciously trapped between their two large, hard bodies and she shuddered. Shit, she thought she could orgasm from the heat of this moment alone. There were too many

things to feel and acknowledge. Trey’s lips on hers, his hands roughly playing with her breasts, while the way Jamie kissed her nape, pressing his cock against her ass left her scrambling to keep up.

“Take off your clothes,” Jamie murmured against her flushed skin. “I want to see you.”

She reached for the buttons on her blouse, noticing that neither man seemed inclined to give her much

room to move. Trey’s hands covered hers as he tried to hurry her up. Jamie’s hands only left her for a

moment as she removed the material, then he quickly returned to exploring the bare skin of her waist. As soon as her blouse hit the floor, Jamie’s hands moved up to unhook her bra. In mere seconds, she was bare to the waist as well. She waited for some response, some hesitation when they realized what they were

asking for by inviting an older woman to bed. It never came.


Mari Carr

Neither stopped their assault on her senses and her sensitive flesh. Trey’s hands returned to her

breasts, his fingers plucking at her nipples until she was squirming against Jamie’s covered cock. She was on fire and nothing short of being completely consumed by the flames would suffice. She pulled her lips away from Trey’s kiss, sucking in some much-needed air.

“Please,” she said, not sure what the hell she was pleading for—air, sex, more touching, more kissing,

more everything. Her legs threatened to give way and Jamie’s hands grasped her more firmly, pulling her back against his chest.

“Just relax,” Jamie whispered.

“Relax?” Her voice betrayed her and she knew relaxing was the last thing she was going to be able to

do. They both chuckled.

“Let us take care of you tonight, Gracie. We know what you need,” Trey assured her.

“Well, that’s comforting, considering I don’t have a clue.” She wanted far too much.

Trey’s hands drifted from her breasts to the clasp of her jeans she’d quickly changed into before

heading to Tully’s and she sucked in a nervous breath. Moment of truth.

“You’re so beautiful,” Jamie said. “I can’t wait to see you naked. I’m going to lick every inch of this soft skin.”

She trembled, but felt relief at his words. She and Jamie helped Trey—six hands working her jeans

and panties over her hips. She toed off her sandals, kicked off the denim and held her breath.

Trey’s gaze raked her from head to toe while Jamie started to make good on his licking promise, his

tongue and teeth toying with her earlobe as he reached around her chest to grip her breasts in his large hands.

“Jesus,” Trey muttered. He licked his lips as his attention remained riveted to her chest and Jamie’s

hands. Before she could wonder whether his response was good or bad, he bent down and captured one of

her hard nipples in his mouth. Her hands flew to his head and she ran her fingers over it, marveling at the rough texture of his short hair.

As Trey sucked, bit, devoured her breasts, Jamie’s hands found their way to her ass. He cupped the

cheeks, squeezing firmly before dragging one finger along the slit. She turned her head, anxious to see Jamie’s face. She needed to know, to reassure herself that he was okay with this.

He smiled when he caught her looking, and then placed a quick kiss on her lips. “You’re incredible,

Grace. Perfect. I knew you would be.”

She blinked back the happy tears his words provoked. “Jamie—” She paused, uncertain what to say,

how to express to him what this night truly meant to her. She knew for them it was a one-night stand, a one-time deal and she was okay with that. A threesome was a fantasy, but definitely not something she

wanted more than once. Jamie’s hand touched her face gently and she fought back the realization of what she did want.


Mari Carr

Happy Hour


She wanted Jamie, alone, for way more than one night. The answer seemed so obvious, she wondered

how she could have missed it.

“Stop worrying,” he murmured against her lips. “Everything will be fine.”

She nodded, wondering if he could somehow read her thoughts. She dismissed that thought. No, he

clearly thought she was worried about the sex. Sex with two virile, healthy, young men.

Well, that thought certainly washed away every other worry. What was she doing here? How could

she possibly satisfy both of them?

Jamie grinned. “Trey. I think we better move this show to the bed. Grace’s head is starting to catch up with her body. We must not be doing something right.”

She laughed at his jest. “Believe me, you’re doing everything right.”

Trey rose as Jamie took her hand and led her to his bed. He gently pushed on her shoulders, urging

her to sit. She watched both men glance at each other and she giggled, suddenly sensing there were parts of this night that were just as uncomfortable for them.

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