Hard and Easy [High-Country Shifters 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Hard and Easy [High-Country Shifters 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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He held up his glass. “I can see you are really excited about this. What do you plan to do with this new information?”

She was happy he didn’t ask if she planned on changing her mind about her teaching, though that question had started to surface. “I’m not sure. I’m going to sit on it for a while.”

He nodded. “That’s always wise.”

When they added nothing more, she nodded to the display on the wall. “I’m guessing from your message that the trial isn’t going as well as you wanted?”

“No. After dinner I’d like your help.”

She never could repay these wonderful men for all they’d done for her. “Any time.”

Once they finished eating the fabulous meal, Larek pushed back his chair. “Why don’t you try to help our friend here while I bring out the dessert? I hope you like

She grinned. “It’s one of my favorites. How did you know?” Lion shifters might be telepathic, but she knew they couldn’t read minds. Bear shifters, however, were a different story.

He shrugged. “I might have been walking by a shoe store and happened to mention I was picking up some groceries and someone told me about it.”

She’d have to remember to give Rein a hug.

When she turned to go into the living room, she met Brin’s hard chest. “Oh.”

“I never properly greeted you.”

His kiss was swift, hard, and full of passion, but it was how his thumbs were rubbing the sides of her breasts that jacked up her heartbeat. Automatically, she reached around his neck and pressed her breasts against his naked chest. Men should be required to keep covered as it made concentrating around these two too damned hard.

His lids closed for a moment then eased open before he broke off the kiss. “Maybe we can continue this later.”

She’d love that. “We’ll see.” There was no reason to act too easy.

Brin grabbed her hand and brought her to the computer display. Files were everywhere. “Let me explain what I have.”

“How can you keep track of anything?”

Larek chuckled from the kitchen.

Brin narrowed his brows. “I can.”

“Okay. Tell me what you know.” Though if he didn’t put the information at least in chronological order, she’d never be able to keep the facts straight.

Brin started to detail how the two janitors were doing their usual cleaning job when they noticed the water wasn’t draining. She held up her hand. “Do you mind if I organize this stuff?”

He laughed. “Sure. Go ahead.”

Madra stared at the display, trying to figure out the best method. She began by moving around a few files, drawing lines down the screen to delineate between the phone records, references, financial evidence, and other pertinent information.

The clink of plates made her turn around. Larek had placed the cake on the table. “Keep going. The dessert can wait.”

She was on a roll. Moving the files to different areas helped create a picture in her mind. “Why did you get phone records for Salin?”

“Salin is the owner. I wanted to be thorough, that’s all, but you can see I’ve highlighted a few calls.”

“Who are they to?”

“A guy named Acrin. He specializes in stolen gems. The authorities have been trying to tie Acrin to illegal activities for years, but they’ve never caught him.”

“What’s the significance?” She had an idea but wanted to see what Brin thought.

“I’m not sure. It seemed odd to me that someone who runs such a prestigious gem company would be dealing with a guy like Acrin.”


For the next half hour, she sifted through the evidence, sorting through the information and asking a ton of questions. Her stomach grumbled. “I’m taking a cake break.”

By now, Larek had finished cleaning up and had joined them. Both of their plates were clean. As she ate the divine creation, the men allowed her to think in peace. When she put the dish down, she returned to the wall.

She tapped the screen. “I have a question. The janitors always wash the floor on Friday, but this time, they cleaned on Thursday.”

“They’d got permission to get that day off a few weeks before. It was their son’s birthday.”

“They asked before the gems were stolen?”


“When the owner happened to come into the main factory after hours, I bet he didn’t know those two would be there.”

Brin got up and moved next to her. “I imagine that’s true.”

She had an idea. “Walk me through what happened after the janitor removed the drain cover.”

“Wendric stuck his hand down the drain to see if he could unclog it. That’s when he ran into the pouch.”

“So he lifted it up and probably wondered what it was.”


“Then what?”

He stared at her with pointed brows as if he couldn’t figure out where she was headed. “Salin came in and asked what he was doing with the gems.”


His eyes widened. “You want to know how Salin knew what was in the sack if Wendric hadn’t opened it up yet?”


“You are brilliant.” Brin picked her up and spun her around.

Larek clapped his hands once. “I don’t get it.”

Brin grabbed her hand and led her back to the sofa. “Something about that guy has been bugging me. He was too quick to point a finger at his trusted employees. He knew they’d clean the floor on Friday, so he thought he’d be safe if he retrieved the gems on Thursday.”

“I hate to play devil’s advocate,” Larek said, “but why would he steal his own gems?”

“For insurance,” they said together.

She and Brin looked at each other and smiled.

“I thought he was rich.”

Brin tapped his screen. “I thought so, too. That’s why I had his financials pulled. Seems his profits have been declining over the years.”

She leaned forward. “He’s probably been stealing for that long.”

Brin grinned. “I say this calls for a celebration.”

Larek jumped up and brought what was left of the wine. He portioned out the remainder into their three glasses.

Brin held up his glass. “To organization. And to Madra’s quick mind.”

She wasn’t sure about that. Brin and Larek downed their wine in one gulp.

Brin stood and held out his palms. She prayed this meant they’d do some celebrating in style. She grabbed hold and let him pull her to a stand.

“I think I’d like to show my appreciation in another room.” Brin winked.

She batted her eyes in an exaggerated fashion. “Do tell what you have in mind. I hope it has something to do with naked bodies and lots of hot sex.”

“You have no idea.”

Chapter Eleven


Brin scooped her up in his arms. The man sure did have a thing for carrying her, but she wasn’t going to complain. Being lifted made her feel like a princess, all light and special.

She snuggled against his chest. “So what do you have in mind?”

He kissed the top of her head. “Something you’ll like.” He nudged open the door and set her down.

“I think since I helped you with your case I get to choose.”

“Is that so? What do you think, Larek?”

He moved behind her and cupped her breasts. Her body sizzled from the attention. He lifted one then the other as if to weigh them to see if they were equal. She hoped they passed inspection.

“I think it depends on what she has in mind.” He nuzzled her neck, and she got all warm inside.

Several ideas flashed before her. One involved Brin’s cock in her ass, and another was licking them until they almost came.

“How about if I blindfold you two and see which one can last the longest while I suck on you both?”

Brin stepped near. “How about we blindfold
and see how long
can last?”

She didn’t get a chance to answer before Larek scooped her up. “Get the rope, Brin.”


Brin looked over his shoulder as he pulled open the dresser drawer. “You have a wicked mind and an even more wicked tongue. We need to control you.”

She laughed. “That’s not fair.”

He winked. “It is when it comes to loving you.”


They both stopped. “What is it, babe?”

The idea was stupendous. “Before you begin to torment me, would you mind bringing in the leftover cake and a knife?”

Larek’s lips pinched together. “You that hungry?”


He glanced up at Brin. “You okay with that?”

“She did help me. I don’t want her stomach grumbling and distracting her.”

Larek turned and jogged out. Now she needed to get naked before he returned. “You want to help me out of this blouse and skirt?” She toed off her sandals.

As he approached, Brin exemplified the predator he was inside. Before he took off her top, he dragged his thumbs down the sides of her breasts, pebbling her nipples. She inhaled to get more of his touch. If Larek didn’t hurry, she wasn’t sure she’d have the patience to carry out her plan. Brin moved closer and her breath caught. Keeping his gaze on her eyes, he undid each button, pressing on her tits every time he moved downward. Finally, he got her blouse open and lowered the material ever so slowly down her shoulders. Before he let go of the material, he dipped his head and took one nipple in his mouth.

“That’s not the plan.”

He stepped back and held up his hands. “You have a plan? I thought you wanted another piece of cake.”

“I do, but the dessert’s not for eating.” At least she wouldn’t be doing the eating.

“I’ll give you one minute to tell me what this is about or I’m going to ravish you right now.”

Larek came in with the cake and she blew out a breath. “I want both of you to sit on the bed.”

When they didn’t move, she smiled. “Please?”

Larek placed the dessert and knife on the dresser and did as she asked. Brin followed suit, though from the way he was grumbling, he didn’t like being interrupted. She’d never done a strip tease before, and she prayed these two would enjoy it.

With a quick tug she stepped out of her skirt. Turning her back to them, she wiggled her ass.

“Come here, babe. We can help you get out of those panties.”

She looked around. “Don’t you move. When I’m ready to get naked, I will.” They had less patience than she did.

She moved to the dresser, but before she set her idea into action, she glanced behind her to make sure the men were still obeying. From the way they were glancing at each other, those two were having a silent conversation about her.

Here goes

She scraped a large glob of frosting onto the knife and turned around.

“What are you going to do with that knife?” She could tell by the way Brin’s voice came out strangled he was intrigued.

“This.” She delicately spread the rich, dark
berry frosting on her nipple, and they both cheered.

“Come here, babe, and let me lick it off.” Larek grabbed his crotch and adjusted himself.

“I’m not done yet.” The men were being so cooperative, she decided to swirl the frosting on the other breast.

Brin leaned back on his elbows and smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

They really did seem to like seeing her touch herself. After getting more
on the knife, she dragged the tip from between her breasts down her belly, stopping short of her panties.

Both men jumped up. “This is too much. We want to participate, honey.”

“I wanted to do something else.” She wanted to spread the tasty dessert on her pussy.

“We’re going to help you.” Larek lifted her and placed her on the bed. He crawled next to her, leaned over, and licked one tit. “You are divine. The frosting tastes good, too.” Her nipple puckered.

Brin knelt on the other side and swiped that breast clean. “I think we should cover you in some tasty treat every night and feast on you.”

She laughed. She sat up, reached over for his loincloth, and pulled on the knot on the side. His big cock was nearly peeking out of the top, and someone had to put him out of his misery. Before the tie unraveled, Brin’s hand stopped hers.

“She’s gone too far this time. I think she needs extra punishment. We need to control her.”

“I’d like to see you try.” She had no idea why she let that comment slip, but she trusted them so much, she knew anything they did to her would only bring her pleasure. He hopped off the bed.

Larek moved out of reach and swiped some dark goo off her belly. When he slipped his finger in her mouth, she sucked hard, and her pussy automatically dampened.

He retrieved his finger. “You’ll have to wait your turn for my cock.” Larek ran a finger along the edge of her panties. “I see you came ready for action.”

BOOK: Hard and Easy [High-Country Shifters 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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