Hard Lessons (19 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

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Eventually, when he finally stops shuddering and swearing and ejaculating spunk all over his fuck-floor, I drop a light kiss on his bum before gently easing my fingers out of him. We both collapse in an untidy and rather sticky heap. It fleetingly occurs to me that we really should have put a towel or something down before we started all this, but it’s much too late now.

Rolling onto his back Nick reaches out for me and pulls me in to kiss me. His mouth finds mine, his tongue plunging between my lips, and I roll on top of him to return the favor. We spend a very pleasant few minutes kissing each other senseless before Nick finally breaks it.

“Baby, you really need to go and wash your hands. Then get your arse back over here—I have plans for it. I’ll clear up the mess.”

He taps me lightly on the bum as he sends me scurrying over to the washbasin in the corner. He ambles off to find a cloth, still gloriously naked but his erection just marginally less imposing now. A couple of minutes later, drying my hands, I turn back to face him. He’s dumping a pile of soggy tissues and clean-up squares in the bin.

He glances up at me, smiles and winks. Then, “That’s why I never really took to water sports much. It costs a fortune in wet-wipes.”

Nick’s plans for my arse include a butt plug. Specifically, the blue butt plug that we didn’t use that morning a few days ago when Nick introduced me to the not inconsiderable joys of anal sex. He smears it in cinnamon oil, smiling slightly at my obvious apprehension. I can clearly see now that the plug is about the same girth as Nick’s cock, which is by no means small even in its current post-coital state. That said, I know I can manage his cock, so I’m a lot less worried than I would have been at the start of my training.

Satisfied with his preparations, Nick instructs me to position myself on all fours, my bum pointed at him.

“Okay. I think we’ll spank that a little later, but for now let’s get you nicely plugged.” He grabs a pile of cushions and shoves them in front of me. “Make yourself comfortable on those. Then if you could lean farther forward please, rest your shoulders on the cushions, and reach back with your hands to part your buttocks for me. I want you to show me that gorgeous little arsehole of yours.”

If I’d been facing him I might have offered some comment on the state of his own arsehole, given my much closer recent acquaintance with it, but feel that now might not be the time for flippancy. Instead, I simply obey him.

I close my eyes, my mouth slack with contentment as he eases first one, then a second finger quickly inside my tight little entrance. He twists and stirs and my arse opens obligingly. I flinch as he adds a third finger—this is tight, really tight, and he’s moving the action on quickly now. On previous occasions he took a lot longer to prepare me. Now he’s expecting a swifter response and more ready compliance. He gets it as I relax my body, deliberately releasing the tension in my muscles to allow him the access he wants.

“That’s good, girl, really good. Now bear down when I tell you to.”

He slides his fingers out quickly, and I immediately feel the cool, hard tip of the plug pushing against my entrance, open definitely, but not quite wide enough to allow easy passage through.

“Push back against the plug, but don’t tighten your muscles. Imagine it sliding inside. Let it in, girl.”

He presses on the plug, and I do my bit to accept it, lifting my bottom up and pressing back to meet his thrusts. The blunt head nudges my entrance, spreading the sphincter to open it. I grit my teeth as Nick increases the pressure at the same time reaching beneath me to stroke my clit. I gasp, my pussy clenching in welcome as he rubs hard. He pushes, and my body surrenders. The large blue plug slips past the sphincter to bury itself inside my arse. The entrance closes around it, just the colored finger grip left protruding. Nick continues to circle my anus with the fingers of his free hand as he keeps up his gentle assault on my greedy clit. It doesn’t take long for my body to start convulsing around the plug, the sensations similar to when he’s buried deep in my pussy. It’s erotic, intense, and utterly delightful.

My orgasm is swift and sweet, and afterwards I roll sideways from my pile of cushions to stretch out on the soft floor. Nick rolls me onto my back and spreads my thighs, pushing my knees up on either side of my chest. He regards me seriously for a moment, studying my pussy and clit, and I daresay what he can see of the butt plug. A very fetching shade of blue I hope. With a brief nod, as though he’s just made up his mind about something, he turns to look at the discarded cushions scattered around us. One eyebrow quirked knowingly he grins as he returns his gaze to me.

“You have an optimistic look about you, girl. I promised to fuck you senseless, and I will. First, though, I think a little tuition in discipline and self-control wouldn’t go amiss. Particularly given the adventurous spirit you’re displaying lately. Lift up.”

So, my experimentation is not to go unremarked. I get the distinct impression he’s not angry with me, nowhere near. But still. He taps my hip with his hand and I obligingly raise my bum up for him to shove the pile of cushions underneath. At this angle I’m even more acutely conscious of the butt plug filling my rear passage. Satisfied with my elevated position, Nick leans behind him, stretching out his arm to reach something on the low table a couple of feet away. I can’t see what he’s up to, but I feel it. The butt plug suddenly bursts into life, obviously activated by remote control, throbbing and buzzing deep inside me.

Taken by surprise I jerk violently, instinctively reaching with my hands as if intending to pull the vibrating intruder out. Nick captures my wrists and pins them behind my head.

“Be still. It doesn’t hurt. Does it?”

I can only stare at him, my eyes wide.

“Does it?” he prompts. I shake my head slowly. He’s right, it doesn’t hurt. But I wasn’t expecting it, and it was a shock. But now, as I adjust, it does feel rather nice actually. The sheer size of the thing inside me is stretching my inner walls, and the pressure is quite intense. Sensational in fact. I close my eyes, breathe in sharply as my body starts to react in earnest. I spread my legs hopefully, my clit swelling and throbbing as I become desperate for him to touch me. Or let me touch myself.

It seems I’m to have neither.

“Open your eyes and listen to me. I want to be sure you’ve heard me and understood.”

What? Now’s not the time for a bloody lecture, surely?

“Freya.” His tone is stern, insistent. Dom-like.

Reluctantly I open my eyes.

“If I touch you, or let you touch yourself…”

How does he know that’s what I was planning?

“The slightest touch and you’ll go off like a rocket, yes?” He’s watching me, his eyebrows raised, clearly waiting for an answer.

I nod slowly, not sure where all this is going exactly but suspecting it won’t be entirely to my liking.

“Now, why is that, Freya?”

I continue to stare at him, completely baffled. It’s quite obvious why, surely. He’s stuffed a jumbo-sized vibrating plug in my arse and turned it on. It’s wicked and brutal, and it feels absolutely glorious. I want to come. Now.

He smiles, and not especially pleasantly. “It’s because you’re a slut. A randy, sexy little slut. Am I right?”

I hesitate for a moment, then I nod. There is indeed some truth in his assessment and I see no point in denying it.

“But you’re more than just any little slut, aren’t you?”

Well, I hope so…

He continues, his tone low but firm, and through my pre-orgasmic haze I know I need to listen carefully. This is important.

“You’re a submissive slut. A trained, obedient submissive slut, and that means you only come when you’re told to. When you have your Dom’s permission. Isn’t that right, Freya?”

I’m staring at him, perplexed. I appreciate at first-hand rather more than I truly want to about this aspect of submission. I’m painfully aware that Doms often insist on their submissive waiting for permission to come, and Nick has made me wait on more than one occasion. He knows I find it hard, and I don’t doubt that’s why he’s making me practice again. And again.

Sure enough. “From now on, little Freya, no matter how sluttish you feel, you remember you’re first and foremost a submissive. So you wait. You wait until you’re instructed to climax, then you do it immediately. If you feel the need, if you’re close to coming and your Dom hasn’t instructed you to climax yet, you can ask permission. I gave you a signal for that yesterday, do you remember?”

I do remember—he said I could ask permission by blowing him a kiss. I decide to try that now but it just earns me another smile.

“Nice try. You haven’t earned an orgasm yet so you can wait a while longer. It’ll be all the better when—if—I
decide to eventually let you come.”

Now this I had not expected. But he’s not done yet.

“And I haven’t finished explaining how this is going to work. Your mouth won’t always be free, or your Dom might not be looking at your face. Another signal you can use is to tap the floor, or whatever surface comes to hand. If need be you could even tap your Dom, but I suggest you don’t do that too hard. I’d allow that, not all Doms would, so you’ll need to negotiate. Three taps with the flat of your hand means ‘Please may I come, Sir?’ Have you got that?”

It seems clear enough. I may not like it, but I nod again.

“Orgasms from now on will be a reward for good behavior. You have to earn them. If you take an orgasm that you haven’t earned, without permission, you will be punished. Not too severely, at least not at first. I appreciate that you’re learning and you will make mistakes. Controlling your body’s natural responses takes practice, and I’m going to make sure you get plenty of that. But you do know the difference now between a punishment spanking and an arousal one, so be warned. And concentrate.”

He pauses, his gaze holding mine as I take all this in. This shift in our relationship seems significant, gone is the playful lover and now Nick is all Dom, stern and unrelenting, explaining the rules and the consequences for disobeying them. I am under no illusions about this. Once accepted by me, he will enforce those rules. And my powers of self-control are weak at best, so I can expect to earn myself a few less than pleasant spankings in the near future. I note that, again, he’s talking about our time together as part of my training, and he’s mentioning future, unknown Doms whom I’ll be negotiating with. After our unfortunate conversation this afternoon he must know how uncomfortable that makes me feel, how unwelcome that notion is, but he’s not letting up. I get the message, loud and clear. He wants to remind me, drum it into me—make sure I don’t harbor any romantic notions about a future with him.

It hurts, but for now I have no alternative but to accept his version of things, at least outwardly. My private hopes and dreams, though, those are mine alone, and nothing Nick Hardisty says to me is going to change the fact that I love him. And I’ll plan my own future thank you very much, and if there’s any way at all I can convince Nick Hardisty to be a part of it, I’ll find it.

“Are the rules clear? Do you have any questions?”

Not about the bloody rules, no.
I shake my head.

“One last thing. There’s one exception to the ‘ask permission to come’ rule. Unless I’ve specifically told you otherwise, you can assume that any time my cock’s inside you, you do have permission to climax. That’s the only exception, though. Is that clear? Do you have any questions, anything to say?”

During this entire conversation he’s had my hands pinned behind my head. He releases them now and kneels up to give me space to form words if I intend to. There’s only one comment I can think of that seems appropriate.

“Please, Sir, would you fuck me now?”

“I’ll fuck you till you see stars if you like, I did promise you that. But first…”

He edges back a little farther and places his palms on my inner thighs, opening them. My state of eager arousal has calmed down somewhat during his little lecture, but a slow stroke of his fingers along the length of my pussy from arse to clit and I’m instantly back to full readiness.

“Ah, that’s good. I see I have your attention.” He parts the lips of my pussy and slides two fingers deep inside.

It’s utterly wonderful and I gasp, my eyes closing as I wait for the inevitable.

“Freya, concentrate. Open your eyes and maintain eye contact with me. It’ll help you. You really don’t want to earn a spanking right now. Do you?”

His tone is cold, clipped. My eyes fly open and I gaze at him. Christ, just one thrust of his fingers and I forget everything he just said. I really must be the slut he described. As he watches my reactions carefully he slides his fingers almost right out of me before plunging back in, fast. I feel my orgasm start to build, and slap the floor three times, fast.

“No. You’ll wait a while longer yet.” And he does the same thing to me again, pulling his fingers out then plunging deep. And again.

I’m going to come, I can’t help it. I have no control over this, surely?

“Don’t do it. You
regret it if you disobey me now.”

My hands are free, so I sign rapidly. “I can’t. I have to.”

“You can. You will. Imagine a block of ice against your clit. Will that cool you down?”

Maybe. For a while. In fact that image earns me a few seconds respite before his relentless finger-fucking brings me right back to the brink. I slap the floor again, harder now, desperate. He’s totally unsympathetic.

“No. Think of something else, something boring or unpleasant. Anything but this.”

He adds a third finger, and the tightness, coupled with the ever-present vibrations of the butt plug also rammed deep inside me, is exquisite, intense. Punishment beating or not, I can’t hold out.

But suddenly his fingers are gone. The relief is only marginally greater than the disappointment, but is short-lived.

“Not bad so far. Not bad at all. Now let’s see how you deal with this.” He slips both his palms under my bottom and lifts me up.

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