Hardass (Bad Bitch) (22 page)

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Authors: Christina Saunders

BOOK: Hardass (Bad Bitch)
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Six Months Later

“Move it a little more to the left.” I sighed. Sign placement was the hardest thing I’d done all week, and I’d just picked up two capital murder cases.

“Here?” the building super asked.

I tried to gauge the perfect height for it. I even held my hands up and formed a square with my thumbs and index fingers. My firm’s office had to look perfect when the clients walked in the door. The sign was the first thing they’d see.

The golden letters glittered in the morning light.

“Move it down a little. Just a hair.”

The super sighed but did as I said. I stared a little while longer, shifting from heel to heel.

Arms went around my waist, and Wash’s deep rumble vibrated against my back. “It’s perfect. Put it right there.”

The super nodded his head in thanks and drilled one end of the Granade, Montreat, & Lynch sign into the wall.

Wash squeezed me closer to him. “The sign isn’t the only thing that’s perfect.” His breath in my ear sent chill bumps shooting down my back and arms.

“I have court.” I leaned my head back on his shoulder.

“Not for half an hour.” He spoke louder to the super. “Keep up the good work.” Then he dragged me backward and pulled me into his office, slamming the door and pushing me up against it.

“I have to prepare.” I smiled.

Not fooled, he gripped my hands and pinned them above my head. “Since when are you not prepared?”

“Since never.” I sighed as his lips found my neck, sucking lightly before his teeth edged across my skin.

He pushed a knee between my legs.

challenge hearing? That right?”

I moaned as he ran his hands to my breasts and squeezed through my top. “Yes,” I breathed.

“Challenging jury selection?” He switched my wrists to one hand and used the other to lift my skirt to my hips. “What was wrong with the jury, Ms. Montreat?”

“It was . . . it was all white women.” I squirmed as the heat built between my thighs.

He shucked my panties down to my heels and knelt to pull them off. Then he placed a wet kiss right on my pussy. I put my hands in his hair and gripped him. He shook me off and stood, yanking my upper arm and turning me to face the door.

He ground his hard cock into my ass. His belt clicked and then I felt his slick head at my entrance, then pushing forward and rubbing against my clit, the shaft trapped between my thighs.

“What strikes are you going to challenge?” He stroked back and forth slowly, teasing my clit with each move.

“Two black men and a black woman. They had nothing in voir dire that would be a valid reason to strike them off the jury panel. Had to be an improper motive, especially—” I gasped as he positioned his tip at my entrance and pushed inside.

“Especially what, Ms. Montreat?” His voice was tight as he sank even deeper, his cock filling me.

“Especially because the defendant was a young black male.” I scratched my nails down the door.

He gripped my hair in one hand and yanked my hip back with the other.

“Fucking perfect legal analysis, Ms. Montreat.” He kissed down my neck and fastened his teeth to my shoulder. His cock pumped in and out of me. I arched my back to get him even deeper, and he groaned into me.

He pulled my hair harder and nibbled at my earlobe. “Your pussy is so wet, Ms. Montreat. One would think you wanted to be rough-fucked in your partner’s office.”

His dirty talk turned my heat up another notch, and I pushed back against him harder and harder. Our skin slapped, the sound reverberating around his office. He released my hip and slid his fingers to my clit. Swirling around the nub, he sped up his pace, hammering into me as I moaned into the door.

“So fucking hot.” His dick grew even harder as he pistoned deep inside me.

“I’m close, Wash.” I gasped.

“Then come for me, Caroline. I want to feel you convulse all over my cock. Think you can do that for me?”

I nodded and lifted higher on my toes as he flicked my clit. His body crushed into mine, and my breath fogged the dark finish on his door. When he bit down on my neck hard enough to leave a mark, I squealed. He released my hair and slapped his hand over my mouth, pulling my neck back and making my back arch even farther.

I came in a rush, my orgasm like falling off a cliff. I was falling and falling until I hit bottom, my screams caught in Wash’s palm. He grunted in my ear and gave two more deep shoves before shooting inside me, his hips grinding his release into my pussy as far as it would go.

When he was spent, he released my mouth and stepped back. He zipped up and retrieved some tissues for me. I cleaned up a bit.

“Good luck with your

“Thank you.” I reached for my panties, but he snagged them off the floor before I had a chance.

He tucked them into his pocket, then opened the door for me with a smirk. “Mine.”

I smiled up into his beautiful blues. “True.”

His grin widened, the dimples appearing, and he slammed the door before dragging me to his office sofa.

I was fifteen minutes late to my hearing, but won the challenge all the same.

About the Author

Christina Saunders is an Alabama girl who loves to tell stories that are always hot and sometimes dark. In addition to being an unrepentant book hoarder, she has a particular affinity for dirty jokes and foul mouths. She is a former attorney who spends all her free time with her husband and two sassy daughters. She also writes under the pen name Celia Aaron. You can sign up for email updates

Also by Christina Saunders

Bad Bitch

Total D*ck

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Copyright Page

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

Copyright © 2016 by Christina Saunders. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


Cover photographs: Istockphoto 2131816 couple; Shutterstock 381122680 blonde hair


First Edition: June 2016

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