Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance (20 page)

BOOK: Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance
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His warm hand touches my lower back as he guides me toward our bedroom. I think of the female in the statue. She looked at her warrior with trust and love. I already love him and so far he has been trustworthy. I have no reason to doubt him. I glance up at him. My soul turns to mush. Nobody looks at me the way he does. My harden heart cracks. The shell around it falls like dead weight, fast and hard. I feel light and free.


He guides me into the bedroom. The gold strands in his eyes are glowing and pulsing. Love is radiating from him.


I can’t hold back the words imprinting in my soul. “I’ll love you forever.”


“Good, because that’s how long you’ll be my kesdy, my special love, my cherished one.”


My soul flies higher than any pretty bird can go. My body is alive with an undefinable sensation. It’s brighter than the stars.


Tairin releases a sensual growl and a switch is flicked within me. Desire floods my body to molten levels. Need like I’ve never known slams into me.


He inhales and then practically purrs. “Your body smells so zyfing good. It’s heating to be claimed.” He growls again and moisture pools between my thighs. In a blur of motion he strips his clothes off and then I feel his strong hands removing my clothes. Cool air breezes over my hot skin.


When all motion stops and he looks at me with love, I can’t doubt him or worry about us being so different. Love doesn’t care about those things. It’s time for me to try to forget my past. Embrace my future.


He releases a soft sexy growl. “It’s time to make you mine, Kinsey Lea.”


He kisses me deeply. Our hearts merge. Heat blazes through me. I devour him as much as he devours me. I can’t get enough of him.


My heart leaps with excitement, love, and lust. He breathes in and then growls with intention. I gasp when I’m turned and bent over the edge of the bed. Warm rough hands run over my back and butt. Flames of love and need pulse through me.


Strong hands caress my rounded cheeks and then spread them.  I cry out when his tongue swipes over my wet slit and doesn’t stop until I’m panting in need.


“Please,” I beg.


He stills and then growls. The sound ripples through me. Hot and sexy. His hands press heavily onto my lower back and then his fangs slink into my left hip. I freeze in place. My body feels like clay. Solid yet ready to be changed—marked by him.


Something sharp pierces the skin of my right hip. Pain flares through me. My body doesn’t move though because it’s held in place by his fangs. His claw moves through my skin with ease.


I’m being marked. His growl of possession sets off a wildfire of need within me.


His fangs sink deeper. Lust powers through me. My pussy turns hotter than the sun and wetter than the ocean.


When he removes his fangs, I growl. “Flipping fuck me now, keslon.” Yes, he’s mine. I need to feel him deep within me.


“With pleasure, kesdy.” His solid shaft slides through my pussy, my soul sings. He grips my hips tight as his hips snap powerfully. I clench the sheet and look over my shoulder. His eyes are filled with fiery passion and possession.


He buries his hard shaft all the way inside me. His whole length pulses with untamed life. He growls as his body tightens. Hot jets of semen fill me and push me over the edge.


I sag into the bed as my climax washes through me. As I float he pulls out. His seed splashes across my stinging mark, cooling my symbol of belonging. Tairin rubs his cum into the mark. The air thickens with animalistic possession. I love it, crave more of it.


With a roar of victory he shoves his cock inside me and leans forward. His fangs sink into my shoulder. I scream and shudder as light blinds me and ecstasy rocks my whole body. Fangs slip from my skin, rough hands caress, and soft lips brush my shoulder.


His cock drives home one more time. His huge body settles on mine as his seed coats my inner walls and dampens my thighs.


The scent of sex perfumes the air. Love radiates around us.


I never want this moment to end.


With his body pressing into mine, his breath on my neck, and his mark on my hip, my soul settles into a satisfied place I’ve never known before. I’ve come home. It’s a beautiful place I’ll never willingly leave.


As long as I don’t do anything to push him away, I know I’ll get to stay. I’ll fight to stay with him. My keslon, my love.




~ Kinsey Lea ~




The camleons are flying all around me as I slide the last section of the birdhouse together.


“Now you can invite more of your friends to live here.” The other houses are full. Joy pings around inside me.


I stand back and look at my completed birdhouse. “Not bad. Do you guys think I should go into business?”


A hand lands heavily on my shoulder. I nearly jump out of my skin. One of the guys is about to get a tongue lashing, warrior status be damned.


I look over and up into yellow eyes. I stagger back and the silver skinned male grabs my wrist.


Aggression whips through me. “What the flipping fuck? Let go of me.”


“I don’t think so, human.” He starts dragging me toward the jungle.


I dig my heels into the ground. He looks around nervously and then gives my arm a hard tug. I fly forward. He gets me into the lush jungle in no time.


My heart thunders. Heat rages through my veins.


“This isn’t funny. Stop or you’ll be sorry.”


He looks me over with his scary yellow eyes—calculating eyes. “I’d only be sorry if I didn’t jump on this opportunity.” He starts pulling me faster through the lush land.


“What are you planning to do to me? I’m not valuable.” To my keslon I am. But this alien doesn’t need to know that.


Gruff laughter rings cruelly through the warm air. “We both know you are important to a certain warrior.”


My memory snaps into place. “You are the guy Din Tairin turned away at the club.”


He taps his head making his maroon hair stick out. “Now you’re getting it. You are important in more than one way.”


I dig my heels in again. “What do you mean?” My stomach turns into an old timey cast iron skillet. The ones like Milo’s grandfather collected. Large, hot, and heavy a hell.


I have to get away from him. I tug my hand. He pulls harder. I stumble and fall to the leaf littered ground. Rage pumps through me. I scoop up a handful of leaves and toss them into his face. He growls as he dodges in time to avoid a direct hit. In a flash, he has a grip on my wrist again. Tighter than ever. He jerks me to my feet.


I scream and he snarls as he looks around. “Don’t do that again, human.”


I don’t miss the warning in his voice but I just don’t care. I have to get back to Tairin.


He starts pulling me faster. I stumble again and he slows a bit.


Sweat beads my skin. I look down and see that my uniform sticks to my slightly rounded belly. Flipping fuck. I’m nearly naked. Nausea surrounds the cast iron in my stomach. I can’t go out like this.


I can’t physically attack this fucker without hurting the baby but I can talk.


“Look, you were right. I’m needed here. My warrior will pay more than what you’re being offered.”


He looks around and snarls.


The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “Did you hear me? He’ll pay more.”


“Shut up.” His snarl is menacing, dark. He means business.


My heart flips out. Heat rolls through me, hotter than ever. I bite my tongue. I can’t bitch this fucker out. I have to protect the baby.


As he mutters to himself, I look for an escape. When he turns and pulls me back the way we came, I know he’s lost. Good. This will give Tairin a chance to find me. I still keep my eyes open. The need to get away is getting stronger by the second.


My wrist starts aching as we walk and walk. “My wrist and feet hurt. Can we stop? Just for a second.”


He snarls and keeps staring around. Oh yeah, he’s lost. Hope swells in my chest. It’s brighter than the sun.


His distracted gaze darts around. I grab his fingers and try to loosen his grip. I cry out when he tightens his hold. My heart sinks. My plan didn’t work. I wasn’t fast or strong enough. Din Treia would kick his ass. I’d love to see him try to take her.


Fluttering fills the air then a loud chirping draws near. “Help.”


Three camleons fly around us and one dives for Yellow Eyes’ head. He stumbles and releases me when a second bird flies down and lands on his back.


I whirl around and run like Satan is after me.


A big hand lands on my shoulder before I get ten feet. “Flipping fuck. I hate you.”


“I don’t care. You won’t be my problem for long, human.” He drags me into a path and my heart sinks to my aching toes.


I dig my heels in when I see a vehicle, the one he was in at the club. As he forces me along, I see a blue feather on his shirt. I look up and see all three of the camleons. One is flying with a limp but it’s alive.


I have to distract him. “What do you mean I won’t be your problem for long?” Is this fucker going to kill me?


He shoves me into the vehicle. “You’ll see.”


“No. I’m not going with you.” I slap his face but he doesn’t even flinch. I hit him and he snarls. I get the warning but I can’t heed it. I hit him again.


He pins me to the seat with one arm and smirks. I feel his other hand land on the junction of my neck and shoulder. His fingers and thumb apply pressure.


My eyes widen. “Not the Vulcan Pinch. That shit is real.”


As darkness descends, I hear his cruel laughter.


Tairin, find me.


~ Din Tairin ~


I frown into my cup of stros.


Zairin nudges my shoulder. “What’s wrong?”


Zar and Von snap to attention.


“I don’t know. I feel like something is wrong, off.”


“Let us know if there is anything we can do,” Von says.


“Will do.”


The conversation goes back to the grounfos problem but I can’t shake the bad feeling I have.


We finish our drinks and then head out of the breakroom. We don’t get far before our coms go off. I read the message. My chest vibrates violently as I roar in rage.


“Check your house, Tairin. It could be a lie to rile you.”


My twin is right. Shaking hands link to my home. No answer. “Think,” I say more to myself than anyone else.


Von touches his com unit. “Your house is set up to check vital signs, isn’t it?”


“Yes.” Living alone, I’ve never had to use that before. I run the scan. No vitals. Daggers dig and cut into my heart.


Zar holds up a hand. He’s talking fast to someone. Fire licks at my skin. Kinsey Lea had better be fine or someone is going to pay.


Zar grins. It’s not a nice one. Hope spikes through me.


“The Commander was able to trace the link of the caller who said the grounfos have declared war and that Tairin is the first warrior to pay.”


“Let’s go.” Soon I’ll know where my kesdy is and if this rumor of war is true.


It doesn’t take us long to get to Ban LoMer’s house. The prelling fool even comes to the door when we knock.


I slam my fist into his jaw. He goes down. As I bind his hands, the others check the house. They come back with a snarling zaphinian female. Since she’s so pissed at Ban we keep them bound in the same room. She’s on her side on the floor and he’s in a chair. That really lights her up.


Von does a scan of her face. Even though she’s yelling to be freed, we get a match.


“Lin FaLe,” Zairin announces.


“What do you prelling warriors want? This is private property,” she spits the words nastily. She stares hard at us.


The rage in her eyes can’t match mine. It takes all of my training not to torture them.


Zar squats a few feet from her. “To know if the grounfos have declared war and where Din GyRol’s kesdy is.”


Her gaze shoots daggers through Ban. “What did you do? I knew they were here because of you.”


Ban smirks.


I long to hit him again.


Ban raises a shoulder. “I just told the truth.”


She struggles against her bounds for a long moment and then gives up. “You prelling idiot. What exactly did you tell them?”


Ban keeps his smug look. “That the grounfos have declared war against the warriors and that Din GyRol is the first to pay for his status.”


Her scream of pure rage fills the entire room. “That was not your job. Nof HabTe is going to kill you for that.” Ban laughs and Lin quivers in rage. “This is war but you are on your own. I’m not staying anywhere near you. You die alone, you idiot.” Her gaze turns to each of us. It’s pleading. “I have to get out of here. You warriors are supposed to help people, right? I need to get far away from Ban.”


I drop into a crouch near her. “Where is my kesdy?”


“I don’t know.”


Zairin looks at his com unit and touches the screen, then he grins. “Commander just sent word to Nof that Ban and Lin have been very helpful.”


Lin’s eyes widen. “I’ll help you if you’ll help me.”


I glare at her. “How can you help me? You said you don’t know where my kesdy is.” Patience. I have to use patience as a weapon. Killing these two will not get my kesdy back.


She licks her lips. “I don’t know where she is but I know who took her.”


“Tell me.” My fists ache to beat the information out of them. But that’s not our way. They are not warriors. They are dumb followers.


“Don’t tell them yet,” Ban snaps.


“Now or no help,” Von states with a menacing stare. A look that promises death. I give her the same look.


“A wiptronian has her.”


“Who?” I ask. My heart is thundering against my ribs. I have to get Kinsey Lea and the baby back.


Lin sags on the floor. “I don’t know.”


I inhale deeply. She’s telling the truth. My brain races and then pulls up a memory. I turn to the guys. “I might know who has her. We need to check club surveillance.”


“What about me?” Lin yells as we head to the door.


Zairin stops and looks at her. His eyes are as cold as mine feel. “As you two said, this is war. You picked the wrong side.”


Her screams follow us out of the house.


I don’t feel bad about what is going to happen to them when Nof gets to them. They shouldn’t have gone along with a rebel leader’s plans of war. Choices have consequences.


With a little information, Hauk and Ryk are already checking the club’s feed for the wiptronian who approached us outside the club.


We don’t even make it to the club before our coms go off. I grin when the information we need flashes across my screen. Now we have a name and a location. We turn and head toward the spaceport.


My blood fires up. “He’s planning to take her off planet.” My fists curl and ache to beat that prelling fucker up.


“It would be the smartest thing to do. But he won’t make it. He has no idea that all crafts have been grounded,” Zairin says.


“Ban’s need to brag has given us the chance to get Kinsey Lea back and be on alert for war,” Von says.

BOOK: Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance
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