Read Harkham's Corner (Harkham's Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Chanse Lowell,Lynch Marti

Harkham's Corner (Harkham's Series Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Harkham's Corner (Harkham's Series Book 3)
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He chuckled and started the car, backing them out of the garage. Their time was dwindling.

“Just text me, baby. I’ll come to you.” His eyebrows did a little exotic dance on his brow as he considered the possibility of even more frequent sex with her.

“I know you will, and like I said—I’m worried I’ll suck up all your time. You can’t be my on-call stud all the time. I do have fingers that work.” She held up her two fingers he knew she masturbated with. She liked to slide her clit between them.

He snatched them out of the air and kissed them.

Yep, she’d taken care of herself today. They smelled like her.

“Mmm . . . Smells good.” He licked the tips of them.

She made a squeaking noise and squirmed in her seat but still wore a worried expression.

“I like you turned on,” he said, then hit the garage button on the remote to close up the garage.

“I like you turning me on. It’s better than taking a nap any day.” She leaned toward him, then whispered in his ear, “I like you being hard for me.”

She stroked his hardening cock through his pants.

“I don’t want to go eat now, because my appetite is only for you.” He growled as he grew thicker, longer, harder.

“Let’s skip dinner. Can we maybe get a hotel somewhere? Spend a few hours alone, doing whatever we want?”

He was about to say he couldn’t afford it, but then he remembered that he told her they’d be fine and the music was bringing in money. For her—right now—he’d give her whatever she wanted, including a hotel bed to be made love in.

“I’ll be gentle. In case you’re pregnant.” He drove past a hotel, and circled back around to it. This would do. It was a nice one, but not too pricey. Plus, it was close to home so they could go get Button if they needed to.

Yes, this was much better than eating out and talking.

Besides, he was very hungry for her, so he had a different type of eating in mind.

He parked, helped her out of the car and took her into the lobby, then sat her down.

Within moments, he had the card key to their room and was stringing her along behind him.

“This place seems nice. Why haven’t we ever stayed here before?” he asked.

“Why would we need to? We live close by here.” She chuckled.

“Yes, but here, if we make a mess on the sheets, we don’t have to clean it up.” His hips jutted forward, ready to make loads of messes on and around her.

He took her by the hand and brought her into the room. She made a happy humming sound. “Very cozy.”

“I think so, too. It’s like we live here already.” The colors were a little bland, but it smelled clean and the bed looked ready to be messed up. He was good at that part.

“Do you remember that night on our honeymoon when I found you soaking in the tub?”

She nodded. “Yeah. It was good to simply soak and relax.”

“You need that again, only with sex attached.” He took both her hands, and he walked backward, bringing her into the bathroom.

The tub was considerably smaller than the one she’d luxuriated in that suite, but it was still bigger than the one they owned.

He started it for her. “Get in.”

“Okay.” She was definitely eager because she ripped her clothes off and practically dove in.

“Ooooh, a back scratcher.” He picked it up. The fibers were natural, but the handle was plastic and rounded. Odd. That seemed kind of backward. He would’ve expected to see a wood handle. “Lean forward, sweetie.”

She sighed and leaned over the edge, her arms crossed in front of her. Several times she released a happy groan of ecstasy as he scratched her back with it.

When her back was glowing pink from all that friction, he massaged her scalp and neck.

“Mmmm . . . So damn good—you have no idea,” she said, her voice deep and relaxed.

“It’s good for you to have moments like this where you’re taken care of. I want you to have this more often. I’ll make sure to give it to you, sweetheart.”

“’Kay. I can live with that.”

He worked his hands to the front of her temples, rubbing them, then made his way down her neck to her shoulders.

With her moans, he was getting harder and harder.

His hands wandered down to her breasts. He was very gentle as he tugged and rolled her nipples.

“Tell me if you don’t like this,” he said, picking the brush back up and running the back of it over her breasts, down her inner arms and belly, then on to her thighs.

When he dragged it up her closest leg, she shivered. “Sffffff.” Her back bowed away from the tub.

Hmmm . . . That gave him a wicked idea. He gripped the head of the brush and used the bottom end of it to tease her lips open and play with her clit.

Her breathing increased, and she gave him a look of desire with a small smile.

He leaned his head over and licked at her nipple, then took the bottom end of the brush and pulsed it in and out at her pussy’s opening.

“Jesus, Adam . . . I don’t know why that feels so good, but it fucking does.” She tipped her head back, and her eyes slid up in her head.

Heat flooded his chest, and his dick engorged. “I want you to float away with pleasure. Think of nothing else but my touch and the sensations you’re feeling.”

She made a purring sound when he pushed the brush in farther and thrust it in and out the way he’d most likely be fucking her right now if they’d decided to go to the bed first, rather than the bathtub.

But now he was glad he’d put aside his own wants and needs, because it was very obvious she was in desperate need of this pampering.

“I’m going to give you more than one orgasm, because I don’t want you to stop feeling good. I want you to take them as I give them to you. Accept that they’re yours, and I’m giving them to you.”

She nodded.

He smiled. “You’re so good and so smart to accept this from me.”

Her breath hitched when he leaned over and touched her clit with his other hand.

A second later, he was caressing it and loving on it the way she had been doing to it lately.

She unfolded as he got more aggressive, giving in to him, and raw masculine power saturated every piece of his being. This was what it truly meant to be a man. Not owning stuff. Not making babies with her.
—right here. Making a woman feel loved, cherished and explosive with euphoric sensations.

Not all men did this for their woman—but
did. It was important to him.

He wanted to share this new discovery with her, but instead he got close to her ear, nipped at it and whispered, “You’re a woman. My woman, and I want to see what that means to you when I touch you like this . . .” He pinched her clit, then rolled the hood up.

“Ohhhhh-oooohhhh Gaaaaawd.” Her legs tensed, then shook.

“So pretty, my love. Show me more of what makes you feel like the best woman ever.” He pinched her clit once more, lifted the hood, then stroked it with the pad of his pinky finger, all the while plunging that handle in and out of her pussy.

“I . . . I’m gonna come, honey.” She groaned, dropped her chin to her chest and watched as his hands explored her most sensitive areas.

“I’m a man. You know this. But I know you’re the only woman. The only one that knows what it means to be a woman, because you truly know how to love.” He nuzzled his nose into her jaw, kissed along it and said in a low, guttural voice, “Fall apart for your man. Be a woman—now!”

“Fuck—Jesus,” she cried out, shuddered on the spot, then convulsed wildly. “My man.”

“Yes, I am.” Now, she would have that again, because not only was he her man—he was a generous one.

And he wouldn’t stop until she had several more of those.


* * *


Adam grinned, and his teeth clacked together when Mari drove up with Zach laughing in the car they’d just purchased without him.

“Hi! Mommy, hi!” Meg shouted, waving as Adam held her other hand and they stood inside their empty garage.

Mari was supposed to park the car in this spot, but this thing wouldn’t fit.

Not because Adam, Meg and Button were occupying it—but because she’d bought a minivan.

“Wow, I like it,” Adam said to himself.

It didn’t look brand new, but in good enough shape.

He could definitely see his wife driving this silver van around with the kids in tow.

Mari parked before entering the garage. As soon as she opened the door, she squealed. “Adam! It’s amazing! Rear AC for the kids! And it has all sorts of great safety features, with a good stereo you’ll enjoy for trips.”

Adam and Meg rushed her, pulling her into a hug. “Good choice. I love it already.”

“But you haven’t even seen the inside yet,” Zach said, chuckling. “It’s a mess. Stains and stuff, but she didn’t care for some reason.”

“It says kids. It says comfort. It’s like home. I like the lived-in feel. And they’re not so hideous and huge. I can get most of them out, I bet.” Mari stared at the van over her shoulder. “And get this—we bought it from the dealer himself. He pulled us off the lot and showed us his own personal vehicle for sale. I about died. It was so crazy, but it worked for me.”

Zach laughed much harder now. “I think that guy had an ulterior motive. He was giving your wife the eye, but I stayed real close, making sure
didn’t get

“He what?” Adam’s spine went more erect, and so did his dick. When he was jealous, his dick wanted to take over. He knew why—it wanted to prove its prowess and who was boss.
was. She was

“He was
.” She elbowed Zach in the ribs and rolled her eyes.

Meg climbed inside the van and sat in the driver’s seat, twisting the wheel side to side. “Look at me—wheee! I’m driving! I’m driving all over town, making friends with puppies and people.”

“He was just desperate is all to sell this vehicle,” Mari said.

“Desperate—but not for that.” Zach smirked. She gave him an annoyed, but humoring look. “Hey, I’m a guy. I know these things.”

“I believe Zach,” Adam said. He looked inside the van, poking his head in from the back door.

“Hey, honey,” Adam said to Meg. “What do you think? Do you think this is our car already? Is it us?”

“It’s Choppy, too. She’ll like it for trips to the doggy doctor and everywhere else we can take her now—because there’s room.”

“I agree.” Adam hopped inside, sitting in one of the backseats, checking it out.

It was perfect.

The seats were in good shape, and the few stains were in the carpeting, not on the upholstery. That could happen to anyone’s car, whether kids were traveling with them or not.

It smelled good, too. Not like an ashtray or too many numbers.

He could definitely see himself at peace driving this machine around with his family.

“Great job, sweetheart,” Adam hollered out the side door. “Couldn’t have picked better myself.”

Zach sauntered over to the open door and gripped the edge of it. “Are you kidding me? This car’s a dump-heap compared to what we got you, and it cost practically nothing.”

Adam looked over the interior once more as thoroughly as he could from the back. “It’s got wear and tear, and so do I. So does my wife. Do you think we’re not worth much?”

Zach gaped at him. “C’mon—I didn’t mean anything like that. It’s just that . . . You worked so hard to graduate from high school, and now getting your degree. That’s huge! We’re so excited for you, there’s no reason for you not to enjoy it to the fullest and take all the rewards and accolades that come along with it. These are the perks.”

Adam grinned at his brother. “Zach, how about this—you go back to school—you graduate, and we’ll give you the best car you could ever imagine.”

Zach shifted his weight into his arms and leaned his torso toward the car. “Not funny.”

“It’s not meant to be. I’m entirely serious,” Adam replied.

Why was the concept of school so scary to him? Zach was smart.

“I’m too old,” Zach started to say, but Adam was moving him out of the way, exiting the car.

Instead of allowing his brother to speak and say anything disparaging about himself, Adam grasped him into a hug. “You. Are. Worth. It. You’re smarter than most people I know—including Dad.”

Zach swallowed hard and broke the hug. “Don’t say that.” His eyes were filled with conflicting emotions.

“But it’s true. There are smarties that learn it from books. There are brilliant people who just know how life is, and you are the in the latter category. Add smarty book knowledge on top of that, and you’d be unstoppable.” Adam released a breath and tacked on, “Enough that Lorraine would beg you back. She’d stop being a—”

“She’s already moving back in this weekend. Tomorrow, actually. I know you said you wanted me to tell you, but I didn’t want you to talk her out of it, and I need her. I really miss having my wife around. She makes everything better, even when she’s grumpy.” Zach gushed a few tears. “I’m sorry, but I . . . She’s what I want and need. Don’t say anything to her, all right?”

BOOK: Harkham's Corner (Harkham's Series Book 3)
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