Harley's Choice

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Authors: Shaelin Ferra

Tags: #guns and sex

BOOK: Harley's Choice
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A small thank you:

First, to my mom, who, without her this book
never would have come this far. Second to Hubby, who told me to
take the leap and publish it (“what’s the worst that could happen?”
he tells me all the time (I shall not write my reply)). And
finally, to all who take a chance on this unknown author and reads
the book – Thanks to all!



Harley’s Choice

By Shaelin Ferra

Published by Shaelin Ferra at Smashwords

Copyright 2013 Shaelin Ferra





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About the




I, Harley “Harry” Shelton spent a brutal six
years fighting off bullies and dealing with snobby girls in the
private school systems in LA, and then I got out, graduated at
sixteen the overly intelligent but skinny girl, got away from it
all. There were only two boys that made it all better, Carson
Johnston and Kyle Douglas, they were my life line throughout the
six years and I never forgot them.

At seventeen I was dragged kicking and
screaming into Daddy’s line of work – as an assassin. I was trained
relentlessly in all forms of martial arts, close combat and
torture. I studied all things killer and excelled at it all. I
sucked in the lifestyle and became proficient at it. I realized
that Daddy had been training me for this all my life.

At twenty-six I have killed, faced evil in
all forms and stared down the faces of men trying to kill me, but
I’ve never been more scared.

The threat: a cream colored envelope
addressed to me containing the invitation to my ten year high
school reunion.

It sat on my dresser, mocking me as I packed
my bag. I’ve grown up and filled out, but am I ready to take on
those who spent years knocking me down?

An hour
later as I sat on Kari’s desk nipping at my nails she asks, “So
what’s your cover story?”

“Um…typical homebody, work at a hardware
story?” I answered absent-mindedly. I would be leaving in a few
short minutes and the butterflies were rampant in my gut.

I hadn’t been this nervous since the
long-range air rifle was put into my hands to take my first mock

“Oh. My. God! You haven’t thought of this at
all have you?” her eyes were wide and the smile on her lips was
pure Kari, evil, and…did I mention evil.

“Honestly? No, but I don’t really care. I’m
only going to see Carson and Kyle, say hello and then slip

“Honey I knew you when you were green to the
gills in this occupation, lying to me won’t get you anywhere.” She
cocked a brow and just stared at me. Her arms folded over her large
chest and then she started tapping her foot.

“What?” I faked innocence. She laughed.

“You will be doing no ‘slipping out’, I know
you. You’ll probably end up calling and extending your vacation.” I
smiled as the thought of seeing those two again flitted across my

“It could be a good weekend.” I said with a

“Have you run a check on them?”

“Nope and I’m not going to.” I folded my
arms across my chest I don’t think I wanted to know. I was afraid
that they were dead or worse…married.

“Well I certainly can!” Kari slid around the
desk and logged in. “Carson Johnston right?”

“Yeah and Kyle Douglas. Don’t you think-” I
thought hard about stopping her, but she was Kari and really
nothing stopped her, “never mind just tell me that they’re

Her fingers flew fast across the board. “Ok,
ok, just gimme a sec-” she gasped and sucked in a deep breath.

“What!” I leaned over the desk but she
quickly shut the screen down.

“Yeah they’re clean and they look
delicious.” The glimmer in her eye told me something she didn’t
voice, but I really couldn’t say what it was at this moment.

I blushed; they’d always been that way to
me. A girl who was nothing but knees and elbows needed a protector
and they were it. It was a hero crush if anything. Yep that’s it. A
hero’s crush, right! I sighed and grabbed my bag. “Ok so I’m
leaving, take care; if you need me I’ll have my cell phone.”

“Don’t worry I got it! Go have fun and give
Carson and Kyle my love.” I blushed at her use of the word

“Are you ready yet?” I turned to the deep
voice that is my father.

“Yes daddy I am.”

“Ten years, baby girl…” the sentence sort of
faded off, he actually seemed at a loss of words, which is a first
for him. The last ten years has taken their price from his face.
His silky light brown hair was now snow white but still buzzed
short. His left eye drooping slightly was the only reminder that my
immortal father was in fact very mortal. As a child, and even
sometimes now I think that he could never die, but then I look into
his eyes – I didn’t finish that line of thinking, it always left me
feeling cold inside. He still has plenty of life in him so says the
crow’s feet in the corner of his eyes and the softening of his
chest and stomach.

“I’ll be fine Daddy I’m going for two
reasons. It wasn’t as if I actually enjoyed my time in high school.
Kari has agreed to be at your beck and call if you need her.”

“Now I never-” Kari started in but I cut her
off “you’ll be in good hands daddy.” I leaned up and kissed his
cheek and he hugged me tight. His blue eyes seem to moisten as he
released me.

“Harry you ready?” my brother peaked in and
waved the keys at me.

“Yes I’m ready and please quit calling me
that…” I rolled my eyes, he’s called me Harry my entire life, and I
always ask him to stop – he never does.

“Never! It is my privilege, nay, my duty to
call you Harry. Besides I’m the only who can do it without you
putting a bullet in their head.” His smile was such a shit eating
grin that I couldn’t help but laugh as I walked toward him.

I pulled the sharpie out of the pen holder
and removed the lid as I advanced on him; still laughing I wrapped
my arms around him and kissed his cheek then whispered in his ear.
“You think so huh?” then stuck him right between the eyes with the
black sharpie. The office exploded into laughter as Bryant tried to
grab me and I ran around the desk to escape a fate I knew involved

“Oh! I’m going to get you for that!” he
jumped the desk and pinned me against the wall and started tickling
my side without mercy.

“You – do not – want – to – go – there!” I
said between laughter. Finally I was able to catch his hand and
twist out of his hold. Then it was my turn back I spun around him
and pinned him to the wall with his arm stretched up behind his
back and gave as good as I got.

His other hand pounded the wall. “That’s it
little sister! You are going down!” He pushed back from the wall,
using his weight to throw me off balance. It wasn’t hard, he had to
outweigh me by a good hundred pounds. He stood at an astounding six
foot three and I at a measly five foot two was nothing to him, if
he really forced it, and he did.

I released him and spun and ran, “daddy!” I
threw my arms around him and hid behind him. I peeked out to Bryant
and stuck my tongue out at him. This was a familiar song and dance
with us. My dad reached behind me and pulled me into a hug and then
tickled me too and I spun away from him into the open. Bryant used
this moment to catch and lift me over his shoulder then bending
slightly to grab my luggage and my purse.

“Love you baby girl have fun.”

“By daddy, see you in a couple of days!”
Bryant walked out of the office and down the hall and toward the
elevator. “Ok you big lug you can put me down now.”

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