Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) (68 page)

BOOK: Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)
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“Even if my uncle ha
after all this time I
have come to learn about
several things
being the son of a Harmonizer.”
His brown eyes met
and conveyed honesty and it made
her wonder how her own
children would turn out if they were in some way similar to him.
“They cannot
sit idly by like the rest of us can. They have something mysterious that drives them to do things we wouldn’t even put our lives on the line for. So the answer to your question
is yes
he will be among the combatants. But among which three is going to be guesswork. There is a high probability that he will be heading for D.C.
because of its defenses,
but he could most certainly go with the other two groups. When he does fight he will most likely be behind the first wave of fighters. He’ll send a wave as a test of their defenses. If they are weak he’ll spread out his forces
to battle a wider area
, but if they are strong he’ll
send the entire battalion as one to crush the defenders.”

Then Sorono said
“What he says is true. That is how things will most likely play out… Sarah you also seem to have another theory to add to this council.”

Why do Harmonizers see so many things that shouldn’t be so easy to decipher
in a simple expression
Sorono only smiled on her

With Co
nnor support still bolstering her
explained “Before I became a history teacher for human children
I gained
some experience as a geography instructor
. As many
if not all
you know that our world is
and shifting
. Land is always moving on
plates. Some plates move infinitesimally and freely and we are unaware of its happening because of its mediocre pace, but there other kinds of movement. We call them earthquakes. It happens when one of those plates me
t another and there isn’t anything for them to do except
up pressure. Once that pressure goes beyond its threshold, it slips. That explosive slip is what creates those dangerous natural disasters.”

looked up to
her mate and smiled. He knew what she
needed to do and took his hand from

Feeling barely secure with everyone watching
, she
stepped back and walked around
ancestors and Sorono. Everyone on
side of the table watched
then stopped in front of Veronica. “May I please take your spot for a minute? There is something that everyone needs to understand.”

Veronica stepped to the side and allowed access.

the index finger Sarah
reached over and
pointed to the spot everyone should see. “Right here within the state of California lays the San Andreas
Fault line. This is the reason why that state is plagued with tremors.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” One of the twin female Changers asked. If
correct, that one was the one who called
mate a liar in the elder’s language.

Then both Sorono an
d Connor gasped and understood her

Sorono backed up her
worry by explaining to everyon
e while she made her
way back to
mate’s side.
“Thank you for such a careful observation. This didn’t even factor into my plans.”
He finally looked up at everyone.
“Sarah has
probably saved
lives. You see, it will only take one Original to force an enormous slip to that fault. Besides Los Angeles being a target, maybe as a backup plan they will destroy the entire state if they cannot win. It is a definite possibility that they could enforce this tactic if their mission should fail.

“Now what should we do as our secondary defense…”
He then silently contemplated for the opportune solution. In only a few short seconds an idea came to mind.
“If this is even a consideration then we’ll need to deploy our most powerful trump cards to the other two locations.”

Amphrite then asked “What kind of weapon do we have that could be able to thwart an earthquake
capable of such devastation

“Since the most logical place for my brother
to show up is in D.C. Connor and I will face him
head on. Two Harmonizers against
one will
the odds
in our favor
, but
the other two locations will also need power
incase I’m wrong
n Sorono turned his sights on Sarah
and went silent.

It took all but a second for
to understand.
fear and pure worry set in even stronger than when
went off with Mark to go and rescue Sorono’s scaly hide.
hands up and waived them fervently. “No, No, No. There is no way that I’m going anywhere without Connor. Where he fights, so do I.”

then felt Connor’s massive arms wrap securely around
torso. His to
became dead and even. “She is right. We will have a tough fight as it is without worrying how far she
will be
away from me. We are a pair and we will fight as such.”

Sorono met his stare head on and sighed.
“Brother, you know that I am right, but we will discuss this subject some other time.


After things settled down
everyone got into the discussion and began formulating several plans of actions and also deployment strategies. When one person had a question or opinion
it was noted and added to
had all become
in the planning
that time seemed to cease to matter.

Damian was the only one to voice aloud
“It is getting late, I assume. Perhaps we should call this gathering to an end for the night.”

Everyone agreed and before anyone could move Connor’s voice stopped
. “Sorono, remember that discussion we had yesterday? All the elders

“Ah, yes. Give me a moment to contact them.”
Sorono’s eyes focused
and then he thought
“To all Immortal Guard
on duty
, please make your way to the front of the Elder’s cabin. This is an order… Firon you may stay at your post because your job is still needed.”

Sarah turned to
as she listened in on Sorono’s order. She smiled casually and her hand met
. It was a relief to touch her because during the planning
found himseld
unable to have physical contact with her since she brought up that earthquake scenario. When
skin touched that same electrical sensation was brought forth again and she felt it too.

With the
meeting adjourned Sorono led everyone to the door and opened it.

Once they
made it outside the mood of the clearing had changed. It was almost midnight and that meant that Mark had already taken the kids home. The cabins had placed torches on their sides and were lit. There had also been some poles set up inside the clearing so that everyone could navigate safely. There weren’t many people out at this time, but there were several who were.

Before the entire meeting could be ended Sorono explained to the Elders what
plan was. So they stayed together with

Besides the two Keeper Guards who were stationed outside, only six
other Immortal Guards had arrived to the cabin.

Within five minutes
fifty nine Immortal Guards arrived before
group. They stood casually and randomly, but they were prepared for a fight in any situation. As they stood in a large group, the Elders stood in one long straight line. Sarah and
stood off to the side.

Sorono took a step forward and addressed the ancient fighters.
“Thank you for hurrying here. You have been summoned for one reason, but I’ll allow the mastermind behind this plan give you the explanation.”

Taking it that
meant it was
stepped away from Sarah to stand beside Sorono. Every Immortal Guard was over
a thousand years o
and their eyes complemented their
. Every sin
gle one of them were watching him
intently while remaining silent.

calm and clear. “I’ve come here to ask for some assistance. Each and every one of you know just how close we are to human civilization. Because of the proximity I have had to inform the local Sheriff about our world.” Several of the ancients didn’t like hearing that and their eyes narrowed and darkened. “He needed to be notified because he can keep many of the local humans away from our camp. Plus
everyone besides the Keepers have rented rooms around the towns and probably even the city. Because of this, you can understand what would happen of one of our people were to do something that would create too much attention. The locals have no chance if they stick their nose where it doesn’t belong. That is why the local Sheriff will help keep our autonomy until we make our final departure.

“Because he is still just a mere human he needs some of our assistance if our kind become too loud or dangerous. What I would like to ask is for four of you to volunteer and help him
if there are any events that will require our attention. I’d prefer to have two Changers and Balancers. I will not force anyone to do this if they don’t want to, but
I’d still like to ask, will anyone volunteer to help him?”

The large group looked around in hopes someone
would do it so they wouldn’t. They didn’t speak, but
eyes spoke of everything. It had been thirty annoying seconds of silence until someone said “We’ll do it.”

The crowd parted as two people made their way to the front of the two parties.
recognized them at once. “Marik, Cassie! It is good to see you again. I am also grateful to hear that you will help.”
Marik still carried his sword on him while Cassie now wore two daggers that were holstered in her boots.
The two Guards smiled at
weakly because they weren’t sure how to act around
. They tried to fight
and lost on each account, but at least they were trying to do their part
in all this

“I’ll help out
.” One voice declared and then another voice said “Count me in.”
Then came up two female Changers. They were both looking human and around the ages of eighteen to twenty. One woman had long
brown hair and a figure that many women strive for. She wore a simple white top and short blue shorts.
Her pendant hung precisely between her breasts.
The other woman had short, spiky black hair and looked wild. Her darker skin tone looked like a perfect match to her leather top and a leather bottom shaped like a bikini.
And her Guard’s pendant hung close to the hollow of her throat.

“Thank you and may I ask your names?”

The brown haired woman said “I’m Marian.” And the wild woman said “You can just call me Michelle, Child.”

“We have our volunteers.”
Sorono said.
“Now the rest of you may go back to what you were doing.”
As the group separated Sorono turned to look at
“Since we are done, we will retire for the night. Inform me later on how everything progresses. I’ll also be waiting on more of your theories.”

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