Haunting Olivia (33 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Haunting Olivia
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Janelle Taylor

He nodded. “How’s this for a beautiful ring?” he said, reaching into his pocket and handing her a small black box. He opened it, and she gasped. The round diamond sparkled. He slipped it on her finger, and for a moment, they lay there, admiring it.

“Thank you, Zach,” she said. “I love it. And I love you.” There was so much more she had to tell him, but for this moment, she just wanted to let his dec-laration of love, his marriage proposal and her acceptance, linger in the air, in her mind, her heart.

He leaned over for a kiss, so soft and gentle. “Ah, I almost forgot.” He reached over to the bedside table and pulled out an envelope from the drawer.

“A letter from your father’s attorney arrived for Kayla. The envelope says, ‘For Kayla Archer, to be read at the discretion of her mother or father.’

Let’s open it. Maybe it will explain a few things.”

Olivia slid out the single piece of paper and read aloud, “Dear Kayla, I wanted to give you the best life I could. I made some mistakes, yes, but I have no doubt I did the right thing, albeit the wrong way. I hope one day you’ll forgive me. Your grandfather.”

Zach took the letter and slid it back inside the envelope, then set it on the table. “Short and sweet, but I think this will mean a lot to Kayla. She’s ready for it. It may help her forgive him.”

“Forgiveness,” Olivia repeated. “It’s funny—I don’t even think in those terms anymore. My heart is so full, there’s no room for anything but love.”

She smiled at him. “Oh, and one more thing, Zach.”

“What’s that?” he asked, holding her hand.

She took their entwined hands and placed it on her belly. “We’re going to have a baby,” she whispered. “I HAUNTING OLIV IA


was told in the hospital. Kayla is going to have a little brother or sister.” As she said the words, she realized that she would never again be haunted by the dream children. She would dream of them, she was sure, but they would continue running and laughing, singing and dancing, playing with their frogs and bubbles.

The waiting was over. A family was complete.

As he smiled that beautiful smile and kissed her again, absolute joy in his eyes, she had to concede that her father had been right about one thing. All her dreams
come true.

ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.

850 Third Avenue

New York, NY 10022

Copyright © 2006 by Janelle Taylor All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written con -

sent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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ISBN: 1-4201-0075-0

Document Outline
  • Cover Page
  • Also by Janelle Taylor
  • Title Page
  • Chapter One
  • Chapter Two
  • Chapter Three
  • Chapter Four
  • Chapter Five
  • Chapter Six
  • Chapter Seven
  • Chapter Eight
  • Chapter Nine
  • Chapter Ten
  • Chapter Eleven
  • Chapter Twelve
  • Chapter Thirteen
  • Chapter Fourteen
  • Chapter Fifteen
  • Chapter Sixteen
  • Chapter Seventeen
  • Chapter Eighteen
  • Chapter Nineteen
  • Chapter Twenty
  • Chapter Twenty-One
  • Chapter Twenty-Two
  • Chapter Twenty-Three
  • Chapter Twenty-Four
  • Chapter Twenty-Five
  • Copyright Page

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