Hawk (Stag) (2 page)

Read Hawk (Stag) Online

Authors: Ann B Harrison

BOOK: Hawk (Stag)
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Chapter three


Hawk smiled at her before putting the vehicle in gear
and driving off down the beach. He kept to the water’s edge, turning the wheel
to miss the gutters where the water flowed back down to the ocean. They glanced
at fishermen standing up to waist height in the water, fearless as they stood
their ground against the pounding of the breaking waves. Children squealed and
scampered, chasing the sea foam up and down the shoreline while patient mothers
watched on, shaded by large sunglasses and even larger hats.

This was where Cass felt at ease. The beach had always
been her sanctuary, her place away from all the hustle and bustle of the city
where she called home. Camping trips to Fraser were always greatly anticipated
when she was growing up. It seemed natural to get a job on the island when she
left school. At least it kept her busy while she waited for word on Hawk and
his return from tours of duty.

Now she waited again. Waiting to hear what he had to
say burned her gut. At least he was here with her now. If he was serious about
a commitment between the two of them, she would bide her time. In the meantime,
she’d make the most of having him to herself for the next two weeks, even if
things didn’t work out the way she wanted them to.

Hawk reached out and gripped her hand in his, holding
it on the gear knob.  They were almost at the end of the island and still
no sign of him turning up into a house. Soon they would be around the mainland
side where the ferry came in.

“Nearly there.” He looked in the rear vision mirror
and dropped her hand, spinning the wheel to the right. A barely discernible
track led through a break in the sand dunes and Cass held her breath. She’d
never thought
was the house Hawk was talking about.

“But, this is private property. No one is allowed in

He smiled and raised his eyebrows at her, wiggling
them as he did when he teased her. They followed the track in until a set of
electric gates came into view. Thick plantings of palms and paper-bark trees
afforded the home a certain amount of protection from prying eyes. The high
black mesh fence surrounded the property as far as she could see. Hawk pressed
a button on the sun visor and the electric gate opened to let the
four-wheel-drive through before closing behind them.

“Hawk, what aren’t you telling me? I thought you were
staying in one of the holiday rentals, not this place.” Cass looked out the
window as they drove up the cobblestone driveway. Heavy foliage gave way, and
she got her first look at the imposing house overlooking the ocean path they’d
driven along. The two storey building was made from timber and stone with wrap
around verandas on both levels and what she imagined would be never-ending

Hawk drove under the house, parked next to another
four-wheel-drive and jumped out, walking around to her side. Cass looked at the
motorbikes, boats and surf ski’s lined up.

“Who lives here?” She took his hand as he helped her
out before taking her bag from the back.

“I do for the next two weeks. Come on, let me show you

He took her hand and together they walked outside and
up the staircase to the front door. Hawk punched in a code and pushed the large
cedar and glass door open to show her the inside of the house. Timber polished
floors stretched ahead for what seemed like forever. Cass stepped inside and
looked around the open plan room. To the right, stood a lounge with
couches set around a large coffee table. A bright
kitchen took up most of the centre of the room, sparkling white appliances
mixed with glossy timber counter tops. The view from the cook’s station was of
uninterrupted sea views that drew her closer.

“This is incredible. I wanted to see what this place
was like but it’s always been off limits to the staff at the resort.” She
smiled at him and ran a finger across the smooth polished surface in the
kitchen. Hawk followed and opened the sliding glass doors to the veranda,
pushing them open wide so the sea breeze filled the house.

“I love this place.” He leaned over the timber
railing, a shadow crossing his face.

“Hawk.” Cass slid her arm around his waist. “What’s
going on? It’s like you keep disappearing on me. One minute you’re the Hawk I
know, and then sadness or uncertainty crosses your face and you’re someone

“I’m sorry. I’ve just come back from a difficult
mission and I probably should have taken some down time before I came looking
for you, but to be honest, I wasn’t thinking clearly. I just had to see you.”
He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close, resting his chin on
her head.

“Want to talk about it?” His arms stiffened, and she
groaned. “Sorry, forgot. How about we go for a walk and you show me this place.
We can talk about what you’re allowed to tell me.”

Chapter four


“I keep the country safe and some days that means
taking lives.” His boss had been clear on the amount of information he could
pass on to a civilian.

“You do what?” She stepped back, confusion on her face
and her hand on her throat. Cass had always been the squeamish type, even in
school. He’d had to save her many a time in science class when dissecting frogs
and insects had been on the agenda. As she’d grown older, her fear of
blood—anyone’s not just her own—had gotten worse.

 “Exactly how do you achieve that?” Cass crossed
her arms, and looked out to sea the breeze blowing her hair back.

“By whatever force I decide necessary at the time to
protect my men and get the job done.” He stood behind Cass, chin resting on her
head and his arms wrapped around her. The problem was he wanted too much, and
refused to choose between the two most important things in his life. “I can’t
say work won’t impact on our personal life because it will. Every time I go
away, I’ll have to leave you and any memories I carry behind or I can’t do my
job. Distractions can get you killed, one of the reasons the boss doesn’t like
his operatives in relationships.”

“So why did he give in to you then?”

“Because I’m not the only one who has the urge to
settle down. A couple of the guys are feeling the lonely nights and want more
than a quick roll in bed.”

“So, how many have you…you know…”

Hawk dropped a kiss on her earlobe, noting the shiver
that ran over her skin. “No idea.”

We don’t keep track. Why do civilians think it’s like
the movies where we carve out notches on our guns or get tattoos for each kill?

Cass lifted her hand to his shoulder and spread her
palm flat. “So why do you have a tattoo then?”

“We all got them after the last mission when we lost
Pedro. Enough questions for now, let’s walk.”

The beach was deserted this far from the main resort
of Fraser Island. They hurried over the hot white sand to the low tide line and
dropped their beach towels in a pile on the beach. Cass walked down to the
water’s edge and dipped her toes into the foam pushing up the beach. She held
her arms over her head and stretched in the sunshine, rolling her body from
side to side. It was too much to see her standing in front of him and not be
touching her. Hawk walked up behind her and slipped his arms around her
stomach. He wasn’t expecting the wiggle as she pushed her butt against his

Cass turned in his arms and gazed into his eyes. She
bit her bottom lip and Hawk almost groaned out loud. Wishing he’d ignored the
little voice in his head about convincing her to be with him before he raced
her into his bed, he stepped back slightly, breaking the body contact between

“Sorry. Did I do something wrong?”

“I’m having trouble being this close and not making
love to you.”

A small smile curled the edges of her lips, a blush of
color tingeing her cheeks. “Can I see your tattoo?”

Hawk nodded his head before lifting his t-shirt and
pulling it over his head.


His body was an artwork of ripped muscles and
glistening skin. Concentrating on her request, Cass ran her fingertips up his
bicep, tracing the inked design over and along his shoulder. A large hawk in
flight gripped a curved dagger in its claws, encircled with the words
Vive in

“What does it mean?”

“Live in freedom or die. The reason
we do what we do.”

He gripped her hand, dropped a kiss on her head and
slung his t-shirt over his shoulder. Together they walked along the beach,
comfortable in each other’s company. Cass glanced at the man beside her.

Am I going to be able to let him go and place himself
in danger without warning? It’s been bad enough knowing he was fighting
overseas as it is without finding out he does top secret missions that surely
have to be more dangerous
Loving Hawk came with dangers anyway and he’d just ramped that up several

“I can hear your mind ticking over. Care to share
what’s giving you those frown lines?”

“I’m arguing with myself.” She stopped and picked up a
shell, running her fingertips over the grooves in the pattern. “I’ve always
wanted you, I made no secret of that last time you were home but to know what
you do - that kind of puts on a whole new level of stress. It was easier when
you teased me about keeping it a secret.”

“I know this is hard, Cass, I do but I want you more
than anything.”

“But not more than your job.”

“No. I need that as much as I need to breath. It’s who
I am, or at least an integral part of who I am. You’re the other part I need to
make me whole.” He grinned, his gorgeous smile making her stomach flip and her
girly parts sing with anticipation. “Give me these two weeks to prove to you
how good we can be together, please?”

She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck.
Her body pressed against his naked chest, Cass kissed his lips, flicking her
tongue along the seam of his mouth until he opened his lips to her.

Hawk gripped her around the waist and lifted her up.
She wound her legs around his hips and sunk into the kiss. His arms held her
tight against his body, letting her know exactly how she affected him. He
tasted of mint toothpaste, summer and sunshine. A shot of desire burned through
her. There was no way she would be able to turn him away at the end of the two
weeks. She needed Hawk in her life, she always had. Even when they were little,
a sense of loss followed her when he wasn’t around. Cass needed to come to
terms with his job if they had any chance of being happy and she wasn’t sure
she could do that. Sure it was a risk every time he started a mission. There
was always the chance he would get hurt or worse still - killed. But it came
with the territory, something he’d obviously come to terms with years ago. If
the truth be told, Cass knew the thrill of achieving something only he and his
team could pull off far outweighed any of the negatives anyone could throw at
him. It was how Hawk worked. Always trying to achieve the extraordinary.  

“I think we should take this back to the house. What
do you say?” His dark brown eyes burned with need, a need that mirrored hers.

“Yes.” He let her go and she slid down his hard body
to the sand. They reached for their towels and laughed when their fingers
locked. Hawk grabbed it and winked. “Race you to the track.”

Peals of laughter sounded out over the quiet deserted
stretch of beach. Cass had no way of winning the race but she launched herself
forward anyway. The sand was hot and soft beneath her feet, and she ran as if
her life depended on it.

“Coming, ready or not.”

Not daring to look over her shoulder at how far away
he was she lunged forward desperate to gain as much ground as she could before
he caught up with her. The thump of his feet behind her sounded seconds before
she was tackled onto the warm sand.

A squeal of protest sprung from her lips before she
hit the ground.
! She tried to get traction and scrabble away but
Hawk flipped her over onto her back and held her down. He loomed over her, a
huge grin on his face as she spluttered. “That’s playing dirty.”

“Should be used to it by now. You know I always win
even if I give you a head start.” He straddled her body, sitting on her hips,
hands on either side of her keeping most of his weight off her slight frame.

She wiped a hand across her mouth, the sandy grit in
her teeth familiar. They’d been here before. Unfortunately she had always ended
up on the bottom. “Don’t you think we’re too old for this game?”

“Having you underneath me will never get old, Cass.
That I can promise you.” He leaned down, wiped a line of sand from the edge of
her lips before bringing his mouth down on hers. He pushed past her closed
lips, easing her teeth apart as he explored her mouth. Soft moans of pleasure
rose in his chest and Cass ran her hands over hard muscles. His nipples pebbled
under her fingertips as she toyed with them, eager to taste the gorgeous man
who pinned her beneath him. Their usual games had never made her this hot for

Warmth filled her gut and she parted her thighs, an
invitation her body gave without command. His sweat glistened body moved and he
covered her, resting between her legs. His erection strained against his board
shorts and she pushed up into him, eager to take him into her body.

“I still think we should take this to the house.” He
looked down on her, his face strained.

“Nobody can see us here between the dunes, Hawk. Besides,
I can’t wait that long. You’ve been gone for nearly two months.”

“And you haven’t seen anyone else?” The searing hot
look on his face almost had her laughing but he was serious.

“No. I’ve been waiting for you.”

He dipped his head and kissed her again, the lines
fading away with her words of commitment. Pleasure at knowing how much that
meant to him had her heart soaring, and she knew it was the right move to wait
for him.

“Can we at least put the towel down so I don’t end up
with a sandy butt?” He grinned and rose to pick up the towel that had fallen
from his hands as he tackled her. Shaking off the sand, he spread it down on
the dunes and held out his arms. “Come here.”

Cass rose and threw herself into his arms. He laughed
as she toppled him to the ground. His laughter turned to lust when she sat on
his stomach and pulled her shirt over her head exposing her naked breasts to
his gaze.


Hawk swallowed and reached for her. His hand cupped
her breast and he rolled his thumb over the hardened nipple. Cass sighed and
closed her eyes, straining toward him. With one hand behind her back to support
her, he sat up and flicked his tongue over her nipple. His mouth closed over
the tightened bud of flesh and his erection strained against his shorts.

“I need…, oh hell Hawk, I need you right now.” Cass
undid the button on her shorts and raised herself enough to push them down over
her hips. A scarlet g-string followed to land on the sand beside them. She
reached down and ripped at the Velcro on his shorts, pulling at them enough to
release his erection into her hand.

“Hell, Cass, this is going to be quick.”

She hovered over his cock before placing the head
against her moist opening. With patience that had him groaning, Cass lowered
herself down onto him. Her eyes closed and head thrown back in pleasure, she
took him into her tight heat.

Hawk held her down against him, sensations swamping
him within seconds of a climax. “Give me a minute here.” When he had some
semblance of control, he moved her hips slowly at first, and then let their
bodies take over. Cass rode him hard and fast, her cries of pleasure ringing in
his ears seconds before his own release swamped him, draining every coherent
thought from his mind.

Cass leaned down over him, her gasps for air mixed in
with his own. She clutched his shoulders, breath rasping in his ears until her
body stopped trembling around him.
“Hell, Cass, I never thought to ask if you needed me to…”

She put her finger on his lips. “Nothing has changed
for me. I’m still on the pill and I haven’t been with anyone else.”

He pulled her face to his, kissing her deeply and with
such intense promise, his heart swelled. This was his woman, his future
partner. Thank goodness he didn’t have to choose between her and his job any

“I need more of this but I can think of somewhere
better than the beach.” He pulled her to her feet and reached for her clothes,
helping her get dressed. Tightening his own shorts he picked up their shoes in
one hand. Slinging the towel over his shoulder, Hawk gripped her fingers
between his and together they headed up the track to the house.

When they reached the main gate, he stopped at a small
side entrance. “If for any reason, you need to get in or out, remember this
code but don’t under any circumstances write it down anywhere. It works on both
gates.” He punched in the code and the door clicked open. Walking through, he
pushed it shut behind them.

Hawk pulled her up the driveway to the house. Dropping
their shoes at the door, he led her inside and upstairs. The top level of the
house was filled with as much light and sunshine as the lower level and Cass
looked around, checking out the rooms as they walked past them.

He stopped at the end of the passage and turned to
her. “This is our room. Hope you don’t mind sharing.” Her blush made him smile,
and he pushed open the door. The only solid wall loomed behind the huge bed
head that seemed to take up half of the room.

 Cass stepped in and glanced out the windows that
made up the other two walls with an uninterrupted view of the ocean. “This is

“I like to think it’s pretty special. The bathroom is
through there.” Hawk pointed to the open doorway and watched her walk in to
investigate. The sound of her approval met his ears and he followed her in. She
stood looking at the shower stall. Thick one way glass jutted out over the edge
of the house giving the effect of standing over the ocean. A large built-in
shower head covered the area big enough for a family of six to bathe together.

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