Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

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BOOK: Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5)
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Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5)

Jessica Coulter Smith

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2016 Jessica Coulter Smith

BIN: 07605-02452
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Changeling Press LLC
315 N. Centre St.
Martinsburg, WV 25404
Editor: Crystal Esau
Cover Artist: Karen Fox

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Table of Contents

Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5)

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Jessica Coulter Smith


Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5)

Jessica Coulter Smith



Kicked off his home world after losing his mate, Reyvor has made a place for himself on Earth, spending his afternoons drinking and his nights cruising the streets on his Harley. All of that is about to change. A commotion outside of his motel room just may turn out to be his saving grace.


Hazel has lost everything, but she’d do it all again if it meant escaping the abusive boyfriend who liked to beat on her three girls and herself. Dumpster diving has never been her favorite thing to do, but she doesn’t have a penny to her name and her girls are starving. When she’s caught, something miraculous happens.


Reyvor knows right away the petite woman with the large blue eyes needs him. When he hears this little ragtag family hasn’t eaten in days, he convinces Hazel to accept a warm meal and a place to stay for the night. The girls warm his heart and remind him of what he once wanted out of life. Is it too late to start over?


Hazel is hesitant to trust anyone again with her heart, but Reyvor is determined to make her his. What’s an alien to do when all he wants is a loving family to call his own? He’ll break down her defenses one by one, until she melts against him and begs for his kiss. Can he claim the feisty Hazel without completely losing his heart to her?

Chapter One


Reyvor studied the amber liquid in his shot glass and wondered why he bothered swilling the nasty stuff. It didn’t really change anything, except give him a headache the next day. Getting drunk wouldn’t bring his mate back, or his job. He’d been a captain for one of the shuttles to Earth since communications were first started between their worlds, and now he’d been dismissed. No one on his world would hire him, and the Terran stations on Earth barely tolerated his presence.

He’d been left adrift by his people because they didn’t know what to do with him. His mate had been sweet and kind, always had a ready smile, and some nasty, vile disease called cancer had taken her from him all too soon. They’d never even been blessed with children. Reyvor thought if they’d perhaps had a daughter who took after her beautiful mother, perhaps her passing wouldn’t have hurt quite as much. He’d still have had a piece of her to hold onto. Now all he had were memories.

“You’ve been nursing that shot for the last hour,” the bartender said.

“Zanar, do you ever wonder if we’re really supposed to be here? Wouldn’t Earth have been better off without us?”

Zanar lifted a brow. “No, they wouldn’t. I’m sorry about your mate, Reyvor, but at least our doctors were able to ease her passing. Without that care, she would have suffered horribly. Are you saying she would have been better off that way? Better off never having known your love?”

That was probably what ate at him the most. He’d cared for her, there was no question about that, but had he truly loved her? She’d said the words many times, with a soft smile and light in her eyes, but he’d never been able to utter them back. He’d felt like an ass. They were just words, and they would have given her so much comfort, especially in the end. Why hadn’t he been able to say them?

Zanar tipped his head to the side. “That’s it, isn’t it? You never loved her.”

“I treated her with respect and honor.”

“Women need more than that, Reyvor. Is that why you haven’t taken another mate? I mean, before you lost your job?”

He shrugged.

“You can’t prowl the streets on that metal beast of yours forever. Hell, you aren’t even licensed to ride it. I’m surprised the local cops haven’t pulled you over and hauled your ass to jail.”

Reyvor snorted. “Would
try taking me to jail?”

“I admit, you’re a big bastard, but they have weapons and aren’t afraid to use them. I bet if you weren’t a Zelthranite you’d have been hauled off long ago. Be thankful for your purple skin. It’s probably all that’s saving your ass.”

Zanar had a point. But if Reyvor’s race was going to keep him free from Earth’s justice system, he would use it to his advantage. His days were spent sleeping, his afternoons drinking, and his nights were saved for riding through the streets. The wind blowing against his face filled him with a peace he’d never known before. It was almost like flying. The thrum of his Harley seemed to soothe his soul better than the whiskey in his glass could ever do.

Good thing being a captain had paid so well. Without his savings, he’d never be able to survive right now. His world had written him off and he wasn’t welcome on the planet’s surface any longer. In all fairness, he
tried to destroy the doctor’s office after his mate died. And perhaps he’d made some comments to the potential brides about their impending doom if they mated with one of his kind. He had no one to blame for his predicament but himself.

“So if you didn’t love her, why are you trying to drink yourself into an early grave? I could understand if you faced unbearable pain because she was gone, but if she was just another woman, what’s the deal?”

“I failed her. It was my job to keep her safe and I didn’t realize she was sick until it was too late. If I’d paid closer attention, made fewer trips to Earth… she was alone so much of the time. She deserved better than me.”

“Look on the bright side. Now you have all the time in the world to focus on a mate. Why not give it another try? With your current status on our world, you don’t have to ask the council’s permission to claim a mate. You’re a free male and can do whatever you want. If I were in your position, I think I’d take advantage of that and start a new life for myself. You already have a Harley. Why not buy a house and lure some unsuspecting female into your bed?”

“You think that’s all it will take? Buy a house and women will suddenly be knocking on my door, begging me to make them mine?” Reyvor smiled a little. “It’s an intriguing idea.”

“Look, you and I both know you’re loaded. What could possibly be hotter to the human female population than a guy on a Harley, dressed all in black leather, who has a big house they can decorate? Besides, you’re paying a ridiculous amount of money to rent a room when you could just put down a chunk of cash on a place and own it. You’re hemorrhaging funds.”

Buy a house? He supposed it wasn’t a bad idea. It wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go. He didn’t have his own shuttle, so leaving Earth was out of the question. If he was going to make his home here, he might as well put down some roots -- an Earth saying he thought was rather humorous. A shiny magazine slid across the bar, and he smirked when he saw it was a book full of homes for sale.

“You planned this, didn’t you?” Reyvor asked.

Zanar lifted his hands. “Just give it a look.”

“It’s not like I can buy a home after hours. I’m sure those people go home at night.”

“He’s a realtor,” Zanar said with a tip of his head toward the end of the bar. “And from what I’ve heard he could really use a sale. I bet he’d have you moved in before you even had time to pack.”

“Pack what? I brought three changes of clothes and my boots.”

“That’s another thing. If you’re going to live on Earth, you might as well dress like it. I challenge you to find a store that’s open tonight and purchase clothes a human male would wear. Those blue pants seem to be popular with the males and females, so I’m guessing they’re comfortable. Even the bikers I’ve seen on the streets wear them.”

“Become more human?”

“How about less rigid? You’re sitting on that stool like there’s a stick up your ass. Relax your posture. Hunch your shoulders a little. It’s perfectly acceptable to lean on the bar.”

Reyvor laughed at the image that sprang to his mind. “How much do I owe you tonight for the drinks?” he asked.

Zanar waved him off. “On the house.”

Reyvor shoved his shot glass across the bar and rose to his feet. He sauntered over to the realtor, who was nursing a rather large mug of beer. Sitting beside the man, he started flipping through the little booklet in his hands. When he saw a house that caught his attention, he read the details and nudged the man next to him.

“Is this the kind of house a human female would want?” Reyvor asked, pointing at the small country home.

The man snorted and took the book away. After flipping several pages, he pointed to a large white home with pillars across the front. A winding drive curled in front of the house and there appeared to be quite a bit of land.

“This is what women want. A rich asshole to pay for everything they could possibly want. Women want status, position, power. And they’ll do anything to have it.” His words slurred a bit, telling Reyvor he’d been drinking heavily.

Still. He looked at the house again. The house was advertised as a plantation home with seven bedrooms and four bathrooms. Reyvor couldn’t imagine ever needing that much space, but what if he did take another mate and she wanted a large family? A smile flitted across his face as he thought about getting to
those babies. Zanar was right. He’d honored his mate’s memory by remaining single for the past year, but it was time to move on. His home was on Earth now and it was time he made the most of it.

“What is required to purchase such a home?” Reyvor asked.

“Well,” the man slurred. “You’ll need to get approved by the bank for a loan, then there’s the home inspection, and if the sellers and you agree on a price then we have to set up closing where everyone signs papers and you’re given keys.”

He looked at the book again. The price seemed reasonable, even though he was still learning Earth’s currency. He knew he had more than that in his bank, and there were still funds in his Terran account he hadn’t transferred. His wife had never spent much, so most of his money had gone into the bank.

“A loan won’t be necessary, and there’s no need to haggle over the price. I could have the funds transferred to their account as soon as tomorrow.”

The man’s eyes widened. “You want to buy it? And you want to pay cash?”

Reyvor nodded.

“But… you haven’t even seen it!”

Reyvor pointed to the picture. “Looks good enough to me. My name is Reyvor and anyone at the Terran Station will know how to find me. I’d like this taken care of as soon as possible. Just contact me to let me know what I need to do.”

“You’re serious?”

“Of course. I would never joke about something like this.”

The man held out his hand. “I’m John. John Wilson.”

“It’s nice to meet you, John. I’ll leave you to your beer, but I’d appreciate some information in the morning. I’d like to move in as soon as possible.”

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