Head 01 Hot Head (36 page)

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Authors: Damon Suede

Tags: #erotic fiction, #Fire Fighters, #Gay

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after practice, and back then he’d gotten wood from digging out his keys. Something about the roughness of Dante’s hands. The little, pleased non-whistle as he worked the stiffness out of Griff’s heavy shoulders.

He didn’t know this quiet, tender person at al. Maybe this was what Dante was like in the bedroom, in private. Behind closed doors, the cockiness turned

—into a kind of goofy, boyish desire to please.

This is why he gets his way with everyone, even me.

Griff sighed.

Dante’s weight shifted as he leaned over the edge of the couch, rooting for something. “Got it!”

Griff turned his head just in time to see him sit up with a bottle. Dante smiled shyly.

He looks… afraid?

Griff tried not to dwel on that as he heard the cap pop on the bottle, then the slither of Dante lubing his hands, and
Dante’s hands dug deep into his meaty back. Then he couldn’t form a thought at al. Dante started at the shoulders and wrung the stress out of him, al the way down to the swel of his buttocks.

Dante inched back for a better angle, using his fists to knead the pale globes.

Griff felt a drop of sweat fal from Dante onto his butt cheek, then run into his crack.

Apparently Dante had seen it, because he leaned close, his breath cooling Griff’s skin. Lower. Lower. Dante was working his way back to get his face closer

and then his mouth was against Griff’s ass, sucking the drop of sweat off him and biting the muscle. Rough hands spread the cheeks. His tongue dipped between

and down, spearing the tiny pink iris of muscle buried in the cleft.

A silent bark squeezed out of Griff in surprise.
That’s it!
That feeling again, and he wanted it.

This time Dante knew exactly what he needed too, and he didn’t let up on Griff for a second. Dante was sucking and chewing at his blushing hole, stubble

grazing the skin between Griff’s glutes. Cheek to cheek to cheek to cheek. Griff chuckled and gasped as the tongue pushed al the way inside him and his little muscle closed around it.

Yes, please.

Dante was making insane noises back there, snuffling and groaning as he tried to get his face further into the deep groove.
This is what you get for doing
too many squats at the firehouse.

Chuckling, Dante lifted and slid his chest along the back of Griff’s legs until he was lying ful length over him, heart beating between shoulder blades, meat

wedged in the furrow of his butt. He was wearing a condom.

Where did his shorts go?

Dante had shucked his clothing—sneaky bastard.

His rampant erection slid along Griff’s backside, brushing over the tight knot hidden there. A bead of sweat dripped from his face onto Griff’s shoulder and

those wine-stain lips were at Griff’s ear, making him want awful things.

“’S’good right? Your ass is so hard. Jesus, man. It feels unbelievable under me.” Again that sweet shyness saying filthy words, and Dante’s sheathed cock

was insistent, brushing over his opening, occasionaly pausing to nudge right against it.
Knock, knock.
Back and forward and nudge, back and nudge and forward.

Griff felt their skin heat from the friction and his ass relax a little as it was rubbed-rubbed-rubbed into submission. He wasn’t afraid. This was not his idea.

Without thinking, he arched his back slightly, and on the next nudge he felt Dante’s head push inside him a little. A hiss from Dante in his ear. Griff almost blew his load right there.


Dante did, his curved boner barely breaching that little ring of muscle.

Griff was paralyzed by it; he could feel the hot length of it pressed against the trench, and he could feel the strange space inside him where it needed to be.


Dante muzzled his ear, bit the lobe, licked the bite. “I’m wearing a raincoat.”

“I know… that’s not what I—” Griff couldn’t figure out how to ask for what he wanted. Everything was so quiet.

“Just us. Just now.” Dante was taking deep breaths, but Griff was holding his.

“God, I know.” For an insane moment, Griff heard a golden oldie in his head:
should I stay or should I go
? He could feel the slow breathing as his buddy strained to keep himself from thrusting.

Griff made the choice, because there wasn’t realy any choice for him. He arched hard and pushed back onto Dante and the head popped into him. Dante

gasped with him.

Ow. Wow.

He hadn’t expected that. Griff’s shaft sweled until it hurt under him.

With infinite grinding patience, Dante driled that perfect, thick, medium-rare curve right into Griff until the pleasure made him see spots and he had to breathe through his mouth to keep from passing out. He groaned low in his bely and felt an answering rumble on his broad back.

“Oh. My. Fuck.” Dante pressed up, hands on the wide shoulders under him, pushing his lean hips deep, deep. Griff could hear him gritting his teeth, and that

Italian dick burned as if it was melting him from the inside. “Griff. Your ass.”

Pumping steadily but slowly, Dante slid his hands from Griff’s shoulders along his arms until his chest was pressed tight and their fingers were interlaced,

hunching into the slippery heat. “You—you—oh!”

The curve did something funny inside Griff. The head knocked against this smal hungry place that made him shake and his eyes rol back in his head.

Dante squeezed his arms hard enough to bruise and kissed his shoulder openmouthed. “Awgh! Do that again.”

“Yes, sir.” Griff chuckled over his shoulder and Dante chuckled too. It just felt so crazy and right. Griff’s eyes drifted shut as he squeezed along the length and pushed back again.

“Yeah! Yeah-yeah. Jesus…. You’re making me stupid. Aaugh. Fuck yourself on my—God!”

Griff did. He couldn’t stop himself. That perfect curve pierced him to his secret core, driling into something that was pushing drool out of his dick. Each thrust forced slippery threads from Griff and nudged him toward his climax.

Too soon.

So deep his insides wouldn’t let go. Every stroke nudged that hungry spot in him, stoking a flame, pushing him toward the cliff until he was about to—

“Dante, hold on. Don’t move. Don’t move!” Griff stopped cold, trying to tense every muscle in his body to hold on. He was gonna come too soon. They’d

just started, and there was just no way it would take long enough to satisfy him. On the rug below, a strip of foil-wrapped condoms gleamed like a grail.

Dante did exactly as he was told, panting and resting his forehead between Griff’s shoulder blades. His lips brushed the skin and he kissed it once. “Did I hurt you, man?”

“No, I almost—one sec….” Griff reached back and gripped Dante’s hips hard. His legs were rigid and shaking between Dante’s. His ass gripped Dante’s

curved boner, holding him inside against that
. Sweat ran between them as they caught their breath, ribs rising and faling together. “I’m trying—”

Then Griff felt the lightest brush: Dante’s tongue sneaking out uncontrolably to lick his spine there, a light tickle.

That did it.

Griff reared up, lifting Dante with him with a roar. Dante’s curved spike slid out of him, but before he felt the absence fuly he flipped the Italian on his back.

Startled, Dante held on part of the way then fel against the opposite armrest on his back, his glistening erection bending against the crisp line of hair that plunged from his perfect navel.

“Wait, wait for me.” Turning, Griff grabbed his legs and puled him across the couch to wrap them around his back.

Griff leaned over to kiss some part of Dante’s confused face, licked his throat, fumbling to rol a condom onto his own shaft.

Their cocks dueled for a moment as he bent down to get their faces close again, then yanked a cushion out of the way for more room. He knocked over

something on the coffee table but fuck if he could be bothered to find out what.

He put fingers inside Dante’s mouth and Dante licked at them.

The pleasure clutched at Griff, held his throat until he couldn’t breathe unless their mouths were open against each other.

It was al Dante, under him, looking up at him, pushing toward him like flame. Dante was trying to lift himself on the couch, but the sweaty, lubed leather was too slippery.

Griff sucked Dante’s spit off his fingers and reached low to fumble at Dante’s tiny opening, massaging it firmly as he’d seen Dante do it a lifetime ago.

I know what you like. You taught me.

Eyes bright, Dante tipped his hips and held his knees spread, giving ful access so Griff could crawl closer and screw his wet finger, then fingers, inside. One, then two, slipping smoothly into the little opening.

The broad crown of his erection nudged Dante’s nutsack, then beneath. “Don’t fight me. It’s going in. I want it to,” Griff growled at him.


“I’m not going to be able to control myself.”

“Don’t.” Dante shook his head.
That shyness again
. “God… please don’t.”

Dante raised a hand to touch Griff’s face. Griff nodded and kissed the palm roughly.

Griff searched for the lube, but he wouldn’t look away from his man, and finaly Dante put it into his hands and popped the cap and squeezed a palmful

between them, smearing his slick trench with his own fingers. Whimpering, he slid a long finger in beside Griff’s two, and together, lips brushing, eye to eye, they opened him up.

Griff couldn’t take it another second; he slid his out, and Dante’s as wel.

“Last chance.” Griff set the blunt shiny head right at Dante’s perfect, grasping entrance.
Knock, knock.

Dante nodded.

Griff pushed forward a little, barely breathing, but he stopped when Dante’s eyes went wide and shocked.

“Agh! Okay… okay….” Dante nodded again. “Easy! Just go slow. Okay? Jeee-sus you’re hung, Griffin!”

Griff took his time, just firmly pressing forward while Dante’s hole opened milimeter by milimeter around the fat blushing apple.

Al of a sudden the muscle relaxed and he popped inside. They both yelped. Dante panted between his teeth like he was running a marathon. He swalowed

and licked his lips.

Griff froze with worry and started to withdraw.

“No. I want it. It’s so—” Dante’s eyes were wild and his voice sounded muffled. His ass flexed around the knob. His pulse jerked in his throat. “Jesus, like I didn’t know I wanted it.” He panted, and his ass slipped another inch onto Griff’s erection, squeezing it like a fist. Dante shivered.

“Ticklish?” Griff’s mouth was open on his shoulder, and he bit down on the salty muscle.

Dante shuddered and nodded and gasped. “Great—great. Ah! Mmph.” Dante was hunching his hips in little circles, trying to work Griff’s erection deeper

inside him.

Griff was lightheaded; sparks flickered at the edges of his vision. “Is it too much? I can—”

“No. Get it in me.”

Suddenly Dante impaled himself on the stout invader; he just wrapped his legs around Griff’s back and forcibly puled it into him the rest of the way, shocking both of them. His dark head dropped back, stretching his strong throat, and his breath came in short huffs.

“Fuh-uhhhk.” Dante panted and licked his lips. His eyes were feverish slits. His mouth an O of surprise. “Pushed the breath out of me! You are so goddamn


Griff kissed his colarbone gently, then puled out a little, so little, and nudged in again, pushing firmly until he sank inside. “There it is. Give it up. Give your ass to me.”

Dante grunted and his shaft jerked involuntarily between them. He lifted his head so they could see each other.

“Someone liked that.” Griff smiled down and smoothed wet raven curls away from the handsome face.

Dante nodded, smiling. His eyes were watering and he was fighting to breathe normaly.

Up close, an inch away, face to face, Griff realized for the first time that Dante’s eyes looked velvet black but had a slight green cast to them, like scarabs…

an emerald iridescence only visible from kissing distance.

I never knew.

Dante closed them and roled his head groggily, his lips dark red against his quicksilver smile.

Griff moved with excruciating slowness. His arms shook with the strain of holding back. “Feel that?”

That’s how much I love you.

“It’s like….” Dante’s words were slurred and dreamy. “It’s like being jerked off from the inside ’cause you’re so
-my-God wide… wow.” Dante’s

tongue snuck out to lick his swolen lips, which was too much of a temptation.

Griff folded down close to steal a kiss. He looked right into those dark scarab eyes, brushing their mouths together. Against his navel, he felt Dante’s erection leaking a continuous trickle of precum, making cobwebs between them.
Cock webs
. Griff smiled and Dante smiled back without knowing why.

Tell him: I love you.

Griff raised his blunt fingers to put them in Dante’s mouth, and he bit them gently, sucking them. Griff driled in at a different angle and—

Something sparkled and spattered his abdomen.

“Holy shit!” Dante’s rod was spraying the air between them suddenly with scorching wetness. “I’m not coming. That isn’t me coming. Holy Christ, don’t


“What do you—?” Griff shook his head in confusion.

“I dunno. You hit something and it just… hang on. Ful! It’s stil happening. Ohmygod that’s amazing. Just go slow or you’re gonna make me do it again.”

Griff laughed and flexed his boner inside his lover. “And that’s bad, why?”

“I don’t—I couldn’t control—” Dante turned his head to the side and threw an arm over his face. “So fucking lame. Goddamn teenager. Jeez. I can’t believe

I lost it—sorry.”

“Hey. Hey! Don’t hide from me.” Griff puled the arm away and smoothed sweaty hair out of his face, leaning down for a kiss, growling, “I’m not fucking

done with you.”

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