Head Over Heels

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Authors: Crystal B. Bright

BOOK: Head Over Heels
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Sometimes it takes hurt to open your heart…


At twenty-two, Thane Wells is the highest-paid pitcher in Major League Baseball—and he owes it all to his adoptive Mama, “Queen” Elizabeth Sommerville, a wise, beautiful, entrepreneurial African-American woman who always encouraged him and his two white brothers to reach for the stars…the woman Thane still talks to daily. He never dreamed their most recent conversation would be their last. With his beloved supporter suddenly gone, Thane is grief-stricken, shaken, and vulnerable—especially to a woman like Kari Meyers.


Kari’s had her eye on Thane for a while, but strictly for business. As a junior sports agent, she’s hungry to sign him, especially when she hears his current agent will be retiring soon. When she finally locates Thane, she’s shocked to discover he’s attending his mother’s funeral—and he’s shocked to find Kari in his hotel room. Assuming she’s an escort is just the beginning of their misunderstandings. But one thing that’s clear is their mutual attraction. As a single mom with an NBA ex, Kari has a rule against dating athletes. Yet as circumstances bring the two closer together, they just might find they’re on the same team, heart and soul…



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Books by Crystal B. Bright


Mama’s Boys

The Look Of Love

Forget Me Not

Head Over Heels



Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation




Head Over Heels

Mama’s Boys


Crystal B. Bright



Kensington Publishing Corp.







Lyrical Press books are published by

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Copyright © 2016 by Crystal B. Bright


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First Electronic Edition: August 2016

eISBN-13: 978-1-61650-715-2

eISBN-10: 1-61650-715-2


First Print Edition: August 2016

ISBN-13: 978-1-61650-716-9

ISBN-10: 1-61650-716-0


Printed in the United States of America





This book and this entire series are dedicated to everyone that contributed to my writing journey. Every book I read, every class I took, every conversation I had about the writing process all got me to where I am right now. I’m so grateful and thankful for every arduous step in my journey. It was all worth it.


To all the mothers out there, whether your children are biologically yours or chosen for you to raise or the four-legged kind, thank you for building the foundation of happy and healthy adults. For Ireleen S. Bright – you will always be my hero.



Author’s Foreword


I’m almost sad to end this series. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing about the Wells boys and their journey to find love. Although I love Gunnar and Gideon, Thane’s character pulls at my heart, mainly because he’s the baby of the family just like me.


No matter how big the family, there is always some sort of misunderstanding that pulls the family apart. I wanted to explore that dynamic with this family. Sometimes the “rock” that holds the family together may not always be the parent.


The main message I wanted to express in this series is that forgiveness is powerful and love is everywhere if you open yourself up to receive it.


I hope you all enjoy my series. I certainly had fun writing it.


Keep reading,







Thank you Alicia Condon, Renee Rocco and the entire Kensington and Lyrical Press family who took a chance on my series. This series wouldn’t be half of what it is without the hard work of my editor, Heidi Moore. She kept me on track and challenged me. I’m a much better author because of her.


Thank you to the love of my life, Jim Stark, who supported me in so many ways. I love you.



Chapter 1


Five years ago

Kari Meyers stared at her reflection in the ladies’ room mirror at the Hilton Hotel in New York, trying to will herself to appear more important than she felt. She hadn’t waited for the ink to dry on her diploma from Old Dominion University when she made the trek to this hotel on the heels of a man. No, a boy. Hell, who was she kidding? Even at seventeen, Thane Wells looked like a grown man with a lot of stories.

She could have kicked herself for her salacious thoughts. No other sports agent, especially one starting out, would think of a potential client like a sexual being—even if the client had thick, dark brown hair that begged to have fingers raked through it, and aquatic-blue eyes that made her want to dive in deep and get lost in them for years without coming up for air. She couldn’t forget his strong jaw, sleek nose, and his set of full, kissable lips.

For a white boy, he had swagger. For a college freshman, he had an impressive pitch. Kari had to remember that and stop contemplating whether he would find an African-American woman a few years his senior attractive.

Her phone rang in her purse at the same time the door to the bathroom opened. Kari ignored the woman that had come into the restroom when she saw the name on her caller ID.

“Hey, Grandpa.” Kari smiled.

“My baby. How are you doing up there? Did you get Thane to sign on as your client?” His strong voice powered through the few cracks that riddled his speech.

“I haven’t met him yet. Psyching myself up first.” The wild, flapping vultures in her stomach hadn’t settled since she’d arrived by Amtrak that afternoon to crash this baseball-recruiting event.

Llewellyn Meyers didn’t mince words. Never had. “You know sports. You’re the one who found this cat’s information when he was in high school. And you just got that degree.”

Kari heard a giggling sound through the phone that made her smile and almost tear up.

“And you have this little guy here depending on you.”

Kari could almost see her grandfather smiling.

“Say hi to your mother.”

“Hi, Mama!” Michael screamed.

Little kids her son’s age had no volume control. Kari loved it.

“I shouldn’t have taken this trip right now. I just graduated last week.” Kari peered over at the stately looking African-American woman who busied herself by slathering a coat of red lipstick over her lips.

She looked flawless. Her eyebrows sat perfectly arched over her full brown eyes. Her eyelashes looked good enough to be fake—full, long, and curly. She wore a sensible skirt and matching jacket, but with the cream-colored silk shirt underneath, she pulled off a feminine yet strong look.

Kari scanned her own outfit. She wore a simple red wrap dress and had her shoulder-length brown hair in simple waves around her face. She’d thought she looked appropriate…until she saw this woman.

“Don’t be silly,” Llewellyn said. “I don’t mind watching this little guy. You’ve worked hard. You’ve put yourself through college. You recognized that young man’s talent before all the other big agents, including Alec Fogel. Sign him and come home and tell us all about it.”

Kari smiled. “You always believe in me, even when I screw up.”

“Hey,” Llewellyn said quickly. “You haven’t made a mistake in your life. People have disappointed you. But things happen for a reason. That boy that left you years ago gave you a great little son.”

She smiled. “Michael is a blessing.” She took a deep breath. “I’ll do my best, Grandpa. As soon as I meet Thane, I’m coming right back home.”

“Do what you need to do. Love you.”

“Love you. Give Michael a hug and kiss from me.” Kari made a kissing sound on the phone before disconnecting the call.

She surveyed her appearance again. Feeling a tad casual next to the Queen of England standing next to her, Kari pulled out a tube of lipstick and painted her lips a rose color.

“First time leaving your child at home for an extended period?” the woman asked out of the blue.

Kari turned to her. Her bathroom companion’s simple and genuine smile made Kari relax a little.

“Was it that obvious?” She tossed the lipstick in her purse and exhaled. “I felt mommy-guilt when I went back to college. Now that I’ve graduated, I’m trying so hard to make a good life for the two of us. I feel bad leaving him, even if it’s only for a day.”

“I understand. I had three young boys myself at one time and was running my own businesses.”

Kari blinked. “You did all that on your own?”

She nodded. “At one point, I had a husband. But he was more of a nuisance than anything else. Got rid of him but kept my boys.” She smoothed her hand over her hair. “So you’re here on business?”

Kari nodded. “Trying to become a sports agent. I want to start my own business and not work for someone else. I know it’ll be difficult. But I’m not going to give up.”

Kari’s new confidante nodded and carried the biggest grin.

Kari continued. “I thought if I could get this player I’ve been watching since his high school days, it would get me noticed.”

The woman raised her eyebrows. “Wow. So you came here on your own to sign an athlete as a client, and you haven’t even started working yet? That takes a lot of nerve and guts. I admire that. You’re not looking for anyone to hand you anything. You’re willing to do it all on your own. Reminds me a lot of myself several years ago.” She held out her hand. “Elizabeth.”

Kari shook it. “Kari. Nice to meet you.” She should have guessed the woman’s skin would be soft to the touch. “Do you live in New York or just visiting?”

“Here on business. So you’re meeting an athlete here?” Elizabeth tucked her clutch under her arm.

Kari nodded. “I don’t have a meeting set up with him or anything. I was hoping to see him and talk to him.” Her body felt warm all over as she thought about Thane Wells. “He’s going to be amazing on a major league team someday.”

“Who is that? Someone named Thane?”

“Yes, Thane Wells. He’s a great pitcher. I know all his stats now that he’s in college. I understand he got invited up here by the Yankees. I don’t know if he has an agent yet, but I would love to get in on the ground floor.” She lowered her voice and leaned closer to Elizabeth. “It doesn’t hurt that he’s extremely good looking.”

“He just started college. Don’t you think he should finish?”

Kari blinked. “You
a mom. Yes, he should finish if he can. But his best earning years are now.”

“And you sound like an agent.” Elizabeth moved in closer to Kari. “Let me give you a bit of business advice. It appears that you’ve done your homework. For that reason, you should come at him in a more businesslike way and not, um, with putting all your assets out there.”

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