Read Healing Cherri Online

Authors: Jana Leigh

Tags: #erotica, #menage, #jana leigh, #shifter romance, #denver pack, #chosen wars, #drekinn series

Healing Cherri (22 page)

BOOK: Healing Cherri
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I have to go into the luncheon, just make sure you follow the plans, and let the families know if they turn them in, there will be a reward.”

Her husband stepped out into the hallway and frowned and then waved at her. She couldn’t wait to actually get rid of him. But she needed him for now, so he got to live. She wondered what he would do when the human leader of the United States found out he was married to a shifter lioness for the last ten years.

That could throw a kink in the next election; she thought to herself and laughed. No, he was going to toe the line, and she was going to make sure of it. No one would know that she was a descendant of the awful, mean Roarke. He was still a legend among the shifters. The lengths he went to were hideously cool.

Sari had waited all these years, studied her ancestors, learned from their mistakes. She would win this battle where none of them had ever been able to. She was stronger and more resilient than anyone had ever given her credit before. Look how she was able to control her shifting, and her animal. The DNA that she was missing did not affect her because she was too smart.

She did what she needed to in order to keep the beast in the closet. It was going to work, she had made it this far. Rose to the top of the human leadership without any questions, made it through one of the hardest vetting processes in the world. Now if she could find where her right hand man went, she was golden.

Chapter 16



Fix her,” Calli demanded and paced in the room.

Rissa remained in the chair she had been in since they brought them in. She refused to leave her friend. Cherri had taken the shot that was aimed at her. They had wanted to kill her, she thought.

If Cherri hadn’t moved, that crazy fucker would have gotten to her. She had been so quick; Rissa wiped a tear from her eye. The scene replayed itself over and over in her mind. The door bursting open and the crazy man running directly at her. The poor nail lady had tried to throw her body in front of Rissa to protect her, but Cherri had jumped over the woman with one vault and kicked the man in the nuts.

He had fallen to the ground as Cherri had yelled at him, and Calli and Rissa tried to disentangle themselves from the towels and shit that held them back. When Rissa had looked up, Cherri stood in her battle stance, with the towel neatly wrapped around her body and her head, never having even fallen off. And she was leaning back on her heels so that her nail polish on her toes had not gotten messed up.

When she had turned and grinned at Calli and Rissa, the man had struck. Sticking her in the back of the leg with a needle. Cherri had collapsed and Calli had finally gotten her gun and shot the shifter right between the eyes.

Pillar stepped in to the room and looked around at the group that was gathered. Kade and Calli stood against the wall. Nik and Declan on either side of their mate, and Rissa sitting at the foot of the bed. None of the three knew how special they were.

He can’t,” Pillar said quietly.

Calli swung around and growled at the young woman. “Don’t say that.”

Sorry, but it's true. HE cannot, but you and Rissa can,” Pillar said quietly.

Now what the hell are you talking about?” Calli demanded.

Your blood oath, the one you did when you were children. It has been the key this whole time,” Pillar said and laughed. “It took me a while to actually figure that out. But it's the same thing that happened to the
as they evolved. Their DNA changed and mutated even further, you sharing your blood when you were so young changed your basic DNA. That's why the three of you are so closed. You have shared markers now.”

Calli frowned and looked at the scar on her hand. “What difference does that make?”

One of you is the healer,” Kade said with a wondrous tone.

Pillar nodded. “As the
changed, so did we, the Chosen ancestors, we received their gifts in a different way. I'm the Seer of the Pack, but there are also others who will come forward with abilities as well.”

Well shit, we're like a walking freak parade. Which one of us is it though, because Cherri should be able to heal herself if it was her, which it really should be because she is the doctor, but if you think about maybe not, because she has so much on her plate as it is with all the doctor stuff…” Rissa rambled.

Ris, take a breath, you're thinking too hard,” Calli said and thought for a moment of their ancestors. “I am, Josephine was the White Wolf.”

Pillar nodded and Rissa took a deep breath. “Thank goodness, I was panicking because I hate blood.”

Calli rolled her eyes and said, “Tough shit, get your ass over here, we have to do the slice and dice again.”

Oh man,” Rissa said and held out her hand and closed her eyes.

Calli grabbed the scalpel from the small tray and cut her hand first, then Rissa, and finally she cut Cherri and then did the same thing as they had when they were children and held their three hands together, mixing their blood.

Calli could feel the tingle of her hand and Rissa muttered, “Shit.”

Cherri’s eyes fluttered and she looked around at them with confusion. Calli frowned and looked at Declan who came and began to take the reading of her vitals. But neither of the friends liked the look in Cherri’s eye, it looked like when Kiki had woken up as Kristopher.

Please don’t let her think she's a man,” Rissa whispered and Calli frowned at her.

What the hell are you talking about?” Callie demanded.

Look at her, she looks like Kiki did, and he woke up and that he was a man. I'm just saying, that would seriously suck,” Rissa argued.

How did you ever get those Doctorate degrees? I swear. Why the hell would Cherri, who is a slut, ever think she was a man?” Call yelled and Rissa frowned.

I don’t think you should talk about her like that, I mean she is mated now. I think we should call her a painted lady from the past and leave it at that. Now, if she does think she is a man, what are were going to do about it?” Rissa said and Calli threw up her hands and turned to her mate who was chuckling behind his hand.

Cherri moaned and everyone turned to her to see if she was going to say anything. Their friend waved her hand weakly at them and both of the women rushed to her side, holding their cut hands with the compress that Declan had given them. Bending over on either side of her, they put their heads close to her face so they could hear her. Both holding their breath because they wanted to make sure they could hear.

And with amazing strength, she reached up and wrapped her arms around their necks and sat up and twisted them until they fell to their knees.

You called me a slut when I could have been laying here dying?” Cherri yelled.

Drama Queen!” Calli yelled and then laughed when their friend barked with anger and demanding her puppy be brought to her sick bed so she could have a friend with her. “You treacherous bitches are being replaced by Winks.”

As if, you're stuck with us.” Calli laughed and then howled when she felt the smack on the back of the head.






Everyone had left, and Cherri felt better. She looked at her mates and knew what they needed. When she first saw the fear in their eyes, she had been taken aback. This mating thing was fucking serious. She wanted them to feel the love she had for them. They stalked her to the side of the bed and she giggled when they both crawled onto the large bed and settled next to her. She couldn't decide which way to look, they were both so gorgeous.

Declan reached up and trailed his finger down her neck to her breast and circled the areola. Her nipple stood at attention as he teased her. Nik leaned in and licked her other straining nipple and she had to fight the urge to grab the back of their heads and put them where she wanted them. The moisture was flowing between her legs and she rubbed her thighs together.

Nik let his hand drift down her stomach and then to her mound. He cupped it gently, playing with the soft and neatly trimmed hair that was there. She was certainly glad that she had groomed before she had been injured. Finally, both of them latched on to her nipples at the same time and she threw her head back and moaned. The dual sensations were enough to drive her wild, but add to that the difference in their mouths, and she was wiggling with pent up need.

"I'm gonna have my afternoon snack," Nik murmured against her now peaked nipple and kissed his way down her stomach. She felt his hot breath on her mound and wanted to beg for him to hurry.

Declan palmed the breast that Nik just left and continued to suck and nip at her, making her writhe under him. "I love your breasts; they're perfect, just like you. Darlin', I need you to touch me," he whispered. She moved her good hand between them, trailed her hand down his taunt stomach and finally grasped his thick, hard cock. It was weepy with pre-cum already. She smoothed the thick liquid around the tip of his head and then tugged him up. She almost screamed when Nik swiped her pussy lips the first time. She had been so focused on the job at hand, that she forgot where Nik was.

Nik had settled her thighs over his shoulders and used his fingers to hold her open for him. Spearing her with his tongue and then licking up to her clit in a fast and relentless rhythm was driving her mad. Cherri clutched Declan's cock a little firmer and began to stroke him in the same rhythm that Nik set.

Declan moved to lay on the pillows, his hard, straining cock tantalizing her by bobbing right in front of her face. She couldn't resist leaning forward and giving it a quick swipe with her tongue to get the taste of him. Declan groaned and then moved quicker while Nik helped position her on her hands and knees, protecting her hand with pillows stacked up so she could lean on them.

Once they were in place, she grinned and looked up at Declan, who was looking like he was in a little pain.

"Oh, poor baby, does he need some attention?" she muttered and leaned in a little and licked his head again.

"Mr. Happy would love for you to get to know him better," Declan said jokingly and then grabbed his cock by the base and waved it at her.

"What the fuck?" Nik said lifting his head from where he had still been licking her pussy from behind.

"Mr. Happy?" She giggled and rested her head on his thigh while trying to catch her breath.

He nodded and she giggled a little more, but then the laugh quickly turned into a moan as she felt Declan tweak both of her nipples as she rose up and Nik used two fingers to spear her pussy hard and fast. She was so wet. His fingers just slid in with no resistance and she began to feel her wetness gather again.

"Yeah, sweetheart, cream for me," Nik said and continued to pump his fingers in and out of her while she tried to concentrate on Declan, who was holding his cock in front of her lips. She had given blow jobs before, but she wanted to do this right.

Licking around the head, making sure she cleaned the weepy head. She pulled the tip of his cock into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the top. Declan groaned and then she took him in a little further and teased the backside of his head, just under the top fold—it was a sensitive area for a man; she discovered it a few years ago with a demanding boyfriend.

"Fuckin' A, honey, where the hell did you learn that?" Declan yelled when she swept her tongue over the sensitive area again and sucked hard.

Nik chuckled and said, "Give me a minute and she won't be teasing anymore."

Nik pulled his fingers out of her and then lined up his cock with her pussy. "You ready, baby? You're gonna be stuffed with our cocks," Nik said and grasped her hips and she groaned around Declan's cock.

Declan wrapped a hand in her hair and she lowered her mouth slowly down his shaft until it hit the back of her throat. Shit, she was only half way down. Cherri grasped the base of his cock with one hand and began working it with her hand in time with her mouth.

Nik pushed slowly inside her tight pussy and he panted. "Holy shit, you're so tight. Man, she fits me like a glove, taking you each time is like the first."

"Just wait until you have her hot, little mouth wrapped around your cock, it's like a slice of heaven."

She wanted to smile as they talked about her. They had no idea what those words did to her. She and the guys had slipped into each other's lives like they had always belonged there. She was reveling in the feeling of closeness around them. Each man she had tried to let this close had let her down. Looking back over the last few days, Cherri realized that they would not be the same. These men were so different from the men she usually was drawn too.

When Nik was finally seated in her to the hilt, she took a deep breath around Declan's cock and then swallowed. Declan moaned again and the hand on her hair tightened. Nik pulled back and she was naturally pulled back with him, allowing Declan's cock to slide out to the tip. Then Nik pushed back quickly and Declan's cock slid down her throat again, stopping where her hand had been stroking.

BOOK: Healing Cherri
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