Healing Cherri (19 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

Tags: #erotica, #menage, #jana leigh, #shifter romance, #denver pack, #chosen wars, #drekinn series

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The men rolled their eyes, and Kade began to lecture them on putting themselves in harm’s way without backup. Calli and he argued all the way to the car, and for some reason, her mates were very quiet. Cherri kept looking at them, but they refused to meet her eye.

They quickly got out of the human bar and ordered the Enforcers back to the agency and they went to the apartment. In the meeting area of the building, Kade called everyone to gather. The girls looked around and noticed that most of the stuff was gone except for the basics, sparse furniture, and odds and ends.

Someone wanna tell me where the pup is?” Calli ground out. She was looking forward to cuddling tonight, for some reason she was feeling a little out of sorts.

They have been taken to the new compound along with the rest of our stuff. We decided it would be easier since none of us know exactly what's going on,” Kade said smoothly.

Cherri looked at her mates who were still staring at her with those hard, angry eyes and she grinned. “I think Winks would have been the only one sleeping with me tonight.”

Oh, you won’t be sleeping,” Nik ground out and the girls all giggled except for Cherri, who glared at her mate.

The guys didn’t know that after her little speech the woman had made some very real threats. All the girls decided that they were going to leave that out of the explanation. It would only piss the guys off.

Whoever the woman was assured her that things were going to be the way she said they were.
Mr. Twisted
never showed. She had arranged all of that to put them on notice. It was weird. Calli and the girls thought that somehow they missed something that happened.

I will give you all this one chance to come clean with us,” Kade said and put his hands on his waist and glared at the girls.

Calli laughed and stood up. “Fine, oh, great and exalted Alpha. The woman told us that as of tomorrow, we were going to be on the list for shifters to be picked up and detained.”

Tomorrow we go to the Drekinn Agency and make the call. If it looks like we're done, we are out of there,” Kade said grimly.

Ms. Praton and Brooks were the only ones not at the meeting and they all assumed because they were still at Drekinn making plans. When push came to shove, tomorrow would be the end or the beginning.

Cherri raised her hand. “Ummm, I'm going to go to the spa first thing in the morning.”

Calli barked out a laugh and turned to her friend. “What the hell?”

Hey, listen, if we're going on the run, I need my hair and nails done, and you bitches are going with me. We have one last thing to do before we get out of here!” Cherri yelled and pointed and everyone looked at Kiki.

Rissa and Calli understood, Cherri wanted one last chance to jar the man’s memories, and that was certainly the place to do it. Cherri and Kiki loved that place. Both women agreed and the meeting was called to an end so they could make plans of their own.






Cherri’s men led her down the stairs to their place and she stood looking at her place for possibly the last time and she felt the tears gather in her eyes. But then she heard the grumble of her men in back of her. Damn it, they were just a bunch of possessions and her heart was standing right behind her.

Cherri turned and her eyes widened as she saw how pissed they were. She knew they were mad about her and the girls going off on their own. But damn it, they needed to know she was an independent woman who could do things on her own. They were not her boss, she thought, and glared at them in return.

What?" Cherri said, trying to figure out what was going on. They seemed to have a plan worked out here. There were two of them and one of her, things were not looking good for her.

Really?” Declan said with a warning tone. “You don’t get that you're in a little bit of trouble here?”

Why?" Cherri said, feeling the shiver run up her back. Their power was making her wet. She felt her wolf push against her, it wanted her to make things right with their mates, but she felt a little out of control. Cherri knew what was coming, and she felt like she needed it. Something needed to ground her, especially when she felt so out of control.

Could it possibly be that you went off on your own, without any backup, and not telling your mates where the fuck you were going and ended up facing off with a bunch of
without us? You could have been killed,” Nik said calmly, stalking to her.

Cherri laughed. “Shit, I thought I had really done something wrong. Guys, we were never in any danger, that bitch just wanted to blab.”

Did you know that when you walked out the door?” Declan said, moving to her other side.

No, we were going to get a picture, no harm no foul,” she said shakily. They were removing her clothes slowly and throwing them on the floor. Each touch burned through her.

Uh guys, we have a few things to do here. I have to get some shit packed and stuff,” Cherri said nervously. She needed to get her clothes together; she was not leaving some of them behind. They took too long for her to find, like her new shoes she had never even taken out of the box.

Finally she stood naked before them and Declan grinned. “Don’t worry, we understand, you had to do what you had to do.”

Cherri nodded and looked hesitant as her men began to take their clothes off slowly. She was not getting the nice, warm vibes she should when she was about to get laid. Nik finished first and turned to her. With lightning speed, he had her bent over the couch with her ass in the air, holding her with one hand and spanking her with the other. Not hard, just enough to make her feel the warmth seep into her ass and pussy. Damn, she had never felt like this before.

Nik spoke to her with each of the spanks, “DON'T ….EVER…SCARE…US…LIKE…THAT…AGAIN!”

Cherri screeched, “You muther fuckers!”

Declan appeared in front of her and bent over and said slowly, “You will never do anything like that again, are we clear? Damn it woman, don’t you know you have us wrapped around your little finger already? One look and we would do whatever you asked. But you have to trust us.”

Cherri groaned and put her head down when she felt both of their hands smoothing over her skin. “I'm trying, but you need to understand. The only ones I have trusted my whole life are Calli and Rissa, they would never let me down.”

WE are your mates, we are the ones who will protect and love you. Now are you ready to submit to us?” Nik said.

Cherri felt her wolf growl and she wanted to, but she just didn’t know how. Their claiming had been hot, but she had held something back, she knew and so did they. Tonight it was going to come to an end. They needed her to commit to them and to their family.

I don’t know,” she cried and Nik looked up at Declan grimly and they nodded. They were not taking 'no' for an answer tonight.

Nik rubbed his hand over her warm ass and she felt her pussy weeping. Having her men take her in hand made her wet, who would have thought.

I don’t think our lady is getting the point here,” Nik said and pulled her back up and threw her over his shoulder. “We are the bosses of this relationship, not you.”

When she has my cock up her ass and yours in her pussy, I bet she'll get a clue.” Declan laughed and followed.

Cherri just giggled and allowed them to be all masculine and bossy. She knew that if her friends needed her, she would be there no matter what. But she needed to include her mates and Kade in the deal. They were all her family, and when Rissa found her mate, it would grow even more. Cherri needed to let some of her shit go and submit to her mates. Her mind was made up, now she could have some fun.

Nik threw her on the bed and she bounced a few times and then laughed when they landed on either side of her. “So I heard something about a cock up my ass and blah, blah, blah.”

Nik pulled her close and looked into her eyes and said solemnly, “Seriously, baby, I would die if anything happened to you, you can’t do that again. I need to know you're safe. From now on you will be with one of us. Kade and the rest of us talked about it. Ms. Praton said she had made some discoveries, but she couldn’t make it back here. The only thing she said was that you three were to be protected at all cost.”

Cherri looked into his eyes and saw the love there, shit, she looked at Declan and saw the same thing. Well fuck, she thought, and then closed her eyes. “I'm sorry I did that, I promise that if I need to do anything butt ass crazy, I will warn you first.”

Nik and Declan laughed. “I think that was an apology, but for some reason it sounded a little bit more like a death sentence.”

Nik leaned over and kissed Declan and Cherri felt her blood heat up. When he was finished, he turned and lay on his back and pulled her so she was straddling his waist. He held her firmly when she tried to wiggle and looked up and her. “I love you.”

Cherri felt Declan in back of her and pushed her down to Nik’s level and ran a hand down her back and said, “I love you.”

Cherri felt the tears gather and she sniffed. “Damn you, I love you too,” she whispered and felt Nik laugh.

Cherri looked up into his eyes and saw the passion and she shivered. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. When they had claimed her, she thought she felt owned, but this kiss was more than that. It was like a brand on her soul as she allowed him to devour her lips. The hands that ran over her were firm, moving her and making sure she was where they wanted her.

She allowed them the freedom, trusting them to take care of her. Declan reached around her and grasped one of her breasts and began to pluck at the nipple, while Nik broke their kiss and latched on to the other one. She loved their mouths. They were like magic against her skin. The electricity they gave off was amazing. Each touch to her sensitive nipples were like bolts of fire running straight to her clit. It was amazing.

You're gonna submit to us tonight, and this time you will give up everything,” Nik ordered and looked up at her.

Yeah, well, you can’t really do much from the bottom now can you, big guy.” Cherri laughed, squeezing her knee to his side and moving a little, brushing her wet pussy over his stomach and loving the feel of marking him with her arousal.

Nik narrowed his eyes and nodded to Declan who wrapped and arm around her and pushed her forward a little. When she reached forward to brace herself against the headboard, she felt both of them grab her wrists and hold tight. The next thing she knew she was on her knees, handcuffed to the bed and frowning at them as they both slipped away from her, leaving her there facing the wall, exposed and naked.

My, what a pretty picture you make,” Nik said and Cherri looked over her shoulder and growled.

Not funny guys, let me go and we'll call this all a mistake,” she said calmly and then waited. She heard rustling behind her and looked over her shoulder again and saw the bag that Nik pulled out from under the bed.

You're going to learn that we are serious when we say that you will learn to tell us the things that are important that we need to know,” Declan said and pulled out a finger vibrator and grabbed a tube of lube that was on the side of the bed.

What are you doing with that?” she asked and smiled.

Not what you think,” Declan said and then stood and waited. Her eyes widened and they crawled back on the bed.

Before the night is over, you will be begging us to take you. Then you will submit,” Nik promised and Cherri just laughed. This wasn’t a game, but she felt the need to make them work for her acceptance.

They began to feel her breasts and body again, touching her lightly with the vibrators until she was moving against them to get them to hit where she wanted them to. Declan had one on her nipple while Nik was using the other to play with her clit, rubbing it up and down her slit, turning it on when it was close to her clit and then moving it back when she felt the tingle.

Then Declan pinched her nipple and turned the small device on and she felt first cold and then heat flood through her nub. Shit, what the hell were they doing to her?

Now, we're going to go over the rules while we have your attention,” Nik said.

Cherri moaned and said, “Seriously, NOW?”

She felt the sting of a slap on her ass and she bucked a little and felt the warm sensation flood to her pussy. The vibrators both began to work again on her sensitive areas and she closed her eyes and focused.

So what are you going to do when your best friends have another hair-brained idea to go off without backup?” Nik said and Declan moved to her rear and Nik to her side.

She felt a small pinch as Declan inserted the small finger vibrator into her ass and then twist it. “Fuck,” she screamed.

No, that's not the answer I was looking for,” Nik said and slid the vibrator to her clit and turned it on full blast and held it there for a second until she began to writhe and then he pulled it back.

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